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Who was in the wrong? Anonymous 04/13/2022 (Wed) 12:42:45 No. 94 [Reply]
I get the impression that De Gaulle, while being quite a conservative cunt he at least kept the Keynesian order while the May 68 students were a bunch of liberal shitbags more interested in the social side of reform and ended up betraying the workers, nowadays they make up the "left side" of the property owners. Not saying only the left wing students did wrong, Sarkozy was always a right wing cunt and he ended up putting France back under the NATO hierarchy (undoing one of the things De Gaulle did right) If your biggest legacy is getting Mitterrand elected i'm sorry but i get the impression that the whole thing was a farce, that the only thing it ended up doing was destroy the social fabric of society and letting liberalism in.

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What is it with trannies Anonymous 04/11/2022 (Mon) 08:26:16 No. 89 [Reply]
Why do trannies take everyone's lives away for an unnatural body type cause let's be honest the woke western left can't be taking this shit seriously well apparently this shit is natural according to most western countries it's just pure mutilation if you think about it lol

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Chinese deportation and abuse of African people within Chinese society Anonymous 04/09/2022 (Sat) 10:16:32 No. 83 [Reply]
Why did China deport Africans back to Africa after letting them into the country for work and business years ago this is just pure idiocy especially Considering they where born in mainland China and they work hard in such harsh conditions that China have within the working class Some of them get kicked out of there homes by the government and forced to sleep on the streets like pic related this was the start of china's xenophobia before they started deportation of African people Straight up evil
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Uyghur post
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>>83 Fucking Muslim shit flingers stop spreading rumours about the great land of china >:(

The torture of Russian prisoners in Russian Motherland Anonymous 12/19/2021 (Sun) 13:42:27 No. 52 [Reply]
This is a Russian prisoner being brutally tortured having a mop shoved up his ass and being forced to remember the details They said to him >You will be here for three days with a mop on your ass. It amazes me that the Russian government still gets away with shit like this.
The Russians tend to get away with a lot of shit especially there move in on Ukrainian soil.
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>>54 awww is anarchist pussy mad that he didn't get fucked like this lol what a faggot
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>>52 Russia is based. It takes back what belongs to them it's shame down syndrome fucks like you won't get that shove Ukraine's peaceful status up your ass

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Anonymous 04/09/2022 (Sat) 09:18:07 No. 77 [Reply]
Why doesn't anyone kill presidents these days?
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>>77 Just no lmao
>>78 So are you saying Lee oswald was not the shooter?

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So much upset over a small state that originally belonged to Russian Slavs Anonymous 04/07/2022 (Thu) 11:39:50 No. 75 [Reply]
Right so let me get this straight Ukraine want an independent state they got it but here's a catch Slavs from the east (Russians) owned that land area before hand so why is there so much upset over this one bit of land that is owned by Russians in the first place Ukrainians are just Slavs controlled by the west and fascist propaganda so why must we as a western society endorse the defence of western takeover by western fascists Russia should be allowed to take that land back.
>>75 because the west is filled with immature children that have no clue how politics work besides identity politics they focus too much on woke social idpol they need to take the butt plug out there ass and get there man boots on and take things more seriously instead of pretending like there in a fairy tale.

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the west looking for an alternative to secular echo chamber Anonymous 04/06/2022 (Wed) 11:14:21 No. 73 [Reply]
When are the west gonna start seeing that strength works over mercy have the west lost there mojo after WW2. personally i think the west are failing dramatically all because of western ideas from the western left and the western right wing ideas the west has failed to preserve it's statue of ideas it has failed because democracy has failed it has failed because capitalism has failed it has failed because of liberals and social motivated maniacs we will see the end of this war with the west being united with the rest of the world either that or there heads on pikes they are looking for an alternative to there current state they are twiddling there thumbs at the sight of Russia proving to them that there secular democracy is failing dramatically

