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Anonymous 03/23/2020 (Mon) 03:11:47 Id: e04d13 No. 2201

Ok, I've been silent about this for a while but my curiosity can handle it no more. Is the whole liberty x monarchy thing just a meme? I don't see how an ancap could ever prefer a monarchy (or even worse, an autocracy) over a democracy. Well don't get me wrong, I don't like democracies either, but how are monarchies or autocracies any better?
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>Is the whole liberty x monarchy thing just a meme
Of course it's a meme. That doesn't make it any less true, though.

>I don't see how an ancap could ever prefer a monarchy (or even worse, an autocracy) over a democracy.
Sounds like you need to get learnt and read some Hoppe, pleb :^). Kangz have lower time-preference, that makes it in their own interest to exploit their subjects less, and tax them less, than republicans, for they understand if they plunder less now, they will have more to plunder later. This is reflected historically, as well: comparing European monarchies to contemporary European democracies, or comparing the same country shortly after becoming democratic to shortly before, shows that monarchies have very consistently lower tax rates than democracies. Property rights in general are also better enforced under monarchies. The feudal monarchy, in its rule through competing landlords, implicitly acknowledges the sanctity of property rights. The democracy, in its collectivization of governance and rampant egalitarianism, implicitly denies property rights in favor of Marxist ideals.
Well ok I guess I understand that you prefer the way some monarchies functioned over current day democracies, but I still don't get why Hoppe goes out of his way to defend monarchies. His, and many people's criticism of communism is that it's authoritarian, it's oppressive, it doesn't respect freedom of speech, ect. So why would he defend what is essentially just another side of the authoritarian coin? As I said, I don't like democracies either, but I also don't like monarchies.
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>[Monarchy is] authoritarian, it's oppressive, it doesn't respect freedom of speech
No, I'm sorry, but this is not libertarian, this is basically just fascism. You can believe in whatever you want as long as you don't force everyone else to think the same.
>B-but commies!
You wanna know how to deal with commies? Prove them wrong! Use your words to destroy every single one of their retarded ideas so that their ideas don't keep spreading!
Also what's wrong with gay people? Sexuality has nothing to do with economics or politics. There's plenty of gay libertarians, gay conservatives, and I've even seen gay national socialists. Live and let live!
I'm sorry, but this mindset is just gay. Authoritarianism is based and redpilled, and the market is nothing less than decentralized authoritarianism. The enforcement of property rights, what you probably call "freedom," is not liberating. It doesn't allow people to do whatever they want, it binds them by forcing them to be responsible for their own actions. Fags only exist in any meaningful quantities because Medicare pays for their AIDS medication, the Civil Rights Act prevents discriminating against them, state law enforcement turning a blind eye to their kiddie-diddling, and state schools telling children that butt piracy is normal and to be encouraged. Currently, fags have a form of "freedom" to be libertines. Absent the state, the market will firmly plant a boot on their necks, along with all other high time-preference degenerates.

>You wanna know how to deal with commies? Prove them wrong!
Democracy is r-selected, bucko. It doesn't matter how big-brained your arguments are when the unwashed masses will follow whoever promises them the most bread. So long as Marxist vermin hold monopolistic control over the MSM and the institutions, you cannot rely on the so-called free market of ideas alone. We need to unleash the police, march through the institutions, and crush the anti-fascist mob before we attain victory.

>Sexuality has nothing to do with economics or politics.
Yeah, it does. Queers are inherently higher in time-preference because they lack children or lasting relationships, meaning they make more present-oriented decisions, favoring the short-term over the long-term. Hoppe himself made note of this, and posited that Keynes' homosexuality was a contributing factor to him taking such a high time-preference approach to economics. There are obvious consequences to giving such people political power, just like niggers having a standard deviation lower IQ affects their decision-making and political influence.

Even outside of politics or economics, the presence of queers and other degenerates in a community have a multitude of deleterious effects, which is why in any free market natural order, they would almost certainly be banned from entering most neighborhoods and most places of business, forcing them to live far away from civilized men in their own private Gomorrah. Ignoring the effect characteristics have on decision-making is naive at best and retarded at worst.

>I've even seen gay national socialists
You don't need to tell us NigSocs are fudge-packing queers, we knew that already.
>You can believe in whatever you want as long as you don't force everyone else to think the same.
Lol watch me faggot
>Authoritarianism is based and redpilled, and the market is nothing less than decentralized authoritarianism.

by that logic evolutionary pressure is decentralized authoritarianism. Unless you believe in God in which case I suppose it's centralized? Pass the bowl bruh I need some of what you're hitting
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>by that logic evolutionary pressure is decentralized authoritarianism
And in a certain way, it is. Natural selection does not suffer a libertine to live. Nature's--which is to say God's--law is a harsh codex.
>You wanna know how to deal with commies? Prove them wrong!
>Also what's wrong with gay people?
>Live and let live!
This is probably bait but it's not really hard to understand that ancap strives to be a system where you are free to be as fascistic with your own property as the people you order yourself with make viable.
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Oh no, you guys are not ancaps. This is literally the only place on the internet where so called ancaps think like this.
>This is literally the only place on the internet where so called ancaps admit to thinking like this.

