/lang/ - Language Learning

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Student 03/09/2020 (Mon) 14:28:41 Id: f34e33 No. 161
What's the language you regret learning the most? Everyone has that moment when they realize doing something was a bad idea, but it was too late to go back.
>>161 Just wanted to say, board's not dead YET
Portugays. Learned it on a whim before becoming redpilled. Implying blue pills don't know what kind of shithole Brazil is. No ragrats though; I might need a southam lang one day.
Definitely Japanese.
>>169 I fucking hate Brazil for its relevancy over Portugal. Same to some extent when it comes to the Spanish language in burgerland, where everyone immediately thinks of Mexicans. I mean, no one does it for England and the US, what a joke. >>196 Why?
>>206 Took forever, I'll never get those years back, and I don't even play as many JRPGs these days, because it feels like work to me now. If I play in Japanese, I'll inevitably encounter new words and have to look up the words besides, I read Japanese a lot slower than English.
>>208 Did you even learn it...

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