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8moe Anonymous 03/01/2024 (Fri) 10:28:25 Id: 53652d No. 9022
A picture of the 8moe community 2024
>>9022 /2434/ doesn't came from /v/, it's an offshoot from a 4chan's /vt/ general. We get migrations from there from time to time when their mods do something specially retarded, but /2434/ was the first one to actually keep some movement and not die eventually like /fnfg/. I don't agree with your organization, I'd organize it like: >8chan prime communities: /v/, /co/, /fur/, /fast/, /argentina/, etc. >Hispachan communities: /hisparefugio/, /arepa/, /hisrol/, /ac/ >Other IBs communities/bunkers: /indiachan/ >porn boards I'd put /icup/ there as an inependent pilar too, since it has potential for organizing a lot of interboard events. As you can see, the main issue with 8moe is most boards are bunkers, as a result they stick to their original usebase before they got kicked out instead of organically growing.
>>9024 What boards do you think have potential to organically grow?
>>9025 I can't comment on the boards I don't browse but from the ones I do post, /icup/ has a lot of potential to develop a lot of events and a lot of OC and /ac/ has a lot of projects and active users who organize stuff; back when Hispa was online it got a lot of users from other places because it was the board with the least stupid users by a big shot; I specially recall former hispa's /a/ users saying something like "I make this thread here and not in /a/ because there it would turn into a shitshow" and several others wanted to relocate their projects there for similar reasons. That's pretty much the same up to this day, so the board has a lot of space to gather users from other places who just want to have fun, organize stuff and stay away as much as possible from other boards' drama and dumb fights. /hisrol/ has a lot of potential too, the thing is the entry barrier is quite high, their games are oriented to their already stablished userbase so newfags are rare. I thibl at this point they accepted they are going to be a 6 anons boards until they get bored and move on.
>>9022 Cool!
>>9024 You split my boards amongst all three pillars. And didn't name me. I am now upset.
>>9040 >You split my boards amongst all three pillars What are you boards? >And didn't name me. Who are you?
>>9044 hes the zoophile whose ironically been assigned as one of this sites moral arbiters despite running the most degenerate board in the entire thing filled with people filming themselves abusing animals.
>>9044 My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world and the human worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred and I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill and it's time for me to die. My genocide crusade begins here. >>9045 Get fuckt lcp.
>>9022 Where would >>>>/vb/ be? And among the boards in Spanish you could also add these that are not so active: >>>/teyvat/ >>>/cc/ >>>/sexy/ >>>/col/ >>>/tawantinsuyo/ and >>>/pe/ (they're basically the same shit) >>>/robowaifu/ >>>/vt/ >>>/vj/ >>>/hispatec/ >>>/hispua/ >>>/esp/ >>>/hm/ >>>/sss/ >>>/q/ Although I leave it to your consideration since several are half dead and others directly abandoned by their owners. >>9024 >/fnfg/ You mean >>>/funkg/? because that one was made by the owner of /av/ (no idea why, I guess he must like that crap). >has potential for organizing a lot of interboard events. I suppose the same could be said for >>>/christmas/ (although if so it might end up competing with https://trashchan.xyz/christmas/index.html ). >>9027 >That's pretty much the same up to this day Indeed it is. I have seen several hispaniggas making anime or video game threads in >>>/hisparefugio/ instead of >>>/av/ for X or Y reason. >>9048 >My genocide crusade begins here. And how are you doing with that?
>>9022 Nuke the fetish boards and let only bleached stand up, thank you very much
>>9134 Not so great. Got an ant the other day though. So. 1 ant so far.
Love you
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>>9159 >nuke what I hate RRRRREEEEEEE But why, retard?
>>9279 Because he hates them

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