/pone/ - My Little Pony

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GEP is gone; bunker with beer

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Anonymous 07/08/2021 (Thu) 21:37:59 No. 15
this is nice place post a picture everytime you come here
>>15 No
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What's up niggers?
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>>44 What's up faggot? >dubs
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Anyone here still alive? Just letting everyone know a anon passed through. I will check back for any lurkers.
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>inb4 the guy who imported Pestil to kemono thinks he only needs to do it the one time >tfw dirt poor
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>>49 Just checking in every now and then. The time I spent with you fags was still the greatest.
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I can't let go.
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This is sad. Seemly not so long ago the fandom was in its prime.
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Newfag here, have a rarara pic.
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Checking in...so have a pic of Ponka's party pooper
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Here again
>See Rarity >Instant joy I love her so much love your waifu, anons, she'll be waiting for you in the afterlife
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You think you're so sweet.
Time for this board to transform and play on.
>>76 What in the hell.
>>77 No it's real. Both franchises owned by Hasbro, they decided to give G4 one last fling ... with Starscream and crew.
>>76 with physical merch, too.
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>>37 I was just gonna ask why we must use spoilers on our images, I am such a fool
>>93 If you want unspoilered pr0n, use the sister board /clop/ ... You'll find I'm BO of all three boards, though. Because I didn't abandon Pony the way your friends did. (err, assuming you're the troublemaker from that other place. If you're a straggler than my apologies for besmirching your post)
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>>94 And you say it with such pride too lol I would not want to be associated with 8kun to bad watkins was to much of a cuck to throw you out
>>95 Nothing wrong with someone holding down the fort. Especially sense all other attempts to coordinate fail. 8kun/pone was the one common point left that any anon would still remember.
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>>98 this mod is endless amusement to me the more I see of him the funnier it gets 8kun is a broken site he should have redirected visitors to moe a long time ago (I did it instead) >all other attempts to coordinate fail You guys should jump ship to /mlp I am giving it another go I hang out there everyday more fags are always welcome
>>99 and I feel sadder every time I try to visit your board. This will work out, though. The bronies who want serious discussion will avoid your cesspool, and the druggies who haven't jerked off yet today will go to your site.
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>>100 not the imaginative person are ya? that's ok we want fags like you to you want discussion? make a thread, I can do it for you if your to fucking lazy
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>>99 >>101 BO is not lazy, but had been holding onto these boards for pretty much the same mission statement as stated here: >>>/mlp/53 >Jump, seems to be the case. Not a single new post has been made in a day. Nor did I expect things to go any differently. This board will probably stand as a bunker. For anons that need a place to quickly chat about some events or something that they can't on 4chan. Or it might not get used at all, and subsequently will be forgotten by everypony. Who knows lol. Its all good /) <3 Albeit in this case for 8/pone/, /endpone/ and other relatives stragglers and with a preferences to what drove a lot of us this far out. >you want discussion? make a thread, I can do it for you if your to fucking lazy Because this is in bunker and standby mode and the BO primarily did such discussion elsewhere.He is not alone, with no anons at all, just not all here. I talk to him pretty regularly (and sort of vaguely help run this place or at least act as guard). As for the prospects of y'all and your board. I wish you well but I am staying here. Unspoilered dipper fetish porn doesn't do the best with longer form discussion I'm used to on the boards I visit and help run and I am uncertain of the prospect, feels like it would be just like a crapper version of 4/mlp/ and /nhnb/. This place is a outpost right now and might be inactive for the moment but it is here ready just as yours might turn out to be as well in how it actually operates.
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>>102 look I am happy to see brony activity on this board but this is a ghost town, boring threads and separating /pone from /clop makes no sense when we are this few to begin with. >bunker That attitude dose not sit well with me we can't just wait for people to come back we must make it in to something people would want to come and stay around for, they want a community not a "post a picture when you visit" most are gonna take one look at this place and leave because there is nothing going on >dipper trust me I don't want the diaper thread either but its not against the rules (yet) but that's none of my business just ignore it >I am staying here Why? u like pony i like pony lets have fun and talk pony
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>>104 I could continue to debate, but you will never believe anyone but yourself, and you're happy that way. I could be sorry you can't see the bigger picture, but you're not, and that's where that stands.
