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list of imageboards Fren 07/15/2021 (Thu) 17:13:16 No. 451
for the short time that it seemed to have existed, socialwiki.top had a pretty comprehensive and easy to navigate list of imageboards. Since it's dead now, where would be a good place to go to find all the different imageboards to see what's out there? I keep a personal list myself, but that only helps with ones I've already found. It doesn't help me find new ones. >pic unrelated
Why do you want a list of available imageboards anyway? 80+% of currently "active" imageboards get a handful of posts per day on the entire website. 8chan is one of the most active ones actually. Think about it. If you can't find those imageboards then well, neither can most others, so who's posting there?
Well part of what the Webring was supposed to solve was this problem. We got blacklisted by everyone on it though so fuck it. I say that we should either remove everyone who blacklisted us from our imageboard listing, or just remove the Webring entirely from 8chan. I'm surprised that nothing's been done about it yet. We're just advertising people who shit all over us like a bunch of pussies. It's stupid.
>>494 Fucking A! It is embarrassing.
>>451 Kinda like >>474 said, most imageboards aren't really worth going to anyway. Unless you're just fascinated with seeing all the different ones that are out there just for the sake of keeping track of them, I wouldn't really worth about it.
>>517 Maybe we just wanna see the more fringe stuff?
>>1009 i've seen some weird shit on other boards, but only after looking through about 50 other sites that were just default lynxchan or (more recently) jschan setups with maybe 100 posts.

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