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Artists You Hate 8: Balls to the wall edition Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 15:49:49 Id: 924b21 No. 63176
You know the drill. hate to your hearts content!
another thread of autism screeching about moekaki, gaho, caroo and HL. we really aren't gonna stop until they off themselves, huh?
>>63179 "another thread of autism screeching about moekaki, gaho, caroo and HL. we really aren't gonna stop until they off themselves, huh?" 🤓
You can't even wait to have something to say or complain about, you just have to be the one to create the thread the moment the other one hit the limit.
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>>63179 Fucking loser
Also, unless I'm missing something, shouldn't this be the 7th?
>>63179 You know where you are? YOU'RE IN THE JUNGLE BABY! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1tj2zJ2Wvg
so what's up with this character that always has nail clippings in their hair? they used to have way more in earlier pictures
>>63194 I think she's supposed to be wearing a bandana.
I took a bet that the next thread would have a picture of mine featured, Did not disappoint, my sides are in orbit.
>>63187 I know
>>63179 Or until they hit rock bottom and stop doing art or lose the ability/credibility to make a living out of their overpriced shit
>>63195 if only count bothered to change the hex values to not be one pixel apart from each other we wouldn't have this problem
caroo genuinely used to be so good but his art is so flanderized and overly unattractive. it makes my eye twitch the amount of animal crossing, judy hopps, and pony shit he uploads, as well as his self insert, of course. i commend him for making a couple of tickle games but in all seriousness, his art is a perfect paralell for how long he has been around. his golden era has passed.
>>63217 Can't wait for them to be gone. Him and that sonicchu fucker.
>>63217 He actually stepped out of his comfort zone and gave us these good pics. Unfortunately my hyperspecific autistic autistic ass wants a decent pic where Arzette is showing both her soles, toes and all, but the demon girl is blocking them when being she's being tickled. Yeah it's stupid I'll admit but it's how I enjoy tickling pics. Anyways I still kinda like Caroo but he's definitely not exempt from criticism.
does this guy really actually genuinely think a 12 frame YCH with the weird bug thing from DBZ is worth $1600?? and an 8 frame animation is worth $800? this guy not only fell off but also went insane apparently. there are so many artists that will do way smoother and better looking animations with more frames like Aster-Effect or whatever his name is for like a couple hundred dollars instead of $1.6k, it's absolutely absurd that anyone would consider paying more than like what $100-200 if you REALLY liked the DBZ caterpillar guy for this. it's such a janky loop too, not to mention he literally didn't even put the effort into actually drawing the foot in one of them, so it's a toss up wether he'll actually put the effort in or half ass it and for anything at that price, that's BS.
>>63227 I don't really understand the hate he gets. Dude is just drawing what he likes. My only issue with him is he tends to abuse the 3d models from design doll which makes the poses super stiff and awkward. Those feet are very clearly modelled by the poser as well as the perspective of the whole piece. But... It works for quick pieces that just scratch an itch for characters you want to see quickly. All kinds of artists are using 3d pose tracing these days so it's not like it can't be done well. I see it all the time if you know what to look for (Erimoto and TickleSpots to name a few) but at least they have the decency to use real feet references to draw the important parts and go all in on the machinery and bondage that binds them.
>>63230 It's simply because he's in the top 2 most popular feet-tickle artists along with ZP92 (who even then has started doing it only occasionally). Feet tickling is definitely the most popular out of all of the categories and people are just salty that their personal tastes aren't being catered to. What's popular is popular. You'd think they commission artists rather than complain on an 8chan board. Not that I don't get it, I explained how specific I like feet done in these artworks myself
While I'm using Arzette as an example, Birbbythefoot (I forget what he called himself before he changed his name) has/had potential. He used to be consistent at least but recently the way he's been drawing feet has been inconsistent. like look at these examples. I'm pretty sure toes can't bend like that. It's so off putting and its frustrating because he used to be more on model. Also hate his hyper foot growth shit. Always thought it was an excuse for artists who couldn't or are too lazy to draw perspective properly.
>>63230 >like ticklespots lmao are you serious? he was the one who fell the hardest to the caroo effect. once caroo manages to get some artist with potential and a little bit of talent in his grasp, he just ends up pushing them to trace off 3d model programs like he does and that's it for them. first 2 drawings are pre-3d model tracing and the next ones are after he started. sure they're not "better" but they had a lot of potential to grow and improve, but now he just ended up tracing 3d models with irl traced pictures of feet overlayed on them. notice how every character has the same thin arms, massive front facing heads, hell even the furry has the exact same head shape. but somehow the feet he draws are very detailed and don't match the rest of the drawing at all. he got better at colors and composition and thats what's keeping him relevant but he's still badly tracing 3d models because "well that's what caroo does and he's super popular so why can't I?"
for some reason this pic didn't post, which is what I was referring to with the big heads, thin arms, and detailed feet that don't match the rest of the drawing
>>63238 I like Ticklespots but you're not wrong. I like that Spyro pic but even I thought the head was a little odd/off
>>63238 I can't believe anyones complaining about the quality of this while 4 out of 5 "high end" fetish artists are tracing way harder and adding way less. I mean you can clearly see theres a lot of style choices into these, those thicc outlines being one of them. And some of these backgrounds have insane amounts of detail, on top of being quite varied. Its obvious that the guy cares. The guy doesn't even have a patreon (that I know of) so this is most likely his hobby. No shitty YCHs or scam prices. At this point you're shitting on someone for actually trying while you beat your meat to it.
>>63240 >people can't complain about an artist becoming lazy and tracing models unless they charge money!! ok buddy whatever you say. maybe re-read the name of this thread?
>>63240 I think there hasn't been a single artist that this board hasn't complained about. I don't mind criticisms that I can agree with but people just love getting off with their hateboners.
>>63241 I'm just saying one thing is to complain about something reasonably and the other thing is being a whiny bitch crying because you're using proffesional standards on a hobbyst that draws quite decent stuff that you jerk off to, yet you have the nerve of calling that lazy while its clear you just can't tell the amount of work each of these clearly have. >>63242 I get that, and I dont know enough about TickleSpots to know the deatils about his drawing process, but as you say if you are going to complain at least complain about something reasonably, not go into unfounded conspiracy theories of how Caroo is forcing people to use 3D models as if it mattered and Caroo wasn't one of the best tickle artists out there that people like to find dumb reasons to shit on because he doesn't draw the characters they like. Legit psychos. Well I guess this place earned its fame for a reason.
>>63229 guys can we please talk about this guy instead? $1600 for a 12 frame shit animation?? >>63243 >i can't believe people shit on caroo like he isn't one of the best tickle artists out there i think I just threw up a little. calm down TickleSpots and get better at not exposing yourself so hard.
>>63244 What a tired argument "You're complaining about our butthurtedness so you must be the very same artist" I know this doesn't help my case but you faggots can be completely retarded most of the time. You realize the amount of these artists think 8chan/4chan are legitimately terrorists? Like they wouldn't touch this place with a 10 foot pole
>>63245 (Continued) Like go outside once in your life, take a breath of fresh air, there's more to life than cooming
>>63244 Well at least its clear there are people of all colors around here. You clearly get off to being a moron. >>63245 Thank god there is still a thin thread of sanity around here.
wdym went insane? I haven't heard from him until he started posting his 2 year old art recently. For having thousands of followers the number of likes etc are terrible
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Surprises me that the Master417 art contest fiasco didn't harmed his image or at least in terms of followers he still making bank
>>63243 Hey Tickle spots, y u allergic to penis? You should learn from your prophet Caroo and draw dicks. Stop being ghey and embrace penis into your life you clearly are thirsty for a lot of male characters, stop being a gender dysphoric autistic spastic and fucking embrace penis god dammit the fucking Caroo'ran demands it. Cease your Haram abstraction from the fact that you wank to this shit
>>63247 >ID ec17b9 >CONSTANTLY whining about people hating artists >"You're literally gonna make them suicide you fucking CIS SCUM!" >Constant Caroo stanning >Palms sweaty >Knees weak >Mouth dripping with Caroo's thick white sloppy thirds spaghetti >Spergs when mentioned by name Jesus Christ is TickleSpots about to become the next HumunculousLover? Really TickleSpots? You want to die on this hill and become the board's next lolcow? Take the board's critique on your current art, go fucking improve and stop giving into your shitty impulses to fight niggas online. Your criticism wasn't even that bad ffs, it was literally "you should do X Y and Z to improve" stop blowing it up like it's something to have a meltdown about. Fucking gen Z artists, man. Can't go 5 minutes without having a spergout over nothing.
