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Fren 07/16/2021 (Fri) 20:54:16 No. 475
it's friday but I have work tomorrow
I have an idea. Just pretend that tomorrow is Friday instead.
>>475 So watch movies with us instead
>>479 no one ever hosts on 8chanTV. Or at least I never catch it when they do. :(
>>481 Well maybe we should. Lets have a movie night. When's good for you anons?
>>481 Nevermind. 2 hours of fucking with it and I can't get anything to stream. No idea. I give up.
>>497 HAHAHAHAHA 3 hours was the key. Yeah all set up whenever you guys wanna make this happen.
>>498 Sounds like fun, but how are we supposed to coordinate something like that. I don't have experience with streaming, but it could be fun if we get something working.
>>496 Well not Fridays, going by OP ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
same I work in a restaurant now and I don't have any time on the weekends but on the days off everyone else is working.
>>576 What restaurant? Are you waiting staff or cooking (or something else)?

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