All of the authoritarians on this board should fuck off to /fascist/
Fuck off back to the Libertarian Party then if you want to counter-signal AuThOrItArIaNs. I don't need pearl-clutching women posting here.

I'm neither a mutt nor Hindu, no thank you.
>I'm neither a mutt nor Hindu, no thank you.
You're indistinguishable from the userbase of that board, clearly, as you advocate for fascist authoritarian policies. I wouldn't be surprised if you're false-flagging
free speech works both ways fascist
you will be bred into the caliphate
Sounds hot. Fill my boipucci up
No free speech on private property :^). You can come back in a week, maybe you'll have pulled the dildo out of your throat by then.
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>fascists! fascists!
I swear...
well realistically you guys are fascists. The end result of the successful implementation of your preferred form of government is fascism. You'd get a period of time with this micro-feudalism and power centers would appear then you'd have some small wars. This feudalism would continue until a fascist superpower emerged.
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>your preferred form of government is fascism
Government? In my ancap?

Imagine thinking that anarcho-capitalism is a legitimate, viable system of (non)-government.
>libertine trash thinks Authorithy is "fascism"
leftyniggers never change
>in a libertarian state
Imagine being so ideologically confused that you end up becoming an unironic authoritarian-libertarian
Read Hoppe, leftynigger.
Libertarianism is not (((liberalism)))
>Libertarians seek to maximize political freedom and autonomy, emphasizing freedom of choice, voluntary association and individual judgement. Libertarians share a skepticism of authority and state power.
Hoppe is a fucking meme and not worth spending my precious time here on Earth reading. In essence, you're fucking idiots, take the /fascist/pill.

I'm glad that this thread will inspire some new /fascist/x/liberty/ art.
Right, just like how the Middle Ages only lasted 30 years and were immediately overthrown by Magic Mustache Man on the Day of the Black Sun. Us dumb lolbergs sure are historically illiterate, right? How stupid of us to ignore incentives theory and established history in favor of our own delusional LARP fantasies.
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Legitimate? According to who?

>libertarian state

I'm not letting any of you guys into my arcology, you can't be trusted
You mean you're going to close your borders? Stop being such a fascist, hate has no home here.

I love how it's so obvious how perpetually assblasted the BO of this board is. He's the living embodiment of
It's because he knows his ideology is literally like communism, in that it can only truly work in theory, and never in practice.
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>i'm just gonna be a radical centrist
Well aren't you a galaxy-brained nigger.
2/10 b8, you got me to reply
Just follow the NAP, breh, it will work, trust me. I wish ancaps could try out their "perfect" society so I could see it get stomped by authoritarian chads. Then they'd cry
>ancap is gommünism :DD
/fascist/ is so fucking illiterate
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>cucking out to other men
>implying chads shouldn't rule over betas
>implying that ancapism isn't betacope
>he admits to being a beta over which a chad must rule over
>he actually wants to be ruled by a chad in an involuntary hierarchy
This is what a collectivist looks like. This is the "Last Man" that Nietzsche spoke of - a contemptible, domesticated human being.
>>he admits to being a beta over which a chad must rule over

why did you put the second "over" in there? Is it because you're a nigger
Sounds like you're the illiterate one, since you can't grasp the concept that I was comparing how ancap and gommunism are both systems that can only work in theory, on paper, but never in real life. If you cannot understand that, then I seriously pity you for your lackluster mental capacities.
Literally every society in human history has been chad over beta.
>ever voluntary
Beta-cope confirmed. You can't opt out of the hierarchical character of nature.
>namedropping Nietzsche of all people
Funny how almost every notable Nietzschean is a hard authoritarian – from Gabriele D'Annunzio, Yukio Mishima and Jonathan Bowden. /fascist/ points out that you’re buying into a false dichotomy between individualism and collectivism with your Sargon-tier “muh collectivism” — >>>/fascist/5841 . Just admit you’re a beta lashing out because he knows he’s not part of the aristocracy of nature and is one of the ruled and not the ruler

unbased and not dharmapilled I must say
Then why do you follow the ones that lost?
>so many triggered Last Men
lmao, the Last Man is immunized against all dangers, call him a beta, a cuck, an asskisser, and it runs off him like rain off a raincoat, but expose his herd instinct for what it is and you will be astonished how he recoils, how he shrinks back: "I've been found out".

