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OCs that you want to see fucking TICKLED Anonymous 10/10/2022 (Mon) 21:33:41 Id: c98bb0 No. 30861
post OCs that are going woefully untickled, either because their artists aren't ticklefags or maybe they are, but are lazy or not doing it for whatever reason
Draw fag here, if you find any OCs if they’re appeasing enough to me, I might draw them. I won’t draw anime though, not my style.
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>>30861 idk if Claire counts because she had a pilot and would probably count as "mainstream", but outside of that pilot the artist has only ever sketched her, so I'm counting it Also all those Cheshire Cat "Cali and Friends" characters that never ended up in any tickling content. That fucker must have 80% of his roster completely untouched.
>>30863 not an OC but seconding hard
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Giddy from Red2870 Celia from QuintonQuill Harlekin Demoness and Berserker from Lord Reckless

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Alright, really specific, but Bluishfeather draws loli versions of his oc's and I really wanna see them (especially Lina) getting their nipples tickled. If they're really ticklish there as adults then should be stupid ticklish as loli's right?
>>30876 😐
>>30871 It's a legitimate crime that red never used Giddy again. I guess she might get confused with Kitchy but still a shame.
>>30890 never enough clown girls getting tickled
I always thought Whygena's Reggie oc could use some tickling, but the owner is a non-ticklefag. Any drawanons wanna correct this?
I know ZP's hit or miss around here but ever since he went full footfag he just barely tickles his OCs anymore and it pains me.
>>30890 the dude is a tracer and a sperg lmaooooo no wonder his oc is a clown
>>30901 I wish he drew more humans. Something about the way he draws feet is very appealing but I aint a furfag. Probably how shapely, soft and massive they look.
Send a clear message that everyone misses the days when he wasn't cringe.
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>>30861 This smug cat
Vandiward's OCs They are supposed to be feds so they are perfect for torture scenarios. He's done tickling before so maybe someday...
>>30920 Sorry I tried but she got me :'(
personally I'd like to see her. idk what her name is or who she belongs to, just saw her on an Instagram post once and screenshotted it.
i was at a hot topic a few months ago with a friend to buy his then gf a gift, and i saw this bat girl OC (is it an oc if it's corporate made?) on a shirt. I've been wanting to get her tickled for such a long time! if anyone knows hot topic, they will just stop making shirt designs after a couple of months, so she probably doesn't even exist anymore.
>>30935 i found a better picture on hot topics website. It's up there for now but like i said, it's basically out of production since it's apparently been out of stock for a long time
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a lot of twitter artists have really cute OCs I'd love to see get tickled out of their minds I'd draw it myself but it might feel weird iunno.
I think Kilinah's Kali could use some tickles on that nice tummy and navel of hers
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>>31030 Nice stuff! Do you have an account somewhere where you post these?
>>31039 Looks like https://twitter.com/RaspberryJose I can tell by the pixels and by seeing quite a few tickle pics in my time.
>>31040 Nah, look at the hands. I think this is the same guy who made the velma pic along with a few others on this board.
>>31042 You may be right on second observation. That guy did like bondage positions showing the ass. The fur colouring threw me off.
>>31045 I wish this guy still had an account for the stuff he makes, i remember him having a twitter account at one point, but its deactivated now.
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>>31040 I just colored it
>>31049 Where did you get the sketch?
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Jeane by ceehaz is definitely asking for some tickles
>>31179 Not even including the absolutely based armored version of her. But I concur, big buff women need their tickles.
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>>31179 >>31242 y'know? this is my favorite kind of OCs, even if i'm not a true furfag you can appreciate an OC for whom the artist cares for, it's nice. and yes i'd absolutely wreck her with tickles if the owner allowed me to.
>>31246 Strictly speaking, you dont really need the artists permission to make a drawing that'll probably only be seen on this board. Besides, i've seen a decent bit of foot fetish art of characters out there, i think they might be cool with it.
>>31248 bro i got excited about an artist drawing her too, but then i saw it was DQ.
>>31249 Eh, DQ makes some good stuff actually
>>31248 that's one very autistic thing i'm about, because i do believe OCs are part of an artist, you put a bit of yourself into them to give them life, so i only use OCs with direct permission from the owner or if i know i'll use them for somethign the owner would like >>31251 thanks! that said, let me see if i can pull off a magic trick
Also, when it comes to the idea of needing artists permission, id say that probably doesnt matter here. For example, that character by ceehaz is part of a big webcomic also made by the character. Id say that when it gets that big, you could argue that its like fanart of anything else at that point. The people in this thread didnt ask for permission from the creator of the summoning before drawing claire, so id say that for most ocs, permission is unnecessary. (I started writing this before i saw your recent reply, i understand if you personally want permission from the artist)

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Mamabito, Idk why Chaz won't draw anything good with her besides the occasional sketch but I need more
>>31342 Where does the third image come from, ive never seen that before
>>31343 Idk, found it on Discord awhile back

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Theres this youtube channel called "i can't sleep" that uploads disturbing 2000s-esque animations about this character. I dont know her name, or even if she has one, but i think after all the things she goes through in the aninations, she could use some tickles. All the images are from some of the videos.
