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Libertarianism Lost Anonymous 11/28/2019 (Thu) 06:04:55 No. 946

2005-2010 was a brief renaissance in libertarianism. If you compare 2009 v. 2019, there were a LOT more libertarians and ancaps on the web and in political discourse. Since then, they've left in droves over to the alt-right, fascism, monarchism, or other ends of the political spectrum.
I guess so. It's kind of sad.
Keep samefagging, OP. With your unique IPs we'll overtake /fascist/.
I guess you can say that it's possible that >>1128 is me because I'm a torposter, but for your sake, I'll let you know that it's not.

Also, I should say, I'm feeling pretty solid with the debate we had, if you had any final thoughts to say.

Out of curiosity, you wouldn't happen to be an old poster in another forum who went by the username Socialist Jerry, would you?
I said everything I wanted to say to you.

>Out of curiosity, you wouldn't happen to be an old poster in another forum who went by the username Socialist Jerry, would you?
I don't use reddit.

The problem is entirely because of imageboard culture. Julay sucks. I don't like coming here because it's full of porn, /cow/shit, avatarposters and every other neet trapping.
>full of porn
How? Julay hides porn by default, so despite a SFW overboard existing, they don't even show up on the normal overboard. /hgg/ is the outlier, but it looks like it's mostly a board for their projects and translations so the board itself is more about discussing than posting porn. I don't know how the porn can be a problem since you're not going to see any of it unless you go out of your way to see it.
>Site logo
>Going out of your way
The existence of not only standard porn but disgusting diaper and pedo fetish communities (and sizeable ones) on this site make it inappropriate. /liberty/ is not big to be considered distinct from the site as a whole to excuse it, as I would argue for blue 4chan boards like /mu/ or /his/.

It's alienating so productive posters won't visit, and it's toxic that these people might form any significant proportion of our userbase. Everything about this is a negative in my opinion.

If anyone is serious about the online liberty movement enough to put some time and a little money into it, I think an imageboard would really be beneficial. It's the perfect setup for OC that influences the culture at large, 4pol has proven that.
The BO of 16chan wrote a guide on how to do it here https://im663.com/post/lynxchan-setup-guide/
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That's just the way we like it, if it wasn't it would attract pearl-clutching faggots such as yourself.
Thanks for exemplifying what I'm talking about
>claims julay hosts pedos
>posys guide written by faggot shill from alt-chan leaks
>same d&c is on multiple boards
I don't know anything about gayops and I don't care. It's a guide for someone to make a site, and it would be a good thing. Feel free to ignore.
Sure, it's merely a coincidence that the same d&c has been posted over multiple boards here for months. It's just a coincidence that a guide from a faggot that works for the MSM and was exposed in the alt-chan leaks trying to drive anons into a federation of imageboards to profit through ads and dataminig would be posted it even mentons analytics. The admin of julay wrote a better guide months ago and has always encouraged anons make their own boards and join the webring.
What is possibly d&c about advocating someone make a dedicated site
Use the other guide if you want

You know, thinking this over, I don't think libertarianism lost. I think the goalposts of what libertarianism even IS changed as everything became labeled 'fascist' by the left, so that by comparison, libertarianism 'lost' because what's considered libertarianism nowadays is only the most extreme form of libertarianism available. Pic attached, took me 1000 hours in mspaint. All text is super hard.

Libertarians are absolutely terrible at propaganda and sourcing their claims.
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have you considered the possibility that Libertarianism might be retarded?
Have you considered that your life would be better when you aren't choking down dick?
>Far left and far right people
both are terrible at meming
Have you considered that the (((pipeline))) was a ruse from (((them))) to prevent the resurgence of Libertarianism and the abolition of their beloved shekel machine?
Are you kidding? the far left can't meme worth shit. Why do you think the stereotype of their memes being walls of text exist in the first place? Far right has an edge fact sure, but once you dig deeper you realize how shallow it really is.
For 2008 I guess the reason why it probably was libertarian was due to Ron Paul running his campaign. He was principled and stuck to his guns and that attracted a lot of people to libertarianism in the long run.

My personal view on why libertarianism has lost ground online is because it focused more on "dude weed lmao" and "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" than explaining the principles of libertarianism. Basically, the LP and some others went for short term rather than focusing on the long term and building up a base of people.

Also, I do think the "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" part damaged libertarianism because it's an inaccurate description of libertarianism. So as a result you get a lot of people joining who don't fully understand libertarianism or just have a poorly thought out version of libertarianism in their heads.

