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QTDDTOT Anonymous 12/31/2020 (Thu) 10:05:18 No. 1309
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread: There's no QTDDTOT edition
>>6060 Hey, no problem man. I'm glad you're here actually, and I hope I didn't come across as insulting, it just wasn't a circumstance I was super familiar with so I could only grasp at straws in a vain attempt to figure out what was going on. You kept the community alive elsewhere in ostensibly its current form and that's a good thing. While I would have hoped most if not all the activity would have been centralized here, I later learned of the various reasons people had decided they didn't want to associate with the 8chan brand anymore and I understand completely.
Have you guys been badmouthing the other /loomis/ board?
>>6128 Nope, not me. I question the decision to allow request threads but other than that I have no problem with them. I stopped linking back only very recently after a long time of the favor having never been returned, that's the extent of it really. No drama afaik
>>1309 I'm planning on going through Fun With a Pencil again to get back in my groove, and I was wondering, are there any other art books that encourage structure while avoiding perfectionism the way FWAP does?
>>1309 RIP /loomis/
>>6185 Well logically the next step after FWAP would be figure drawing and it will take you along time to finish FWAP. After that best to move on to figure drawing for all it's worth. FWAP already glosses over drawing the figure in a good amount of depth so the shift to FDFAIW will not be that unfamiliar since you would have the hang of drawing figures
If I wanted prints of some random art I find online what would be the standard process for getting that done? Is there a recommended site or service for that?
Whose the new BO and why'd you delete the drawpile thread (and the other ones you deleted)?
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Is there a woman/girl equivalent to this image?Would prefer for it to be from a figure drawing book or some other reputable source. Image is from Figure Drawing for All It's Worth.
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What are some good software for frame by frame animation?
>>6325 Ratios are almost identical up until 10. And Loomis already has the female adult version of this chart. You're only missing teenage female proportions really.
>>6326 Krita
>>6326 Speaking of which, is there a thread for animation?
Are there any other prompt pics like towergirls? I'm looking for stuff that's broad with the designs (like towergirls) rather than the ones that just give you existing characters.
>>6329 If there isn't maybe you should make one?
For digital art, what image sizes are best?
>>6415 Depends on what you're drawing/working on. Generally though with digital bigger is better since it doesn't cost you anything and you can always reduce the image or canvas size afterwards.
This is a bit of a long shot, but did anyone save the "Prisoner" sunday drawpile canvas from some time summer last year? I would greatly appreciate it.
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how the FUCK do i continue this?? i get about this far in every drawing and just dont know where to go next ive only ever really practiced this basic stuff, should i start learning shading, texturing and colouring or try to perfect this stuff first? help me fellas also what happened to the drawpile? did harb ever come back?
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>>6437 Clean up those lines and lose the ones you don't need. Then block in shadows and dark spots. Make them solid. You will start seeing contours better after that. You are on the right path.
I get really autistic about guidelines for some reason. My biggest problem is that I want to put down guidelines that allow me to put volume into the characters I create. The thing is, with my lineart, I feel like most guidelines guides don't give me enough info on how to "Continue" building upon the characters. Loomis, and proko in particular build guidelines that show you the barest of bare needs and then assume you can fill in the blanks so to speak. I love loomis' detail to the process but I get so hung up on guidelines. My autism wants me to have guidelines that can be used to make an easily-finished character. Because I've built guidelines that look fine as is, but when I try to put the shape into my human characters, it turns to utter shit and looks flat. I have a few bridgeman ebooks, but there is VERY little detail on his actual process. What other guidelines are there? What other bridgeman stuff is out there that actually teaches his process? What the fuck am I missing?
Post something >>6448
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>>6449 Here's a practice thing, pixel art. So you'll have to zoom in a bit to really see the sketch parts of it.
>>6450 Perspective drawing is difficult without reference. I suggest you try downloading an app called Poseit. It is free and easy to use. I use it if I can't find a reference of a pose I have in mind. Also give Jack Hamm's figure drawing book a look. Post more for more feed back. Good luck.
>>6452 So I got into it and tried to get into it and get to drawing... And I get flares of perfectionism which push me into not even finishing a figure... Fuck. This might take a while.
What sort of resources should one look to to learn how to draw from the very basics? The only stuff I've heard of is drawabox, but I've also heard that it's shit.
what happened to the artgain loomis?
>>6465 No idea. I have seen the site be accessible for a while, especially when maintenance was due. But now it's been days.
>>6464 As someone whose still a beginner and started with drawabox, I think it's fine. I found it useful for learning about perspective and construction, but for stuff like life drawing, shading and anatomy you'll probably want a different resource. I stopped after going through most of chapter 2 though. You could always use the book the site is based on ("How to draw" By Scott Robertson), but imo it isn't as friendly thing for beginners. Honestly though you could just go through both. I think the most useful thing for me with drawabox was doing the exercises even that dumbass 250 box challenge >>6466 Is the drawpile still happening anywhere? I thought the dude who ran the site also hosted that.
>>6467 I think that the BO of /loomis/ gave up trying to maintain and grow the board, and the artga.in/drawpile guy decided that AI art was the future and that it was pointless to continue his own efforts. If you want to add me on Discord I know some people who're still drawing: LiterallyMe#3930
Edited last time by loomis on 02/20/2023 (Mon) 03:36:12.
>>6468 Not without reason, mind. 8chan staff gave the board away to someone who'd deleted like 95% of the activity that took place over the past few years because he didn't like the format that activity took place in (Drawpile), then they gave it back. Kind of beyond a "whoops" moment, this is after many people had already abandoned the board-rightly or wrongly-due to existing content policies. Regardless, add me on Discord if you're still here, please.
>>6468 Thanks for the info. I'd lie if I said that recent AI developments did not cool my enthusiasm for drawing a little bit and even more so for posting my art online. I am not planning to stop drawing any time soon however but have been thinking of . >>6469 >Discord Does it still force users to verify using phone numbers?
>>6470 You comment is very old but yes it does.
what software can I use on desktop to collage images together onto one canvas. So I can post collection of my draws onto one image or page. is it possible in krita?
>>6694 >is it possible in krita? Y...yes? It's possible in pretty much any image editing software, from paint to photoshop. You just mean putting all of your images onto one large canvas, right? You can shrink them down and fit them on whatever size image you'd like. Are you the same anon who has been posting weird disjointed questions about perspective and how to get "successful numbers" and shit for years?
>>6696 > Are you the same anon who has been posting weird disjointed questions about perspective and how to get "successful numbers" and shit for years? nope. bvt thx for the help

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