>>31368 I could easily see her winding up in something horror themed given the design and overall atmosphere these pics seem to be going for.
>>31368 Hmm.
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>>31368 That one sounded like fun and it was. Here you go :)
>>31422 Nicely done
Here's a better res of the feet pic of her in the theater btw, cuz these are hella cute and she deserves all of the tickles. >>31422 Very nice.
>>30895 I found a better image to use as a reference, in case anyone wants to draw whygena's reggie being tickled
Does anyone know who these two belong to? Is there anything else of them?
>>31644 Naga-Asura’s Claire and Jenny. You can find more of them if you know where to look.
>>31628 I know Reggie became a minor meme, but fuckdamn if he isn't a total hottie. If his rat feets don't get tickled, then I'll have some choice words to say.
>>31644 Pirata
>>30933 she's also a dog girl
I forget who the original artist is, but this tired fox lady could use some tickles
Maybe one day
>>31960 I suppose he is not popular at all, but the lack of porn/tickling of his characters (especially Erika and Sophie) is disappointing
>>30861 I didn't notice this until now, but is it just me that thinks the legs are ABNORMALLY LONG
>>31963 Yeah, legs and arms are roughly the same length. I feel like with monsters and goblins and shit there's a bit of leeway, though.
>>30861 This but - writing. Any writers willing to write about an OC that's not their's getting it?
>>31988 Depends on if I like the personality description the owner gives them. That matters more to me than the physical appearance of the character.
>>32000 Lying narcissistic popufurfag gets what he fucking deserves and his false persona destroyed, leaving him exposed and broken as the truth is bought out by someone he forgot about.
>>31988 Here’s a list of stuff I’ve written featuring other people’s OCs/MTJPub ladies. Most of which features my own OC doing the deed: https://www.deviantart.com/mastercree1/art/New-Cat-On-the-Block-819558935 (Ghawkg’s Alyssa, Tickled by and Tickles Senjougahara) https://www.deviantart.com/mastercree1/art/Big-and-Dreadfully-Soft-843366103 (JamesE82’s Connie the Crimson Conservative, Tickled by The Terrible Tickler) https://www.deviantart.com/mastercree1/art/The-Quest-for-Candy-704328041 (Rep’s Aida and Lotte, Tickled by Ester, another of his characters.) https://www.deviantart.com/mastercree1/art/A-Torturer-in-Agony-886682375 (CheshireCaterling’s Nancy Cotton and Agony, Tickled by Crowns-and-Quills’ Umbra) https://www.deviantart.com/mastercree1/art/Oh-My-a-Ticklish-Spy-846054461 (Secret Agent Sonya, Tickled by the Terrible Tickler) https://www.deviantart.com/mastercree1/art/Silent-Screams-of-Laughter-846372536 (Agent Wildfire Hotcakes, Tickled by the Terrible Tickler and Secret Agent Sonya) https://www.deviantart.com/mastercree1/art/Missy-s-Relationship-with-the-Law-885413304 (Firefox-SF’s Sgt. Carmen Rivera and Pawfeather’s Tats McCree, Tickled by Firefox-SF’s Missy) https://www.deviantart.com/mastercree1/art/The-Bounce-Chix-and-a-Fiendish-Tickler-874836306 (Bounce Chix, Tickled by the Terrible Tickler + guests at the end) https://www.deviantart.com/mastercree1/art/Tickler-of-the-Shadows-Vs-Tickle-Inventor-902098156 (Crowns-and-Quills’ Umbra, Tickled by and Tickles the Terrible Tickler)
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I think this oc by batteboi on twitter could use way more tickles than they get
>>32062 Holy fuck
>>32062 I have only seen their design for less than a minute and already I want tickles of them.
>>32062 Those soles deserve some serious brushing. With toeties and everything!
>>32062 >>32063 >>32068 >>32091 there's no way you aren't samefagging
>>32116 Do you think i have nothing better to do than to use multiple devices to sockpuppet on a fetish board on 4chan's less popular cousin?
