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Shitposting thread Anonymous 04/05/2022 (Tue) 01:35:48 Id: 2eaddb No. 18404
If you want to debate whether foot fetishists are the master race or a blight upon the tickle community, or call people pedobears, or argue about whether or not Lapis is erick (he is), do it in this thread.
Our money is perfectly reproduced, indistinguishable to the eyes and to the touch and is of top quality and They by pass the UV and the Iodine Pen test and thus they can be used in stores, ATM and money changers. All banknotes carries all the holograms, water marks and passes the light detector test. Each banknotes has a different serial number, and are printed with perfect holograms. We reproduce so many different currencies but specialty is the euro and usdollars. for inquiries use telegram/username@fake_undetectable_banknotes.
>>49874 Found the fed, boys
>>49872 >>49873 Once again right now no one HERE is talking about forcing fetish porn on kids. Attacking people for what you think they plan on doing but haven’t done yet is just war time propaganda logic. Yeah take them out before they have the chance regardless if they even have the intention in the first place? I really genuinely hope you’re just trolling and don’t actually believe this shit you’re spouting.
>>49900 Too bad your message will probably get filtered out once it reaches their spyware browsers. :(
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What the fuck is happening to the site, is this a fucking joke ? Am I the only one who can't see images anymore ? >:(
>>50837 I don't know... try a different browser?
>>50838 I've just tried >Chrome >Firefox >Tor >Brave >Ecosia >Vivaldi None of them works... : / What browser are you using, fren ?
>>50839 >>50837 Are you maybe using some sort of VPN? If so you might try to reconnect/use another server of your provider. Sometimes my VPN prevents images on Patreon from loading as well as posting on 4chan.
>>50848 Nope, weren't using any VPN or fancy shit, just regular default browsing, everything is back to normal now. I still wonder what that 8Chan extreme™ shit was, I'll probably never know tho..
>>49934 No one on this thread maybe, but in real life. There definitely is.
>>49934 We live in the darkest timelines. Soon even caressing your firstborn's cheek will give you a lethal injection smh. Talk about evolution. 1970: Mommy how was I born? "Umm, lots of love, and then you see, there's this stork..." 1980: Mommy how was I born? "Umm, you see, Daddy took a seed and then we nurtured it together..." 1990: Mommy how was I born? "Umm, you see, Mommy and Daddy slept together and it just happened!" 2000: Mommy how was I born? "Mommy and Daddy were sick of drawn porn so we decided to have a real kid" 2010: Mommy how was I born? "Daddy inserted his penis in Mommy's vagina and filled her womb with love. One sperm cell managed to make it to the egg and then it all started, dear!" 2023: Mommy what does LGBTQIA+ mean? "That I can't tell you how kids are born because it's a crime, and ask your teacher to immediately apologize for bringing up this impure topic or I will have their life ruined!"
/TK/ I have a debacle. I wanna know if I'm the only one: >Be me >Foot and tickling faggot >CANNOT have one without the other. Most I could tolerate is teasing, knowing what's coming next. >See character that...actually looks attractive >Those curves.jpg >Not hugh mungus tits with negroid lips like SirBombers or ZP tends to draw. Just...right. like one step below skinny but not enough to be chubby. >Anyways, artist takes one fetish commission. You know the one; the one that starts it all. >Be it from the insane amount of footfag views or....a sexual awakening, they start drawing more fetish art. >See this character again. >Licks. Lickles are my top kink, srsly be it some horny ler or literal fucking animal licking, lick tickling makes me diamonds >Posts worship. >More worship. >Just worship. >More worship than a Catholic on Lent >Smug character either moaning in pleasure or just making smug comments about how lucky the one licking is >I've seen this happen to hundreds, literally hundreds, possibly thousands at this point (20 yrs in this cesspit) of artists. Straights, gays, anime, fan, furry, scalie, irl, leftoid, conservitard, you name it, I've seen this happen >Mfw Why is worship like this? I need my lickles dammit
>>52178 I *think* I understand what you mean, having looked at billions of pictures, tagged hundreds of millions and fapped to dozens of millions of different artists in 20 years (not exaggerating, I have destroyed my dick at this point and feel literally nothing when something sends the signal to my brain that this makes me diamonds, I could overdose on viagra and it'd be the same lmfao) but I can tell you this, anon Don't lose hope because just like paywalled artists are increasing fast, there is always, always that legendary artist literally drawing the shit you like for free because they love it too, no commission needed, just stalk their feed in silence and wait and there will be licking, lots of licking, insane amount of licking, and there will be tickling too autistic comment aside, this might be due to tickling not being popular enough with skeb commissioners who also have a foot fetish, so artists make bank on the most profitable outcome and that is full foot focus and foot worship.
