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Board/BBS/forum recommendations Fren 03/17/2022 (Thu) 17:53:04 No. 932
I'm getting sick of the violence, bad politics and general nastiness on those areas of the internet that I tend to frequent. Does anyone know of anywhere that doesn't have any of that but also where I can criticise the hypocrisy of society (i.e. bias against men, white people, etc) and also that isn't big tech? I tried here but then I saw a video praising a communist dictator being shared.
Also, it would be nice not to have to see sex stuff that I am not into, such as >>34. But that's not as bad.
well there's some matrix rooms like that, but I don't know of any full forums.
>>936 which? thank you fren.
>>932 You want a personalized echo chamber that doesn't exist
>>938 Not him but I believe the anontier.nl (or something like that) homeserver has a few political friendly boards like you're talking about. Although your mention of "bad politics" is probably going to be an issue here. It might be hard to find a place that is okay with the talking points you mentioned, but not okay with whatever "bad politics" means to you. Most places that allow more underground political views are either a personal echo chamber of the mods where anyone who disagrees gets banned, or all-or-nothing free speech places where things like violence hatefulness are likely to be found.
>>932 So you want a place where you can share and discuss your controversial political opinions, but also where other controversial political opinions aren't allowed? I think you'd be doing yourself a huge favor if you just learned to deal with opposition a little better. Surrounding yourself with nothing but people who already agree with you 100% is a great way to get yourself stuck in mob mentality and have no critical thinking or self reflection skills. Opposition towards your beliefs is how you grow those beliefs and your wisdom. Shying away from opportunities to defend those beliefs suggests that you don't really have a lot of confidence in them.
>>932 yeah, I have telegram group, I only posted it in few boards at all, so it is not shitted by pajeets and weirdos. https://t.me/politics_news_debates
>>1040 nevertheless, I dont really ban people unless they are actually annoying and being degenerate. I do ban retarded lefties though, if that's what annoys you the most.
>>938 The fediverse.

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