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Modern "innovators" frustrate me Anonymous 03/09/2022 (Wed) 14:20:57 No. 71 [Reply]
1 really important thing anyone that has ever been an engineer at hell even trade worker learns is that innovation takes time and multiple attempts, you cannot reasonably learn how to assemble components together to perform a specific function wether building an engine, generator, new machine, material whatever and expect that design to perform its given task effectively the first time it was created. What I see people like elon musk,Jeff bezos, ma huateng, jack ma, anyone that works as a leader at NASA, etc all have in common is that they're collectively trying to push unfinished or poorly tested designs for their products and machinery into the global market to be sold or used by governments for their purposes and seem to exhibit 0 regard for the scientific method, and 0 willingness to improve on their garbage machines, no invention or design turns out perfect I can understand that's the case for anyone that's ever had to work as an engineer in whatever field but this laziness is noticeable enough to a degree that the unprofessionalism is apparent when you start seeing spaceX rockets flat out fucking explode while landing, or amazon delivery drones running out of energy while they're performing their service, or chinese made phones wether made locally or by westerners outsourcing their supply chains breaking within a few weeks from minor collisions. It's really embarrassing and wastes a fuck ton of time and resources along with contributing tremendous amounts of damage as models need to be mass produced for testing maintenance and assembling before a finished design can be released, a wealth that contributes to global e waste and excessive(and really inefficient usage) mining of rare earth metals along with oil drilling. Oh well sorry for this rant if it's off topic to you mods…

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Is it true that Bourgieous Imperalist Jews helped the Nazis Anonymous 01/27/2022 (Thu) 20:00:49 No. 55 [Reply]
I need someone to help me answer a question?
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No you fucking retard it was the fascist regimes that killed off Jews during ww2 the Zionists may have helped the Nazis but to my understanding this has not been proven but Jews where a common enemy to Marxists and Nazis so no difference there really But please check your facts your being very illusive with what your saying in this post so with that I'm disappointed
>>55 Hitler was a jew his parents where Jewish colonizers
>>67 That means nothing Karl Marx had Jewish heratidge and ended up going against the Jewish faith in the end.

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Socialist state security Anonymous 02/04/2022 (Fri) 12:18:34 No. 66 [Reply]
How should public security organizations like armies, surveillance teams, police etc be structured within your typical socialist state to ensure NATO can’t force its imperialist influence nor abolish a socialist government by force in any instance.

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The Wisdom of Elders Anonymous 02/03/2022 (Thu) 21:21:16 No. 63 [Reply]
Why has DiaMat ruined this for me? Today I realized that my father isn't stupid, but just stuck in a different time man. Precisely a time, where the eastern bloc collapsed and the "end of history" has been proclaimed. This is what leads him to say stuff like "The company sets you some working requirements and if you don't like them you can fuck off and be a hobo". Like he is in this platonic state of mind and applies it to everything from work to dating etc. He thinks this is wisdom, but its bad advice. And everybody does that nowadays to some degree. From "communists" crying why modern commies are the way they are when they should emulate the early bolsheviks and what not, to conservatives thinking they can get cooch by behaving like some wannabe Sinatra and what not… They all think our "elders" knew how it was done and we have strayed from their paths. Well what a stupid way of thinking that is. There ain't no wisdom of the past. Just knowledge, which was applied in some specific context and worked or failed, but believing it will work until the dawn of time? Why? Is dialectical logic so difficult to get? Is it really?
>>63 >Why has DiaMat ruined this for me? You ruined it for yourself retard.
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Perhaps you should try following the works of papa Stalin otherwise your eating slop in the gulag He is your only great father ad wise elder praise Stalin

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The correct side is the side against Nazis in Ukraine Anonymous 02/02/2022 (Wed) 14:08:03 No. 61 [Reply]
I think the conflict between Russia, Ukraine and the United States is going to turn into another Syria-esk conflict that divides the left pretty heavily. I want to be clear, the correct stance to take a stance against Ukraine and it's NATO alliance with the united states. I don't necessarily care if you support Russia or don't support Russia. Russia is basically a theocratic totalitarian state at this point but when NATO was created in the late 80's an agreement of not moving "one inch to the east" was part of the compromise between the USA and the USSR. Since then how many other eastern bloc countries have joined NATO? It's plain and simple Ukraine joining NATO is an obvious act of aggression by the United States. Further more the Ukrainian military are basically ethno nationalists at this point. The military is infected with em. Hands off Ukraine!
>>61 Russia number 1 fuck your Ukrainian anarchists there a bunch of gypsies