>>51868 False equivalence fallacy. Also the teachers are doing a lot worser things than simply bringing it up.
>>52182 >worser Damn, you're right. They're talking about the gays instead of teaching basic grammar.
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Okay >Be me, mushroom picking enthusiast >It's fall >mushroomtime.jpeg >Go to forest, there's a lot of shrooms so I start picking them >Pick all of the mushrooms in the place so decide to head to the next spot >Walking through tall dry grass >Some shit falls into my shoe >Feels like an insect >Panic >Try to remove it with my hand >It's too deep (I only wear combat boots because snickers are gay) >It falls to the bottom of my boot >Then it shook me >Have giantess porn of small guys being stuck in shoes flashing in front of my eyes >ultimatedisgust.png >Head is now spinning as if I took 10 hits of poppers at once >I desperately try to unbuckle the straps to remove my boot >Then I feel it >Something pokey against my sole >I cannot believe it >THAT FUCKING LITTLE PERVERT FAG IS HAVING AN ERECTION >Instantly puke all over myself >I'm now laying on the ground trying to untie the laces of my boot while redscript77s' entire Deviantart gallery is flashing before me >The acidic vomit has made it's way into my eyes, the only thing left of reality is now a brownish blur of dry grass, trees and far away cows melting together with the horrendous implications of a homosexual insect being stuck in my footwear >In a last attempt to get the damned boot off, I hit my head on a nearby rock while yet another burst of bile mixed with half digested sausages and cabbage erupts from the deepest reaches of my gut >Black and white dots cover my field of vision as the words "Pretty stinky, isn't it ?" resonate inside my skull as I finally pass out >Wake up several hours later, at twilight >Boot is missing >Search for it for like 20 minutes before I find it in a bush 50 meters away from where I was lying >Look inside >There's just a small leaf looking back at me >Put boot on and drag myself to car, still covered in puke >Drive home I made it home with almost 3kg of ceps (Boletus Edulis) today but I still regret going. I don't think I'll ever go back in the woods without at least some bug spray and a machette. Anyway, anons, did anyone ever experience something similar while mushroom picking ? And what are the fetishistic implications to that ?
>>51868 Whenever I say that children should be less exposed to sex, porn, etc. Christians and conservatives (or whoever you're trying to satirize) are the ones agreeing with me most often. Dumb strawman.
>>53170 I don't even understand what point you're trying to make with this post in relation to the one you're replying to. I've read your post several times and it makes no logical sense. What is it with "think of the children" people and low levels of logic?
>>53173 I guess not all of us can read past a 5th grade level. Did you try asking your mom what some of those words mean?
>>53222 >I guess normal people think that all ticklefags look like this. Like 90% of them do...
>>53170 If that's the biggest gripe that degenerate coomers have nowadays, le horrible intolerant Christkeks are trying to prevent them from exposing children to their twisted fetishes, then it's time for me to look into becoming a Christian. Between the people whose ancestors built Western society and you insufferable retarded faggots it's an easy choice.
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>>53311 My son, I found porn on the internet when I was 11 and that I was back in the 2000s way before the queers were remotely mainstream. Keeping porn out of the hands of kids is impossible unless you go full Ted Kazynski and it has absolutely nothing to do with what either the fags or the "totally built western civilization" Christian moralists are doing. If you dumb niggers would take a step back from your apocalypse larping for a fucking second you'd know that.
>>53453 It's been 23 years since then and look at how we're doing. Full on coomers and actual pedos. Now you're right, it is impossible to keep porn out of the hands of some kids (not all parents these days are computer illiterate boomers like ours were). However just because we could doesn't mean we should. That's why Christfags are getting such a boost in popularity the past few years, because we've lived in this "no rules, anything goes" type of society for at least 15 years now. And as a result, ironically, it's made some people actually structure themselves, a counter culture of you would. One side only wants to go further into the degeneracy, the other in rebellion of that is actually adhering to a stricter set of standards. Now I think we're all tired of the preaching from both sides, but anytime one side says something about this, then the other's inevitably going to respond. Best way to deal with it if it really bothers you that much is ignore it. There's a reason those posts only get a reply like once a week now.
