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OCs that you want to see fucking TICKLED Anonymous 10/10/2022 (Mon) 21:33:41 Id: c98bb0 No. 30861
post OCs that are going woefully untickled, either because their artists aren't ticklefags or maybe they are, but are lazy or not doing it for whatever reason
I want to see this halfling oc, Zami, tickled out of his mind. His sexy feet are just begging for it!
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I've had dreams about this image. Can't elaborate right now, but there's a scenario thread where I gave some of my thoughts. I want to write a lot more on this subject, since I have a lot of time on my hands right now, in between reading and watching anime. I wonder if there's any artist who would be able to do this justice, aside from the man kusujinn himself, but it looks like this was just a one off OC. Maybe kanden-rem? Idk.
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>>57233 Here's one from MFS himself.
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>>59995 Feels like there should be ankle bondage there he forgot.
>>57961 Your wish has been granted! >>60002 That's because it's inspired by the tickle machine used on Luigi in the Count Koopula episode.
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I need more of these double toned soles Ahhh!!
It's almost been ten years since QuintonQuill created Celia. How has she not been tickled to insanity already? Name: Celia (sel-e-uh) Race: Snake/Slime Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Bio: Celia was not always a living shape-shifting slime... years ago she was once a simple snake. In her teenage years, Celia often times found herself fantasizing over the local hero, a street tough stud. Celia dreamed of being by his side, no she didn't want to just be there... she wanted to emasculate the powerhouse, to tickle him to submission, to dominate him. She had a powerful fixation for strong men and an even more powerful deeply hidden love for tickling them. Though she could never find it in herself to attempt such a bold move. She didn't want a playful tickle session, she didn't want to resort to stocks or cuffs, she wanted so much more... she wanted to become not just the ultimate tickler but the ultimate tickling tool. In her mission to change herself she sought numerous mystical masters. So many denied her, believing such a drastic change could prove dangerous. Then she crossed Abriika, whom after learning of Celia's ploy to harass local heroes could not resist the opportunity. Celia was reborn from a puddle of purple slime as she took on a familiar form and set out on her mission to live out her fantasies. She found the local hero and spent numerous evenings tickling him to submission. Celia was elated to finally have the power to dominate such powerful men. She found herself wanting more and set out to tickle any and all legends of Haa. Warriors, Knights, Slayers, Dragons, whatever they be they must be warned to watch out for the purple snake... she always catches her prize. Hot Spots: Celia's body is a unique one; her nerves can be pulled back and deep into her body to prevent any harm while on the prowl. However, when she takes her natural form her nerves are unconsciously pushed all towards her soles. Her feet are her one and only tickle spot... as long as she has them out. Special Info: Celia's slime body is not sticky nor is it wet. Her body is quite solid yet soft mimicking flesh quite impressively for purple goo. Her body is warm and perhaps due to the magical properties she can also sweat and tear. Celia can also solidify her body to bind and restrict her targets as well as expand to increase her size to dominate larger targets. Her body is virtually indestructible.
Tickle Spot Chart Overall Sensitivity: Low White- AAH!! HyperTicklish Red- Extreeeemely Ticklish Orange- Oh my! That Tickles Yellow- I give you Giggles Green- Aw, you get a Smile Blue- Wasting your Time Celia's overall sensitivity is low; her one and only tickle spot are her soles. Her body is completely under her control and she can pull her nerves deep in her body so she can remain in control when trying to catch her targets. However, her feet remain as the one tickle spot to take advantage of; when those soles are in sight TICKLE THEM! All her sensitivity is pushed straight to her soles making them VERY ticklish. While under ticklish duress, Celia cannot control her body thus she cannot alter or change her form and will remain your helpless tickle toy as long as you keep up the tickling. Why her soles? Perhaps with her love for feet she unknowingly puts all ticklish nerves on her one spot of desire. Maybe in that way she also makes herself able to enjoy a chance of de-feet at the hands of determined men. Celia's soles are vulnerable to all types of tools including feathers, oils, brushes, tongues, etc etc etc. Celia loves tickling though strongly prefers being the tickler. However she won't mind if some lucky ticklish stud managed to turn the tables on her.