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What in God's holy name
>>63262 What's wrong with their toes? How has this guy been at it for a whole decade?
>>63229 I keep seeing that cat with the purple hair in so many commissions. Not that I'm complaining.
>>63229 Other than the insane price, the way he draws faces is just unappealing.
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>>63243 >Caroo wasn't one of the best tickle artists out there caroo fucking sucks, nigga. Everything he draws is traced from designdoll models and painted over with the my little pony artstyle, in the same scenarios over and over and over again, and thousands of retarded cumbrains like yourself happily slurp it up, and his low effort modus operandi means he can churn out image after image of the same slop over and over. He's like the fucking MCU of tickle fetish art. just not as gay.
This guy constantly commissions art of 'Becca' a real girl he says knows about it but surely has no idea? He had her face pics on his deviantart for a while. Can he just get off to her and noone else?
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>>63270 >the way he draws faces is just unappealing It is because he hates anime art style and goes out of his way to have a personal signature style. Nothing wrong with that in itself, but as you said, his style isn't really flattering to faces and expressions.
>>63258 >>63259 >Spinless little bitch >Only knows about crying about people that actually contribute to the community >"I literally like making shit up and literally quoting people as if they have said it" >Random unrelated "Im cool line" >Random you like that artist dick because thats what they draw and I dont like that so I can say its bad You are all very cocky here in the consecuence free land. I can tell you're all being bullied irl. I've seen you do this plenty of times, randomly calling artists names to anyone here that tells you to chill the fuck up about the whine, because being a crybaby about so many things just makes the actual complaints and cringy posts lose all meaning. No, I'm not TickleSpots, and no I'm not Caroo. If I was any known name in the community I would know better than to talk with any of you rats. But please, go ahead, complain about Caroo using 3D programs when hes one of the few who are trying anything outside your beloved feet-in-stocks photos and YCHs Everyone in the community is tracing every single drawing, copying and pasting the same foot twice in a 70$ commission, and you are salty about the one who does something interesting with it just because you are salty he draws furrys/guys instead of sticking to what you want from him. You're pathetic.
>>63288 They already know they are, they're just trying to get a ruse out of you
>>63288 >Doesn't know >How >To >Green text Kek. TickleSpots, you're really going full Reddit Mode right now. This is the artist HATE thread, we bitch. It's what we do. If you can't handle that, and I mean truly - unironically, without hate - get off the thread. It's. That. Simple. But you won't, because you feel the need to stan for Caroo, yourself and all that other bullshit you posted. You're trying to insult people in a place where we openly taunt each other and profess how shit we are. You're not changing anything because you give us a few insults, and if you continue then everyone here's just going to laugh at you further or eventually get annoyed and tell you to STFU harder. The fact that you can't handle a few anonymous people online talking shit about your art shows that you're way too sensitive to be on here. But I know you'll just dismiss everything I say, because at the end of the day you want attention and you want to have the last word. Keep screeching into the void, you oxygen thief. I'm sure eventually someone will give a shit.
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>>63288 Ha Ha :)
Not terminally online enough for this I guess
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>>63295 nigga what did you expect? speak all high and mighty and think that'd change us all for the better? get off your high horse, this is the ghetto, son
>>63297 Bruh ghetto too fancy a term for this shit, this the motherfucking booshes in Africa my brudda
>>63295 I am your President John Henry Sneeden. Here to deliver a message to you, TickleSpots: You smell like you farted, TickleSpots.
>>63179 Or until this site gets shut down for the unironic CP posted here. Should tell you something that all those artists you named are able to make a comfortable living off of what they do, while an irrelevant and virtually unknown forum for retarded wagies and neets impotently kvetches about it. >but it doesn't because you are one of aforementioned retards
>>63280 In his attempt to own all the anamy people, he makes his faces look like disgusting westoid abominations.
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>>63280 there is a difference between having an anime style and having an appealing style, and Polar doesn't hit either of them, they're too styalized to be anime, but the style doesn't match when he tries to do faces screaming with laughter, because he's so fucking hung up on drawing a million and one things to cover the face that he absolutely forgot how to draw good faces. this is literally him pointing at other people for his own faults. >>63217 there is something so obvious about Caroo's evolution in his artstyle, he started drawing furry chicks, sure, but then he went overboard into the "uwu soft furboy" territory and it has absolutely melted his brain, i respect the guy as one of the oldfags, but god, he really needs to do something new, because this status quo is worse than the simpsons'. >>63262 i don't know how countfire keeps doing this, he's been in this platform for a fucking DECADE yet he's not improved an iota, this is literally a case of quantity VS quality, and he just keeps forcing himself to push out daily drawings when people don't want that, and i bet that a lot of his fans would be okay with him taking time with his shit to see if he finally drops something above the bare minimum.
>>63288 jfc is everyone on this shit forum a barely literate esl brownoid
>>63176 what i want to know is why there are so many trannies who are tickle fetishist artists
>>63318 A great deal of ticklefags are autistic, another huge portion is furry, and a third is autistic AND furry. Trannies make up significant portions of each population, and now you've blended the entire thing into one niche subculture.
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>>63257 he lives in the shadows of his friends by having them draw his ugly ass OC for exposure in order to stay relevant since his art has stagnated for years now
>>63312 >>63280 Polar bear's artstyle has always felt really gross to me in ways I can't really articulate why. Looking at it gives me the sensation of having a hair caught in my throat, but in my brain. if that makes sense.
>>63257 Same energy ngl
>>63326 god damnit kron, just go back to drawing ticklish feet, it's been a bit since you've done it, mong
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>>63280 It will always be the funniest shit to me that so many of those artists that are like "animeshit is the worst, it's so uninspired and sovlless, all you fags that like animeshit are the lowest common denominator" consistently draw some of the ugliest, most unbelievably unappealing shit ever and think they're hot shit, because their terrible deviantart cringe level styles are oh-so-original and not at all like the anime style slop they hate with a passion. Congrats on being unique, shithead. Every one one of the shits my dog takes every morning is distinct from a Monet, and so is your latest pic from the latest anime tickle scene I busted a load to. Wow. Such artistry. You're really making a mark in the world of pornographic art.
>>63297 This 1000 percent man niggas need to stop talking to the literal HATE thread like they on some kind of high horse n shit bruh like nah nigga u the reason the rage happens
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>women are equal to men, here’s a girl sucking on a man’s foot >let’s kill feminazis in small print I mean, dude… I don’t care if you’re embarrassed about your country of origin Burr, and constantly rant about how they didn’t educate you, you should at least realise this is the worst way to deliver this message. If it was bait, or hehe funny meme, then nice, 10/10. I just believe you’re being genuine here and it’s embarrassing to say the least. Either point and laugh at burr or point and laugh at me for defending women, both are valid and i’m a faggot
>>63345 For once he is based i am proud of him
>>63345 Burr? Political? That's a fucking joke. Burr's a fucking spaz, no literally, ADHD ridden spaz, uses words like "weeeeeee" and "aaaaa" and "asdfghkk" unironically. The idiot forgets to reach out to people who want to commission them half the time - not out of malice - but because they're so ADHD brain rotted that they legitimately forget. Why would you take anything ArtisticBurr says seriously about politics when they're clearly mentally stunted? I mean legitimately; this person has an actual mental disorder. I'm not about to take them seriously on any "serious" topic, I doubt their political beliefs even stay solid for longer than a week
>>63345 Ngl this concept is fucking hot
You can tell who traces DesignDoll models by the shape of the head and the size of the limbs.
Sick of artists begging for money all the time and shilling their Kofi etc. but leaving people who paid for stuff in the gutter
>>63362 The idea of a feminist icon on her knees for male feet, or just the general female-on-male action?
>>63383 on a similar note, double dipping artists put me off shit like having commissions, then putting them behind their patreon. the commissioner already paid for it to be made, why does everyone else have to pay to see it?
