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Election 2024 thread Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 13:21:43 Id: e1bd00 No. 20539
>>20539 Got the Rocky Balboa boxing music playing in the background. > Cheering President Trump on to win this knockdatlibdembitchout fight
>>20539 what an ancient photo of Biden, he almost looks human there.
Oh boy here we go.
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Will Vivek be the VP pick for Drumpf?
>>20584 He'd be too good to be VP
>>20583 I hope for at least some embarrassment that makes this worth watching.
they're both so old
I don't think anyone's surprised, but Biden's responses seem very static and rehearsed.
>>20590 Of course they are, they don't even understand that building wealth is a GOOD thing. The fact we have so many billionaires just speaks to the successes of the united states in spite of its government.
>>20590 And the guy just had his first brai fart.
>4th July That date seems like a very deliberately choice.
>>20592 That was more than a brain fart, that was a full on brain diarhea
How do you jump from "Abortion" to talking about women murdered by an illegal?
I am the law!!!
>we changed all that by opening all borders lmao
>cutting off Trump's mic and steal a minute response
>Trump just called him "Brandon" And Biden just could not formulate a response
Who's winning so far?
>>20600 I'd say Trump, but that's a "biased" take.
>>20595 It's steering the conversation on points that Obama team is avoiding, and onto points that Biden hasn't rehearsed: - Border - WW3/Ukraine/Russia - Economy
>>20601 Yeah, I can't tell among the normalfags as well
What's this about a "pack den"?
Did Brandond just say they're equiping geterans for war?
>We need to attack first before Putin invade everything
>>20606 Sounds about right
>>20606 I missed that, who said it?
>>20608 Biden
>>20608 Biden, it's paraphrased but rougly he said that Putin is dangerous that wants to remake the russian empire.
And did people understand a word of that garbel?
Did Biden just say something about an alliance with Venezuala?
neither of them will even countenance exiting foreign wars.
>>20610 >he said that Putin is dangerous that wants to remake the russian empire. Didn't he sort of confirm that the Tucker interview? >>20613 To be fair, we cannot really exit those wars without crippling West Taiwan first.
>>20613 wew lad
They're wasting a lot of time on this Jan 6th crap which is a total liberal/democrat talking point
>>20616 Well, this is CNN.
>>20616 Did you really expect them not to?
>Back to trying to claw back black and women's votes
>>20619 Don't forget, either vote for Brandon or you ain't Black.
To be fair, Trump started this inflation with the Corona-chan checks, but Brandon just made it worse.
Did I hear that right, Brandon just accused Trump of wanting to defund the police for equity?
>>20622 Wait did he actually pull that shit? Also good luck in the war vlad
>Muh Fair Share
>Brandon just said that we have the fast growing economy because of the flood of illegals
thread theme
>you are the worst president in all of American history <no you are lol
>>20628 When was the lest time two former presidents debated? A century ago with Teddy and Taft?
>everybody trusts us
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What does this mean?
Did we literally just watch two old guys dissing each other over golf?
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>>20632 >that 6 handicap joke
>>20632 it means the chart is zoomed in.
>>20629 I feel like there was a more recent instance, but I'm drawing at blank at the moment. >>20626 The way he tries to spin the border situation as anything other than a complete disaster across the country drives me nuts.
I also cannot stand loss.
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Honestly this whole debate I can think of is pic related.
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>>20639 Desperate
What actual /pol/ack gives a shit? They're both completely owned by jews, have never disobeyed jews their entire lives, and their entire political careers have been universally pro-jewish and anti-white. Is any living human being watching this and thinking "Man, this totally isn't a hollywood script just like every 'election' for the last 60 years! I genuinely wonder which jew worshipper is going to win! Because that matters in any capacity!" Why the fuck is this thread here, is my question. We're supposed to be better than this.
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>>20628 Literally this image.
>>20641 >stop talking about current events on /pol/
>>20643 >can't reply to what was said or answer the question that was asked >strawman instead Yep, every single time.
