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Anonymous Board owner 04/25/2020 (Sat) 05:40:51 Id: 472164 No. 1 [Reply]
Welcome to /tech/. The board to discuss anything technology-related. These are the rules: -Global rules apply -No flooding or spamming -NSFW images must be spoilered -Stay on topic

The "hardware antivirus" Anonymous 08/10/2022 (Wed) 17:35:05 Id: 1ee1e2 No. 36 [Reply]
Antivirus and cyber security systems used for computers are software-based. Today, cyber espionage can be done not only with codes and programs, but also on hardware. It is possible to spy directly on the hardware, bypassing the operating system and antivirus by loading harmful codes into the firmware on the chips of the hardware. While it is possible to clean the malicious rootkits infecting the UEFI / BIOS firmware and Harddisk firmware of the computer by reinstalling the original firmware of the hardware manufacturer, the firmware of the chips in the other hardware of the computer (keyboard, mouse, mouse, usb controller, camera, microphone, video card, PCI slots and other hardware) It is not possible for ordinary people to detect and clean rootkits infected with the rootkit. For this reason, a special operating system or special system software is required to detect rootkits that infect the firmware of chips in other hardware. This system and operating system can detect by examining the signals given by other hardware to the system and by examining the operation of the firmware on the hardware chip, if possible, by examining its digital signature. You can claim that the Sniffer and Monitor programs on the market can do this function. But these programs can examine as much as the operating system they are running gives them. Therefore, a different system or operating system is required in this regard. Apart from this, "hardware antivirus" can be developed as an alternative to software antivirus and software cyber security systems. Security software is usually installed on the operating system, the operating system kernel and, if necessary, the motherboard bios/uefi section. Alternatively, a "hardware antivirus" with a different motherboard and processor can be placed inside the existing computer case, regardless of the computer used. The difference of this "hardware antivirus" from IDS, IPS and External Firewalls is that it can directly connect to the computer's memory, hard disk and network paths with a physical cable or implant, and physically control the computer system, ensuring the security of the computer regardless of the current operating system and motherboard. This "hardware antivirus" can physically monitor the computer's input and output ports, stopping hard-to-detect BadUSB and NSA ANT tool attacks.

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keeping shitty OSes alive? Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 16:30:06 Id: 0dd13b No. 2 [Reply]
Is it possible to get a working browser on any windows system that is Vista or older? I want to spin up some VMs to fuck with hindi tech scammers, and I only want to use the most irritating operating systems to do so. I was thinking of some meme linux operating systems to use, but that shit would just scare them off and I need to have as much irritating bloatware as possible. I know teamviewer runs on almost anything even without a browser, but not all scammers use this. Pic somewhat related.
6 posts and 3 images omitted.
>>2 I've currently got chrome running on windows 7 on a thinkpad x41. it's very slow and bogs down with more than 2 tabs open, but it works alright. I imagine if it works for windows 7 it'll work for vista too. There are some web browsers you can find that will run on windows xp if you're willing to go googling.
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>>2 Quite a few actually. The Mypal fork may be gone (for now) but there are others: http://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/search/label/browser
Firefox and it's fork palemoon should work everywhere (especially palemoon) try installing it

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Spurious native interrupt Anonymous 05/18/2022 (Wed) 18:51:47 Id: 000000 No. 28 [Reply]
When my computer is not connected to the internet, even though I formatted, changed the bios software and changed the hard disk firmware, the program opens by itself and the mouse cursor moves by itself. When I examine with the Wireshark program, an interrupt signal comes from the usb ports even though the device is not plugged into the usb ports. In this case, I am complaining. Logs are attached.
>>28 Nigga I ain't clicking that.

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how do you learn cloud computing Anonymous 12/25/2021 (Sat) 06:21:14 Id: e80f9d No. 24 [Reply]
it's very confusing... and somehow people thinks i can get job with it easier...
>>24 write a botnet, get caught, then tell the glowies it was just cloud computing
>>24 This is the deep dark secret of "The Cloud," which is 2022's current management buzzword replacing "cybersecurity" and "agile" as the be-all and end-all. You know how you store information you need to use a lot on a computer? When you go to "the cloud," you are still storing information you need to use a lot on a computer. The computer is now in India. The data privacy laws are completely different and mostly nonexistent, any contract disputes will be adjucated in an Indian court under Indian law, and Pajeet knows he's being paid two cents a month to babysit your customer database because your accountant thinks your encryption and your Internet connection are just that good. Your accountant doesn't understand any of the big words and gets all his information from TED talks on Youtube. You'd better hope he's right. That's "The Cloud."

Anonymous 06/09/2022 (Thu) 02:47:08 Id: 000000 No. 29 [Reply]
Mmm alguien habla español?
Ninguno. No hay nadie. No hablo ninguna palabra de Espanol.

Anonymous 06/10/2022 (Fri) 07:23:09 Id: 000000 No. 30 [Reply]
Alguien me puede ayudar? Necesito un troyano o algún virus que me ayude a dañar un teléfono o algo así
No normie, nobody want help you to break your friend's phone. Please, chans don't equals deep web scary stories

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Programming advice here? Anonymous 03/26/2022 (Sat) 09:34:12 Id: 9f22cf No. 26 [Reply]
Looking for solutions to camera clipping like virtuoso(3do), and how it doesnt clip to close. and then games like doom/rise of triad, and how it defines slopes and stairs

anal bukkake cameltoe Anonymous 08/01/2021 (Sun) 20:32:55 Id: 000000 No. 22 [Reply]
I love the National Security Agency™. The National Security Agency™ is my friend. I am a soverieng citizen of the United States of America©  and I willingly release all of my personal information to the National Security Agency™. I long for the day when the National Security Agency™ controls the entirety of the internet. The National Security Agency™ has my digital freedoms in mind, so I fully trust the National Security Agency™. <Programming Resources - No starch Press; Essentials these are the only books you really need for programming but niggerfaggots will tell you otherwise

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Anonymous 07/22/2021 (Thu) 23:51:02 Id: 000000 No. 21 [Reply]

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Trapcode general Anonymous 04/03/2021 (Sat) 05:01:53 Id: d157bb No. 16 [Reply]
This board now belongs to Trapcode
Kill yourself trannie
>>16 Good I'm glad things are finally making a change for the better.

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Anonymous 06/24/2021 (Thu) 00:59:27 Id: 000000 No. 19 [Reply]
Who /ham/ here?

All AMD Processors Since Phenom II Have BadBIOS Circuitry That Leaks to the Military Anonymous 03/29/2021 (Mon) 22:27:50 Id: 1846b2 No. 15 [Reply]
Title gives my conclusion from empirical events I witnessed and inside info. PSP runs on the same circuit, but isn't the backdoor per se, which has been around for much longer. The same way AMD was able to change the crypto algorithms for the Zen chip they licensed to China, they can change how the CPU behaves at any system, even those already deployed. This can also be used to sabotage any program or computation, making BadBIOS vastly nastier than Stuxnet. American military made a grave mistake to partner with the morons of the Brazilian military, who are letting knowledge of this spread like a fire (and misusing it for petty profit and inside jobs to justify a police state). Israel, UK and France also have access, but are much more professional.
> i am the super scary business man that leaks all your yummy yummy system info to the military for hackering purposes

Anonymous 12/26/2020 (Sat) 18:34:33 Id: 000000 No. 9 [Reply]
2d6 = 7
2 posts and 1 image omitted.
captcha test
super sage roll 7d7 = 23
sage test roll 1d8 = 3

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