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Dig the Swamp Anonymous 01/03/2022 (Mon) 21:15:13 Id: 060130 No. 13445
Post what you got on these motherfuckers.
get a load of this cuckworld shit: https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20201123070343/https://www.weforum(Please use archive.today)/agenda/2016/11/how-life-could-change-2030/ >For more information watch the What If: Privacy Becomes a Luxury Good? session from the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting 2017.
get a load of this cuckworld shit: https://archive.ph/FcKEb >For more information watch the What If: Privacy Becomes a Luxury Good? session from the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting 2017. (mods, plz delete >>15930, I can't for some reason)
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Share this shit wherever they count posts by hour instead of by week
Copypasta from >>15120 CEO Nick Claydon is a trustee of Demos which runs the activist groups that censor Reddit Anonymous Anonymous 04/18/2022 (Mon) 19:53:21 Id: 000000 No. 15120 https://archive.ph/pzoRr https://archive.ph/XuBYC https://archive.is/bLwQe And it's all a joint Russian-British operation. Demos is run out of Whitehall https://archive.ph/XhBqR Which means that they're government. Meet Xue Lan of the Leonard Blavatnik School of Government. https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20140426111027/http://www.bsg.ox.ac.uk/people/xue-lan > Expert Committee on Emergency Management of the State Council of China, Vice President of China Association of Public Administration, Vice Chairman of the National Steering Committee for MPA Education of China, a member of the Visiting Committee for Harvard Kennedy School, and a member of the Governing Board of International Development Research Center (IDRC). Remember when we found that Kirtaner and other anti-GG were Canadian glowniggers? And we found that the goons were working for a think tank https://archive.ph/OGTrV funded by IDRC and US State Department? Guess where they have been taking their orders from. Also: https://archive.is/YgKSe < American Billionaires Vanish From Russian Fund's Website - Sept. 3 2014 This is the whitehats catching the American branch of anti-Gamergate being directly funded by the state of Russia. They tell us who is guilty: * Apax Partners - company of Sir Ronald Cohen, who owns Edge Magazine and was on the Harvard University Board of Overseers and controls a $23 trillion "impact investing" fund https://archive.is/0dbBQ * TPG - runs the Rise Fund with the Omidyar network and Richard Branson's Avaaz network, which is a front for Hamas. This implicates Dianne Feinstein's husband. < August 13th, 2019 Epstein’s Teneo Connects All The Dots To Uranium One https://republicbroadcasting(Please use archive.today)/news/august-13th-2019-epsteins-teneo-connects-all-the-dots-to-uranium-one/ https://archive.ph/ibCxY Tranny propaganda is a way for the Muslims to send money to the Palestine Solidarity Committee without raising red flags. It's also backed by Israel to create a market for Teva Pharmaceutical's protects. The Israelis are using Ronald Cohen's network for their marketing, or possibly vice versa Ronald Cohen is running the Israelis. It's also a way for the globalists to consolidate power under the UN as a global government. The UN runs Saudi and Russian propaganda and calls it counter-terrorism https://archive.is/xYSJz And all of the Swamp does "PR" work for the UN, so when they issue bans over disagreement they're acting as Russian/Saudi/Qatari law enforcement.
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You forgot Larry Fink
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the arabs have way more power than we think, especially with the whole Porta Potty thing
>>16330 Bruh do you think these middle eastern assholes do anything other than bomb their own territory??
>>16386 Just because I am an Arab doesn't mean I don't hate myself lol.
>>13445 >>14945 >Trump: "Israel used to own congress, that's a good thing!" It's fucking (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me) maximus when all these retard tier comments about trump being the one. And it's coming from all these anti-jew controlled op bots. All these faggots probably watch Alex Jones and rub his asshole for being the nice strawman that the establishment can attack to then revoke rights across the board. Mr Alex, the sit back and cry at the establishment to win your rights back, Jones. Mr Alex, I'll tell you all about the Georgia Guidestones but as soon as it's attacked i'll tell you to stand down, Jones. All these crude faggots are a part of the NWO system and unless we bunch them in with the trannies and commies we are going to be sunk with them.