>>63775 so if i poke her eyes she's gonna be howling with laughter?
>>63798 or go blind with searing pain. Either outcome works honestly :p
>>63775 this one looks like fun to chat with as an AI bot ;)
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Muscle Maddie, main character of the Muscle Maddie web series. Creator often does "question corners" on twitter where people can leave comments asking the characters whatever questions they want. Someone asked Maddie if she was ticklish, and the creator actually responded with an image of Maddie replying to the comment saying "Yeah! Why?" Not posting it here because I literally can't find the post. Did he delete it for some reason? Does Muscle Maddie creator hate ticklefags? Whatever, we now know it's canon that Maddie is extremely ticklish. I need to see her getting embarrassed and absolutely humiliated by tickles on her rock solid abs which she takes so much pride in showing off.
>>64084 I know you said Codri but come on, this is a funny monkey paw wish
swear there hasn't been a ticklepic of her in years
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>>65917 Completely unrelated to the thread, but that Trixxie RPG game from 5(?) years ago was so fucking peak, a few cringy lines here and there, but that was part of its charm. I would love a sequel, but I guess it was too much work for a small community like ours, even more considering it was free.
>>65919 I wouldn't. Looks like a Cartoon Network's 2010's reject.
Honestly kind of annoyed at how little Zp92 has done with McKenzie. These 5 images might actually be the only stuff he's drawn of her, if you don't count a couple alts he made for some of these (correct me if I'm wrong though). I don't think he's ever actually drawn her getting properly tickled. Which is a real bummer, because GOD I wanna see her huge ebony soles getting thoroughly tickle tortured until she loses her fucking mind. Hell, I'd even love to see her shapely tummy and tits getting tickled to Hell too. Sadly I doubt he'll ever draw her getting a good ticklish work-over, but here's to hoping.
>>66097 No one wants to look at some retarded sheboon nigger
>>66108 we fap to feet here, faggot, take your crusade to >>>/pol/ and keep it there.
>>66097 You are alone, sorry bro.
>>66097 does zp just not know how to draw human faces or is it on purpose? his furry/anthro characters look fine but the one human chick he draws has dot eyes and giant lips
>>66097 Yeah nah wtf lol
>>66111 Speak for yourself, douche nozzle.
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The artist LateMochaLatte on twitter made this cute emo boy oc based on nyan cat, and I really wanna see his paws get tickled. The artist usually only does paws/macro stuff, so we likely won't be seeing them draw him getting tickled, so I thought I'd post him here.
Am I the only one who wants to see this OC get tickled? There's not enough tickle art with Starfishface on this site, and it's time to change that.
>>66236 Who the fuck is that even?
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>>66097 I know it's pretty sloppy and will be nothing compared to whatever Zp92 does with her (assuming she ever gets tickled), but I hope it somewhat satisfies you.
>>66240 TheStarfishface, she’s a youtuber
>>66279 ...fucking youtube...
I love howsplendid's wolf girl Zoe. She's such an unaware tease and I wanna lock this girl up and give her a good tickling. She could stand to smile a little more often. I wonder if HS would allow a commission of her being tickled because he rarely does straight up FF art of her, only slight teasing.
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>>66279 >>66280 I made this dogshit a long time ago and I think I posted the same image here but here it is again.
>>66314 Based as fuck, anon Been daydreaming about Bunlith for a while. It gets worse every time someone makes fanart so I don't have to try and get off to ps1 graphics. Pics related. Not helping the situation is that one of her more recent vids has her sprite self laughing to the point of blushing tears. Dammit.
>>66318 Perhaps when I have time and patience, I'll give her another go. She's hot enough for me to tolerate having to squint at her low-res accessories for 92 hours

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