/tot/ - Toddlercon

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Drawthread Anonymous 01/21/2021 (Thu) 06:51:49 No. 364
Here you can request some nice art of your choosing, Have Fun!
(780.12 KB 1019x957 working angel.png)

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That cute angel being fucked hard and struggling to fit the dick while being overwhelmed by pleasure. Stomach bulges, clenched teeth are welcome.
>>367 I second this. Angels are lovely
>>367 thirded Working Angel is great
I really would like to see more new action between Angelica and Lil from Rugrats <3 Thank you
>>364 Requesting Meteora and Mariposa getting fucked by Tom and Marco respectively
(110.82 KB 1280x720 maxresdefault.jpg)

requesting Baby Hazel sitting on the duck potty thats beside her in the screenshot
I'm not expecting much in the ways of fills, but one thing I think this thread needs badly are guides on how to draw tots- make sure people know toddlers have bodytypes that differ from adults and even lolis, and aren't just smaller versions of one or the other. I remember the tot thread on the last 8chan had that- I hadn't saved it unfortunately
>>376 I would fill every request if I just had such a guide, and the ability to draw even a circle.
>>377 At this rate I'll probably kill myself before putting pencil to paper, but if I somehow manage to not be a worthless piece of shit I'll practice to do exactly that.
>>380 Get well soon, anon.
Anyone have any futa toddler requests?
>>427 You're offering to draw them? Normally futa's not my thing, but this thread desperately needs some requests filled, so I'll bite. How about a toddler futa getting her dick sucked by her babysitter, pink diaper around her ankles and a doll in her hand as she looks down on the one giving her head.
>>427 I don't really have any subject matter in mind, but I'll throw in a request just cause I'm not into the above anon's request. Can you do one where she has a foreskin like pic related, where it's fully covering the head, and is wrinkled at the tip. I think it's what people default to anyway when it comes to toddlers (unless it's hyper). But I wanted to specifically ask for it, anyway. Also, this is kinda hard to explain, but if you can do it, I'd appreciate it. My favorite dick is when the curve is bent inward from above, but underneath is smooth. I don't really know how else to explain it, but I have a folder full of it, so here are a few more examples: https://e621.net/posts/2335295 https://e621.net/posts/1003363 https://e621.net/posts/927314 https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4255342 Otherwise, I just wanna see a girl with a boner, you know. I think pressing down on it from above is fine. But grabbing it, touching it from underneath, it makes it seem limp dick imo. Leaking precum/ cum, or shooting a rope of either, or straight up cumming is perfectly a-ok.
>>427 god yes, any hyper futa toddlers you draw will be appreciated
(624.74 KB 1053x1071 toddong.png)

>>431 >>434 Hope you like it
>>443 Not him but Majestic
>>443 You're incredible, mate.
>>443 Holy hell that's good, and that's coming from the guy who's request got passed over- this is good.
(617.65 KB 1885x821 wew.png)

>>443 Oh hi Plebbles. >tfw manlytears has become so irrelevant that that he's resorted to spamming obscure weird pornography streaming sites for viewers
>>376 The problem with this is that proportions in cartoons is fucked to begin with. Adults are proportioned like IRL teenagers, and children like IRL toddlers already. The existence of chibis makes this even more impossible. You can't really go any farther without turning them into sentient embryos, so a lot of time it requires context. And context is hard to come by with a single picture. A lot of times you have to "cheat" by using baby dialogue, or a prop like a pacifier, onesie clothes, or diaper. It's an issue that's come up in shota/loli/cub threads in the past, and there's never been a consensus on how to solve it.
>>448 Tots are best distinguished by their baby fat distribution, it's noticeably distinct from even chibi if done realistically. At least I'd say so, I can't draw to demonstrate what I think, so this is probably moot.
also babytalk and a pacifier are objectively an improvement to nearly any image
>>452 I type "baby cooing" into youtube for sounds effects to accompany pics.
>>453 Unimaginably based, but I'm imagining it - and it's even more based than I imagined.
>>444 >>445 >>446 Thanks! >>448 >>376 I generally just go with 3-4 heads tall proportionally with a more or less chubby build. Not perfect, but it seems to work pretty well for me.
>>453 Fuck, why haven't I thought of this. Time to fap
>>451 Yeah, I can see that. Chibis sometimes have chubby bodies, but not often chubby legs and arms like tots do. >>453 NGL it's kinda creepy to mix fantasy and real life like that, even if there's nothing illegal about fapping to voices of real minors.
>>443 This is a damn good fill, but if you're still open to suggestions: A futa toddler who's dick is bigger than someone's, either her brother, father, or babysitter, and commenting on it. Nothing too cheesy or SPH though, just innocently- the humiliation comes from her pointing it out
>>460 Wanna piggyback off this request to ask that they both be leaking precum/ cum. At least a dollop of either on the top. Or, like earlier, even shooting a rope of either, or straight up cumming. Cause, dicks are cool, you know. But this way it's a straight up happier dick, I think. I think the long foreskin dick counts as a happier dick than "just" a dick, as well. But if it's "just" a dick, I mean that's still cool.
(841.96 KB 2024x1364 adfdsafsdf.jpg)

