I'm down. I propose crystal.cafe as a first target. The forum is so small it shouldn't be hard, 10 persons will largely be enough if we post 4 messages each, they're dead.
I never forgave them for the clip they posted on the day of women, comparing men to troon.
https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=WVcdt-3cKps
Well, troons are men, it's not the problem, but putting us in the same team is an insult. You want to hate troons, no problem. You don't like men? np (they're a bunch of misandrist dykes, if you didn't know) we also hate women. Calling us troons? Nah, bitch, that's not how it works.
I also hate their cope. They hate 4channers but their forum is literally a copy of 4chan. They hate men but their safespace is literally based on the most masculine and geek forum of all times, while acting cute (they aren't, they're as degen as us, but they larp as cute). Men are all rapists etc. Remember,
>not all men
is the thing that triggers the most a feminist. They're so tired of reading this that it triggers them, now. It's like woke who can't read the word "woke" anymore.
I already have a discord, I can provide.
If you're not down for cc, then I propose /gif/, all the BBC and troons threads, or at least one then the other. I have some exemples of clips we could deliver. They will probably get revenge by posting their shit in the straight threads, (but they already do that and mods never mod it kek. Jannies are 100% a bunch of leftard soyboys) it will be a fucking shit show. It could probably start a war ending up in the pure annihilation of troons and niggers. 4chan's people has enough of it for a long time. Or they will simply fucking leave the board, which would be fun too. Like imagine troons and soyjaks spamming nigger cocks and troons for nobody to be trolled/grossed out lmao. It would be like niggers arriving in Europe and there is nothing, no citizen, no money, no work, no food, nothing, just empty buildings. That would be hilarious.