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Bestiality Anonymous 10/31/2020 (Sat) 18:16:33 No. 492 [Reply] [Last]
Lolis x Monsters.
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>>4295 She is a bad loli and you should feel bad for noticing her
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aboabo 03/19/2024 (Tue) 05:08:27 No. 6450 [Reply]
i lvoe chicken wings

Nonhuman Lolis Anonymous 06/07/2020 (Sun) 18:53:52 No. 131 [Reply] [Last]
Slimes, robots, dolls, ghosts, demons, angels, vampires! All manner of nonhuman loli! (animal-ear girls or furries should probably have their own topic though)
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Naked lolis in non-sexual situations Anonymous 11/16/2020 (Mon) 05:09:49 No. 606 [Reply] [Last]
Because not everything is about sex.
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Anonymous 08/19/2020 (Wed) 23:50:48 No. 275 [Reply] [Last]
who's into impregnation / preggo lolis?
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Sadpanda comments on loli galleries Anonymous 07/16/2022 (Sat) 03:02:32 No. 3859 [Reply] [Last]
Autism is a curse. I've gone through roughly 1100 loli galleries' comments sections from galleries I've read searching for any and all instances of the following loli memes for the past week or so. >Uoh 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Child belly and chest erotic! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 >Damn female brat! 💢💢💢💢💢 Needs rape correction!!! 💢💢💢💢💢💢 >Cute and funny >Cunny I've capped these totaling 67 galleries, as well as separate caps for any comments that caught my eye for whatever reason totaling 79 galleries. The meme caps only include the comments with the memes, they are not the full comment sections of their galleries. Similarly with the non-meme caps, they only contain what caught my interest, and are not the full comment sections of their galleries. I'll dump the memes first. The vast majority of them contain simply the title of the hentai as the filename, with preference towards the English title, while the non-meme ones have original filenames placed before the title. However I want to start with a few of the meme ones that I added extra to the filename. >Advent of Cunny Xood used the word far too much in one translation, which resulted in backlash. He was also just a lazy translator. This was back when the meme had first begun to take off, and was more associated with /tv/ pedos than lolicon. >Aftermath of Cunny Only 5 months later, the same manga received a more proper translation, however, without any cunny. How the tides had changed in such a short time. The majority of comments and upboats being in favor of cunny. After this gallery, as I continued to go back in time, the memes became much more scarce. They hardly show up at all before September 2019. >Ode to Cunny However, then I came across this fucking poem from November 2018. It astonished me. Other than this one outlier, the earliest cute and funny comments I could find were from the middle of 2019. This man was truly ahead of his time. I could have gone through many hundreds more loli galleries I've read, however, I went through a couple hundred consecutive galleries without the meme and decided to stop as I had gone far back enough that it was practically non-present.
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I swear that I've seen or heard the word cunny more than a decade ago.
>>6233 It's an old word indeed
>>6233 first 3 results on ex: 2009-12-20 01:07:00 UTC https://exhentai.org/g/186412/054ec3ab43/ 2010-07-12 19:01:00 UTC https://exhentai.org/g/228496/e6328039d2/ 2012-02-19 03:46:00 UTC https://exhentai.org/g/467171/030510ea46/

Any knowledge about lolisare.fun, aka lolis.3g.pm, aka loli3.net? Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 21:48:26 No. 6339 [Reply]
I’ve been looking for a community that might be able to help me find a full or up-to-date collection of Mion_Orz (みおん_orz)’s works. I found lolisare.fun in the resources thread, but it and the two sites that’ve replaced it are gone. Does anyone know where it’s moved to now?

Ninja Anonymous 01/25/2023 (Wed) 09:11:28 No. 4460 [Reply]
You disappoint me, /loli/. A board dedicated to cartoon girls of the Far East and not a single thread for ninja? A shameful display! Come then! Regain your honor by posting only the best ninja loli! 臨, 兵, 闘, 者, 皆, 陣, 列, 在, 前.
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Where are my kunoichibros at?
>>6087 The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid... The Kid...

Is possession/viewing of loli hentai legal in Massachusetts? Anonymous 08/26/2021 (Thu) 04:01:26 No. 2812 [Reply]
There’s an old map in circulation online that says it isn’t, but it seems highly outdated. I need a definitive answer for this, anons! Please help a fellow lolibro out!
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>>2812 Its legal everywhere if you have a good vpn and a shut mouth ;)
Stop bumping this thread, you stupid faggots.
>>2812 You should try hijacking Harvard's wifi whenever you are browsing porn.

any wholesome child on child sholicon porn? anon 01/14/2024 (Sun) 20:28:16 No. 6314 [Reply]
Could you guys please share any porn stories or doujins that are basically themed on loli and shota friends explore their bodies and find out about sex. Maybe while playing doctor. And theor parents are shocked but join in.

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Loli Hard Rape Anonymous 12/14/2023 (Thu) 05:54:48 No. 6219 [Reply]
This place is missing that cool pedobear cursor that /delicious/ has. Post lolis being brutally raped! I struggle to find decent art of them actually disliking the sex, it's not really rape if they're not at least crying isn't it?
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from artist yzk
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Yuri Thread. Anonymous 10/30/2020 (Fri) 00:33:36 No. 419 [Reply] [Last]
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Succubi Anonymous 03/26/2021 (Fri) 02:08:02 No. 1763 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for succubus and demon lolis. Single-handedly the best kind of loli. They only exist to feed off of your sexual energy, and will only get pregnant if you want them to. They also amplify your orgasms a thousandfold.
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>>5076 >costume Bad taste
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Hidden gem. Wish they made more stuff like this.See file name for artist.

Loli's being Penetrated Anonymous 08/06/2023 (Sun) 17:46:04 No. 5391 [Reply]
Enough of being soft, time to remind everyone what lolis are built for.
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sauce 01/01/2024 (Mon) 04:31:06 No. 6277 [Reply]
someone knows the sauce?
That is a scene made in Koikatsu, The artist is ShiShigaJ5 if not the author should be Waxreplica. Problem is that I am not finding that scene in https://db.bepis.moe/ Where I saw this scene and model.

Kanna Kamui Anon 12/24/2023 (Sun) 10:24:08 No. 6236 [Reply]
Ayo does anyone have videos or images of Kanna Kamui, found a couple of vids but lost them.
i do. i have over 9000

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