>>63397 Double dipping? Are you 5 years old? Lmao
>>63389 >general female-on-male action? this
>>63400 i'm just saying it feels skeevy to have to pay to see someone else's paid commission if the artist puts personal art behind a patreon that's fine, it's only commissions behind paywalls that bother me
>>63408 It's not your property in either case. >:(
>>63410 >property nigga... what
>>63410 Not your property either. It's OUR property, comrade
Words can not express how much I despise this fucking shit. Stupid fucking retarded AI garbage with ugly color palette and mangled body parts. I'm not even talking how lackluster and soulless most of it is, those damn mongoloids are so fucking lazy they just upload shit like this with blatantly wrong anatomy. It looks bizarre and repugnant and not only is it fucking useless as wank material, it actively kills my boner. Complete and utter trash. Fuck 99% of AI "art" and those worthless idiots that flood the internet with this garbage
>>63425 Someone should ESL this post so that it looks like Ghao posted it.
>>63425 Talking about can not translation the intensity there of I despising this fucking shitting. Stupid fucking retarded AI garbage with shitting colouring palette and fucking bodies. I are not even talking no talented and Godless the art cannot be of. Those damnable troll cowards fucking laziness they can upload shit liking to be of this with extremely damning anatomically. You looking strange and repellent and not only is it fucking illegal as wanking materials, it always is to kill the sexing. The art can NOT CAN NOT BE. Learn to draw cowardice! Without protesting to of my skill for is to be of good for you. You all motherfuck. Complete and utter trash. Fuck 99% of AI "art" and those worthless idiots that flood the internet with this garbage
>>63447 Not the unrelated furry image too lmao
>>63447 Honestly based.
Also he's not an artist but FUCK THIS GUY FOR REAL DOG. I remember seeing this bitch ass back in 2005 and he still types the same way, I think he's actually 48 years old too.
>>63451 I like watching his favorites tbh mostly straight stuff because I'm homophobic
>>63451 >>63453 Speaking of homophobia, didn't he post some homophobic shit ages ago? Much less based "gtfo fgt" talk and much more Chris Chan "I'M NOT GAAAAAAAY" brand of homophobia. Sidenote: homophobia is a stupid fucking name. Like we're scared of turning gay or some shit. Nigga I'm gay and I hate the fuck outta gay people. Imagine making your sexuality your entire existence. Faggots.
>>63454 You may be gay, but you're not a faggot. Unbelievably based.
>>63345 Considering this guy makes mostly furry shit, I think he did a good job with this one. Not entirely sure it's meant to be serious. Either way I think it's a hot piece.
>>63265 I don't know what he was doing here. Looking back at his previous works, he's drawn toes better than that.
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>>63454 >It's not a phobia. I don't fear them. I make them fear me.
>>63461 Inshallah brother.
i hate living why is he making his oc more femme and twinkified these days? caroo becoming a troon or what?
>>63464 the funniest part is that he already had a female version of his sona, so at this point it's just true furry brainrot. on the plus side, fem-caroo is probably stuck deep in a dungeon, getting tickled into insanity. probably done by a better artist.
>>63464 >>63468 Caroo's fursona was already fine the way it was before, so I don't get why he'd try to feminize it when he already has Carine (I'm pretty sure that's fem-caroo's actual name). Granted, this could just be a one time thing.
>>63345 It's amazing how butthurt everyone is over Burr making just one edgy joke it's even more amazing how many dumbass furfags are actually listening to Kampfer like bruh wtf is rico on about? Crime? 💀 For making feminist foot porn?
>>63506 leave Kampfer alone anon...u dun wanna give them any attention or relevance or else
>>63506 What? It just seems like an ordinary troon whining- OH MY GOODNESS
>>63410 Oh no it's our property alright nigger your dumbass posted it online it's now public domain like it or not don't like it than don't post publically you stupid nigger
>>63543 The copyright office would like beg to differ. https://www.copyright.gov/title17/
>>63554 Oh no gois watch out bros gonna sue /TKR/ lolsuit
https://www.deviantart.com/finessersquid I'm surprised no one brought up this person on DeviantArt. Blatantly reposts art from artists on Pixiv and somehow gained a massive following on DA. Not to mention they ban and delete comments from people who speak up about it. If we can somehow do a mass report on this person, that would be extremely helpful
>>63577 >Japan >Already an DA account calling them out Lmao LET'S GOOOOOO
>>63577 We literally have a Kemono thread, a few artist hate threads, and a video thread, but sure dude, people here surely care enough about artists losing 1% of their relevance because someone reposts their art.
>>63577 Don't be this fucking guy. And we're not your personal army.
>>63577 I generally don't give a shit about people reposting art but this guy is such a a faggot about it, it's unreal. I just clicked on this link to find out that he actually blocked me because a long time ago I commented on one of his posts to tell the name of the artist. I guess he's actively trying to prevent people from discovering the artists to bring more attention to his page, he's whoring favorites and watchers like he's running some gay ass clout chasing Instagram page. He usually posts low quality versions of the art as well, once again probably deleting comments and blocking anyone who tries to link the original high quality version. Fuck him. I wouldn't expect too many people to care enough to get on board with it, but trolling and harassing this guy until he deletes his account would probably be really funny.
>>63597 I absolutely am going to be that guy. Whatever you say, bud ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>63577 The guy you mentioned is a faggot, make no mistake about that. However X is not your personal army. It's one of the foundations of the chans since 2007 my brudda. That being said, anyone else getting tired of this asshole and his Chink bootlegging tactics? Swearing artists into secrecy and putting all his Charizard porn behind a paywall https://www.patreon.com/pawstickle He's like the shady gook you see at the flea market with all the bootleg ass DVDs of new movies and shit but with tickle porn guess the stereotypes ring true huh?
Can we just euthanize all furries?
I don't hate them, quite the opposite, but I feel when they aren't drawing their usual furry-body style and venturing into human territory, it looks bad.
>>63667 It's a half-furry character, not sure what you expected
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I don't hate them at all, it's the opposite. I really like his art, something about it makes me like it and I know there's a good amount of people who love him a lot. Too bad he not only removed all his posts, but he now only posts in Asa and friends loli server and changed his public name to something else even though he never even posts public anymore. I just want him to return man
>>63722 >>63723 I’m telling you, that’s Monokron’s best friend. You want answers on what happened to him or why he disappeared, fairly certain Kron knows.
EXTRA EXTRA GAHOWOLF FLEES TO NEWGROUNDS! CRINGE UP BY 11% https://gahowolf.newgrounds.com/
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>>63746 anon, dearest, lovely anon, my moon and star, my love, my life, the wind in my sails, my dove, my wife I have never been so hateboner obsessed with someone that I considered it noteworthy or newsworthy that they created a new account on another website. Tell us why it's important that gahowolf has made a newgrounds account.
>>63747 Simple. My pp hard
>>63738 They were both doxed and outed as nonces, that's about it
>>63783 What do you mean outed as nonces
>>63784 >>63783 they were both in the epstein flight logs they were on that horrible island
>>63792 ok I want a serious answer to my questions
>>63793 Whelp, you look at Monokron, MONOKRON, he's a sick guy, he was on.. he was on that horrible island.
>>63746 How long until he post fetish art and the NG crowd rate him 1 star to oblivion?
>>63801 I want to hear his enraged ESL response.
>>63836 Everyone, make a NG account and 1 star rate his post so it gets a low review average
>>63883 whats the issue here, anon?
>>63885 LethalTK trying to be popular
>>63890 >a popular cosplayer reinacts Lethals pic >compliments him on it >OMG CRINGE??? Lethals TRYING to be POPULAR... anon, I...
>>63890 and when you mean trying, you mean just thanking someone for using an image he made as a pose reference
>>63893 honestly, these threads have just turned into spergs sperging out whenever an artist they don't like does literally fucking anything like I hate caroo, sure, but im not hovering over his accounts waiting for him to take a breath so I can reee about it in here.
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>>63872 still nypa, faggot
>>63895 Seriously this. It's supposed to be hating artists for shitty business practices, bad artwork, or general lulzery on their media channels. Not just autistic kvetching like how a21168 seems to get his abdl pampers in a twist every time artist does thing
>>63784 >>63793 if i had to guess they traced their lolishit from rl references of under 18 girls (and maybe boys)
>>63899 that is a fucking wild thing to speculate on, anon did you base that on literally anything or are you just making shit up?
>>63899 What’s your source?