A pic like reference of Yuzuyu from the series Aishiteruze Baby
>>461 >NGL it's kinda creepy to mix fantasy and real life like that, even if there's nothing illegal about fapping to voices of real minors. No one cares
(409.16 KB 1052x756 toddom.png)

>>429 >>443 Not exactly to your your request specifications, but close enough. Personally not a fan of diapers so I skipped those. Also felt like a sequel to the first pic would be fun to do. Might do some more cleanup on the lines and properly color it. Haven't decided yet.
Fapping to real things is based.
>>469 Oh damn, thanks! If you did more on it that'd be awesome of course, but it looks great as-is too! And no worries on the specifics, I threw those in just to kind of fill out the request, not leave it too vague was all.
>>427 >>443 >>469 Could you do one where a futa toddler is snuggling with her cock and sucking on it like a pacifier while sleeping?
>>483 seconded
(760.28 KB 1531x1092 toddom.png)

>>469 Finished it up. >>483 I'll think about it. Doing these has been a fun break from doing commission work, and so far this thread has been way more fun than the drawthread on delicious with its gestapo approach to request moderation and rules. Hopefully a couple other artists show up here.
>>485 >>443 You're a fuckin' god man, thank you so much- I wanna feel her balls on my face as I stroke her dick to orgasm, feeling the sperm race from those grapefruits smothering me as it happens. I really hope some new artists show up, but unless the people already here pick up a pencil and practice four hours a day we'll be waiting a year at least.
>>485 The running mascara is nice, man.
This thread is for requesting and delivering art. Discussions about talent and hard work are better fit on >>>/loomis/
>>443 >>485 oh hey, its plebles, didnt expect you to browse here. pretty good m8. hope to see more
>>518 Hopefully artists other than me find their way here too. Maybe once people start getting sick of the relentless policing over on /delicious/
>>523 Not him but I've never even visited that board, cause my thinking was toddler = tummy, and loli = no tummy. Toddlercon can manage to completely miss my one interest as well. But still. Much more dense with all I think is important. But man, I just took a peek, and their request thread is super annoying to me. But I guess I can't make a request anyway, cause all I care about is the tummy.
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1) Sierra being lovingly fucked by a random boy (from his POV). 2) Buji playing "Doctor" with her brother Dibu 3) Toddler Misty playing with her big sister's "secret toys"
(462.31 KB 1609x1007 drawpile122020.jpg)

doubt ill post too often but i def have a soft spot for /tot/ content so here u go
>>532 >but i def have a soft spot for /tot/ content so here u go How ironic, I'm never soft when tots are involved. Jokes aside, thanks for the contribution! The more the merrier
>>535 >never soft when tots are involved BASED
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dropping some more in here. Might take requests in between commissions later this week?
(220.92 KB 746x1126 001.jpg)

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If anyone is willing, /b/ has put its best minds together and realized a glaring insufficiency in the world's supply of toddler girls in latex suits. I have some older loli examples of the kind of thing I mean if any drawfag hero would save us from this nightmare that we call our lives. I think my favorite of them is probably the one with the tits cut out in 002.jpg I imagine a chubby tot wrapped up in straining it with baby fat and generally being extremely fucking lewd, but I'm not capable of drawing a line, but obviously beggars can't be choosers and if anyone drew a latex'd tot I would be happy to see it regardless, and your style would be forever marked on a genre I can barely find any representation of at all anywhere I've looked.
(813.95 KB 1046x1317 chub latex.png)

