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/shelter/ General #2: Floating Downstream Edition Anonymous 12/09/2020 (Wed) 08:17:04 No. 2785
This is /shelter/ General, a thread for all your general emergency sheltering needs. Use this thread for anything that you don’t feel needs a full thread, as a hub thread to direct incoming anons, and as a discussion thread for any matters affecting the webring as a whole. Please remain calm; keep panic and argument to a minimum here. If you want to yell at each other then do it in a site-specific, board-specific, or other specific thread. If you’re hitting this thread during an event then please be welcome. Everything will be all right. The previous thread is at >>5 and is archived at https://archive.is/MB5Kt
does anyone know what happened to 16chan?
>>3859 Admin got visited by the feds and shut it down
>>3860 There were too many underage posters there in the end that mods refused to do anything about. The signs of a shutdown were all there. I wouldn’t be surprised is someone’s mom reported the site or some other retarded shit.
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Where IS smug? Where is it? Where's my home? Tell me immediately!
>>3876 They're having scheduled maintenance, aren't they?
>>3877 Yeah, I wasn't aware and I got scared. But now it's back up.
>>3860 >>3861 Is there a replacement for /fascist/?
>>3883 There is mlpol if you are looking for a replacement for /fascist/ board.
>>3886 8chan board was taken down. the current place is https://www.hivechan.com/fascist/ there's an additional bunker at 9chan, but its board software is inferior, so hivechan it is.
>>3910 Appears that hivechan is down at the moment.
>>4206 Still down today, for me, is their TOR instance up?
>>4207 Hivechan seems to be completely dead and not coming back soon. In the meantime, a vol from 16chan has set up a fascist bunker at zzzchan. https://zzzchan.xyz/fascist/
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>>3910 why was the 8chan one taken down? is that common, maybe just one larping millenial fedposting and wasting the siteadmin's time filing a halfhour report if FBI niggers demand them to
/late/ is giving me a 502 error. Are they doing maintenance or is just the host down?
>>4282 emailed quilt about it, they said they don't know what went wrong but they'll try to fix it sometime today.
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>>4283 >they What, is it going to be a chick behind the imageboard?
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Is the idea of an /abdl/ board for anon.cafe still off the table? Requesting one in 2020 was denied and since then the blacked.gov /abdl/ board has lost it's original BO and replaced with one that was stupid enough to stay on 8kun /abdl/ until 2023. The place now has become a normalnigger hellhole that's too uncomfy for anons that like to shitpost, post lolis and create OC content of board-tans since it's now more focused in nothing but 3dpd garbage. The new BO isn't encouraging the things that made /abdl/ fun during Julay and me and a few anons have had enough of it. We really could use a new place even if it's temporary. We were even desperate enough to set up a board on Endchan since it's one of the only IBs available that still allow board creations. If any anons know if there's any IBs in the webring that might be more likely to accept an /abdl/ board. That would be nice.
>>4704 Sorry to hear of your troubles. We still believe /abdl/ won't be a good fit for Anon.cafe, but please feel free to use a /shelter/ thread to muster while you search for somewhere permanent if you need one, although we'll have to ask you to refrain from posting anything more than the absolutely most mild of your board's content while you're here. Can't say for sure that anywhere else in the webring would host you; zzzchan hosts many boards but you'd have to ask there directly to see if they'd be willing to take you on. Another option, if you've anyone capable among you, is to host your own site, use either Lynxchan or JSchan, and then join it to the webring.
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For erischan users: As you know by now, Eris has shut us down. Heretic, she is! admindude is currently unresponsive and the site has remained 'critically buggered' for over a week. So unless they've taken a 2 week break, we've run over the edge of the cliff, and now we're looking around stupidly before gravity says hi. I am a mod of erischan.org, and you have the washing machine to prove it. I've started setting up a bunker imageboard and will start import most of the living threads. My guess is this may take anywhere up to a week due to other obligations, giving admindude enough time to regain consciousness and fix the site. I'll try and keep this updated.
>>5596 Thanks for the information, Anon.
>>5596 admindude replied, it was apparently a sudden update of php 7.4 that fucked the backcode

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