>>63904 Actually fuck that because they usually do pretty basic posing that has a likeable style
>>63899 "My source is that I made it the fuck up" - Anon
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>>63890 >>63883 What was I supposed to do
>>63907 You should draw Nahida
>>63908 I will
>>63910 You’re putting it on Twitter or putting it somewhere where loli isn’t cared about much
>>63911 Depends on if I keep nahida a potato or if I hebefy her I'd say but i've been wanting to take a crack at it someday
>>63912 making her a loli can make good practice on drawing those, but you do what you want to choose
Can't you fags talk in discord?
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>>63906 hey remember when this was a thing >inb4 muh wall of text too many words scare me and reading is for 90+ iqs porque yo no hablo ingles tl;dr pedo tranny furfag was tracing rl photos of people's kids without their knowledge, kiddy diddlers defend they/them claiming it's not an uncommon practice and iTs JuSt a PhOtO making a guess based on this info, it's called pattern recognition and deductive reasoning, understandably alien concepts to nonwhites
>>63916 apparently not. advertising being a pedo then complaining about being treated like one seems to be their fetish >it's not happening but it's a good thing pt. 6 million
>>63950 Yet no explanation to how this relates to Visk to any shape or form
>>63950 Srsly how the fuck does this relate to Visk? Explain. Please. Ffs. All you did was show some tranny faggot pedoing out
>>63953 >>63958 >pedoshit artists do pedoshit things here is one example >AYIYIYI DIOS MIO NO COMPRENDE ESE I'm sure life is hard with your birth defect Pablo
>>63966 You've yet to explain how this relates to Visk at all, you stupid faggot. >this tranny artist was tracing photos of toddlers, so this completely unrelated artist must be doing the same thing because reasons!! you don't see it because birth defect! Are you schizophrenic or just a drooling fucking retard? maybe both?
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>>63966 Here's more art from them before they left His style alone doesn't even support the idea of tracing real life shit
>>63950 >Diaperfur What leads to this??? And if they needed a reference photo so bad why not a stock site instead of Facebook?
>>63972 I remember Visk from eons ago. Dude was cringo, sure but never gave off pedo vibes. He was known as Psychofox years ago. Dunno where these allegations are popping up from; I know Mono's said some dumb shit but not Visk as far as I'm aware. Unless someone has actual proof and how it relates to Vodka; I ain't buying it.
Kampferwolf got pissy about Kron following stonetoss lol
>>64003 is kampferwolf never not pissy?
>>64003 >>64004 Kampferwolf gets pissy if you so much as EXIST around him. He's only gotten worse since trooning out. Between bouts of e begging and suicide bait that is...and off the wall batshit takes b/c troon politics
>>64011 That zoophile qrt is an edit
>>64013 >Zoophile qrt is an edit Doesnt change the retweet about the kids tho....
>>64018 You loosing you mind over a furfag tranny in the internet bro Holy shit lololol
>>64019 LMAO Hi Kampfer, time to boogaloo? It's official boys he's watching us and posting here HIDE YO KIDS HIDE YO WIFE
Any artist that comes over here to bitch is automatically an embarrassment.
Hi Twitter, hi Kampfer I wanna know what's it like to be unemployed faggot who constantly ebegs and hates random people online? What happened in your life that made you decide you were never gonna work and that you HAD to control and manipulate everyone around you? No I'm serious, was it daddy issues? Was he never there? Or maybe he was some overzealous Christfag who wanted to convert you into being the perfect Christian? I mean it's obvious you were groomed and taken advantage of by the furry fandom at SOME point. Contrary to popular belief, molesters were usually molested first. Really what's your plan in life? What do you want to do? Say you win this argument, then what? You'll be bitching less than an hour later about someone or something new that pisses you off. It's not enough to win an argument, you have to demonize them, nazify them, crucify them and then dig up their body to further desecrate it. You're pathetic because you're wearing such a thinly veiled mask, Kampfer. Trooning, nazis, all your lefty political takes? None of this matters. You're out here hurting people and trying to gang up on as many people as possible so you feel like you matter, to attempt to right whatever wrong that happened to you in the past. You're extremely angry and hate filled, and you won't even read this in full due to that. You're worse than the so called "nazis" you fight, the ones who actually believe in even a quarter of that btw. Which most of your victims don't fyi You're worse because you've seen their evil, how bad they can get, what they do...and you have the nerve to unleash it into other people. Why? Because it's you, because you're in your body - the "main character" of his own story - how could you be wrong? That's why you hide behind this social justice nonsense: to convince yourself you're right. That you're not a monster. That whatever you do no matter how horrible "was for a good cause!" You're a fraud and a narcissist. You don't believe in anything else other than yourself as you parasitically live off the fruits and hard work of others, and bullying hard but crying victim when one of your victims dares fight back. You're a cry bully.
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Kampfer I know you can see this you bastard, you better follow Stonetoss right now or I'm gonna publicly reveal dirt on you that will end your career.
>>64018 >>64025 >"they think it's me" >posts screenshots showing them actively viewing the thread
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Lmao, can’t believe that Kron of all people damaged this faggots ego so bad.
>>64037 what exactly is their disability? anxiety? Fibromyalgia?
>>64037 kron immediately folded, too, looks like
>>64039 Two retards going at it like special olympics boxing
>>64040 Idk, personally I don’t see Kron having doing anything wrong. Like sure he’s engaging with him, but imo he’s not sperging out over it.
>>64041 hi Kron
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kampfer is such a funny little person
>>64041 hi kron
>>64041 oh shit, Kron, what's up?
>>64038 Literally nothing but depression. Hes depressed and miserable because of their lack of substance and ability to have things they want. And so he will stay depressed in a cycle. Hes obviously ashamed of his situation and the fact he has to beg people for money because he knows it's ridiculous but putting in effort to get ANY sort of work is harder than using blanket terms like "disabled" and begging people for money on the internet. To be completely I'd almost feel sorry for him if he wasn't such a foam at the mouth vitriolic cancer on people around him.
>I wanna apologize to everyone >Artisticburr still nazi tho Lmao also no one here ever pretended to be Kron in this whole thing. Both parties are delusional autists being called out by other delusional autists. End of story. The fact that they both blew this up so bad is hilarious
Y’all need to watch your mouths
>>64091 You start.
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>>64091 Son, this is the HATE THREAD
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>>64074 >Antisemitic
>>64105 Ok shlomo. Does it hurt sometimes thinking about how they took your foreskin
Oh great, we reached the boiling point into Nazism. Someone find another autistic person on DA so can make fun of their shitty art.
>>64141 Kampfer? What are you still doing here? Shouldn't you be bitching and ebegging on Twitter?
>>64141 yes and? Total kike death. Total nigger death. Total faggot death.
>>64152 more like total brain death
>>64141 Hey Kampfer
>>64154 Vey is mir! Based and Sheckelpilled, Goya!
>>64152 >>64159 Since you see Jews everywhere anon, tell us who amongst artists is a Jew
>>64173 It’s that putz12????
>>64183 it's mimcubus bro...we already went over this
>Actually okay artist, improved with several years of hard work >Goes on NONSTOP about fucking musk stink and that shit >Even insisted there was musk in the comments of a nonmusk commission >Thinks ArtisticBurr is a criminal (see >>63506 ) >Also drowning Rico ffs STFU about smellfag any worse and u might be competing with Redsript for grossness ur actually a good artist but ffs with the redscript ass shit my nigga
The majority of posts in these threads are by one guy samefagging btw. A furfag named Yaba.
>>64248 That annoying faggot has the social skills of a shitstain. Ive had the displeasure of sharing discords with them.
>>64248 this entire board is nothing but furfags samefagging and shitting on other furfags...
>>64244 smellfags really need to get gone
>>64248 I thought he only had beef with one particular furfag?
>>64244 yeah I ain't hating on a guy who draws a goth bunny girl with boots just because you dont like it, NYPA buddy. go cry about green stink lines or something instead, cause little white clouds is the least offensive shit. >>64248 yeah the other half is done by me. there's only like 5 actual people who post on this thread consistently, and maybe a few randos here and there that join in for 1-2 messages and leave, and we all pretend to be different people, idk how no one else has caught on to this.
>>64257 I’m not gonna hate on that entire sub-community; just like us there’s plenty of decent people but the most socially retarded tend to be the loudest.
This isn’t so much hate but someone really needs to tell Ozzy if he’s going to be working on mainstream comics meant for more general audiences, maybe he shouldn’t be dropping obvious fetish fuel on the pages and making himself look like a creeper.