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>> 105 I'll give'em a chance. Not saying we will mesh well but maybe with context and a little history we can come to a understanding. >>104 >That attitude dose not sit well with me we can't just wait for people to come back we must make it in to something people would want to come and stay around for, they want a community not a "post a picture when you visit" most are gonna take one look at this place and leave because there is nothing going on This is not something I disagree with on its own. As someone who is heavily involved in another tiny pony board, simple shitposts, and bumping randomly don't cut it, you need something there already. With /pone/ though you were going up against a history and context I'm not sure you understood. 8/pone had its own culture and feel, burning down and deleting threads from the site's last breath wouldn't be done on the basis of some random anons who just showed up, and going to /mlp/ of all places, at least in way it occurred (not sure if you or somebody else did) yeah... . If he were to purge most of the threads for only a slight uncertain spark of activity and pangs of suppressed horniness of /mlp/ only for that to die as well. I don't think anyone from old /pone/ would have wanted that. > boring threads and separating /pone from /clop makes no sense when we are this few to begin with. BO only took control this place just a couple of months ago. BO, saw both boards up for grabs and claimed them. Though it's not like that clop is banned here and I imagine if this place were to take off. Maintaining /clop/ could be for specialty threads at most or just for any old anon who randomly entered that in could be directed to pone (as old 8/pone/ did with several boards if I recall correctly). As I said, in standby mode/a bit in the air at the moment. I myself have been toying with setting up some backup /endpone/ stuff here but was waiting to see how this might pan out and still deciding how I feel about this place. >Why? u like pony i like pony lets have fun and talk pony On its own a appealing prospect. Though you and the group that got involved does leave a sour taste in my mouth as well. I am not going to jump ship from someone who I have posted and off and on worked with for a pretty long time for random strangers. I will say this: this far out here can be a cold world enough already, we shouldn't be enemies. You have some ambition and see that porn and random shitposting isn't what makes a community either. At the very least, coexistence peacefully is what we should do. Just know that a lot of anons of old 8/pone/, the slow but alive /endpone/, and other dead boards out here had/have a different posting culture (or should I say cultures) and historical context of our own and won't trade it for /mlp/ 2,0. If I can stand unspoilered nature the board and see a spark there, perhaps I might leave a post or two there, but /endpone/ and this are much higher on the list priorities.
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>>105 >can't see the bigger picture Your right I don't have a clue what you are talking about I believe in action and I am not seeing a lot going on here but I very much enjoy a good debate and your welcome join me on my discussion thread >>107 >BO I was not aware that he only was a few months in but my disagreement with the mod is not personal I find his inactivity and mindset to be frustrating, I can't work with that >shouldn't be enemies I could not agree more! your a creative type with drive bronies like you and me should work together in times like these. Is there really no chance I could convince you to join my board? Its not like a blood pact or anything just jolly cooperation
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did everypony go home?
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>>114 Nah ah am still here come over to /mlp already
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>>115 Haven't cared for the wild ruckus, myself. Have some music to listen to instead of poop slinging going on over there.
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>>116 I understand if it's not your cup of tea but the board is open to all possibilities (as am I) all opinions/threads is welcomed and I think we both agree that some activity is better than none But hay if ya wanna keep posting random pictures and call it a community then go ahead
>>117 >all possibilities So long as they don't involve coming over here where we maintain the rule of law. Got it.
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hello goodbye it was nice to know you
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>>120 Good luck to you, and Celly's speed on your journey.
>>120 Howdy and belated goodbye!
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Happy Leap year!
>>185 Belated happy leap year, fellow strangler!
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This one works, it's been a while since I've been here.
>>193 Hail
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>started re-watching the series a few days ago I want off this ride, permanently. >>193 Funny how Fluttershy still manages to be cute even with a totenkopf.
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>>196 >off this ride I suspect the main component there, is ... not posting ponies anymore Lots of other places on this dead Internet to be unhappy.
>>198 How do you know he's unhappy?
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LOL, I'm posting on a dead board, because the actually active boards on this site are boring. Except for /delicious/.
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>>201 Hi! >>199 >unhappy That was a pretty angry looking Chryssi. Y'know, combined with the blackpill desire to end the ride.

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