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Drawthread Anonymous 01/21/2021 (Thu) 06:51:49 No. 364
Here you can request some nice art of your choosing, Have Fun!
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Requesting Michelle Beaks, naked and peeing all over the floor and her big brother Harvey Beaks rushing to find a mop (Naked screencap of Harvey for body reference)
>>1565 I understand that everyone has their tastes, but... Why?
>>1567 I mean, it's no worse than half the other requests
basically only this request sucks that much tbh >>899
I'd argue public urination is better than erections or penitration
>>1570 it could be if it wasn't some cringy looking tumblr bird, maybe if it was a /tot/
>>1571 She technically is
>>1572 nah it's a retarded calarts bird bro
>>1573 You still use calarts as an insult, your argument is invalid
>>1565 Okay, this post has caused a bit of debate and I don't want it cramming the thread. So unless someone wants to draw it, let's not talk about it any further.
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Requesting a POV of Baby Star lying on a bed while some hands lift her tiny dress up revealing her naked pussy. Pacifier edit would be nice too, that always makes it hotter.
>>1583 now this is a good /tot/ request >pacifier fuck yes
>>1583 You know, this reference pic really makes you appreciate when a diaper is drawn well, and they are hard to draw. That little bit of extra detail is just top notch
Can we get a thread purely for diapers, please? That would be awesome!
>>1598 >>1598 Nothing stopping you from making one man, just remember to include a good pic for the thread's thumbnail. Unfortunately, this board is pretty dead, so don't expect a ton of responses, but I'll add some stuff to it if you do Wait, purely for diapers? There's a board for that already man, here they'd have to be diapered toddlers/babies
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Not sure if there is any artist still around but I would like a baby version of this missile girl.
Is this Drawthread even still active anymore?
>>1713 Doesn't look like it. If this place wants to see a revival, we'll have to become the drawfags.
>Provide references and keep them to one image/post. >Keep requests /aco/ related and keep them concise. >Be patient and take it easy! >Don't forget to check the boorus to see if your request was filled. >Drawfriends, don't hold back. >If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. >Keep art critiques short. >To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit. >No one is entitled to a request delivery. >Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit. >Don't fight spam with spam. >No begging. >Have fun! >>364
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I will single handedly try to revive this place if I have too
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>>1773 The head and face look derpy but still nice
This thread is gold hope it gets jump started again sometime soon
You wouldn't be able to get it inside her, at least initially, for you're too big and she too small. But you can slide her up against you or you against her at tis time, and it is more than enough. To prepare her for entry, you can stretch her out with fingers or objects until the holes adjust to having things inside of them and expand themselves for accommodation. It might be painful or upsetting to her for the first times, but remain consistent and undeterred by this, eventually she will adjust in mind as she will in body. All this is possible because in the past such things were common occurrences, unlike today when they are forbidden. As the biggest players in the world say, she can be sexually trained up, conditioned physically and mentally to serve the recreational role of her sex earlier than the time when it becomes her biological purpose. It is best to start from the youngest ages to get the worst parts over with when whatever damage done is least remembered and most quickly recovered from. You can have a girl who enjoys sex and is eager to please, for the rest of her life she can enjoy activity with anyone, both sexes and all ages. In a different society from this one she could live a very happy existence indeed.
>>1996 I got b& from 8moe /ss/ for posting this section of wikipedia on dick sizes as a reference for artists and writers: Size at birth The average stretched penile length at birth is about 4 cm (1.6 in), and 90% of newborn boys will be between 2.4 and 5.5 cm (0.94 and 2.17 in). Limited growth of the penis occurs between birth and 5 years of age, but very little occurs between 5 years and the onset of puberty. The average size at the beginning of puberty is 6 cm (2.4 in) with adult size reached about 5 years later. W.A. Schonfeld published a penis growth curve in 1943. Size with ageing Authors of a paper reviewing research on area of penis sizes conclude that "flaccid penile length is just under 4 cm (1.6 in) at birth and changes very little until puberty, when there is marked growth." Age is not believed to negatively correlate with penis size. "Individual research studies have... suggested that penis size is smaller in studies focusing on older men, but Wylie and Eardley found no overall differences when they collated the results of various studies [over a 60 year period]." You'd think an /ss/ community7 would appreciate something like this. Also posting the accompanying picture from wikipedia.
Would love to see a male slightly smaller then a tot and hughump her in her own crib~
>>2083 I think I may have seen you post somewhere else, the loli board? Very good taste
This little guy dosent get any attention
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Another one
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Jack jack needs love to
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