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Artists You Hate 8: Balls to the wall edition Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 15:49:49 Id: 924b21 No. 63176
You know the drill. hate to your hearts content!
>>67955 the shitter?
>>67944 He's still attention whoring but y'know even a broken clock
>>67944 this is the least annoying thing he's done
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Is this guy like an actual pedophile? His cropped drawings are extremely concerning, and his twitter has been removed before. We're talking underaged girls from Turning Red type shit
>>68041 >drawings literal nothing burger.
>>68042 Derwe just cawtoons, browski
>>68044 LMAO, that tard nothing truly wrong outside of groping that girl at the movie theatre, they are indeed, Just cartoons. You nigger puriteens need to get out of the community
>>68041 >>68044 Moralfags back at it again. Twitter is the next door down.
>>68041 i like how every so often, someone so obviously from twitter finds their way here, doesn't bother to read the rest of the thread, doesn't even bother to look at the rest of the board (or else they'd see we have a Loli tickling thread) and then immediately just makes a fake concern post here to "expose a pedophile!!" and then it's literally just a dude drawing a cartoon character that's like 17 and 3/4ths years old showing their feet. how are they finding this place is my question, and why do they think we care about fictional drawings?
>>68041 try harder, retard. come back with something substantial
>>68044 kys retard
>>68041 ...I'm sorry, are we suppose to be concerned over the well being of ink?
>>68050 I'd be willing to wager that the poster honestly just has a personal beef with the artist in question, and is just trying to rally a personal army to shit on them or some shit.
We going to get a bit of a FF spam but after that WE FREE, WE WON. Draw for fuckin once you shark
>>67831 He animates kids getting sexually assaulted and frankly doesn't deserve anything more then an FBI visit. It's bad.
>>68071 What a baby.
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not sure if anyone noticed this? >tranny >draws OC hanging them >lol??? which one of you made this happen? Someone pay an artist to make a neck version thank you
>>68102 The syndrome in full effect actual next level retardation would be needed to make this connection it is one billion percent not that serious
>>68102 ...like 70% of all tickle art has someone hanging by something, including actual necks by the snuff folks. Stop sucking your own cock and bullshit.
>>68102 Look I really don't like him or his art because it legit looks like garbage and looks like he hasn't improved whatsoever but even I can say that's a fucking stretch lol.
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>>68102 Weird. It’s fetish at bro >>68116 I think it’s clear his have improved. Daisy is still a transbian and I won’t ever forgive him for stealing Snailyn but that’s a weird criticism. You could argue the current art isn’t GOOD, which would be fair and most people would agree with you, but it’s definitely an improvement over the old shit.
>>68128 why is she a nigger
>>68131 it's been a thing for years anywhere on twitter the people yearn for melanin daisy I don't get it
its so cold in the d how the fuck we 'sposed to keep peace?
>>68132 In her first introduction Super Mario Land we see the cover art where she is white and then for the N64 era for the Mario spin offs she got tanned then white again. Always been white, just gets toasted a bit once and everyone think she African black
dunno why people here got a hate boner for Daisy, literally has like 1000 followers. Can we go back to hating HL for the child robot porn please
>>68102 Kinda bizarre the improvements keep bringing the style closer to Snailyn's. Maybe they're the same person.Like TheVerdantHawk and Helladelicacy are the very likely same person playing lovers. Now they're doing "collaborations".
>>68154 new 8chan schiz theory
>>68154 We've seen them both in the same place at the same time, genius. Their style is getting closer to Snail's because learning from their partner that's inherently a better artist that they already spend time with is the best course of action.
This guy saw say redscript's stuff and thought it was a challenge, holy shit. The flies are the cherry on top.
>>68166 Can I just say I am glad that smell thread died cause I feel sick right now. And as I said before, those smell fags need hot pokers shoved in their nasal cavities to burn those senses away.
>>68154 Their cycles are syncing up.
anyone remember that one guy that was in a couple of tickle discords and twitter who drew like 3-4 shitty pictures, then one day just claimed he had to get his drawing hand amputated that day, refused to post pics or any kind of proof, and then begged for free pity art and deleted his account a few days later?
>>68168 Forgive me for playing devils advocate but I’m sure plenty would see people who get turned on by a form of sadistic torture to be higher on the WTF list than someone with a stink kink. I’m not into this myself but I’m not about to start judging either. Live your best lives smell bros.
>>68168 >>68211 look what the fuck you did
>>68211 Nice bait >>68216 The thread's been anchored. Even the mods have had enough.

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