>>572 Enjoy
(30.00 KB 538x491 haha yes.jpg)

>>577 Holy fuck, that's amazing. Thank you so much!
I also love the choice of making her a freckled redhair, so fucking cute.
>>579 >>578 Thanks, glad you like it
>>577 >>580 You're a fucking blessing on this thread, thanks for all the fills dude. I'm learning how to draw but man, it's a slow process.
Could please anyone make Rugrats porn? I really HD toddler pussy Baby girls with smile. Anything more :D I am starting for toddler cunny <3
>>577 Hnggg
>>581 I like drawing small chubby girls, so this is a good outlet for that when commissions don't spark enough motivation. Hopefully me namedropping this place occasionally will draw more art people here. Also, the road to learning art is slow and hard but eventually you'll be able to draw your own kinky smut so keep at it, anon!
>>577 Holy fuck yes! I love it.
(181.78 KB 900x900 susiecarmichael.png)

>>613 Aaaww sweet chocolate tot <3
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>>528 Here's a Misty.
>>617 oh how nice. Very pleasant thing to hop to from just a recent post on the main page. Thanks for the contribution
Can I get Lisa loud in a crotchless fishnet body stocking pissing on the viewer? Bonus for dirty talk
(248.46 KB 900x900 lisapeeing.png)

>>623 This is great, it's pretty much what I wanted thank you for drawing it so quickly
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Requesting a girl (your choose who will be), kneeling, looking at viewer, doing oral gesture wearing leather jacket, thong and bandana
>>617 Awesome job, my man. I love it.
(154.49 KB 436x577 leather tot.png)

(154.30 KB 467x577 leather tot bandana.png)

>>628 Here, have a sketch
>>636 Oh boy, she looks hot <3 Thank you very much
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(901.53 KB 1294x1002 2021-02-22 00_48_55.png)

>>376 here's a quick basic maybe helpful thing
>>659 Did you draw that yourself? Thanks so much! All of the annotations are exactly what I've gleaned from my own observations and study, especially good point on the mention of fat at the joints. For the picture itself, she looks good, but I might say she is a bit on the chubbier side even for a toddler (not an issue with me, all babies are beautiful) and her face is looking... Kinda smug (again, not an issue per se, but she's a bit of a departure from what I'd consider a "control" toddler)
>>659 chubby tots are the best
(707.71 KB 1254x479 Tommy and Angelica Request.png)

Requesting Angelica and Tommy Pickles from Rugrats both wearing nothing but their diapers (but more realistic looking than cartoonish, plain white with blue tabs for Tommy and pick tabs for Angelica) were Angelica is grinding her diaper on Tommy's as he's getting his first erection.
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(815.67 KB 979x745 hands on mirror.png)

(614.17 KB 530x838 hiroko.png)

(695.55 KB 1016x480 reika.png)

Requesting a picture of Hiroko (as tot) having sex in doggystyle with Reika (as tot too and who has a penis). View from Hiroko's eyes looking at mirror and looking pleasured, also her hands are on mirror. If you don't want Reika as penetrator then maybe shota tot?
(9.32 KB 188x268 download.png)

Can someone draw him nude please and thank you
(258.67 KB 828x1008 little Marcy Wu .png)

(278.35 KB 594x1024 Potty reference pic .jpg)

requesting little Marcy Wu from Amphibia in this situtation in the pic on the left but sitting on a potty
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Dunno if any artists are still around these parts but I would pay infinite upboats for a toddler version of this communist catgirl.
>>725 I'm still around, but I'm busy with work and thus a lot more picky than I was when the thread began.
Was inspired by >>788 A picture of a nazitot dressed in black leather, stepping on a guy while tugging on a leash collared around his neck, suckling a pacifier with the ss logo on the front of it.
>>799 good idea tbh
>>799 I wish I had a cute totzi wife.
>>803 tot wife in general here not picky
Do you only do futa? Because a scene I've had in my head for so long is a little boy who sports a gigantic boner during naptime, and the girls look on in awe/fear at the monster cock towering over them threatening to burst out of his overstuffed pajamas/onesie.
(1.90 MB 1712x908 Ame Diaper Request.png)

