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Fren 09/14/2021 (Tue) 23:38:46 No. 742
Do any of you frens know a language besides English? Which is it, and how often do you use it?
Yeah I learned Esperanto is high-school. It's kinda like Italian. I don't use it much so I got rusty, but ever once in a while I write temporary notes for myself in Esperanto as a crude form of encryption from my family and such.
Nigga forgot about foreign people bruh
>>969 I think that's who he was asking about, like "do any foreigners come here who speak some other language too?" But there isn't really a such thing as a "foreigner" on the internet because cyberspace doesn't have boarders the way that the real world does. not that real world boarders don't affect the internet, but it's not inherent.
>>742 I don't speak other national languges, but I like to learn conlangs for fun. I started learning Esperanto when I was 14, and I also know some more obscure conlangs to some extent too.

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