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Fren 08/08/2021 (Sun) 18:35:19 No. 571
Interested in immortality, ufos or just general spooky shit you can diy yourself? I am putting a crew together. It ia my hope that by throwing enough random individuals together eventually I can be apart of something cool. Like, steins g at diy time leaped cool. Really just anything irl. We could even make our own scp foundation with mtf teams and all that. Plac3e is Dead so be patient? No trannies either gg/WVxFQJNAaZ
>discord Why not make a board here? >>>/x/ is abandoned, so you could just take that over.
>>572 >make a futaba imageboard subboard Surely you realise this is current year and people want to have real conversations on the internet these days and make connections and not shitpost and say rude words all day with children. That is why I use Discord.org servers to have such a things in my way.
>>573 >people want to have real conversations on the internet these days and make connections and not shitpost and say rude words all day with children Speak for yourself, fren
>>573 >That is why I use Discord.org servers to have such a things in my way Sure while they have a data-harvest probe up your ass the whole time. Have you seen discord's privacy policy? It's the second worse privacy policy I've ever seen. It's like some kinda joke. If you wanna chat, use IRC, or if you also want the fancy bells and whistles like Discord has, use Matrix. Better yet, Lynxchan has a live-update feature, so you can just chat here!
>>571 Host your own darkweb forum,no image forum I mean,also I once heard of an opensource version of discord or something like that Here is video https://subrock.rocks/watch?v=V4ztkDUFoeP
>Interested in immortality No but I'm interested in instant death.

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