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We're All Gonna Make It!

(455.62 KB 2500x2500 2021promptlist.jpg)

Inktober Thread Anonymous 10/01/2021 (Fri) 02:51:34 No. 4536
That's right. It's that time of the year. Challenge is to make one drawing a day for October based on the prompts in the image. Inktober is traditionally meant to practice your inking skills, but don't let that stop you from doing something else. Digital art, rough sketches, anything else is all fine. As long as you draw something. Join us here by posting every day! It's a nice way to make sure you stick to the challenge, and you can always asks us to bully you give you constructive feedback. Finally, don't worry about missing a day. Try to keep to the challenge, but it's much better to miss a day and continue than to miss one and give. Again, Just Draw. Good Luck!
(2.05 MB 3264x2448 20211030_091738.jpg)

Garbage, but I must press forward regardless.
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(1.21 MB 1512x2016 IMG_0958 - Copy.JPG)

>>4895 This one was pretty bad imo, but I'm too tired to care. Almost there
(1.99 MB 3264x2448 20211031_160124.jpg)

I did it. I did every fucking day. My will to live died each day, I couldn't muster a modicum of creativity for the last few, but I fucking did it. My art fucking sucks, but I learned a lot, so fuck it I'm done.
>>4917 Well done anon and congratulations for making it all the way
Finished. now just scan and upload left
(608.79 KB 2000x1389 13-roof-2000x.jpg)

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(377.84 KB 2000x1389 17-collide-2000x.jpg)

(405.87 KB 2000x1389 18-moon-2000x.jpg)

(332.77 KB 2000x1389 19-loop-2000x.jpg)

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(376.78 KB 2000x1389 22-open-2000x.jpg)

(318.66 KB 2000x1389 23-leak-2000x.jpg)

(367.48 KB 2000x1389 24-extinct-2000x.jpg)

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(305.82 KB 2000x1389 26-connect-2000x.jpg)

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(358.62 KB 2000x1389 29-patch-2000x.jpg)

(358.79 KB 2000x1389 30-slither-2000x.jpg)

(334.83 KB 2000x1389 31-risk-2000x.jpg)

Withou shell tools it would've been a pain tu upload this stuff. scanhalfpage -g 32-example.png for f in *; do mogrify -flip -flop "$f"; done make-jpgs cd jpgs resize-imgs 2000x clean-img-metadata cp *2000x.jpg <destination folder> Then upload.
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I cave, I have done one (1) image, simply so I can say I participated. Still not that comfortable using brushes and a larger canvas, a lot more used to sharper, smaller stuff in paint. Also a colored option for the Halloween feel. Originally I was going to have a hand behind the dice throwing them, but I suck at drawing hands and didn't have the time. Also the single die facing was going to be a skull, but it looked like shit so I just did a black and white pattern similar to a skull and crossbones instead. Also the circles aren't very uniform because I rushed it.
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It's over.
(1.12 MB 1512x2016 IMG_0959 - Copy.JPG)

>>4907 Honestly drawing every day wasn't that much of a change of pace, since that's how I've practiced since I started in early July. The prompts however let me get out of my comfort zone in terms of what I was drawing (besides shit where I was really lost). I've wanted to stop drawing everyday before inktober though, so I'm going to need to find a new way to practice. I have better idea of what I suck at kinda everything, but I think I'll start with perspective on rigid structures and gesture drawing so hopefully I can do more constructive practice after a break. Glad I created the thread and I'll see you all next inktober.
>>4946 >>4945 >>4943 >>4917 Congrats for making it until the end!
Inktober is five days away. Is anyone planing to do it this year?
>>6399 Yeah, but I was actually planning to make the new thread on artgain this year. Also planning to shill on some draw threads either here or on webring boards.
>>6401 Thanks, I will post in the thread wherever it is.
>>6405 Made it a bit latter than I would've liked, but it's here: https://board.artga.in/egaku/res/6790.html
Inktober is racist and if you participate then your racist and so is your mom.
>Inktober 2022 already here >barely drew anything since Inktober 2021 aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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