>>20644 Give one reason why I shouldn't talk about current events on /pol/
>>20644 >They are all controlled by jews >Don't vote >Just stay home and enjoy Jamaal fucking your wife Feds need a new playbook. But don't worry, you still have a few months to find a new job. Right now seems that democrats are planning to replace Biden.
>>20641 >Why the fuck is this thread here, is my question. To answer the question of if you're vote for Trump as he makes dog girls real, or vote for Brandon has me makes robo-sluts real.
>>20641 >We're supposed to be better than this Sorry, I think you got the wrong site.
>>20645 Because you shouldn't beat your wife. Try again, bitch. You're not even baiting the hook. >>20646 <another strawman It's all so tiresome. Is this the best the ZOG can afford now?
Trump won! The baizuo media is in an absolute panic, with people already asking about the possibility of the 25th Amendment. <Sources for videos https://archive.ph/2aCdr https://archive.ph/StV2Q Personally, I think Brandon will remain in office all the way to November, but as far as who will be running for president, the "popular" picks seem to be: >Hillary Clinton >Kamala Harris >Robert F Kennedy >Gavin Newsom >Michelle Obama >Jared Polis
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I told myself I wasn't going to participate in this shit, yet here I am.
>>20652 >Trump won! The audience applauds when the script says it does. >The baizuo media <OY VEY GOYIM IT'S LITERALLY ANYONE BUT US >is in an absolute panic Yes, people who are paid to read from scripts are definitely expressing real emotions. >asking about the possibility You mean reading from a script?
>>20651 It seems confirmed they are trying some controlled demolition of the Biden administration. They have some deadline in august to submit the candidate name and start printing fake ballot too.
>>20635 6% is pretty significant, but that's just one poll
>>20656 Here's another stat from a website called "Election Betting Odds": https://archive.md/mWwic This isn't a poll, it's people putting down real money on who has a chance of winning.
>>20641 but at this point speculating who's gonna be the next president is important for strategizing against the different ways we will be fucked. Will I have to spend 10x the amount on 22lr and mcnuggies? Will it still cost $60 to fill up my car? Will I have to defend my home from angry mulattos? Will I be able to get your mother an abortion? Even if they're both the same on the surface, the way things could go will be very different
>>20658 >Will I have to spend 10x the amount on 22lr and mcnuggies? Will it still cost $60 to fill up my car? Will I have to defend my home from angry mulattos? Will I be able to get your mother an abortion? All of that is going to happen no matter who is in charge. The jews never lose control. Their methods never change. Their direction never changes. Are you actually so stupid as to think Trump was BETTER than the alternative would have been? He "cut taxes" while increasing spending. NEWS FLASH, ORANGE DIPSHIT: THAT'S HOW INFLATION IS CAUSED. Want to know how many he deported? ZERO. NONE. ZERO NET DEPORTATIONS. HE ALSO ALLOWED OVER TWO AND A HALF MILLION NONWHITES IN "LEGALLY" IN ADDITION TO ALL THE ILLEGALS (more than any president before him) THAT HE ALLOWED IN. EVERYTHING of any ACTUAL MEANING OR VALUE on a social, economic, and political scale remains exactly the same no matter which puppet is in the seat.
>>20659 >Trump did nothing Are things TODAY better under Biden than they were under Trump four years ago?
>>20661 Anon that fucker has been around since 2016. Don't bother. He's just a CTR shill.
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/v/ mods are niggers
What was Trump's golf joke. I missed the debate.
>>20663 Is he always from Denmark? I was going to say something offensive about Danes but there's nothing really notable about them
>>20666 I have no clue how the flags on this site work, satan. A lot of people use VPNs so you never know.
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>>20653 Oh. That was actually kind of gut-wrenching. The way he looks down after...
>>20669 Really drives home Biden is just a puppet. He doesn't even know what he's doing. You can honestly make a good case for Elder abuse here.