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Why is PawFeather's roleplay getting to the point where he uses his anime loli to reply to posts like these. He even talks like a total gooner through her, this is such weird bait man
what has he become he shouldve retired long ago
>>64329 Guy is legit insane.
>>64329 What's the issue with this one? I don't know about his other posts, but this seems like a perfectly appropriate reply to some retard getting angry over video games.
>>64341 Because he's using a porn account to reply to obvious rage bait.
>>64344 Why is either of those things worth being angry about?
I can't be the only footfag who is beyond sick of how SenkenSword's art has become abhorrent and repulsive with the proportions. Fucking seriously, there was a point where he was actually amazing, and now he's going down to the point of horribly mutated looking feet. It pisses me the fuck off that people even accept this godforsaken fucking garbage
>>64387 I dunno what it is but so many footfag artists just seem to start drawing more and more fucked up, unnatural looking feet as time passes Like kimberco was drawing normal looking feet just a year or two ago and now draws gnarled looking talons. ZP is another good example, just kept making feet fucking bigger and bigger and bigger.
>>63259 Speaking of HumonculousLover, have you ever been to her Discord dedicated to those freaky Sun & Moon FNAF animatronics? Ho' boy that place is so fucking cursed lol.
>>64387 SenkenSword isn't the only one with this problem. I've seen plenty of artists who draw feet with the proportions all off. The toes too small and close together, the ball of the foot being to big, the sole and arch being way to narrow and the heel not being wide enough. My guess is it's just bad drawing habits built up over time.
jfc these faces lmao
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I don't think I need to explain
>>64446 it's good to see strong black women empowered like this
>>64446 As if this story wasn't cringe already, she seriously brings in Civil Rights off all fucking things in a tickling comic? I follow her for unique situations and characters but stuff like this is *rough* to get through. Stick with fanart
>>64456 yeah i checked out, if the art wasn't already just above shit this weird ass direction gave me a flat out no. iunno if its a commission or something but i don't think there's enough money to make me entertain something this stupid of a concept.
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I hate deviantart
>>64532 As a dog, I think i would win a tickle fight
>>64446 Does this count as ntr??
>>64446 I wish someone would redraw some of her stuff, like the vanilla/cream comic, I feel it would be top tier content if only her artstyle was at least average
>>64538 I think it's safe to say that it does. >>64543 You mean this?
>>63257 >Master417 art contest fiasco can I get a QRD? I don't follow him so idk what happened.
>>64559 Good fucking christ. Say sike please
>>64617 He organized a art contest to get his OCs drawn and there was a money prize for the first 3 places, it was 1000 USD, 500 and 250. Quite a few good entries later at the day of the reveal he made a top 10 list which consisted of mostly his close friends and the winner was Pirata03 which turned in a single comic page that he was already making anyway for Patreon but made it public for the contest. So everyone thinks it was a fiasco but it looks like his followers didn't cared
>>64623 Sike. If you ever decide to look at her gallery, expect to see a lot of stuff like this.
>>64559 and that's pretty much the only cream foot stuff we can get these days
>>64624 Yikes.
Ya know at least Moekaki sticks to tickling content with only some mild foot fetish stuff but doesn’t delve too far into weird side fetishes like what Redscript did with smelly fe-SON OF A BITCH
>>64446 That cat alone makes me love that art even if for entirely different reasons than the artist intended. I can't stop laughing at that cat that looks like it wondered around Chernobyl for too long.
This dude. He posts his shitty art in every server and he doesn't even talk in them. It's basically spam at this point.
>>64977 Yeah his art is mid but I wouldn't want to talk in autistic tickle servers.
>>65002 Fair but he also clogs up the actually good channels.
>>65012 It's Caroo syndrome, everyone just shamelessly self shills in these places.

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They’re gonna draft him. Soon2u: Ukrainian drone to the face lmao.
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doesn’t even bother shading anymore. Just super imposed a real foot on there. jesus
>>65138 The legs ain't connecting either, low-key looks like bad ai
>>65138 Feet traced anyway, the amazing part is him getting away with this.
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Hands down, the ugliest foot I've ever seen.
>>65138 He's really a curious case of falling off in such a spectacular trainwreck kind of way.
moekaki claims his comic "is becoming a full fledged tickling comic" and will supposedly have more of a tickling focus however in the same post he also says "actual plot will continue to be of the utmost importance" so who knows what the fuck he's gonna do with that
>>65586 the thing is, these guys are appealing to no one. if they made a strictly non tickling fetish comic, I think they'd find a niche within their audience who genuinely enjoys his storytelling and art and wants to read his story, and if he just wanted to make tickling or even just feet pictures, well he could just stop wasting time with all the extra panels that no one cares about and will literally glance at for a second or two at most before focusing on the actual tickling, and just use that time and effort to draw tickling/feet pics. as it stands now, the people who want story stuff from him are being filtered by him shoehorning in tickling and feet, and the people who want tickling and feet have to wait months for him to finish a page because he's wasting his time drawing 4 panels of boring "setup" and 1 panel of actual tickling/feet. no one wins
>>65138 Can’t believe how far he’s fallen. He was one of the original greats from the golden age with comics like Stipplewitz and Tats Mcree…the fuck happened? >>65643 Guess I’m in the minority; I like the chocolate in my peanut butter.
>>65659 (Cont…) Really hard to believe this is by the same artist. I don’t think any other artist in the history of the tickling community has had this much of a drastic stylistic change that wasn’t just them improving their skill. A shame too, he was part of that particular movement in the mid to late 90’s that was like our version of progressive rock where artists like him and Ozzy were breaking away from the pulp comic style art that flooded the yahoo groups and tried something different with way more western animation influenced aesthetic. Granted his work was jarring at times but it was really different and interesting at the same time. Okay oldfag needs to go take a nap now.
>>65673 not to mention he's been very obviously tracing 3d models recently. I genuinely forgot about paw feather's old art that was actually good and had an interesting style.
>>65674 Feels like when he changed his username from TomatoDragon to Pawfeather, that was the beginning of his downfall right there. He originally started using the alternate just to promote his furry content but then adopted it fully while the TomatoDragon we all loved just faded away.
>>65122 THATS Marcy? hahahahahaha holy shit!! has this guy ruined anyone else's favorite servers as well? like this dude is genuinely just an unlikeable person, not even other trans people like this fat fuck. dude joins a server and goes through the backlog of BEFORE he joined and will dm mods messages he deems "transphobic" by twisting them out of context (they're not) to get people he apparently has beef with from other servers banned and when he gets called out on it, he immediately cries muh transphobia!! not to mention starting fights with the most random of people? like he'll genuinely just go >@randomperson I'm so sick and tired of your transphobic actions! in the middle of general in a server he joined maybe 5 days ago and the person they're pinging has barely been active, and almost no mod wants to kick him out of fear of being called transphobic themselves so most people either end up leaving the server or just never talk again in that specific server
>>65809 dude burns bridges wherever he goes, people have to constantly walk on eggshells around him. im astonished he still has friends
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https://www.tumblr.com/chaz-the-weasel/750381660593356800/happy-webcomic-day so I don't really hate Chaz or anything, no strong opinions about him or whatever, but I really hope he's not fucking himself over with this. I get he's trying to reach a mainstream audience, but there's like 4 direct foot shots in this first chapter, and I can only assume tickling's gonna factor in later. Seeing what happened with Moekaki and the abject failure that is HIPFC, I really hope this doesn't drive Chaz insane.
>>65945 chaz? tickling? i haven't seen such a phenomenon in millennia
>>65945 Well with Moekaki it was a fetish comic with the addition of a plot. With Chaz right now it looks like a mainstream webcomic with more focus on story that just happens to include light fetish elements. The distinction is minor but it’s all about the intent in the end. Actually ignore me I’ll go eat a bag of dicks now. >>65947 Dunno what happened to him honestly, another one fell from grace. Well actually know I do know what happened; he’s getting that sweet poon action and she nurtures his fetish interests. Sad the most of the best fetish artists need to be miserable or at least sexually frustrated on some fundamental level to fuel their art.
>>64658 puppyfucking christ. how have they been around for more than a decade and still draw like this
>>65951 genuine question what even did happen to Moekaki lmao it feels like he just dipped tho ik his twitter's kinda active
>>65979 Now to be fair, that pic was from late 2016 (which is still pretty bad, since her first upload on Furaffinity is from late 2010), while these four are very recent (last pic was uploaded two days ago). Unfortunately, AlexiaNBC hasn't improved not nearly as much as she should have after at least thirteen years.