>>32116 I'm the anon that wrote >>32091 I thought it would seem like it too when I was about to reply. "Fuck it" I thought My point stands. Sole Brushing.
>>32062 Based on the dialogue I can assume the artist is already into tickling, so it seems like it's a matter of time before he gets tickled. Which is good, because this cute boy is giving me some serious Ralsei energy and he deserves every second he gets too.
>>32130 Well yeah, thats why i said they need more tickling than they get.
>>32117 At least 4chan's less popular cousin actually has a fetish board
>>32155 If you want fetish stuff on 4chan just go to /trash/
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>>32156 Ah yes, dumping fetish art one image at a time on 4chan
My friend has two ocs that absolutely deserve to be annihilated with tickling. The white haired and black haired guy are theirs ocs, but the white haired lad is the one who needs to be ruined. Tho they arent into tickling, they've drawn them bare foot and like cmon now. They're askin for it.
Anyone draw tickle smut of her yet? https://youtu.be/WICsXUJDR48
>>32218 sir? those are men...
>>32242 mayhaps, but even the cute twinks deserve tickles too, and that white haired fella is a twink
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I think this oc by oatmegaplus on twitter was only ever drawn once. I also think that exposed tummy could use some tickles
>>32242 Man straight up fuckin' forgot the gays exist
>>32513 happens to the best of us. Tho would pay pretty penny for da boyo to get wrecked
I don't know if she's an OC or just a meme or what but I wanna see this girl get it hard
I think this oc by thighlordash could defintely use some intense tickles
>>32062 Sauce? Couldn't find it on SauceNAO.
>>33846 Their twitter username is batteboi
I dont know if this technically qualifies as an oc, but i saw this nice sprigatito character, and i think she could use some tickles on her armpits and breasts
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All of PeachyPop34's ocs are great but I'm just slightly disappointed that she doesn't seem to be into tickling or feet stuff in the slightest
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>>31179 CeeHaz is definitely one of those “totally has a foot fetish off the record” type artists with how much foot focus he does in his art. Though I miss when he was more into his Yokai Fighter girl OC’s. He could do so much with his octo babe Hama in tickling art.
>>36648 I actually, no fooling, DMd him about this. Not only does he not have the fetish, he's very stressed and annoyed about people commenting weird shit on his art about his characters' feet. The genuine and honest reason why almost all of his characters are barefoot is "I really struggle drawing shoes but I'm practicing with it on my own time" (and also because they're furries so it makes sense).
>>36650 Wow I’ve seen plenty of artists avoiding drawing feet by always having their characters in shoes or socks but this is legit the first time I’ve ever seen the reverse of that. Still he draws feet really well and brings a lot of direct attention to them for some reason; tons of sole shots, spread toes, etc….usually a red flag. Could be either he’s closeted or he knows the dangers inherent in drawing the attention of the fetish community and doesn’t want to deal with that madness.
>>36650 If im not mistaken, zp92 has made and posted a few foot fetish images of ceehaz's characters on twitter, and even tagged ceehaz in them directly. I feel like if ceehaz had a real issue with that, he wouldve said something, or maybe he wouldve asked zp92 to remove the images. I dunno, maybe he did and i just didnt see it.
>>36650 Actually I’m going to go ahead and call bullshit on that excuse. It’s common knowledge that hands and feet are the hardest to draw regarding anatomy and with how detailed this guy is with his costume design, there’s no fucking way he “struggles” with drawing shoes. I mean look at this one; the costumes are amazingly well rendered and every pair of bare or semi-bare feet is on fully detailed display. The dude is totally a closeted foot lover…
>>36650 >Not only does he not have the fetish, he's very stressed and annoyed about people commenting weird shit on his art about his characters' feet. The genuine and honest reason why almost all of his characters are barefoot is "I really struggle drawing shoes He can't draw shoes, so instead draws highly detailed, almost anatomically perfect feet. Feet. Which are infamously something even seasoned, professional artists admit to struggling with for a long time. You tell that man anon called him a lying retard.
>>36671 >>36672 He put focus into learning how to draw feet BECAUSE he didn't want to learn how to draw shoes instead. Whether or not he's telling the truth isn't really relevant to me, and I think the idea of "he's just a closeted foot lover" is just confirmation bias because you want him to draw feet. Also, you guys insist any time someone says anything nice about an artist that it has to be the artist pretending to be an anon, so you guys aren't exactly the best at judging people's honesty anyway.
