>So what's with the kiddie shit threads that keep cropping up like everyday recently?
Feds and bad actors spam cheeze pizza on imageboards all the time to take them down.
>how the hell do we stop it from reappearing
You can't.
EVERY website that allows user generated content (Even Kikebook, Twatter, and Jewtube) has it's fair share of cheeze pizza being posted on it.
>I'm kinda appalled that this fucker hasn't gotten ip-banned or something yet
VPNs and Tor allow them to evade bans.
>Think we can ban the images or something?
The R9K filter option the BO can enable works like that, but it has it's limitations. First of all, it requires the image to be already posted on the site (You can see where that's an issues). Second, even if they just have the hash on file for the image (Basically image's ID "receipt"), that hash changes with the change of a single pixel in the image or copying the image through the clipboard. Third, sometimes it's the Feds, or someone working for the Feds, posting the image and they don't care if it creates a false-positive problem that
they, themselves, caused.
>I dont suppose theres any way to trace people through this site, is there?
Read the global rules and the About page. This site does collect your IP address (Just like every site) and attaches it to your past history, which is turned over to the proper law enforcement channels whenever illegal content is posted. However, remember that law enforcement takes time when building a case and that IP addresses are very flimsy when being considered valid evidence.
>Also, clear your browser's image cache after you see real pizza, even if you didn't actually click on the thread.
Even more than that, you have to delete the DNS cache and wipe the free space on your hard drive. DNS is a "time saving" measure built into Windows that allows sites to load faster the next time you access it. Meanwhile "deleted" data is never really deleted. Instead, the file is marked as "reusable space" that can be rewritten at a later date when your hard drive needs to space for something, meaning the file is still recoverable for however long the space is available. In order to solve this you can use an app to "wipe" the "free space" on your hard drive, which it does by taking all of the "reusable space" and overwriting it with junk data that your hard drive can still write over at a later date. Keep in mind that your should only do this with traditional hard drives as it will severely reduce the lifespan of any flash memory drives (Such as thumb drives and SSDs).
>how do i clear a cache?
On a phone, go to the history or privacy settings of your browser and clear out everything. However, I don't know how to wipe free space on a mobile.
>Is there a way to clear your brain's cache?
Don't dwell on it and go to sleep.