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(1.00 MB 1024x1448 minaide1.jpg)

Requesting Ame from Wolf Children (at age 4) wearing just a diaper (plain white with blue tabs) relaxing by rubbing his wet diaper and is visible erect under his diaper.
>>899 You might want to try dropping this request in the request thread on /abdl/ too
>>900 Already did.
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Requesting this very cute stock image baby getting fucked while being held by her cute soft belly area. If it's not much to ask, it'd be nice if there were edits with a Pacifier and one with the single string of hair from the last picture.
>>902 seconded she is adorbs
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>>902 Probably not exactly what you wanted but I did something anyway, hope it helps. Willing to take other requests, from regular ol' tots to futa
>>927 I reiterate she is adorbs, very well done. Would you do a tot version of >>725 by any chance? She can be futa if you want tbh.
>>927 Thanks for the fill, looking good!
>>927 Holy shit, that is basically exactly what I pictured! It looks wonderful, thank you!
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>>927 She cute, specially in the first two pics. >Willing to take other requests, from regular ol' tots to futa I actually have multiple requests, I hope it's not a problem: >young Harper and Sui using their small bodies to make a "sandwich" with anon's big cock >a dominant Pedoi sucking a pacifier standing on top of anon with her pussy rubbing the tip of anon's cock and a leash on her hand >an indifferent baby Vivian sucking a pacifier and laying in the bed with a dick that's almost the size of her whole body resting on her >a Pedoi being "gangbanged" with a dick rubbing against her vulva, another one having its tip massaged by Pedoi's hand and a third one being licked by her >Maggie sucking either Bart or Santa's Little Helper (the dog)'s cock while using her pacifier to masturbate herself I made shit drawings of each idea and pose for references.
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Requesting Baby Lara getting anal fucked. Can be any pose you'd like, I don't mind, I'd just be happy to see any lewds of this cutie. https://youtu.be/wRnoM2RVapY?t=96 https://youtu.be/BWgYBTq8xJ8 If anyone wants to get more refs
>>937 I like her little bean torso.
>>938 Be nice to see it parked on some lucky sod's face
>>938 Yeah it's perfect, it's why I wanna see her getting some good use.
Can we get some Masha and the Bear action?
(96.52 KB 520x600 it was like she was.jpg)

You know what we need? /tot/ified memes. Like pic related, but as a baby (maybe Pedoi, with pacifier) and any others people would find funny
>>967 based idea especially pedoi love pedoi
(458.89 KB 950x1047 2021-05-21 18_57_59.png)

>>799 >>803 I name her Greta
>>970 She's beautiful, I love her. Thanks for the fill, it's fantastic!
>>970 >Greta That's baby Cammy, and you know it. nice drawing btw
>>970 holy fukken saved
>>970 Time for me to fantasize about being tot-dommed
>>974 You're telling me you didn't already? Hell, even hearing about pushover parents who basically let their toddlers walk all over them for fear of a tantrum get me off, imagining a girl still in diapers as the head of the household, both adults, her father and mother her slaves to her every whim, which only intensified when she walked in on them having sex. They'd try to put their foot down, but the status quo has been in her favor for far too long by now, and eventually they acquiesce to all her now-sexual demands, telling how to fuck, and eventually demanding they drop what they're doing to fuck for her amusement. Not long after she starts pushing out mommy and riding her daddy's face and dick while her mommy gets to lick up the remains.
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Can we get some pictures of Bowser on Baby Peach/Elsa/Rosalina/etc?
(4.44 MB 4000x4000 87666979_p0.png)

(4.41 MB 4000x4000 87666979_p1.png)

>>976 >master1200 next time click on the pic, it will open it at full size, save that one(you know you did it correctly if you don't see the "master*anything*" on the file name)
>>975 based wish I could be a chubby tot girl's slave
>>977 >niggerblackedshit reference and it's gone
(101.03 KB 1000x719 4db.jpg)