>>36677 > He put focus into learning how to draw feet BECAUSE he didn't want to learn how to draw shoes instead. Even you have to see how unbelievably stupid that sounds > I think the idea of "he's just a closeted foot lover" is just confirmation bias because you want him to draw feet. But he already does. And we’re just calling a spade a spade here. > Also, you guys insist any time someone says anything nice about an artist that it has to be the artist pretending to be an anon, so you guys aren't exactly the best at judging people's honesty anyway. Assuming we must be part of that group that does that on here is confirmation bias in itself. I’ve personally never done that, always found it stupid and a cheap way to derail an argument when you aren’t winning. Otherwise based on your rather passionate defensive stance I would have accused you of actually being CeeHaz himself.
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>>36650 This has to be bullshit, post proof.
>hehe he draws feet well, he MUST wanna fuck them, sniff sifffff I'm so sick of you cumbrains making us look like fucking idiots.
>>36685 You're right on that front, but theres no fucking way that the reason he draws feet is because he can't draw shoes. Literally no fucking way.
>>36685 Occam's razor
>>36687 coomer's tumor
>>36685 >>hehe he draws feet well, he MUST wanna fuck them, sniff sifffff No, it's that his excuse makes it apparent he's a liar. "I draw incredibly detailed feet, which is much harder, on account of shoes being out of my abilities". No. stop it. The proper thing to say is "Fuck off, retards" because of course a normal artist who draws feet as well as anything else isn't inherently a foot fucker. The "I-I SWEAR IT'S NOT FETISH SHIT IT'S...a crutch.. yeah!" is about as convincing as people who convince kids on YouTube to do "just fun tickle challenges, it's nothing weird! :)"
>>36688 >Acting morally superior on a fetish porn piracy board luhmao
Bruhs a furry. Why would you guys think he's drawing barefoot for feet? He drawing them for the paw like feet.
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>>36694 >morally superior the fuck are you on about, m8 this has nothing to do with morality and everything to do with being fucking obnoxious. Not every artist who draws feet must be a foot fucker like you. not every cosplayer who's barefoot needs you dipshits to go 'MMM YUMMY YUMMY FEET LET ME SMELL' in the comments.
I think makoshark771's mary is a pretty hot oc that deserves way more tickles then she gets.
Hey VSauce, faggot here I got some that wolf bitch QuintonQuill teased us with when he was sassy snake that rule 63 Reptile chick, footpaws fursona and that angry dino bitch from Monkey Wrench
I really want to see this character (dee by wingrims) tickled. They've made a few pieces of her getting it, but they haven't made any for a while.
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Codricor's Angel always does the tickling but I never really see her getting it.
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This oc by lilith or bunlith or whatever (the girl who made bloodbornepsx) looks so fucking hot, someone should really draw them getting tickled
Tickle-worthy design... and what does she get? One picture. And not even by her creator. And the picture's only halfway decent.
>>39876 It's hard to agree with you when she is composed of negative pixels. Makes her look very unappealing.
>>39882 You kids today have it so easy with your 4 billion pixels per model. Back in MY day we found ways to jerk off to Laura Croft's PS1 pyramid boobs! Uphill, both ways, in the snow! But anyway, I agree Bunlith needs to get wrecked. You can only walk around in a crop top for so long before someone gets curious...
>>39876 My good sir, I will give it my all to see this bunny tickled. The other option is that I die attempting it
>>40682 I look forward to seeing your attempt!
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Theres this artist on twitter called chonzo who has this oc named apid (the big black fox thing) and i would love to see her tickled. He has other images of her, but they arent as buff as this one is.
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>>40771 Okay, he made one more
>>40682 he died...
Saw it in a meme video on YouTube and curiosity led me to the source. Not gonna say anything other than Dr. Doe deer tickles are most definitely warranted here.
I’d love to see this character get it, I think it’s a boy but goddamn,,, Source: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CmhXDXiuwNG/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
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>>41030 The slowest degen here- I humbly offer a wip because work and life have been gripping me by the balls and has just recently decided to let me live I'll see if I can finish this for you in some hours later
>>30861 >>41426 the amount of details and accessories in this hurts my brain so much but my god am I gonna see this through
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>>39876 Tis the best I can offer for the time being, forgive my slow ass
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>always barefoot >detachable body parts >can probably be detained by a simple "Sit down, strap in!" if she doesn't distrust you She's basically made for being ticked
>>41837 Seconding and thirding
I doubt anyone else is interested, but I really wanna see this guy get tickled all over his chubby belly
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>>41837 >>41839 it had to be done!
>>42108 Excellent work anon. Using CP999 to boot. Got a site?
>>42108 Nice stuff!
>>42108 Great job, anon, thank you!
