/kin/ - Kind Random

Frenposting ahoy!

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Anon 07/03/2021 (Sat) 21:59:53 No. 5
You like funposting, don't you Anon?
>>5 Who doesnt fren?
Oh yes my fren. Quite fun indeed.
Is this board just a knockoff of /c/?
>>50 Not quite. The BO explained it to me. But it was on july4th and I was tanked. Uh I think this board is nsfw whereas /c/ is sfw.
>>50 Think of /kin/ as being kinda like a mix of /b/ and /c/. Basically it's a random board where you can post whatever, as long as you aren't unkind to other users. What exactly "unkind" means is a little hard to pin down exactly since it's context sensitive, but I try to cover as much as I can in the rules page, as difficult to work with as that is on Lynxchan. Basically, just don't intentionally make posts to insult or annoy other users, and you can just treat it similar to /b/. Unlike /c/, /kin/ is not a SFW board. You can post porn there's pornboards for that though and you can say "fuck". Anyway if you have more questions, there's a meta thread that might be a better place to ask, since it's pinned and cyclic
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I like pornposting. Does that count?
why yes how could you tell?
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yeah it's alright I guess
>>5 well I like frenposting

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