Welcome to /p2p/, the dedicated peer-to-peer thread for /tech/ and the bunker for /t/orrentfags.
What is P2P?
Peer-to-Peer technologies allow decentralized networks to share data.
They can be used to bypass oppressive government regulations on speech or to download the latest seasonal anime.
What are my options?
First and foremost is BitTorrent, a common protocol where files are split into chunks which are then shared via swarm, which works to get everyone a copy.
There are many BitTorrent clients out there, and everyone has a personal preference. Some are owned my corporations and full of spyware.
It's recommended you use something open source, like Deluge or qBitTorrent.
Won't my internet get shut down?
If your ISP is cucked then they might, but thankfully there is a solution.
Use a VPN!
Don't trust any VPNs that advertise all over the place.
What is IPFS?
IPFS: The Interplanetary File System us a protocol designed to help decentralize the web as a whole. It works like a distributed filesystem where you can pin files you like and others can access them.
What is I2P?
I2P is similar to IPFS in that it is a distributed network which holds files and other information for access outside of regular channels.
Entire websites can be mirrored and accessed via I2P.
This thread is for discussion, questions, and recommendations regarding peer-to-peer technologies and filesharing. You may also offer, request, or trade invites to trackers.
Also consider this the /tech/ Share Thread.