>>36680 >Even you have to see how unbelievably stupid that sounds When taken as a sole reason (pun not intended), yeah, it's retarded. But it's not the only reason, from what that anon said. Maybe he does struggle to draw shoes, but not because of a lack of skill, but because of his art direction. I'm willing to believe that he struggles to come up with shoe designs that arent boring and still mesh with the outfit design of each character. I don't have a dog in this race, but fwiw I as an artist find it easier to draw feet than to draw shoes because I find shoes to be visually boring by comparison.
>>42651 Who are these Nicktoons rejects?
A new two OC appeared recently in deviantart
Definitely katya from https://twitter.com/newtype_hero_?s=21&t=p4ZhSxoTQ2NBN3v7X1-hiQ because 1: she’s cute af and 2: she’s the only one I couldn’t find lewd art of even though the artist is a semi-nsfw artist and THAT NEEDS CHANGING
>>31934 well, well, well
AAAAAAAHHH VALBUN ART…. This is such a win.
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Some artist on twitter ("qoolguy" or something) has this oc based on nyancat that i really wanna see tickled. The character's name is just nyan, and theyre trans or something, but i just wanna see them get wrecked with tickles. They also have a somewhat more recent design for them ill post after this.
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>>44296 This is the more recent design for them. Honestly, i'd be down to see either version tickled.
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Kanden's new Aztec princess has got me acting unwise. Those pale soles that contrast with her darker skin are just..woof.
>>45357 I'm glad you're liking her XD also the long hair version is the definitive design, I was experimenting with different hair styles There will be more of her ;b
>>30876 Read the whole thread and I second this.
>>45363 Huh, I thought she was gonna have pink nipples tbh
>>45366 why? XD I've never met a dark skinned latina with pink nipples
literally any oc made by https://instagram.com/ashleyloob?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= they all deserve it equally but v specifically deserves it the most for being a smelly degenerate they/them channer
>>45381 the artist lowkey deserves it too >hates drawing feet >is generally a bitch to her fans >is hot >posted feet on insta story once L
>>45382 Damn, those really are some cute feet.
>>45386 >has cute feet >hates foot fetishists >calls them feet freaks >forgets that she has indeed posted feet before >feet immortalized on the internet forever >kek
>>45390 tin foil hat moment what if she's playing the anti-feet character just so she could get more degenerates to drool over her page? playing hard-to-get?
>>45390 I'm completely convinced feet freaks are subhuman. Imagine having to think twice before posting ANY photo wich may include even the SHADOW of a toe because some weirdo could spam you with "more feet when? owo" in every post for the rest of your account life.
>>45391 >what if she's playing the anti-feet character just so she could get more degenerates to drool over her page? I guarantee you she's not, this is military grade copium. >>45392 >Imagine having to think twice before posting ANY photo wich may include even the SHADOW of a toe because some weirdo could spam you with "more feet when? owo" in every post for the rest of your account life. This is the reality. Not everyone yelling at you for asking for feet pics is "playing hard to get" so more people will come and thirst over them.
>>45391 I highly doubt that but either way I wanna see every single one of her characters (and her) tickled to oblivion immediately >>45392 L shouldnt have had cute feet
>>45394 That's the whole point retard. She already showed feet casually, now that she know there are thirsty freaks drooling over them she won't show em ever again. It's actually beneficial for the feet community to be less pushy.
>>45392 a lot of artists are just straight up censoring feet because feet people somehow became the loudest, most obnoxious, creepiest minority. The internet should not have accepted them even ironically
I'm in love lmao I NEED TO SEE MORE OF THIS GAL !
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>>45406 Well, considering that feet "people" started to feel comfortable on the internet due to the acceptance of the female population about harmless kinks, we would predict that the current feet meta (feet paid/feet censored) will discourage feet "people" from being creeps (or at least to not beg for foot pics idk) to avoid a feet famine, in turn, that would allow fresh new internet gals to show off their feet without the constant "attention" from that demographic . (English isn't my first language, surely only half the text is somewhat understandable etc etc)
>>45431 >feet famine >current feet meta I've been tired by this same discourse over the years but the terminology fucking got me.
>>45390 If I followed this person and had no shame I would totally pay the $500
>>45391 I follow the artist on patreon and she did draw this so you might be onto something
>>45382 >is generally a bitch to her fans >She doesn't automatically validate and reciprocate the creepy sexual advances and comments of complete strangers on the internet. What a bitch This is exactly why all of you will remain single for the rest of your lives and honestly deserve to. Also this is a real person so wrong thread dumbass
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This guy constantly posts his OC Maya barefoot or in sandals/open toed shoes etc but never follows through on tickling her. https://twitter.com/MurmurLilies Who wants to be the first one to tickle this girl?