>>20668 Trump seems remarkably measured. I like the way he tried to confuse Biden by saying different numbers as Biden was trying to remember what his handicap is. The real answer to his handicap is dementia, Kamala Harris or any of his policies. >>20670 I have seen footage of Biden being led off the stage by Jill. Also saw footage of Jill telling Joe "He did a great job at the debate. He answered all the questions." She is enjoying being the first lady and doesn't want to lose the perks to Joe's position.
Some more news clips: https://archive.ph/HQB6n https://archive.ph/gRTBY >>20663 The part I find frustrating is that there are some points I agree with. I'm not blind and know where Trump has fumbled the ball. The problem is that it seems like Brandon, and even RFK, are far worse alternatives than another four years of Cheetoh-Man, yet you have the retards and useful idiots coming out of the woodwork banging on about how the "system is broken". All the while ignoring that they're being strung along like puppets for the purposes of further the WEF's 2030 Agenda, that MUST be "on track" by 2028 at the earliest or the jig is up. >>20670 >You can honestly make a good case for Elder abuse here. <Third vid related: https://archive.ph/vUmDF >>20671 What does a handicap even mean in golf? I've never played it so I don't know.
>>20670 >Elder abuse If anyone deserves it, it's him.
>dementia trending on Xwatter
>>20672 >What does a handicap even mean in golf? I've never played it so I don't know. From my limited understanding it is a rating system based on how many shots it take a golfer to complete a round of golf. I think, on average in a year, that if you take 86 shots to complete a 76 shot course then you would have a handicap of 10. >>20673 >If anyone deserves it, it's him. The problem is everyone else suffers from his elder abuse. Brandon is by and large oblivious to it.
>>20668 The true winner of this debate is the USGA. >>20675 Handcap can be much more comprehensive than that, too, some handicap systems weigh against the difficulty of the courses you've played on. But for casual conversation, yeah that's it - how many shots over par you usually get.
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>>20677 >CNN actually tells the truth on the Trump windex thing Damn, he really fucked up
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Cenk is terminally blackpilled.
>>20681 >>20680 How long till they run for congress?
Biden is just fine. Mentally sound and cognizant. He just held a long rally this afternoon. I don’t know why there’s so much Trump misinformation saying he can’t piece together a sentence. He’s sharp, on point, aware, inquisitive, and determined. It’s obvious to anybody paying attention.
>>20680 I had no idea TYT and Cenk were still around. I thought they gave up after 2016
>>20683 God why did they let him out again so soon after last night? He's coughing, slurring over his words.
>>20683 You heard the man. The price of these steaks are TOO DAMN HIGH!!!
Duppers need to get over it
>>20658 >Will I be able to get your mother an abortion? >>20659 >All of that is going to happen no matter who is in charge. Looks like anon got himself a date.
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>>20683 So far it seems there's (at least) 2 camps battling out after this debacle. Presstitute wanting to remove Biden then his handler Obama is saying he stays there. There's even another debate scheduled in September it seems.
>>20689 The fact they're acknowledging the debate was bad is a failure in and of itself. That means Biden's performance was so objectively awful (in an extremely friendly setting for him mind you) that even the most hardcore democrats can't even pretend he didn't fail. Their literal only argument is "orange man bad so vote for other guy even if he's senile." I'll be honest, I expected them to really push to replace him. Hell, I half believed the people saying the whole thing was planned to have an excuse to dump him. The fact it wasn't means things are even worse for the dems right now than I thought.
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>>20683 Just made this. Thought's?
>>20680 It still baffles me how so many faggots are worried about the "winnability" of their selected candidate instead of what their positions are and if they are the best for the job.
>>20692 I see you just don’t get it yet. Not much time left. Work through it mentally and find out why that is.
>>20692 Anon their ONLY goal is beating Trump. They'd put a chimp on the ticket if they thought he'd win.
>>20694 >They'd put a chimp on the ticket if they thought he'd win. Maxine Walters is running?!
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>>20693 >>20694 Yes I get it, my bewilderment is more being tired of the whole performance we've been living for so long

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