Capitalize your letters, and use question marks if you're asking questions.

The difference is that a beta also wants to become a chad in his own right, and eventually he might reach that point and cooperate and prosper together with fellow chads inter-dependently, even the desire to try and get there is quite respectable, but it takes a fascist or a communist or some other collectivist to say "being a beta is natural, we can't and shouldn't all be chad, instead we must cuck out to the chaddest of chads like good little goys, and in return he will use all his power to accommodate us and give us our comfortably mediocre lives" - this is slave morality, this is the essence of both fascism and communism as well as other leftist ideologies.

>hierarchies are involuntary after all, so I can't be blamed for being a bottom feeder in any of them
Now THAT is beta-cope.

>You can't opt out of the hierarchical character of nature.
No one says you should, illiterate goy.

Are you seriously saying that I must become an authoritarian just because some Japanese homosexual said so and he also happened to like Nietzsche? That's not how it works, you are misunderstanding one very important thing: This insectoid instinct of yours to outsource all your thoughts and responsibilities to someone else is alien to me, and even though I get a few key pieces from here and there, ultimately I am my own source of my ideology. Having said that, Nietzsche is /ancap/-tier, it's hilariously ironic how some of his biggest fans are the very subhumans that he criticized in his philosophy. I don't know how you have to misinterpret it that bad to assume that what he wrote is somehow in favour of authoritarian collectivism in anyway, but I guess a feels > realz thought process leads to these kinds of mistakes often, you can literally take something Hillary said and attribute it to some fascist hero and you dumb fucks will eat it all up because you can't into critical thinking.
>not a homosexual
Really? How did you became such expert on homosexuals?
> it takes a fascist or a communist or some other collectivist to say "being a beta is natural, we can't and shouldn't all be chad, instead we must cuck out to the chaddest of chads like good little goys, and in return he will use all his power to accommodate us and give us our comfortably mediocre lives" - this is slave morality, this is the essence of both fascism and communism as well as other leftist ideologies.
You don't even know what slave morality is, this is highly embarrassing for you. Slave morality is born out of resentment, envy and seething betacope that glorifies weakness, pity and humility. Communism is slave morality. Christianity is slave morality. The chad should rule over the beta and he always will. Your sympathy for betas is either a sign that you yourself are a chad-hating resentful beta-slave or you're infected with slave morality yourself, as Nietzsche despises pitying the weak.

You fags are worst than leftists
>The chad should rule over the beta and he always will.
So why care about wypipo at all, then? The kikes have brought Europe to its knees and made Euros their willing slaves for the past century. They're winning, if that's all you care about you should join up with them. Caring about anything other than materialist victory is just cucking himself. Why care about maintaining the purity of Euro genes when they clearly aren't Chad enough to win? If I were fascist, I'd leave all you racecucks behind and start crafting the new Overman in a test tube with Dr. Goldbergblatt. The new generation will have the IQ of a nip, the ingenuity of a euro, the craftiness of a kike, the upper body of a Nord, the leg muscles of a nigger, and the alcohol tolerance of an Irishman. We'll call him the Six Gorillion Dollar Goblin, and he'll leave all you sentimental racecucks in the dust. This is the only way you get true victory, and if you deny this you're a copeposting beta.
>Why care about maintaining the purity of Euro genes when they clearly aren't Chad enough to win?
Even Hitler in Mein Kampf said that his race had the potential to produce the cream of the crop, not that everyone was some sort of Übermensch by birthright alone. This is important to realize, because it’s different from the Jewish supremacist doctrine which says the exact opposite. I’ve seen some /pol/ types fall into this type of thinking over the years by thinking that all white people are created equally and are equally as valuable, to the extent where they decry Anders Breivik on Utøya gunning down communists and other scum because they were “white”. Though whites are undeniably in my mind the crowning creation of nature, this isn’t automatically so, it’s a potential that some of us carry within us and must be embraced. Not everyone is worthy of the title of Aryan, a word which carries connotations of “noble”, “honorable”. Your anarchist autism is utopian. There are rulers and ruled, all bound up within a common history, culture and past. These are our neighbors, friends, associates and larger racial community.