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The youtube animator Viva Reverie has this kinda cute spider bat creature oc, i think it would be neat to see it get tickled.
>>46249 she literally is asking for it lmao >”I’ve finally made it!” >”it” is the stocks
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>>46588 .... i would destroy her
I need him in the stocks carnally and every day that bb doesnt publish the full redesign is a day that I deem unworthy to exist
>>47539 Every time I see her I want to see her get the fuck tickled out of her. I NEED more tickle art of her
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A bunch of misc. twitter artist ocs that I think could use some tickles.
>>47655 Isn't that third one Monokron's, and hasn't he literally drawn her tickled?
>>47663 Although monokron has drawn her tickled before, the character belongs to makoshark771, not monokron
>>47665 I have been informed and now I am more aware than I was previously
>>47665 Monokron did create the character though, so you're not half wrong. He just sold her to him.
>>47686 Regardless of the details, i still think its a pretty good character design that doesnt get nearly as much tickles as it deserves.
This guy is always drawing his cute pokemon OCs walking around barefoot and it just gnaws at my brain.
>>47952 Yeah, I've seen all these before. Good drawings, I still just wish there were more of her.
>>47949 That first one has the exact framing and perspective as hundreds of direct foot fetish artworks I've fapped to, so that makes me have to wonder. Also, that Hisuian Zoroark girl in the back looks huge, I must have her. I need more of her.
>>47976 I love her and I want to spend hours at her enormous feet.
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>>31368 >>31422 Here ya go, been wanting to draw this character since I discovered the channel
Doing the color wheel challenge but belly button tickling, give me requests
>>48800 Kilinah's Kali oc would work for either light or dark blue. Plus, they have a pretty nice navel.
Random twitter oc
>>30861 OP is now vindicated
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>>48820 Been seeing you request this for a while and was interested so... voila. Added a Lila cuz there should be more Lilas
>>48996 saw the artist of this oc said she was a minor (15 i think) cuz ppl commented about wanting to fuck her
Unironically Femkron
>>49480 Holy shit, nice work! I didn't expect anyone to do something like this, this is really good!
>>49480 Any chance I could have the .psd or .tif file for this so I could color it? It's super well done and I'd like to take a crack at coloring it. You should draw kali again sometime.
>>49480 Holy based, not that guy but I've wanted to see her get it too for a bit. Nice work.
>>49486 Here's the .tif, my man. Glad ya'll like it
>>49486 It doesn't seem to want to upload. Any way you could convert the png?
>>49490 Not sure if there's anything I could do on my end. Think you could upload it to MEGA or mediafire?
>>49492 .psd doesn't seem transparent for some reason. Anything you can do?
>>49493 Actually, anything I can do about that? There's probably a way to make it transparent, but the white background seems baked in to the lineart.
>>49492 Alright, I'm currently using the magic eraser tool in photopea to make the image transparent, and it looks like it's working properly. I'll post the transparent image here once I'm done with it in case anyone else wants to try their hand at coloring it as well.
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>>49492 Okay, That's about as transparent as I can make it without spending multiple hours on it. This is a .png version, I'll try and upload a link to a .psd for it in just a sec.
>>49492 Okay, now here's the link to the .psd for the transparent version. https://www.mediafire.com/file/wfdlhh9ojwjxqb6/Kalitransparent.psd/file Also, I really gotta say, looking at your work up close is really nice, it's just so well made I can hardly keep my eyes off it. I don't suppose I could ask for another request of Kali, could I? I understand if that's not possible, of course.
>>49500 getting a little greedy here man... bro just got a Ferrari and is already asking for another one
this wild/feral raccoon girl from some YouTubers animation meme is really cute, i think she'd be great to tickle tbh
>>49506 I think thats supposed to be snuffy?
>>49507 I thought this was snuffy (pic related) but it was from the snuffy theme song animation meme so maybe? I wouldn't really know since I don't watch vtubers, I just like that characters design a lot tbh.
>>49507 Yes, she went through a shitton of re-designs The classic orange one is the most recognizable but my cock is going to explode over the blue one’s hips
>>49509 i agree, hip tickling is required, especially on the part where they connect to the torso, I've seen girls go from kinda giggling to hysterically laughing and begging in videos when they get tickled there
>>45382 belly
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I forget if I may have suggested this one already, and I don't remember the name of the artist who owns her, but this weird goth chick could use some intense cheering up. Preferably in that bat bikini of hers. Plus, look at her massive boobs.
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Here's the coloring of that amazing image from a while back.