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What is homosexuality? Anonymous 12/15/2021 (Wed) 09:12:24 No. 23 [Reply]
Is it perverse sexual desires. Is it fetish. Is it a mental illness. Is it a market ploy for pig capitalists to push there agenda. Or is it a form fascism waiting to happen. Share your theories here in this thread and feel free to debate this with other people it's not hard.
4 posts and 2 images omitted.
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>>23 It's cute and gay <3
stop being homophobic that's really gay
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>>45 silly

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Why are libtards so obsessed with this Anglo-Jewish Bitch? Anonymous 12/25/2021 (Sat) 14:31:52 No. 53 [Reply]
>He left a polarized country >He never paid for his crimes >He killed thousands of innocent people for no reason >He was more senile and incompetent than Biden >They gave him power on a gold platter without having to do anything in his life and military career >was just one more boot lick from Anglo Jews in the cold war So please tell me why people care about this faggot and why he's so important.
>>53 there is no such thing as Anglo-Jewish Anglos are Jews

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Slave Morality in the American Leftist Anonymous 01/29/2022 (Sat) 15:47:22 No. 58 [Reply]
Having been raised in America, the American Leftist is influenced by Judeo-Christian morals. Most Judeo-Christian flavors of religion were historically an enslaved underclass, and as a coping mechanism developed a Slave Morality that values victimhood and suffering as holy. The American Leftist is influenced by this Slave Morality, and identifies with the lower classes, so exalts weakness and fragility as desirable and respectable traits. This is out of a subconscious desire to reject the perceived ruling-class values of might and discipline. In practice, this creates a degenerate behavior of sabotaging any Leftist organization that approaches authority. In the mind of the Slave-Morality Leftist, a Leftist that approaches authority is similar to the ruling class, which is imagined to be a betrayal of Leftist morals. This ultimately results in purity spirals of attacking anyone who is achieving any degree of conventional authority, instead putting at the forefront those who are the most outraged, the most offended, the most fragile, and the least capable of asserting their will onto society at large. We have seen this happen at Democratic Socialists of America party meetings, where the attendees endlessly raise personal grievances to grind all activity to a halt, narcissistically making themselves the center of attention. The leadership of the DSA hesitates to reject these people, because they fear alienating the downtrodden underclass. The most egregious are those that are offended on another’s behalf, as they use others as pawns in their attention-seeking. Formalized leftist organizations, like the DSA party, are not the only victims of the Slave-Morality Leftist. In less formal groups that have no explicit command structure, the Slave-Morality Leftist demands hyperfixation on the most loudly offended, and the most aggressively complainant. Meetings and discussions seize as people compete to be the most victimized, demanding hyperfixation on the endless tiny details of grievance upon grievance. Whether this is from a sincere desire to make the most harmed the most heard, or a manipulation tactic by attention-seeking narcissists, the result is the same: The complete halt of operations and inevitable death of the organization. As should be apparent, a movement or organization that rewards incapability and suppresses the direct ability to assert one’s will, cannot influence society to a meaningful and lasting degree. The American Left must reject the exaltation of weakness, and instead praise and reward elements of power and authority that are leveraged to enact Leftist change in society. Should the American Left continue its rejection of capability, there is no possibility for development beyond Capitalism in the United States.

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Explain Cybernetics to a Retard Anonymous 12/19/2021 (Sun) 10:15:26 No. 48 [Reply]
every explanation I've heard of it is convoluted as fuck and doesn't make any sense. Can someone describe in Layman's terms what Cybernetics even is and what function it has? Cuz I can't wrap my head around it due to how overly verbose all the descriptions I've seen on it have been.

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