>>53453 >>53462 >>53311 the issue is that the internet is getting smaller children use the same websites as porn artists regularly. Like yeah I could find porn if I wanted when I was 11, but I spent most of my time on neopets and pokemon forums. the places people posted porn were not the same places I'd normally hang out. Now kids are all on twitter in arms access to weird fetishes and titty pics. They're all getting groomed in discord servers because they never got the same internet stranger danger talk that was hammered into us as kids. The websites that were explicitly for children have either disappeared or gotten shittier. Neopets is a smoldering crater of what it use to be, club penguin is gone, websites like nick.com and cartoonnetwork.com use to be loaded up with flash games and are now just purely corporate.
What's up, /tkr/? It's Fondale Feathingle here I recently broke into deviantART's servers and deleted all furry porn from their servers. Kicked PawFeather in the balls and he fell over to fart. Pooped on tkgeek's tablet and cancelled him on Twitter. Subscribed to HumunculousLover's highest Patreon tier and immediately cancelled and refunded my subscription. Stole DQ's porn stash and sent it to his mom. My cousin Gary Lapisimew TingleStocks recently hacked I to Caroo's bank account and stole $3.50. I will be getting out of prison on January 8th, 2024. After that I will be commissioning Sketcher92 using Star Buck's wifi. After that, I will unban every TK artist from DA-
>>53605 >>53611 thank you so much
Now, this is a story all about how My Twitter sphere got flipped-turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute Just sit right there I'll tell you how I became the lolcow of a fetish called tickling In '06 DeviantArt born and raised On the sketchbook was where I spent most of my days Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool And all shootin' some RP notes to minors outside of my age group When a couple of trolls who were up to no good Started making trouble in my Patreon I got in one little DMCA takedown and 8Chan got mad They said, "You're lurkin' with your simps and commissioners on /tkr/" I begged and pleaded with them day after day But anon said "we do not forgive, we do not forget fgt" and sent me on my way They gave me a kiss and then they gave me a new audience I put my "commissions open" announcement on, took all their money on and said, "I might as well kick it" First class, yo this is bad Posting close ups of some faggot with a mask to hide her ugly face, telling people "subscribe to Patreon to see the rest faggot" Is this what the people of Patreon be living like? Shit nigga, this might be alright But wait, I hear they're angry, virgins, all that Is this the type of place that they just send this tech support scammer? I don't think so I'll see when I get there I hope they're prepared for the prince of Tickling Art Well, the plane 9/11ed and when I came out There was a dude who looked like a fed standing there with my name on a list I ain't trying to get arrested yet, not before I ask for pics of loli feet, bet. I sprang with the quickness like diarrhea, disappeared I whistled for attention and when it came near My DA notes said, "where's my commission? It's been 2 and a half years" and it had pronouns in the bio If anything I could say that "I'm cancelling your commission for being impatient" But I thought "Nah, forget it, yo, holmes subscribe to my Patreon for a wip of your commission!" I pulled up to the echo chamber about seven or eight And I yelled to the commissioner, "Thanks for the money, sucker!" I looked at my kingdom I was finally there To post a long Twitter rant and suicide bait.
>>53648 I will subscribe to YOUR Patreon if you swear never, ever to try to rhyme again. Jesus dude.
>>53648 A fucking Fresh Prince parody? Are you 50?
>>53648 2/10. Not enough jabs at Hughmungus' Sun and Moon fetish
>>53648 I dig it. RIP Uncle Phil. :(
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>>53648 Hey /tkr/anon can you make me a sandwich?
Salutations my fellow Mongolians? It's Quintondale Quilingle here, I impersonated a female for 10 years and faked a relationship with FirefoxSF and made him question his sexuality (WTF NO). Subscribed to a granny porn magazine, using ZP92's address (I've fallen and I can't get up), traced Caroo's art and made a fortune from DeviantART autistic (no worries, mate!), jerked off into a shot glass and made PawFeather drink it (HE NEED SUM MILK), picked up the wrong order at McDonald's (I'll have 2 number 9s...), got arrested in Ohio for claiming myself as governor. Amputated Solesman's rotted feet (femur breaker scream). I will now go to Ticklecon and pee in the food. Make Twitter ban Moekakie, glue googly eyes on Nitropunk's dick. After that, I will leak all of ZP92's DMs.

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