>>65696 lmao his name used to be tomatodragon?
>>65993 Yeah he’s still doing stuff on his Patreon although no one’s updated it on Kemono since like last year. He apparently has a tickle themed dating sim game in the works based on his HIPFC comic series. >>65996 Yeah, even had a self insert persona character seen here in the lower left of this image. Stipplewitz was/is a classic about a villainous dark elf who gets tickled to death and resurrected over and over; his first comic series.
>>66044 I was confused I thought you meant Stripplewitz was a self-insert. Lower left, you meant that red imp is meant to represent the TomatoDragon logo on the bottom. A self-insert would have to share some explicit likenesses with the author in order to be one. Otherwise I'm not too sure where to draw the line between a self-insert and an OC that you just project your fantasies on. If he wanted to draw himself being tickled he could and has along with his wife.
>>66074 > A self-insert would have to share some explicit likenesses with the author in order to be one. Since when the fuck has that been a rule? I’ve seen tons of artists who base a character off of their username that they use as a self insert persona even if they don’t aesthetically resemble the real person. That aside it’s a trivial topic to debate since everyone defines it differently with no set rules despite what a handful of “experts” say on the matter.
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Who’s gonna tell him that half the people he follows is atleast okay with, and has drawn loli?
>>66355 Name any big artist that is secretly into loli. You guys keep saying this but there is no proof
>>66359 Theyre not secretly into it theyre openly into it.
>>66355 Oh it's the fag who calls everyone Epstein and prioritizes looking up an age of a character first before he thinks of even liking it. This dude is a total fucking asshole, oh and he Traces YourHardnerdcollector.
>>66361 having the personal preference of not jacking it to underage characters is bad somehow
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Grab some popcorn. I'm not really comfortable posting this here, and if Moekaki is reading this rn, sorry my nigga, but this shit is fucking hilarious. How about focusing on your mental health, turning your Twitter into an endless stream of art without fights, politics and other information garbage? (And it's possible, trust me). Just fucking focus on your art, focus on your game that you talk so much about but don't really do anything about. All bark and no bite. I'm not a hater, I don't want to offend you, I just want you to not go crazy and waste your time arguing on the Internet, because you're acting like a 12 year old kid, reacting to every "bad" comment in your direction. Talk less, do more.
>>66371 Why did he call out NECDAZ specifically?
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>>66359 >Out the big artists who are lolifags to me so I can write my call out post on Twitter Nice try faggot
>>66371 Everything you said is the way it should be, yeah. >muh account got nerfed! Tired of people everywhere on the internet blaming everything on some algorithm boogeyman. It's your job to help your audience discover you, and Twitter is shit for finding art compared to Pixiv or anything else, so who cares? Focus on making things convenient for the people who want to see your art, not whatever this is.
Nothing against the artist itself, but has to be the most foot faggory shit I have evern seen
>>66371 What's with the @everyone bullshit? Jesus, they don't care.
>>66405 I saw this shit. Fucking hilarious. Footfags, what do you have to say for yourselves? The four pits are based though.
>>66371 >@everyone >all of ya'll watched >and even watched it happen to me >and it's not fair to everyone >@everyone >How do you all expect me to feel about you? >@everyone No art for a while. Cheers. >cricket sound LMFAO what a narcissistic moron >>66407 Exactly, they don't give a fuck, he's tagging everyone and accusing everyone on the server of not standing up for him because this schizophrenic got into some kind of argument with who the fuck knows who.
>>66409 >Footfags, what do you have to say for yourselves? Seems pretty creative considering she is into all that stuff. Also that's Feeteraco who is objectively good at lewd feet content.
brother habeebi youre name is BarefootSlaveDragon you are not entitled to this much self importance inshallah
Can we talk about the "friendship" of these two and how their owners(which I don't think say that they are anything more than friends cuz I don't know) are always drawing them in situations that don't leave much to the imagination and portraying them as very affecionate. Literally they approved this drawing: https://www.deviantart.com/shin-designs/art/Kindred-Spirits-feat-Eria-and-Alessandra-746484251
>>66409 >>66405 I got nothing but respect for the guy, he's a pretty chill dude. But the fact the foot tail is assymetrical fills me with genuine rage. I know it wouldn't work any other way but my autism won't let me fap to it
>>66483 I've talked with Cordicor about it and he's mentioned that they aren't 'together together' or anything like that, That said, he does know that some of the pics do put them in that situation. If I could draw I'd probably have done them doing unspeakable things tbh but that's just me.
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Je. Sus. Christ. Should I point out that this guy is married?
>>66822 To be fair, Tormentor has built a goblin animatronic designed to tickle his wife's feet while advertising his Patreon stuff. In other words, his wife is in on this. I'm also pretty sure that TickleTou (the female goblin Toermentor often uses in his pics and animations) is meant to be her persona.
>>66859 ...this is some serious serial killer shit tier level of wtf.
>>66862 Honestly, to his credit, that's REALLY impressive
>>66866 real shit though, like it's not my thing, but it took real effort and skill to make this shit, I find it honestly really cool, from a mechanical project perspective.
>>66859 >>66822 Yes, to be fair it looks interesting and challenging. I probably wouldn't be able to do this. I can't "hate" him.
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I hate these people
>>67137 If enough people aggressively message them do you think they can be pushed to suicide?
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Wayyyyy too many people have this mentality, This fag looks up the ages of characters before deciding to like them, he tried to tell me it was my responsibility to do the same, even said he was being “tricked” into drawing certain characters fuck this faggot lmao https://x.com/ragmagbumples?s=21
it's high time for this mf to fall into obscurity as someone in this fetish space. he makes like 1-2 tickling pics every month or two and the rest of it is yellow fever with asians up the wazoo and only DiD. no tickling, just feet, barely anything else. his artstyle is good but wow what a pussywhipped weeb who lost touch with what originally made him so popular
>>67190 I keep hearing from loads of people about how much of a dick this guy is, he had a stint with kron recently Does he not realize that the people he follows, sorcererlance, caroo, etc are all just as degenerate?
>>67196 I honestly don't get the kusujinn hate. Did he do/say anything controversial? I don't get why people think that he should only be making tickling art, and I'm not a footfag. Like, would you be mad at him if he periodically posted art of landscapes aside tickling content?
>>67214 Pay them no mind. They just dislike him because - He's popular, even amongst normies - He's actually professional tier level, something they will never achieve - He's gotten way past the point of catering to sperg requests for tickling specific FOTM wenches - He's making serious bank doing what he loves - Makes no attempt to hide his yellow fever, jealous of his ability not to give a fuck. Look, I get it. It can be frustrating to see such talent and work used for things that don't get your tiny dick hard. But the dude has been the most consistent supplier of quality in the community for over a decade at this point.
>>67190 >112 followers noname Why do you even care?
>>67214 It's literally just one or two guys who are perpetually angry he doesn't make tickling art much anymore, and have been at the same level of vitriol for 4 years now.
