Copypasta from
CEO Nick Claydon is a trustee of Demos which runs the activist groups that censor Reddit Anonymous Anonymous 04/18/2022 (Mon) 19:53:21 Id: 000000 No. 15120
And it's all a joint Russian-British operation.
Demos is run out of Whitehall
Which means that they're government.
Meet Xue Lan of the Leonard Blavatnik School of Government.
https://web.archive(Please use
> Expert Committee on Emergency Management of the State Council of China, Vice President of China Association of Public Administration, Vice Chairman of the National Steering Committee for MPA Education of China, a member of the Visiting Committee for Harvard Kennedy School, and a member of the Governing Board of International Development Research Center (IDRC).
Remember when we found that Kirtaner and other anti-GG were Canadian glowniggers? And we found that the goons were working for a think tank funded by IDRC and US State Department? Guess where they have been taking their orders from.
< American Billionaires Vanish From Russian Fund's Website - Sept. 3 2014
This is the whitehats catching the American branch of anti-Gamergate being directly funded by the state of Russia. They tell us who is guilty:
* Apax Partners - company of Sir Ronald Cohen, who owns Edge Magazine and was on the Harvard University Board of Overseers and controls a $23 trillion "impact investing" fund
* TPG - runs the Rise Fund with the Omidyar network and Richard Branson's Avaaz network, which is a front for Hamas. This implicates Dianne Feinstein's husband.
< August 13th, 2019 Epstein’s Teneo Connects All The Dots To Uranium One
https://republicbroadcasting(Please use
Tranny propaganda is a way for the Muslims to send money to the Palestine Solidarity Committee without raising red flags. It's also backed by Israel to create a market for Teva Pharmaceutical's protects. The Israelis are using Ronald Cohen's network for their marketing, or possibly vice versa Ronald Cohen is running the Israelis. It's also a way for the globalists to consolidate power under the UN as a global government.
The UN runs Saudi and Russian propaganda and calls it counter-terrorism
And all of the Swamp does "PR" work for the UN, so when they issue bans over disagreement they're acting as Russian/Saudi/Qatari law enforcement.