>Remember the ideals that most of the people on this site are sympathetic towards - liberty, anonymity, privacy, etc.
These are Libertarian values.
Libertarianism would result in White dominance in any country it's permitted to be established in (and remain in such a state). Under Libertarianism, the future of the White race would be secured.
A Libertarian society is one were te government does four functions: enforce the laws, defend the nation, run the state banking and financial system, and collect taxes to fund the previously mentioned functions.
The law is based on the Non-Aggression Principle, summed up in that you own your person, property, and enterprise, that ownership is having full control over what happens with what you own, and that all interactions involving the things owned by different parties requires mutual informed consent to be permissable under this system. The difference between stealing and receiving a gift is that the victim of theft did not consent to have the possession of their propety taken from them, while the gift giver did consent to the transfer of possession and ownership to the receiving party. Under the NAP, there is a necessary exception to the imposition of force upon another without their consent, and that is to enforce the NAP through the prevention of immediate violations (defense of person/property/enterprise of oneself and others) and the administration of consequences upon violators (be it punishment or rehabilitation or something else).
Here's how ibertarianism spells out the end result of White Supremacy over Jews.
-Through freedom of association and disassociation, they could discriminate freely with no requirement to justify their decisions, they can have full control over who they choose to buy from and sell to, who they choose to serve and employ, etc.
Giving everyone the ability to exercise full control over their own person, property, and enterprise will lead to the races segregating themselves apart from one another, assuming just Whites and Jews, you'd have a community where Whites live, a community were Jews reside, and a mixed area in between where the two comunities interact, but where neither lives unless they have no other choice..
-Through freedom from all government services save for those two to four which are tolereated under Libertarian philosophy, White will thrive while Jews will suffer, economically speaking.
First of all, There'd be no Rothschild owned banks, no fiat currency, no fractional reserve lending, no interest, and no loans. The government would run a central bank as well as retail banks, and there'd be no way that private banks (central or retail) could compete, the government run central bank would issue representitive currency, which could be excanged for the amount of a commodity which they represent, the national banks would all run on a system of full reseve lending, meaning that inflation is minimized as the monetary representation of the supply of commodities is kept in check with the supply of those commodities, the banks would collect a percentage of the deposits held by them, which the account holder could always afford to pay, rather than creating a permanent debt with charging interest, and there'd be no loans to private individuals (with which they would buy goods or services), rather, the banks would buy a share of the profits in an enterprise brought before them (the money being used by those who receive it to fund their enterprise).
Second, Corporations would be kaput, as under Libertarian rules, there'd be no legal concept of personhood for corporate entities, meaning that those who work in a company are legally accountable for their actions, under Libertarianism, there's no such thing as "intellectual property", companies wouldn't be able to make a passive income off of their patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc. the lack of corporate regulation means that companies will have no way to suppress their competition from smaller upstart businesses, the lack of corporate subsidies means that companies would be unable to force the people to pay them whether they get a prouct or not, with no obligation of a company to cater to the financial interests of their shareholders, they will not be forced into undertaking the shady practices that are characteristic of a corporation today. Wal-Mart will die, McDonald's will die, CNN and MSNBC will both go off the air, Monopolies and Oligopolies will quickly be destroyed, without government intervention in the market, there could be no corporation, the separation of markets and state will bring about the end of corporate capitalism (or at least as we know it today).
Third, there are no "hate crimes" under the non-aggression principle, all these laws that give Jews their priviledged positions in our saociety will come to an end, as there'd be an even playing field, the same rules applying to all individuals, no matter who they are, and that will render the Jews unable to play by their book of nepotism, using the government to ensure that Whites couldn't dethrone them from their positions just by outcompeting them. Expect to see Jews losing their prominence in media, academia, and other influential position typically associated with a disproportunate number of Jews.
The last point is rather obvious, Whites will no longer have to pay to support those who they do not wish to, look at how much use Whites make of government services, then look at how much Whites contribute to those services, Whites are basically financially supporting almost all the other races, including Jews (the only notable exception being East Asians).
Imagine what happens when Whites are no longer paying for government services, and other races are no longer receiving them (because government doesn't provide them anymore).
Whites will soar in economic status, as well as social status, coming to the fore in all institutions (be it in education, emplyment, etc.). Most other races will face a sharp decline, taking a dive into poverty.
Furthermore, there'd be no government programs to give them the things they take for granted (no affirmative action, no free secondary education, etc.). They will crash and burn.
Keep in mind that Jews will be included among this number, but East Asians will not.
Libertarianism will means White Supremacy because in a Libertarian society, merit is everything, and the natural superiority of the traits found among Whites will lead to them rising to the top (most likely they will end up propping up the other races, but this time through private charity instead of through the taxes taken from them by the government).
The culture will change, as the actual gap in meritous traits between racial populations will be laid so bare before our eyes that it will be impossible to keep pretending that the individuals of all races are equaly likely to succeed, provided that they work hard enough.
Even being a moral or good person requires some degree of natural talent, the way you conduct yourself is largely determined by your psychological traits, and tese are heritable, they are genetic in origin (its why you tend to end up acting like your parents had, your genes predestined you towards it).
Out of the other racial populations, I know that East Asians will do well in such a society, though not as well as Whites will. Jews will lose everything under such a system.
>These are not nazi ideals! They naturally lean towards the left, not the right.
Okay, you are retarded.
These ideals are very much a third position from wat you know of as "left" or "right", none of these ideals lean towards the left wing, you are just as censorious as the ones you juxtapose yourself against.
There is no left or right. The Nazis are a far cry from Conservatives, these are wholly diferent political and philosophical ideologies that are often opposed to one another.
Libertarians and Marxists are two othe