BenisWaifu, fucking hell hes gone downhill... Like if I remember he was on twitter complaining about paedophiles, but now he's posting 3D stuff of characters which are canonically aged 14. Its pretty funny though that he threatens to block anyone who calls him out on it too. Pic Related: He also keeps putting memes and shit in this crap
>>67282 honestly I'm tempted to repost that Anya pic he did just to fuck with him... got any screencaps of him whining about pedos? I want it to be ironic when I do
>>67282 Benis likes loli, he was just pissed scared of being called out for it so he pretended to hate it. Dude just needs to grow a pair and like what he likes and not give a shit, more people would stand by him if he did,
>>67292 Benis forgets how open some of his friends are with their love of loli
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Okay, so I don't HATE Kandenrem, I think he actually makes some awesome art. But after subscribing to his patreon and joining his discord server, I'm feeling a mix of disappointment and confusion. Looking through the Patreon exclusive channels, it seems like most of the stuff there is wip sketches that, as far as I can tell, never actually get finished. Some really, really good looking sketches, actually. There's a channel called the "Nika Studio Project" that had some pretty awesome looking sketches going, and Kanden said it was a "project" he was working on. But, he only ever uploaded like 5 different pics to it, the last one was almost a year ago, and as far as I can tell none of them were finished. It seems like it's just dead. And then there's some other stuff that I'm not sure about. One of these pics I'm posting here appears to be in full color, which leads me to believe it's a close up of a finished drawing, but I don't fucking know because I can't find anything like it on his Patreon. Searching for the character's names doesn't show me anything. He's got over a thousand images uploaded to his Patreon, and he hardly ever puts the characters' names in the title and he never puts any tags in his posts. So, maybe he did finish some of this stuff? I have no clue. He uploads a million pics that look like wip sketches, sometimes with no context and sometimes he straight up says it's a wip. Trying to find specific pics on his patreon feels like I'm lost in a maze. Or maybe it's actually really simple and I'm just retarded and don't know how to navigate a website or a discord server. I would honestly be relieved if someone told me I'm just mentally retarded and showed me that all of these actually were finished a long time ago and I'm just too stupid to see it. I don't know man, seems like with any other artist, if I'm looking for a specific piece they drew, I can just put the character's name in the search bar and it will bring up all the art of said character in their gallery. Kandenrem's art, between all of his different platforms, just seems so convoluted to me. Like a live service video game with a million different menus for different item shops and cash shops and missions that doesn't make any sense. Or, like I said, maybe I'm just stupid. If he doesn't actually scrap 90% of what he starts and there actually is an organized folder or something where I can easily find whatever I'm looking for, please enlighten me.
>>67304 Yo could you please share the new Nenet picture btw? The box one
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>>67310 Yeah, here. I adore her facial expression in the second pic, struggling so hard to hold in her laughter. I love Nenet, she's such a great OC. The way Kanden draws her facial expressions and massive fucking tits is always awesome. Any art of her is always a treat... which is part of why it annoys the fuck out of me that even as a patron, I still don't get to see the full versions of some pics of her. Like the last two pics I put in my last post, he'll post shit like this on his twitter like it's a preview of stuff he's working on for patreon, then you actually pledge and it's not there. Do the full images even exist? When it's fully colored and shaded and everything, that makes me think it does. There's a ton of pics on his discord of wip and previews of stuff he's "working on" that end up getting swept under the rug and forgotten. That Briar tickle pic he teased on Twitter a long ass time ago? Doesn't exist. The Dark Souls project he started a while back? Dead, as far as I can tell. Hasn't done anything for it in a year now, and not a single pic from it ever got past the sketch phase except the Gwynevere one, and even that one never got colored. He said a long time ago that they would all be finished and released as a "pack", but that doesn't seem to exist either. So on the one hand, the stuff that DOES get posted up on Patreon is always awesome... but on the other hand, there's quite a bit of stuff he starts making for patrons and seemingly never finishes, so there's also a bunch of awesome stuff that I DON'T get to see. Leaves me with mixed feelings about his content. Anyways, sorry for the rant.
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>>67310 and the last four from that set. Her face in the last three pics is fucking gold. That look of pure hysteria and panic is just awesome.
>>67325 >>67327 this is why I never draw loli for you faggots can't keep your mouth shut >loli zelda based, underrated
>>67327 Maybe if you stopped being a samefagging pussy and did something, there would be something interesting happening
>>67332 >it was only brought up because he tried to act he was above it when he wasn’t where and when
>>67332 so the fuck what? If you like his art, why cultivate circumstances to make him ghost? looks like rag unfollowed him so I assume these two events are connected. probably saw this thread and decided to bitch him out in PMs or something.
>>67335 >blocked someone It was you wasn't it anon? You got too pissy that he didn't draw as much so you tried starting shit here to get people to fuck him over
>>67321 >>67322 Thanks bro, hot as hell~ Kind of a shame there isn't a version with just the tentacles and no dick but meh
>>67329 hi benis :D
>>67348 yes it is me, Benis faith and begorrah idk is he irish?
>>67343 We call that an impulse control problem. Take riddlin...
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>>67304 It's easy to tell how much of a desorganized person he is by just looking at the discord, his stuff is all over the place, even his own art channel is sandwiched between other art channels. Another thing that really bothers me about his is are the faces he draws, they can be really hit or miss sometimes and range from adorable to super creepy. Ada here looks hideous. I like his stuff in general but I really wish he'd get his shit together when it comes to organization. Also, do you happen to have more pics that include Kandy (the one with the messy black hair) in that stash? That's the one OC of his I really like
>>67304 Reckon you could give out an invite link?
>>66359 caroo lol. he just deleted all his underage drawings a few years ago, but he's big enough to where most people remember and most of the art is still floating out there. penny gadget, non-aged up scootaloo, random underage characters here and there. a lot of those weren't commissions either, though some were
>>67366 Funfact, Rags actually follows caroo lmao, I would pay to see the "EVERYONE HERE RADIATES EPSTEIN PARTICLES" meltdown when it comes (something he's actually said before.)
If Benis somehow sees this, I'm sorry for how I was yesterday
>>66359 If you weren't a newfag you'd remember many big artists used to post loli until the Twitter mob started attacking.
>>67366 I used to give a shit about the twitter mob, now I don't, took some people to kinda nail it in to me I'm going to draw whatever the fuck I want. More artists need to do the same and just, stick up for themselves. The sooner we stop letting fags have any control, I.E just ignoring their call outs, not giving a shit about what they say about other people. The sooner we can just get along with shit as normal. I hope Caroo and people who have the same mentality as him can understand here that like, it's you people who give them power, you're just as guilty when you bend to them and play by their rules. Stop playing by their rules, stop giving a shit when they say "You know she's 15 right?" It's not real. Call them projectors. Post your loli shit, without giving a shit. We need to geninely start gatekeeping the community like animefags do to theirs. The more we ignore them, the more they'll just fuck off. People like Jeej have already fucked off because they couldn't stand it. The more people that actually unite and do what they want, those faggots will clear out completely.
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>>67356 I don't have a literal stash, but I am currently pledged to his Patreon. These are the only ones I could find when searching "Kandy" on his Patreon. There might be more that are just titled some random bullshit like "exclusive reward number whatever the fuck" so they don't come up in search results, not sure.
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>>67356 Kandy is in this one too, the girl in the background wrapped to her surf board and getting her feet teased by tentacles is indeed Kandy. Also putting these other two images here as examples, because I know exactly what you're talking about with the way he draws faces. Sometimes they're amazing, like that close up of Kandy's face you posted looks fucking ADORABLE. Other times, he'll draw shit like that Ada Wong pic. Or, this Yor Forger pic. Yor's face doesn't look HORRIBLE here, but her expression is a little lackluster and her teeth look a little weird. But then look at the third pic: I think the faces look pretty great here. Dawn looks very cute, and Zelda's expression of pure hysteria as those evil fingers scribble all over her soles is pretty hot. My favorite however has to be the interaction between Inoue and Giselle. Inoue's extremely worried and nervous look is just awesome. Like she's panicking as Giselle gently caresses her defenseless soles, and she's just fucking hoping to GOD he doesn't actually start tickling her for real. Giselle's face is a mix of mischief and lust, and he looks like in about 10 seconds he's gonna let loose and go to town with all ten fingernails on Inoue's big ass feet and make her go fucking WILD. And by the look on Inoue's face, she knows he's about to do it, too. He really can do amazing work with faces sometimes. Or sometimes he'll do that thing where he draws every. single. individual. tooth. and then try to make the eyes and nose more realistic and detailed, and the whole thing ends up being an uncanny valley disaster. On a side note, Kanden draws some of the best boobs of any tickle art I've ever seen. Inoue's tits in the third pic here look fucking amazing. All the boobs in the octopus pic look hot as hell, especially with the tentacles fondling and tickling them. Kandy and Nenet both have fucking flawless tits in just about every pic he's drawn of them. And in some of the pics he's done with hands groping the girls' boobs? Phew... god damn they look so soft. Seriously, I don't think there are a lot of tickle artists who draw boobs better than Kanden. If only he could just get his god damn discord in order and actually tag his patreon posts so I don't have to scroll through literal hundreds of pics to find the one I want.
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Is he actually lurking in this thread reading our posts talking shit about him? I know he frequents this board, I've seen him posting in several other threads, including pretty recently in the Monster Girl thread. He just said this in discord like 30 minutes ago. If this is how he responds to criticism on the internet... I just gained some respect for him, not gonna lie.
>>67379 Most artists lurks here, admit it is something completely different
>>67376 >Kanden draws some of the best boobs of any tickle art I've ever seen *some of the best-looking girls. Bodies, boobs, feet, everything.
