New Year's Resolution #1: Be much, much noisier.
New Year's Resolution #2: Be much, much more disruptive. Here's a preview below.
> Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned.
Why is this shit allowed to continue? Kids shoot up schools, killing innocents. We need to have "porn shootings;" if someone wants to throw their life away, they could at least try to take out the trash while doing so. Governments worldwide could use some "housecleaning" as well.
Anyway, to reiterate... Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics:
• A red herring is a tangential topic introduced intentionally as a distraction or inadvertently. Trying to create an unrelated discussion about a messenger or claimant (e.g. by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions) is one _very_ common example.
• An ad hominem logical fallacy involves arguing or implying that some supposed attribute(s) of a messenger or source somehow affects the validity of one or more claims presented when any such characteristic is completely irrelevant — and this is nonsensical for cases in which information originates from others. (Sometimes such characteristics can be relevant: For example, it may be appropriate to question someone's honesty when she makes a claim about herself or her own experiences. However, a better idea may be to mention the anecdotal evidence logical fallacy, i.e. favoring some personal anecdote(s) over evidence based on science and logic.)
• Misrepresentation—introducing a distorted version of something—is another means of creating a diversion. Attacking a fabrication in order to suggest refutal of what was actually presented constitutes a straw man logical fallacy. (A refutation featuring one or more vague, sweeping claims without proof may be related. The burden of proof rests on the claimant.)
It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to draw attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal violence, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation. These topics, plus the voluminous amount of information from others, are far more important than anything about a lone person trying to raise awareness of them. It is very likely that pornography industries utilize psychopaths as deceitful and manipulative "psyop" agents when some pornography companies already make use of them for perpetration of violence against one or more others.