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/t/ech Questions and Support Anonymous 04/25/2020 (Sat) 07:16:43 No. 3
Bring all your hardware, software and other troubles here.
Thinking of getting a 2 terabytes Samsung T7 shield SSD for $180, is that a good price and good brand for SSD cards?
>>14788 it's probably good for external ssds, internal ssds are $100ish for 2tb, a small 1130 one is doublish in price
YGoeZu9PtGQR I need help finding what this string of text is for, i think it's part of a url for some music but i'm not sure, maybe someone here cane help me?
Does using Tor on windows 10 not work as privately as good as using it on Windows 7?
How secure is telegram? I hear stories of people posting CP there, is it really that secure? i doubt it.
Can poeple find my IP address through Signal?
>>14914 I think there used to be cases where phone and video calls would leak IPs. I don't know if they fixed that to route through their servers or not. >>14903 There's CP on every platform of a certain size.
Can the mods on 4chan see our ip?
Does snapchat really delete a text or picture messages from their servers, like they say they do?
I would like to add support for 8chan to Kuroba-ex, since I like it, but I really know almost nothing about programming. It shouldn't be too complicated, Kuroba-ex already has support for Lynxchan since it uses it for Endchan, Kohlchan and YesHoney, and adding it isn't complicated either because it just means adding 8chan inside Lynxchan sites and in the site registry, and compiling it, you could even save this and just change the endchan address to 8chan. moe inside the Kuroba-ex configuration, the problem is the disclaimer, I don't know how to make the disclaimer advance, and as I don't know about programming I couldn't come up with a solution either, and adding disclaimer6 with 1 as cookie didn't work. I leave the Kuroba-ex repo and thanks. https://github.com/K1rakishou/Kuroba-Experimental
>>3 where do I complain about the site not having thumbnails for THEORA video in OGG containers?
>>14903 >proprietary software Not secure. >>14902 Irrelevant, they are both proprietary. Windows 7 has multiple known vulnerabilities and should not be connected to the internet. >>14937 Yes.
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I want to learn about ban evasion. Using free VPN or changing browsers no longer work on lolcow.farm. What to do?
>>15025 Nevermind, figured it out.
Is there a regex to catch all string with pattern "<regular name><string of number>" ie. mary57863? I'm pretty sure 99.99% of "user" with those name are astroturf bots that fetch their "reply" from something like chatGPT.
>>15073 short answer: yes long answer: download an extension like this https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/regexsearch/ Make sure it's set to ignore upper and lower case, maybe with i or a button. search first for mary57863 then try mary[0-9]{4,8} for 4-8 numbers mary[0-9]{4,8}
I want to digitize my animated & non-animated DVD collection but I don't know what program works the best in getting the best audio & video qualities or the file format I should save them as. Been using the Fast preset on Handbrake because I didn't see improvements made by using the HQ & Super HQ presets, & they take more time to rip than the Fast preset. While the videos come out fine, I have a nagging feeling there is a better method to make the rips more...lossless & high quality, I guess? I just know that Handbrake automatically crops out the black bars for better or worse. Machine runs Linux Mint.
>>15088 I would start with a 1:1 DVD Image file rip. My gut says Alchohol but I think DVD Decrypter was the good shit for ripping DVD image files. There's probably a better option for the software but making an image copy first is definitely what you want to do. After you have the RAW IMAGE FILES backed up yo ucan start opening them up and stitching the video files or converting them, I would say jsut use straight FFMPEG, pretty sure that's what Handbrake uses under the hood anyway, and combine the files and use a decent encode like maybe HEVC/h.265 in MKV containers for the video as well as whatever is appropriate for the audio and soft subs. Whatever you pick, as long as you make raw backups of your Disc Images you will never have a regret later as you can go back and recode them to whatever formats currently best down the line.
>>15088 MakeMKV rips raw bluray/dvds without doing any encoding or processing (no loss of quality, called muxing). From there you can experiment with various encoding settings to see what gives you the best results. It is free for Windows (use the beta key on their forums that the devs provide). People have also packaged it for various linux distros
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Is there a way to use Google Earth on arch, without it sending my adventures and notes to their servers?
>>15170 Make a virtual machine, block internet access, then find out for yourself.
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Does anyone know of a downloadable maps application that I install to Android and is completely offline? I need it for work as I make letter deliveries to people's houses.
>>15231 OsmAnd uses OpenStreetMap and lets you download maps.
>>15272 Just tried that. The application is extremely buggy. And like the other two navigation apps recommended on the InstallGentoo Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/List_of_recommended_Android_software#Navigation It requires me to give the app permission to access my location data despite the fact that the entire "point" is to have an offline map that I can use without an internet connection and just provide me step-by-step directions like MapQuest used to.
>>15288 >installgentoo wiki Hasn't been relevant in like 10 years.
>>15231 >>15288 So I found two possible apps that do exactly what I want. They are Karta GPS and Magic Earth. Anyone know any reason I shouldn't use either of these?
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It's USB to something, does anyone know the name of this plug, here is a pic of what it looks like.
>nearly 2600 Posts For the love of GNU, please archive this thread and make a new one, It's taking ages to load this page.
>>15305 USB 3.0 micro-B
Hi. Is there any place for technical discussions of Stable Diffusion? I have a collection of art from a particular artist and I'd like to make a checkpoint file for that artstyle. No, not a LORA, LORA is for a single character, or a single pose, and using multiple LORAs simultaneously doesn't work so well. LORA files can conflict with one another, which is less likely with checkpoint files. I see lots of checkpoints posted online in places like Civitai and Huggingface but I can't find any information on how I'd turn the saved images into a usable checkpoint file. Yes, I see that there is an SD thread right here in /t/. I also see that it's been up for two years with fewer than twenty total posts. So is there a place I can go to ask questions about how this shit actually works and how to do this, and do it without making an account anywhere? Some place that isn't halfchan? Thanks.
bake a new thread already
>>15307 use /t/last/3
Is it possible to edit a file's created and modified metadata dates? If so, how.
I need to scrape something off a site but the easiest way I've found to do it is to do the fetching through a regular web browser to avoid having to bother with the web app state. The request/responses are simple but I'm having trouble finding a way to automate them in Firefox. Is there any tool I could use for this? I've looked into greasemonkey but it doesn't look to be quite what I need. I basically just need curl in the browser. Dumping cookies from the browser and using them in curl doesn't work for this.

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