>>67385 I mean, at least it was good wake up call for Kandem to lock in for once. If he was an ass like other folks he would have already made a post that goes GUYS GUYS, A FRIEND (totally not me) SENT ME A SCREENSHOT OF THIS THREAD, THEY ALL MEAN TO ME
>>67395 My thoughts exactly. Instead of bitching and crying and starting arguments over it, it seems like he actually took the criticism seriously and took the initiative to improve upon the thing he was being criticized for. At this point, if he starts uploading complete fully colored pics for some of the sketches I was bitching about getting abandoned, I will eat my own fucking words, take back what I said about him, and admit to being a whiny retard.
>>67321 It's hot as hell but how does the perspective work where her feet are in a box and the dick is facing out from between them like the guy is underneath her ankles, but that's just where the bottom of the box would be? Am I stupid?
>>67400 Ehh I just always operate under the assumption that there's magic portal BS going on in pics like that
>>67387 >*some of the best-looking girls. Bodies, boobs, feet, everything Hello, Kanden
>>67356 >>67376 i’ve talked about kandem’s facial expressions before which i feel they’re kinda lackluster often, but i feel like he’s gotten a bit better at them recently. usually his expressions are, how i’d describe them, are just a simple smile with relatively kinda-worried eyes, which is just underwhelming to see in tickling art (which most tickle artists do unfortunately). ticklee’s should be more expressive in their laughter (more panic or more frantic, hysteric, etc.) in tickling art. i think kandem is slowly getting there though with his expressions and i hope he gets better with them.
>>67408 Sorry but this time wasn’t me If I comment in the forum I always use my name up here :b
>>67416 Considering you’re the only one who actually spelled his damn name correctly then yeah I’ll buy it. But sadly now knowing you’re actually here, the braindead monkeys will now start accusing anyone with even a sliver of positivity to speak about you as actually being you since no one is allowed to just like an artist around here.
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>>67416 hey kanden, good on you for taking the criticism in good faith. Do keep in mind, I'm sure a lot of people like you and your stuff, even here so it's great you are taking steps to improve further, keep up the good work mang, your latest drawings have been great. also consider drawing more kandy you motherfucker, she's your best oc
>>67424 Well it is the artist you hate thread.

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I’ve got more pictures of Marcy. I refuse to make a Tik tok, so maybe there’s some cringe you guys can dig up.
>>67416 Kanden please draw more Kandy I beg.
>>67573 that's just sad lol, just remember that this is the mf throwing tantrums in every discord server
>>67579 I think they toned it down a lot after the whole imma get drafted any second now wake up moment
>>67573 I hope one of your goons sees this and relays it back to you. After all the bullshit you’ve caused within the community, you deserve to be drafted, you miserable fuck. No life, no job, it’ll do you good, maybe make you out to be a man instead of some spineless faggot pig. Eat shit. C;
This guy posts some decent tickling art sometimes, but most of the time it's kids just getting assaulted and taken advantage of, how has no one noticed them?
>>67810 no, you're the only person who's noticed. not a single other person knows he makes tickle fetish pics of lolis and shotas. this is a brand new development, never before seen, you should make a post on twitter about it
>>67810 It’s super hot too lmao. Love his stuff.
>>67810 Is it ticklingoscars level bad or is this much ado about nothing
I heard a nasty allegation about Kampfer through the grapevine I heard they want to murder their father and forced their mom to inject them with HRT as revenge for childhood trauma does anyone know anything about this?
>>67863 What the fuck?
>>67810 cause it's good quality and he doesn't act like an autistic sperg on twitter and doesn't have meltdowns on DA journals. he gets my Patreon money every month
No comment
>>67944 He's right. As much as a bitch Micheal can be he ain't wrong here.
>>67945 Seconded. Just because he's wrong a lot doesn't mean he's ALWAYS wrong
>>67945 >>67946 Jfc the guy who says gender isn't a social construct is right? You servile fucks.
>>67944 a broken clock is still right twice a day
>>67944 He’s already getting flak for it on the ‘itter
>>67955 the shitter?
>>67944 He's still attention whoring but y'know even a broken clock
>>67944 this is the least annoying thing he's done
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Is this guy like an actual pedophile? His cropped drawings are extremely concerning, and his twitter has been removed before. We're talking underaged girls from Turning Red type shit
>>68041 >drawings literal nothing burger.
>>68042 Derwe just cawtoons, browski
>>68044 LMAO, that tard nothing truly wrong outside of groping that girl at the movie theatre, they are indeed, Just cartoons. You nigger puriteens need to get out of the community
>>68041 >>68044 Moralfags back at it again. Twitter is the next door down.
>>68041 i like how every so often, someone so obviously from twitter finds their way here, doesn't bother to read the rest of the thread, doesn't even bother to look at the rest of the board (or else they'd see we have a Loli tickling thread) and then immediately just makes a fake concern post here to "expose a pedophile!!" and then it's literally just a dude drawing a cartoon character that's like 17 and 3/4ths years old showing their feet. how are they finding this place is my question, and why do they think we care about fictional drawings?
>>68041 try harder, retard. come back with something substantial
>>68044 kys retard
>>68041 ...I'm sorry, are we suppose to be concerned over the well being of ink?
>>68050 I'd be willing to wager that the poster honestly just has a personal beef with the artist in question, and is just trying to rally a personal army to shit on them or some shit.
We going to get a bit of a FF spam but after that WE FREE, WE WON. Draw for fuckin once you shark
>>67831 He animates kids getting sexually assaulted and frankly doesn't deserve anything more then an FBI visit. It's bad.
>>68071 What a baby.
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not sure if anyone noticed this? >tranny >draws OC hanging them >lol??? which one of you made this happen? Someone pay an artist to make a neck version thank you
>>68102 The syndrome in full effect actual next level retardation would be needed to make this connection it is one billion percent not that serious
>>68102 ...like 70% of all tickle art has someone hanging by something, including actual necks by the snuff folks. Stop sucking your own cock and bullshit.
>>68102 Look I really don't like him or his art because it legit looks like garbage and looks like he hasn't improved whatsoever but even I can say that's a fucking stretch lol.
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>>68102 Weird. It’s fetish at bro >>68116 I think it’s clear his have improved. Daisy is still a transbian and I won’t ever forgive him for stealing Snailyn but that’s a weird criticism. You could argue the current art isn’t GOOD, which would be fair and most people would agree with you, but it’s definitely an improvement over the old shit.
>>68128 why is she a nigger
>>68131 it's been a thing for years anywhere on twitter the people yearn for melanin daisy I don't get it
its so cold in the d how the fuck we 'sposed to keep peace?
>>68132 In her first introduction Super Mario Land we see the cover art where she is white and then for the N64 era for the Mario spin offs she got tanned then white again. Always been white, just gets toasted a bit once and everyone think she African black
dunno why people here got a hate boner for Daisy, literally has like 1000 followers. Can we go back to hating HL for the child robot porn please
>>68102 Kinda bizarre the improvements keep bringing the style closer to Snailyn's. Maybe they're the same person.Like TheVerdantHawk and Helladelicacy are the very likely same person playing lovers. Now they're doing "collaborations".
>>68154 new 8chan schiz theory
>>68154 We've seen them both in the same place at the same time, genius. Their style is getting closer to Snail's because learning from their partner that's inherently a better artist that they already spend time with is the best course of action.
This guy saw say redscript's stuff and thought it was a challenge, holy shit. The flies are the cherry on top.
>>68166 Can I just say I am glad that smell thread died cause I feel sick right now. And as I said before, those smell fags need hot pokers shoved in their nasal cavities to burn those senses away.
>>68154 Their cycles are syncing up.
anyone remember that one guy that was in a couple of tickle discords and twitter who drew like 3-4 shitty pictures, then one day just claimed he had to get his drawing hand amputated that day, refused to post pics or any kind of proof, and then begged for free pity art and deleted his account a few days later?
>>68168 Forgive me for playing devils advocate but I’m sure plenty would see people who get turned on by a form of sadistic torture to be higher on the WTF list than someone with a stink kink. I’m not into this myself but I’m not about to start judging either. Live your best lives smell bros.
>>68168 >>68211 look what the fuck you did
>>68211 Nice bait >>68216 The thread's been anchored. Even the mods have had enough.

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