Does anyone have the information on russians indoctrinating children through american schools?
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>>16795 No, because they aren't. >>16445 >And it's coming from all these anti-jew controlled op bots. Um… what?
>>16795 devon stack covered this a dozen times a lot of rich eastern european jews came over to usa in the early 1900s and took over our government/media/education/etc. watch his videos, he gives sources. adam green explained a dozen times how jews have been at war with the goyim/amalekites since pre roman times, and shows clips of rabbis admitting it.
>>16795 When people say "Russians" they often mean jews from Eastern Europe, or at least Marxists like Dugin (actually he's a NazBol, which is a marxist larping as right-wing). Many of the 'American elites' are these EE jews. >>16894 Can you provide some links please? I don't feel like sitting through his interminable streams.
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>>16445 Wrong. The right take is that redpilling is a process, and when I got redpilled beyond jonestein I left many many comments around back in the day on his material to guide as many brothers and sisters out of the pit of judaic slavery as possible. I also salute controlled opposition and limited hangout fags for helping us get where they are. I might even spare some of the good ones if I were Fuehrer. Literally no one instantly got redpilled on anything, even if you magically did (and you didn't, you freaking weirdo).
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Feds, feds everywhere. https://archive.ph/b79NE/ https://theintercept''(Please use archive.today)/2022/10/31/social-media-disinformation-dhs/ tl;dr: Feds controlling social discourse.
https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20120108182327/http://www.crisisgroup(Please use archive.today)/en/about/board.aspx * George Soros * Frank Giustra of the Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership * Cheryl Carolus, Secretary General of the ANC * Igor Ivanov, former (heh) Russian foreign minister https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20120120045454/http://www.crisisgroup(Please use archive.today)/en/about/board/crisis-group-senior-advisers.aspx * HRH Prince Turki al-Faisal, Former Ambassador of the KIngdom of Saudi Arabia to the U.S., also that Saudi intelligence minister who resigned just before 9/11 * Cyril Ramaphosa, Former Secretary General, African National Congress It looks like we've found the people working for both Russia and Saudi Arabia at the same time while pushing the South African white genocide program.
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>>13445 Interesting thread will keep an eye on it.
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Have some charts
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>>13445 Glow harder
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(((Kill the Jews, goyim!)))
░░░▒▓▓▓▒ ░▒▓▓▓█▓▓▓▒░ ░░░░▒▒▒ Has anyone just stop to think that the recent UFO revelations might be just part of a plan to get everyone under control? Or maybe Creepy Joe was truly creepy this time and they needed to bury all of that creepiness. Either way, I think the first one is more likely. Why would they use aliens as a way to bury news of Joe's creepiness? Project Blue Beam or something, I didn't watch the movie. Remember, eat ze bugs.
>>13445 Definitely related https://twitter(Please use archive.today)/i/status/1687836493790818304
I wouldn't be surprised if within our lifetime they try to "unite the world" through a "war with aliens" when in reality it'll just be the government who uses genetically altered humans. But that's more so some end game time shit if conquest doesn't work
>>19429 It accidently backfired and the world is uniting to fight Jews.
>>13445 just cancel money, start anew proposal: project venus, maybe? gold standard? plant 100 trees to buy stuff for life price? (no murder - more of "service")
WEF DOCUMENTS.zip 27.5 MB DOWNLOAD https://archive(Please use archive.today)/details/wef-documents
>>19490 we cant see this. especially while living in the system established by the jews
Does this count as a "place to ask questions for digging" thread, too? Whole board seems to be dead, but I'd like to still ask for some help in researching a few things.
>>19851 Go ahead
>>13445 mild-rel >>>/b/453655 Learn how to crosspost, newfag
Edited last time by Shellen on 12/26/2023 (Tue) 06:02:47.

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