/pone/ - My Little Pony

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GEP is gone; bunker with beer

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/pone/ refugee coordination thread Anonymous 03/23/2021 (Tue) 08:49:56 No. 10
How badly where we scattered and how many are left? It seems with all the /pone/s made and refugees bumping into each other we'd have a shot at getting to some level of revival if more than a couple of us bumped into each other at once. Links to threads of importance: https://8kun.top/pone/res/328387.html https://9chan.tw/pone2/thread/18# 9/pone/ looks like gay horse deleted all the threats late last year. I thought this one had some activity. 9/pone2/ Tiny more /pol/ack board that went nowhere 8/pone Just stranglers but the board is still under a BO I think 8/pone Markchan eddition Here No activity but, again, some stragglers bump in once or twice 0chan/pone ??? don't know status fatchan/pone I presume failed migration attempt. Anywhere else
Bumping pony board.
There is also this one now: https://nhnb.org/ The site had horrid, unclear rules at first but I managed to convince the admin to clarify them abit. I fucking hate vague rules with a passion so I couldn't resist giving him shit about them lol. Seems alright now tho. Can't say I've found any other worthwhile place. Everything kinda died off after 9chan went to shit imo. Anons gave up and went back to 4nigger. Forfeiting the altchan dream and letting the 4chan mods forever fuck them in the ass.
I'm new here, so I want to ask why is the board so hidden from all the others? Didn't know it even existed..
>>19 It's pretty fucking dead. That's why
>>20 Damn, though there would be more movement considering how loud bronies we're way back
>>21 With a little posting this board will skyrocket to the top baords. just dump some pics and it will show up up there
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>>22 So exactly happened that made the board inactive? I came from 4chan just to check this place out. How long have the board existed?
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>>23 This board has existed for YEARS on the old original 8chan but after the site got taken down so many times, the userbase bled elsewhere. Most of us few ponyposters hang out on / b/ for now. This is slow but comfy
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>>26 I see, really sorry to hear that. I seen some post pony there but I was hoping on posting somewhere were it was more exclusive for just us. 4chan trash is fine and the mlp board is okay, but completely dull imo.
>>28 Yeah, /trash/ is imo the only decent board left on 4chan. I haven't been there mostly since 2014 when GamerGate happened and most of us left. Great thing about this place tho, you can make your own boards or claim dead ones. so there's that, check out >>>/c/ for friendly chatting
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>>29 I'll check it but I'll probably stick around a little longer. Might post a few ponies just cuz. I like this comfy site, but my one criticism is the amount of post it lets you to submit. Single post is much easier for chat and discussions concerning the art and whatnot :/
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>>30 Oh, you'll get used to this site in no time >>>/test/ is great for getting used to the posting format and >>>/site/ is great for getting help from the admins.
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>>34 Much appreciated anon. Don't give up on the board just yet. Even if it's not like the old days, you can still catch an anon wanting to post and have a little chat :)
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This place is no longer rudderless. G5 may not be popular, but it's allowed. /clop/ has the no-spoiler-required rule and hooboy did the ponies in here forget this isn't there. Gonna try and clean this place up a bit. Maybe add a banner. What board are you normally from? I post on the end, it has the most ponies. I also have *kun's /pone/ but it seems it requires $5/mo to post there now, so I guess it's dead for realzies. New BO is here all week, folks. Post a pony as you pass by.
>>24 Wait, so she's wearing prescription sunglasses at her music gigs? >>27 Already spoilered. Classy.
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>>74 Howdy from /endpone/! >New BO is here all week, folks. Post a pony as you pass by. On it.
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>>81 yes
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Just passing through...
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...so majestic...
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>>84 Howdy >>85 "indeed"
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>>85 That is just her face from getting pwn'd by pic related online.
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Hope BO here is doing okay with the DDOS attacks and other crazy stuff going on (as usual).
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>>88 I'm fine, the site is close to fine, my comb is fine and my fountain pen is extra fine. Fully Industrialized Native Equines, balancing fluffy coats and fast packets.
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>> 88 And in events of absences he has a board volunteer who can provide a bit of back up (even if I can be just as infrequent if not more sometimes). >>90 Fully Independent Networked Equines also might work for certain ponies.

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