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Fren 07/07/2021 (Wed) 13:32:03 No. 75
So... the rules are that everyone has to be nice to each other? Okay, I'm a pedo and I beat my dick to kids 4 times a day. Say something nice to me!
Except that you forgot the part where intentionally making posts that piss off other users is also considered unkind, which you
Okay lynxchan must've shit the bed and it snipped the end of my warning 2 minutes later. Well, no you can't just make a post obviously intended to provoke other users then say "well now you have to be nice to me". That's not how it works. Kindness includes more than just saying things that aren't mean. It's no accident that I named this place Kind, and not Nice. Specifically, it was because I had the foresight to know that people like you would show up to try stirring the pot. All the proof I need to know that a board like this is a good idea.
>>76 oh, honestly, i thought the vast majority of people here wouldnt give a shit. like i thought most people here were pedos. i wasnt actually trying to be that controversial sorry T_T
>>77 You raise a decent point, and you're at least nicer than the last guy I had to deal with, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time. Anyway, just don't be intentionally mean or annoying and you should be fine. Treat this place like /b/ but without the vitriol.
>>77 >>78 Also I'm pretty sure most of the actual pedos left to smallbox.net (or whatever it's called) but whatever.
>>79 There seem to only be 2-3 people there.
>>85 That's strange. It sounds like it's exactly what they want, but they're not there? I never checked the place out because why would I, but I kinda figured that as soon as they place was launched, the pedos would all just move over and /hebe/ would become a ghost town just like that. It looks like /hebe/ is dead, but instead of moving to smolbox, they just moved to >>>/b/. I don't get it, guys.
>>75 >which you BOARD OWNER YOU Fren The "be nice to pedos" post would be more like "I'm a pedo and most places are hateful on just that. I'm nice though" or whatever along those lines. "i beat it to kids all day" is just deliberately inflamatory. One of those "haha, rules, I got a gotcha for you" >>87 All the most outspoken pedos came back soon after since the reason they left /b/ was the board owner, Rain, as well as the vol Kazu. Neither of them are around anymore. Since Chai seems to be doing a good job keeping /b/ going and has extremist free speech views, the pedos came back. The touted reason they give is that there's more activity on 8chan. There's not enough pedos to make smolbox a lively place. They need the non-pedos. Really, what the majority of pedos wanted was a place to post and talk where they aren't getting hounded by mods. The only thing smolbox has is that you can post child models there, and most pedos don't actually care about that.
>>75 What's "LBI"?
>>88 >deliberately inflamatory I didn't say I believe him. I said I'll give him the benefit of the doubt this time. From his next reply, it seems like he just figured no one would care rather than actually trying to bait people, so I just let him off with a warning this time. As stated in the rules page, I'm trying hard to not punish people who weren't trying to be unkind, but intent is difficult to determine, so I'm just going by context and my gut feeling, mostly.
>>89 loli bitch island!!!
>>117 papa epstein says we can't talk about that
>>75 That is very sweet and I would like to suck your pedocock and kiss your anus :3

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