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Depressy Fren 01/14/2022 (Fri) 02:50:14 No. 898
Shit just isn't the same anymore. Everyone's too far away or too busy to talk to, there's nothing out there I really wanna do, hell, they don't even make vidya like they used to. I'm so fuckin lonely these days, /kin/. Maybe it's just the seasonal affective disorder talking, but goddamn, it's boring out here
I feel it too man. I've actually started seeing a therapist recently because of it. I forget if therapy is also part of that whole "jews run the world" narrative that's popular on imageboards, but I'd recommend it if you can't make things better yourself. Seeing one didn't make things 'okay' again, but CBT works. >they don't even make vidya like they used to not triple A, but I've had a much better experience with indie games. In fact I'd say that gaming is doing just as well as ever as long as you only pay attention to the indie scene. A lot of creativity and less scummy practices like day 1 dlc and micro transactions.
>I'm so fuckin lonely these days, /kin/. Most people with a successful and well-balanced social life wouldn't be on an obscure image board like this. Being lonely is half the reason most of us are here.
>>927 You're right, I gotta get off of this hellhole

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