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Fren 10/06/2021 (Wed) 15:54:13 No. 856
Whenever I hear anyone ask about a more privacy respecting alternative to Discord, I usually hear people mention Matrix. Does anyone have experience with Matrix? It seems more complicated, but maybe that's just a bad first impression.
It's fine once you get it working properly. The UX needs some serious work, but they and the Element devs are aware of that and are working on it.
>>856 It seemed a little complicated to me to set up. Anyway, is this board dead? I liked it
>>912 Not dead. Just slow. I'm still here anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm very confident in the future of Matrix. I think it has the potential to become the standard internet chat protocol of the future. I'm not usually so confident that open-source tech can win against cooperation with the deep pockets that they tend to have, but I feel like things are different here. People feel the burn of have so many different chat platforms that they have to manage and use, that a platform that's explicitly designed to bridge them all could be enticing. Gitter has already recently switched from being its own chat platform to just being a matrix homeserver. I could see stuff like that happening to others in the future. Most IRC rooms that I know of have a matrix bridge, so it should be a smooth transition for those users too.
good alternative it’s definitely worth a try.
Matrix is basically IRC 2 because the first IRC was just that good
I've read the roadmap for matrix and I gotta say that it sounds very impressive. If everything on that roadmap goes according to plan (and I know that that's often not the case) then I really think that this could be the future of internet communication in techy/libre/privacy coummunities and maybe even maybe ordinary non tech-inclined people too. it seems that their eventual plans for the matrix protocol go pretty far beyond being for just chat rooms and instead it sounds like matrix is gonna sort of become a hybrid chat room, forum, micro blogging, content aggregator sort of thing. they're already taking the first step towards expanding from just linear chat with that experimental "threading" feature that element has as opt in. it looks like once all the kinks get worked out of that their next plan is to start working on a decentralized curation system using emoji-reactions to form a user-defined "web of trust" kind of rating system for rooms. So yeah I'm pretty excited. I think it's already a pretty worthy replacement for irc in most cases, and it's been improving over the past few years.
Join the hivemind https://streamyard.com/brqdzntsfz CAMERA MUST BE UP! NO NUDITY
>>856 Matrix is good. Yes, getting everything set up sucks. Yes, it's worth it, mostly to get away from discord.
>>1060 that's what I like to see! I can't wait for neochat to become a full featured alternative to element that doesn't use a web browser under the hood
I'd love to use matrix if element would stop crashing a few minutes after I start it every single time holy shit

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