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(56.08 KB 1900x1900 Ad.png)

/ad/ ad Fren 09/13/2021 (Mon) 18:59:09 No. 726
>>>/ad/ is a board dedicated to advertising websites ,board, and discussing general aspects of ads. >Come here if you need to advertise something. WARNING THE FOLLOWING IS A LONG EXPLANATION OF WHY AD EVEN EXISTS. I feel that there should be a general place to share places of the web, nowadays it’s very hard to find independent original websites on the internet. The only option would be to directly search them,which isn’t a real option to find everything,since there are several websites ideas which are so abstract or original that are very unlikely to be directly researched. Even in small parts of the internet, such as this one, we can see that people usually tend to search little to nothing by their own,and frequent popular boards/websites are the one’s which are used in reality no matter their quality. This creates what I like to call the “popular-girl cycle”. Let’s say that there is some popular website or board,(I will be mentioning them as wb from now on), and by spreading the word or by paying ads with the money received from donation or ads, the wb gets more popular,making other wb less populated ,making people that used those wb move to the more popular one’s for convince,because there are more people and content,then thanks to this increase of users the cycle repeats. The solution for this would be,(in my opinion), a wb where people could post their own websites and boards,this would create a place where starters could grown and advertise themselves in a fair ad place,(my idea of this is that there isn’t algorithm or a “most popular ad” system),would help against the creation of authoritarian monopolies such as Twitter,Facebook, or YouTube, and it would crate a non-biased catalogue of new websites for internet users. If you have other ideas for solving these problems or to improve the board,you are welcome to have discussions about them on >>>/ad/.
cool idea! >Advertising of boards or websites with pornographic content,gore images or videos, and the one’s which permit the sale of drugs ,are forbidden. oh...so all the stuff you can't discover as easily is banned from the board for sharing websites that are difficult to discover...
>>729 Sorry but the board is meant for sites which are """"good""""" under my morals and won't get me in trouble with mods. If you want you can start your own board, I won't be bitching unless is something very degenerate

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