/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

Kocho Kocho

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Some f/m
>>2772 No.
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his kemono is fairly updated and has hd versions + variations of all of these
>>4604 I wish the Pitou pic had a version with her wearing socks because her orange stocks are adorable.
>>4604 Friendly reminder that Pitou is dead
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>>4604 Don't forget about the follow up of this one
Where can I see his old post. I don't think I ever see half of the pics here, probably archived somewhere
Anyone have that old RE Jill pic of his? She’s getting tickled and fucked by tentacles or something. Much thanks!
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>>6164 Yeah, that one. It’s awesome. Thanks bro bro.
I feel like I've been living under a fucking rock because I didn't know he drew explicit stuff. Pretty based tbh.
‎Anyone have the new Bad-Pierrot pics ? ‎ ‎specifically the triss one
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Newest batch.
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The newest batch.
>>8438 Are you his patron?
>>8438 If you're his patron would you mind uploading them to kemono? I'd be interested in seeing the textless versions as well
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>>8438 Super appreciated man. Thank you very much.
If someone’s got his pic that had Sarada, Chocho, and Adult Hinata being tickled that’d be great, seems to be deleted off of DA.
Does anyone have the newest batch?
I used to gripe about Umojar/Bad Pierrot hitting an artistic plateau, but looking at some of the Patreon stuff he actually makes for his own enjoyment, rather than the bland and predictable commissions he does for other people has kind of made me wonder if I judged him too harshly.
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>>22285 Hmm, he did a good job on that Mavis one, thanks for the post 👍
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>>22315 Why do BP's sketches have so many random lines going all over the place? I'd love to see this pic finished and colored, Guilty Gear characters really need more art. I'm getting really tired of only seeing Chun Li.
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>>22329 I would call it a gesture drawing or something. he probably made that picture in a matter of minutes, that kind of drawing attempts to preserve the movement of the scene so when the lineart is drawn it doesnt look so stiff. these are a few drawings i managed to find where i tried it myself. your brain is very "in the moment" when you do these and your not worrying about making it look nice just getting the idea down. you just sort of let your body move on your own as you look at the reference. it does take lots of practice tho.
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>>22329 Because every sketch has messed Lines up. The artists and mangakas start from here, since its quite hard to draw a straight line they generate order from Chaos
>>29514 >Drawing SNK girls that aren't Mai/Kula, especially in current year >Remembering that Chizuru has a twin sister >Actually incorporating one of her special attacks into the image He's so fucking based
Hey people, do you have any of these drawings in good resolution? And does anyone have this? because this is no longer in his gallery. https://www.deviantart.com/bad-pierrot/art/Star-vs-the-Forces-of-Laughter-551577667
>>35405 no one can tell what the 404 is, is it this?
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>>61321 Nice one, many thanks! If you or anyone has the Gang Vs Sypha comic, that would be amazing.
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So fucking cute
Lmao what a waste of time for him to draw
>>61346 >No Armpit tickles >No Feet >No Sides >No Hips >No Thighs >Literally just the knees The commissioner has got to be a huge fucking faggot holy fuck. I hope BP charged him out the ass for that shit. What a waste of time indeed.
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>>61346 its cute and all, but the fact that my commission has been on the waiting list since august because shit like this is in front is just irritating. bp isn’t exactly cheap with commissions either, so this guy kinda scammed himself by not adding any other spots.
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Nope, you're all acting like entitled little bitches. He paid for something he wanted and, hopefully, he got it exactly the way he intended to. He didn't do it for (you) to masturbate to it, so tough luck, go coom to something else you didn't pay for. You better believe if I ever drop hard earned cash on a commission from one of the big shot artists of the community I'm getting them to draw exactly what I want, no matter how autistic, and I'm having a giggle at the thought that a random anon in a basket weaving forum is seething over the fact a pic I paid for isn't making his peepee hard.
And for the record, it's really cute, and sometimes tickling doesn't need to be anything else.
I like how none of these posts mention it's a reference to an anime
>>61400 IDK why you're acting so butthurt that people don't like it. There are people with knee/leg fetishes so someone somewhere is cooming to this. This is no different than people preferring feet tickling over armpits or something, calm your dick cheese People don't like things, big surprise
>>61408 >Lmao what a waste of time >The commissioner has got to be a huge fucking faggot holy fuck. I hope BP charged him out the ass for that shit >my commission has been on the waiting list since august because shit like this is in front is just irritating Who exactly is acting butthurt here again? >>61404 So it's not just random autism, it's very niche autism, got it. I love that for them.
>>61409 No one is butthurt retard, it's just pointing out that the nigga spent a good chunk of change to draw Rushia just getting her knees swiped at. The person who is probably a bit salty is >>61398. Which, to be fair, when you have niche autism as you mentioned like the pic in question, I don't exactly blame him for being slightly miffed. When I saw it on DA it was fucking stupid but I thought nothing of it, but seeing it again and someone else pointing out that it's fucking stupid, I gotta agree with the guy it's fucking stupid.
Current state of this thread
Currently on my way to commissioning Bad Pierrot to draw a picture of Rukia touching grass in excruciating detail that will take him several months to draw (I'm doing this out of spite).
commissioners should do more knee tickling commissions to piss everyone else off more
Does anyone have the first version of pic related? It's been so long since I last seen it, can't find it on the net.
Does anyone have the colored version of the stocking stuffer images?
>>65003 Anyone?
>>65010 This one?
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>>65011 Yeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssss, blessed you be anon for this wonderful gift
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Does anyone have the full version of these panels?

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