>just side with the people trying to destroy the entire community you've been shaped by your entire life along with everything your ancestors ever cared for
Sounds like slave morality to me, cuck. Neither your community nor your ancestors deserve your pity, and your compassion for these immaterial things is a sign of weakness. You'll be among the first to die in the race war.
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Your post falls flat because I'm not a Nietzschean. I merely described slave morality above and gave examples of what would be described as that if someone adhered to that believe. BOs of their boards really shouldn't be this dumb
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>Not caring about your community nor values makes someone a prime subject in a race war
Are you nuts or just slightly?
He's trying to trigger le fascists and failing
It's obvious if you think about it. The weaklings who let sentimentality govern their actions will be paralyzed when the time comes, because they're terrified of doing anything to harm their oh-so-precious community. It's quite beastly, really, allowing such base desires to control you. The true overman will be the one with the strength to break sentimental chains and rise above them. Racecucks and familycucks will only end up slaves to the Chad caste of rootless warlords.
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>Slave morality is born out of resentment, envy and seething betacope that glorifies weakness, pity and humility.
>Your sympathy for betas is either a sign that you yourself are a chad-hating resentful beta-slave or you're infected with slave morality yourself

>heh! Jokes on you, ancrap, but I'm not a Nietzschean! So I can be as resentful and envious as I want, and also engage in betacope slave morality and glorify weakness, pity and humility

LOL! Nigger, why are you such an ideological prostitute? Don't betray your values just to be "right" against those crazy ancraps. Stick to your fucking words and defend your beliefs to the end. I swear, you niggers can change your entire life philosophy as quickly as you change clothes, no wonder yesterday you were dharmaniggers, today you're Muslims, and tomorrow you're already something else. You're like dogs with no masters, like dry leaves being tossed around by the wind and the waves, no wonder you're so desperate for a chad to rise up and put you in your place.

I love how bitter and angry the sad little betas on this board are. This is what happens when they don't follow their svadharma
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Dharmapill: taken!
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>hehe, manbabies
You argue like a woman lol
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>literally no argument
Imagine being triggered so badly by some random leftist that you end up locking a thread because you can't handle actual discussion on a discussion board :^)
I'd present an alternative view, of libertarian monarchy. Monarchy in no way requires restrictions on individual liberty of any kind, and I'm not entirely sure why you think it would. Sure, Hoppeanism may require it, but Hoppeanism is not monarchy in and of itself. Heck, monarchy can even be democratic(as disgusting as it is when it is), see any european example, so I get the impression that somehow you don't even know what a monarchy is.
>You wanna know how to deal with commies? Prove them wrong! Use your words
No. That's a democratic solution. The best way to ensure communist, anti-freedom ideas from entering law is to absolutely prevent the people having influence in government.
>Live and let live!
I'm in agreement with John Stuart Mill's Harm Principle too - and guess fucking what? He lived under a monarchy!
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>go to /k/
>make a gun-free zone thread
>thread gets deleted
Global warming and this virus can do anything the elites want.
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>>2396 Nietzsche doesn't shit on empathy, he despises pity as an emotion indeed, but I am hardpressed to find any proof of Nietzsche being a social darwinist. He does not shit on the idea of "Might makes right", but his idea of power is power in the psychological sense. He talks about ascetics as an example for fuck's sake. Nietzsche uses power as an idea of control over yourself and psychologichal prowess. Pity is bad because it breeds misery and stops people from taking a healthy approach to life. If you want to help someone, slap him and bring him back to reality instead of indulging in delusions. Nietzsche was first and foremost a philosopher of pro-reality. He wanted you to admit to yourself that you will suffer through life, but that this suffering is worthwile and that you should do it for a greater goal, for your own, personal belief, for the value you create yourself. Last man-Ubermensch is a different dictochomy from Slave morality-Master Morality. Ubermensch goes against morality, he creates his own morality. He is neither a slave nor a master, he is who he truly is. A perfect philosopher, one that creates meaning from suffering. A psychologically perfect human, who has dealt with all of his problems and has understanding over himself. An existence that is impossible in the world, but that can serve as an ideal towards which humanity should move forwards. A true ubermensch might act in a way that we consider to be "moral" or "immoral" or that would show "slave" or "master" morality, but he is above that. He follows his own beliefs, and his moral actions have reasons in what he believes. Opposed to the last man, a man living opposite to reality, in conflict with it, a man who hides from suffering of the world and does not live. A man who cares only for comfort. Anime unironically has a great understanding of what an ubermensch is suppossed to be, pics related
Do Americans who think that they can survive tyranny by joining the Gestapo realize that they have to live with their consciences? Do Americans who think that they can survive tyranny by remaining silent and obedient realize that this plan failed for millions of people who were killed in Nazi Germany, the USSR, China, and Cambodia? Do Americans who think that they can survive tyranny by being rich, famous, attractive, educated, or having influence realize that this plan failed to protect people in history? Do Americans who think that they can survive tyranny by being white realize that whatever they allow the government to do to others will eventually be done to them?

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