>>51180 Fuck, I just realized I forgot to color the part of the tail that's holding her arms up. I'll post a fixed version in a bit.
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>>51180 Alright, here's the fixed version. I know it's not the greatest coloring job in the world, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
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RhymeswithRay on Twitter has recently been drawing gijinkas of ghost type Pokemon and I need them getting tickled so fucking bad
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>>47539 An old unfinished sketch I forgot to post. >>49480 >>51183 Amazing work anons. Collabs like these inspire me so much.
>>51192 I love this. We need more Valbun tickles
PudgeRuffian's Riley is the cutest tomboy I've ever seen and she deserves all the tickles.
Ever since I came across yourhardnerdcollector’s normie account I’ve needed to see his normie ocs get the treatment specifically the vampire and medusa girl they’re just too cute
Surprised there is not almost any stuff with Meru, normally girls with this gremilin like personality are quite popular picks in this community
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>>52462 Thank God someone else brought this up, I thought I was going crazy when I saw that account and thought it was Yourhardnerdcollector
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>>33833 Someone comm'd some art of this character getting it
>>52462 What's the account called?
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We need more alien tickles
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oc is from @hanesaki_ayanoo
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>>53085 You're speaking my language
>>53303 based
>>53303 Many thanks anon
We need more tickle art of Skyla. She’s so cute and wholesome! And i would love to see her little toesies being tickled while she cries for her mommy to help.
Aside from the edit I made in five minutes, tickle art of MostlyFunStuff's Luss T. is pretty much non-existent.
>>53866 Yeah I’d kinda like to see Ceci tickle the crap out of her in that female bully sort of way with Skyla totally oblivious to any concept of mean spirited animosity whatsoever.
I want to see this halfling oc, Zami, tickled out of his mind. His sexy feet are just begging for it!
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I've had dreams about this image. Can't elaborate right now, but there's a scenario thread where I gave some of my thoughts. I want to write a lot more on this subject, since I have a lot of time on my hands right now, in between reading and watching anime. I wonder if there's any artist who would be able to do this justice, aside from the man kusujinn himself, but it looks like this was just a one off OC. Maybe kanden-rem? Idk.
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>>57233 Here's one from MFS himself.
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>>59995 Feels like there should be ankle bondage there he forgot.
>>57961 Your wish has been granted! >>60002 That's because it's inspired by the tickle machine used on Luigi in the Count Koopula episode.
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I need more of these double toned soles Ahhh!!
It's almost been ten years since QuintonQuill created Celia. How has she not been tickled to insanity already? Name: Celia (sel-e-uh) Race: Snake/Slime Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Bio: Celia was not always a living shape-shifting slime... years ago she was once a simple snake. In her teenage years, Celia often times found herself fantasizing over the local hero, a street tough stud. Celia dreamed of being by his side, no she didn't want to just be there... she wanted to emasculate the powerhouse, to tickle him to submission, to dominate him. She had a powerful fixation for strong men and an even more powerful deeply hidden love for tickling them. Though she could never find it in herself to attempt such a bold move. She didn't want a playful tickle session, she didn't want to resort to stocks or cuffs, she wanted so much more... she wanted to become not just the ultimate tickler but the ultimate tickling tool. In her mission to change herself she sought numerous mystical masters. So many denied her, believing such a drastic change could prove dangerous. Then she crossed Abriika, whom after learning of Celia's ploy to harass local heroes could not resist the opportunity. Celia was reborn from a puddle of purple slime as she took on a familiar form and set out on her mission to live out her fantasies. She found the local hero and spent numerous evenings tickling him to submission. Celia was elated to finally have the power to dominate such powerful men. She found herself wanting more and set out to tickle any and all legends of Haa. Warriors, Knights, Slayers, Dragons, whatever they be they must be warned to watch out for the purple snake... she always catches her prize. Hot Spots: Celia's body is a unique one; her nerves can be pulled back and deep into her body to prevent any harm while on the prowl. However, when she takes her natural form her nerves are unconsciously pushed all towards her soles. Her feet are her one and only tickle spot... as long as she has them out. Special Info: Celia's slime body is not sticky nor is it wet. Her body is quite solid yet soft mimicking flesh quite impressively for purple goo. Her body is warm and perhaps due to the magical properties she can also sweat and tear. Celia can also solidify her body to bind and restrict her targets as well as expand to increase her size to dominate larger targets. Her body is virtually indestructible.
