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Draw Thread Anonymous 09/30/2020 (Wed) 02:39:21 No. 349
Moe Anthropomorphism Edition
>>6170 I should say those colorless sketches are very old, they're from 2020 or something I think.
>>6153 Based neanderthal maxxing
>>6170 Not necessarily to my taste but pretty good improvement.
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>>5687 fin
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Just a pale imitation of a work from someone who is far greater than I.
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Trying to warm my smooth brain up.
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>>6193 Cont.
(179.58 KB 837x738 lastnightsmare.png)

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My best creation in GIMP so far. Not exactly as I intended but I'm reasonably happy with it.
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>>6371 Cool design
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I was laughing about the whole AI art hands issue until I remembered how hard hands are for me, so I drew a robot girl I heavily relate to. Done in pencil. More of a shitpost than my usual style
>>6413 I like this.
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(505.56 KB 561x1024 weird eldritch gorl.png)

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>>6476 That middle one is really cool.
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Been feeling kind of lost and haven't been getting gud as fast as I'd like to, so I figured it's time I stop lurking and get involved. I draw humans, too, I swear
That's very good, anon. Unfortunately this board has largely been abandoned but if you're still there we have a new Drawpile where we meet up regularly-and you're more than welcome to join drawpile software: drawpile.net/download session url: sigmatelier.asperger.pro password: loomis I hope this message reaches you well
>>6492 Thanks, anon. I'll be sure to pay a visit.
(1.20 MB 2332x3113 IMG_20230604_194040~2.jpg)

Making a novel about a englishman who kills evil ghost and wizards with a magic umbrella and a electric talisman , helped by anastasia romanov ghost and a sexual doll possesed by the ghost of a ukrainian elite soldier woman
>>6505 I like the idea, but you need to work a bit on your fundamentals. Sounds like it'd be a fun series though.
>>6507 Sure!, could you tell me how?
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dead board unless... is there a /loomis/ discord server?
>>6510 I think there isn't. Discuck is cucked.
>>6510 Yeah, the artfags mostly moved from /loomis/ over to artga.in/egaku/ quite some time ago. Then I found the site dead and I have no clue where they went to.
>>6510 Never go to discord, regardless of how popular it is, use element, it doesn't mine your data.
>>6570 The reason I'm here is that I despise shit like discord and twitter, but all these alt sites have slowly bled off over the years. A matrix room was actually made a few years ago but never took off, probably should have shilled it more aggressively.
>>6492 so the art gain imageboard is dead? The domain for it doesn't work anymore. what is that about?
>>6614 Apparently, yeah. I'm still not sure what occurred with it beyond most of /loomis/ leaving for artgain (and drawpile?), the activity dying over there and then none of them coming back. Someone else probably has a better understanding of what happened than I do but as far as I know that's the jist of it.
I stepped away for a while, our board was handed over to somebody (for the record, I don't believe I ever failed to log in within the limit to where the board would be made available under normal circumstances per 8chan ruless) who deleted the Drawpile thread instantly which represented 80+% of the activity over the past few years. I was a little upset about it. We've had a great guy lurking for the longest time who'd archived as much as he could on "ourobooru" but I don't think it was complete which I considered a tragedy and a serious personal failure on my part.
>>6620 That does rightfully suck but on the other hand the nature of art as a craft sort of ensures you can't keep every drawing and sketch out there. It is in a way part of the process of creating. And I'm a hypocrite for saying that since I still haven't tossed out shitty sketchbooks I haven't looked at for years.
>>6622 In reference to losing the art, I mean. It just plain sucks that a lot of users were lost as a result of it all.
>>6623 Good points on both counts, fella. Rather than the art itself though (although its safety was something I did consider important), I guess it was just the idea that the guy had tricked the staff here into giving it away without their attempting to reach out to me first. I know it was a regrettable and unexpected thing that the "new admin" did (and the people here did right by giving the board back in the end), but still. Anyway, time to move on one way or another.
I've written and illustrated a little booklet on graph theory. Supposed to be read without any math knowledge, because there's no usual math formalism. https://cookbooks.neocities.org/graphtheory

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