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Practice Thread 2: the Second Practice Thread Edition Anonymous 08/24/2021 (Tue) 06:11:59 No. 3859
A thread for people of all skill levels to dump their works-in-progress and studies Old Thread: >>3 Resources: Northern Kentucky University Drawing Database - Marc Leone "the Basics" Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vtd6uwNFl9k&list=PLMXbAPr21di-Ox-dmDwL2riWedei1dn9S[Embed] Ctrl+Paint.net Free Video Library https://www.ctrlpaint.com/library/ Anatomical 3-D Models: https://pastebin.com/9VgmQQPk Random Figure Poses: New and Improved! https://www.posemaniacs.com/tools/thirtyseconds Random Google Street View: https://www.mapcrunch.com/ Books etc. (from Sticky): https://mega.nz/#F!es1BSKQR!spODyd0iaQmMelGA2GscFw
Edited last time by loomis on 03/29/2022 (Tue) 19:16:24.
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My room lighting sucks but whatever lol
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>>6459 Awesome heads and figure drawings, keep up the amazing work anon.
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>>6454 > I have a horrible habit of over working a piece. Anyone else? yeah ofc, the longer u spend on it the more rewarding and satisfying it is.
>>6461 Nice straight lines; well done
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>>6460 >>6461 Thank you.
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Fugg it, I'll post something.
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>>6474 WIP
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>>6479 nvm
>>6616 Well done lad. Try and use the side of your pencil a little more, it'll give you some nice line variation.
hi, i'm new here, it's really cool to see so many talented people posting here (specially compared to /ic/ 4chan, that place sucks), even if the board is dead. These are some studies i did today visiting Bridgman a second time
>>6625 Nice Bridgmans anon
>>6619 thx good idea
>>6625 nice organic contours and shapes of the body the shape seems natural.
>>6646 Very nice copy, very nearly spot on. Your observational drawing skills are coming up very well
>>6648 yeah, thx . looking back at it the left eye is cramped at the outer end of the eye lmao
>>6653 I don't know how you've done this, but the references are squished, you've drawn them pretty accurately but they're literally skewed-and a lot. My friend actually pointed this out and I didn't realize it because I was more focused on your work and assumed it was camera distortion.
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>>6654 yeah they cramped. Thanks for pointing it out. I went resized most of the references now. do they look better?
>>6656 They're fine now, you can find the .pdfs on archive.org though
>>6663 Really good, that damn angle from the camera though
>>6664 thx lol I create my own new problems with basic photo skills with strange camera angles
on that skully grind. The forth one is a WIP. drew the skulls from a book with photos of skulls I used as the refernces. ngl it's a big book. I might post some references if u wanna see lemme know
>>6693 Hell yeah bro, skulls are a bitch to draw but they really help out with faces and look nice when you get the hang of them. Looks like you're making good progress, don't forget to try drawing from different angles (up/down/diagonally) and from the back.
>>6697 thx anon
>>6693 Make sure to make use of that 3D model pastebin lad. Some choice skulls in there
>>6702 yes sir
figure drawing from a page out of a playboy magazine
>>6711 Proportions aren't bad but are a bit off. See if you can step back and see what I'm talking about on your own Try using a wood pencil instead of a mechanical/drafting pencil and use its side so you can get some line variation in there. Also, check out "Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching" on youtube and follow along. Follow along (with your mechanical pencil this time) and you'll develop more confident line work in general quickly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMC0Cx3Uk84
>>6711 >>6712 Seconding your comment on proportions (even if I like the fact you've made her hips larger). Business idea: you can also compare angles. Most look fine to me, but compare the angle of her back in the photo and your drawing.
>>6712 >>6715 thx I will keep these things in mind

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