Tickle Spot Chart Overall Sensitivity: Low White- AAH!! HyperTicklish Red- Extreeeemely Ticklish Orange- Oh my! That Tickles Yellow- I give you Giggles Green- Aw, you get a Smile Blue- Wasting your Time Celia's overall sensitivity is low; her one and only tickle spot are her soles. Her body is completely under her control and she can pull her nerves deep in her body so she can remain in control when trying to catch her targets. However, her feet remain as the one tickle spot to take advantage of; when those soles are in sight TICKLE THEM! All her sensitivity is pushed straight to her soles making them VERY ticklish. While under ticklish duress, Celia cannot control her body thus she cannot alter or change her form and will remain your helpless tickle toy as long as you keep up the tickling. Why her soles? Perhaps with her love for feet she unknowingly puts all ticklish nerves on her one spot of desire. Maybe in that way she also makes herself able to enjoy a chance of de-feet at the hands of determined men. Celia's soles are vulnerable to all types of tools including feathers, oils, brushes, tongues, etc etc etc. Celia loves tickling though strongly prefers being the tickler. However she won't mind if some lucky ticklish stud managed to turn the tables on her.
>>63775 so if i poke her eyes she's gonna be howling with laughter?
>>63798 or go blind with searing pain. Either outcome works honestly :p
>>63775 this one looks like fun to chat with as an AI bot ;)
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Muscle Maddie, main character of the Muscle Maddie web series. Creator often does "question corners" on twitter where people can leave comments asking the characters whatever questions they want. Someone asked Maddie if she was ticklish, and the creator actually responded with an image of Maddie replying to the comment saying "Yeah! Why?" Not posting it here because I literally can't find the post. Did he delete it for some reason? Does Muscle Maddie creator hate ticklefags? Whatever, we now know it's canon that Maddie is extremely ticklish. I need to see her getting embarrassed and absolutely humiliated by tickles on her rock solid abs which she takes so much pride in showing off.
>>64084 I know you said Codri but come on, this is a funny monkey paw wish
swear there hasn't been a ticklepic of her in years
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>>65917 Completely unrelated to the thread, but that Trixxie RPG game from 5(?) years ago was so fucking peak, a few cringy lines here and there, but that was part of its charm. I would love a sequel, but I guess it was too much work for a small community like ours, even more considering it was free.
>>65919 I wouldn't. Looks like a Cartoon Network's 2010's reject.
Honestly kind of annoyed at how little Zp92 has done with McKenzie. These 5 images might actually be the only stuff he's drawn of her, if you don't count a couple alts he made for some of these (correct me if I'm wrong though). I don't think he's ever actually drawn her getting properly tickled. Which is a real bummer, because GOD I wanna see her huge ebony soles getting thoroughly tickle tortured until she loses her fucking mind. Hell, I'd even love to see her shapely tummy and tits getting tickled to Hell too. Sadly I doubt he'll ever draw her getting a good ticklish work-over, but here's to hoping.
>>66097 No one wants to look at some retarded sheboon nigger
>>66108 we fap to feet here, faggot, take your crusade to >>>/pol/ and keep it there.
>>66097 You are alone, sorry bro.
>>66097 does zp just not know how to draw human faces or is it on purpose? his furry/anthro characters look fine but the one human chick he draws has dot eyes and giant lips
>>66097 Yeah nah wtf lol
>>66111 Speak for yourself, douche nozzle.
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The artist LateMochaLatte on twitter made this cute emo boy oc based on nyan cat, and I really wanna see his paws get tickled. The artist usually only does paws/macro stuff, so we likely won't be seeing them draw him getting tickled, so I thought I'd post him here.
Am I the only one who wants to see this OC get tickled? There's not enough tickle art with Starfishface on this site, and it's time to change that.
>>66236 Who the fuck is that even?
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>>66097 I know it's pretty sloppy and will be nothing compared to whatever Zp92 does with her (assuming she ever gets tickled), but I hope it somewhat satisfies you.
>>66240 TheStarfishface, she’s a youtuber
>>66279 ...fucking youtube...
I love howsplendid's wolf girl Zoe. She's such an unaware tease and I wanna lock this girl up and give her a good tickling. She could stand to smile a little more often. I wonder if HS would allow a commission of her being tickled because he rarely does straight up FF art of her, only slight teasing.
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>>66279 >>66280 I made this dogshit a long time ago and I think I posted the same image here but here it is again.
>>66314 Based as fuck, anon Been daydreaming about Bunlith for a while. It gets worse every time someone makes fanart so I don't have to try and get off to ps1 graphics. Pics related. Not helping the situation is that one of her more recent vids has her sprite self laughing to the point of blushing tears. Dammit.
>>66318 Perhaps when I have time and patience, I'll give her another go. She's hot enough for me to tolerate having to squint at her low-res accessories for 92 hours

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