TLDR: The LP and other libertarians focused on short term goals rather than long term goals. Libertarians also gave poor explanations about libertarianism which led to a shoddy foundation of understanding what the ideology is. It's quality over quantity.
To add to the short term goals this led some libertarians making compromises rather than sticking to their guns. I noticed this over the years when you compare Reason magazine to Mises.org.
This shit is outdated.
The left is currently winning the meme war on Twitter and reddit
Especially the far left

We have nothing to counter them with.
Is that so? I don't browser twitter as much as I used to and barely go onto reddit so I didn't notice.
I often visit reddit's home due to my fascination with seeing the horror, they got worse with the years in all things, including meme quality. It's scary how leftists are.
I want this to stop.
>left is winning the meme war
In what way? Every leftist meme is either preachy as fuck and not funny or suffers from the same issue a lot of leftist memes have of having far too many words. For the most part, the right has kept it's memes simple and brief while the left has not changed their format in years and are still stuck in 2016.

Problem 1: Plenty of "libertarians" aren't libertarian at all. Unlike the cliche that "Libertarians are Republicans who want to smoke pot" the reality is that sizeable contingent are actually liberals who think the welfare state and taxes are in the way of realizing a even more liberal utopia.
This goes especially for the "mainstream" think tank crowd surrounding Reason/Cato et al. Sometimes they throw off their pretend libertarianism very very fast (cf. Niskanen).

Problem 2: Post-trump somehow libertarian/strict constitutionalist rhetoric became the refuge for every shitfaced ratfucker from Conservative Inc, because the same people who spent the Bush years sucking USGOV dick and who were cheerleading both McCain and Romney while dumping on the kooky racist ron Paul suddenly became DEEBLY GONCERND about the possible abuse of power by TINY HANDS CHEETO HITLER and the impact of REGULATION on teh free market (said concern never seems to extend to SMEs but whatever).
This shit gets enabled by the people called out in point 1 btw.

Problem 3: Left-libertarians are overwhelmingly shitfaces who are identical to the irony left/radlib DSA set save for their hair thin veneer of fReE MArKets N0t cAPt4lIsM. It's literally rich kids LARPing the revolution all the way down.
Remember when /pol/ doxed the girlfriend of one of the C4SS guys as a FinDomme who was bankrupting working class guys while daddy (exec at JP Morgan) paid for everything?
You're confusing social democrat memes with the far left.

The far left is winning the meme game.
>far left is winning the meme game
/liberty/ should bully their catgirl.
>wheel is not a swastika
7/10 its ok
>girlfriend of C4SS guy was a findomme and scammed people.
I'm not really surprised but I want to learn more about this.
>make a /liberty/-only site
>but restrict all the things I don't like!
Eat shit, faggot.
I'd explain it as although left-wing memes are of lower quality if not outright garbage, they tend to get more exposure due to media gatekeeping, censorship and influencers. "Late-stage capitalism" is such an example you'll see around, as well as the whole Russiagate delusion (not a fan of Trump but it's obvious that it's a diversionary tactic away from actually good conspiracy theories). You could argue that "climate change" is another example and is probably the epitome of a forced meme as people are told it's an existential threat. As memes are based on exposure forcing a meme on a wide enough scale, as long as it isn't too painfully obvious, can work. The effect is a chain reaction of opinion as the ignorant will parrot what seems relevant (example is apolitical British/European Youtubers making jokes about Brexit) and this does have a subliminal psychological effect on people who hear it a number of times.

Also, if the Left cannot create its own memes then it will co-opt successful memes. Hence the now-disparaged "Ok Boomer" meme, although originating from 4Chan, taking off after Soph's video, and originally criticizing mass immigration and neo-conservatism, is now used by leftists to shut down opposition to their views, because apparently boomers didn't make left-wing standpoints mainstream. Ditto to a lesser extent for the "Doomer" meme, as on 4Chan-influenced cultures it is used to imply the impending dystopia multiculturalism and creeping socialism will bring us, but any "acceptable" source will describe it's about climate change and income inequality. I think people in power as well as leftists on the ground have realized that they cannot kill memes through outrage (see Pepe), so they're twisting the meanings to suit their own agenda. Par for the course, really.
Americans are so enslaved now that Americans scream rent would be $20 million per month if there was no rent control.
>>1274 We need more memes like that.

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