>>977 >>979 if anything it should have been "BKC" (for Bowser, Koopa, Cock) blacked/bbc memes are cancer though, I don't want race politics in my porn
>>979 blacked is cancer that turns everything to shit
I don't like being reminded niggers exist, I come to totcon to escape the world's problems.
(329.44 KB 1518x951 2021-06-03 13_18_00.png)

>>898 Not him, but here ya go.
>>992 Dang, nice. Would love to feel the warmth through his onsie, pressing my cheek against it.
(12.63 KB 465x435 showthativeneverseen.PNG)

>>937 i hope you like it
>>1003 I love it, so so cute! Thank you!
If there are any GTS fans with a bit of drawing skill here know that I would suck your dick clean for a pic of a giant baby/toddler toying with their babysitter
Requesting a mother holding her female tot down in her lap while her shota fucks the tot. Ginger shota pls
Requesting a mother holding down her female Tot allowing her shota son to fuck the tots pussy. Ginger shota w a small penis please :)
>>1028 >>1029 Thought the first one didn't post lol
>>1028 nice
(375.72 KB 602x632 ErKTcJJXUAEwuZS.png)

Requesting any lewd activity with Baby Ana from Spelunky 2
>>1353 she's cute
>>443 Idk if your still here but could it be possible if you drew a chubby, pale toddler, black, shoulder-length hair covering her eyes, a little chubby and wearing a wedding gown. Futa would be cool. Never asked for requests before so idk if this is too much. Sorry
>>1363 >wedding gown on a tot based and marrying a tot pilled
>>1364 Thanks. I just think it would be really cute and romantic showing a cute tot the world as my wife. Just wanna give her smooches…
(564.47 KB 1076x1522 infant bride.jpg)

>>1365 I would smooch my tot wife everywhere.
>>1370 Same here. Waking her up in her crib with a big long kiss.
>>1371 the world needs more babies in bridal lingerie
>>1372 YEEESSSSS! More lil cuties to marry
>>1375 I wish I had a baby wife so much I dream of it sometimes and it's so amazing.
>>1379 Saaaame. Having acute toddler wife to hug and kiss every morning!
>>1382 wake up and kiss and hug cock nurse her bathe her play cute tot games with her take her everywhere and show her off as your cute baby wife
>>1384 There’s a near infinite amount of cute scenarios you can get into with a cute tod wife. Imagine a fucking date with her 😫. You and your cute lil wife all dressed up at a steak house, you ask how daycare was and she said she bragged to all the other kids that she gets to go out with her loving husband to a nice steak house. Maybe after dinner your able to sneak a quite make out sess in the car before the fun begins at home, a few people seeing into your car as the two of you grope and cuddle each other. God that’s fucking hot~
>>1385 Isn't it a bit ironic to take a baby to a steak house? Like "Baby can't have steak, so I can't either?" Granted you need a lot of protein to make her real food, fresh cum from daddies' cock. Imagine a literal fucking date with her.
>>1386 I go to sleep nearly every night thinking about having a romantic dinner with a beautiful, dressed up, makeup’s toddler.
Ok can you guys take it to the tot and talk thread? I keep thinking someone's made a picture request or filled one but it's just you guys essentially saying the same thing over and over again
(205.81 KB 737x797 ClipboardImage.png)

>>1363 Hey there, it's been a while since I checked back in with this thread. Did a couple of sketches but wasn't very happy with either of them. Figured since there isn't many artists in here I might as well share them so people don't forget about this thread completely.
>>1403 cute!
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Dose anyone show interest in editing this? this is Kate from Arthur She needs love too
(1002.93 KB 875x875 Untitled17_20211116223612.png)

Spadebies 4 | rararar20 #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/94179062 New to art
>>1484 die niggerlover
(176.66 KB 1280x720 CMvmqM81C_U.jpg)

requesting baby apmau
Requesting some porn with Baby Moana and one of her male classmate (the one with the green and cream diaper-like loincloth, who's about three or four years old, while Moana's like two or three years old). #1: The boy taking off Moana's diaper/ loincloth while he has a visible erection underneath his (as in he's experiencing his first erection at age four). #2: Both naked where Moana's giving a hand job to the boy. #3: The boy giving a butt job to Moana or rimming her anus while Moana is on her hands and needs #4: The boy anal fucking Moana in a reverse Cowgirl position.
(1.39 MB 1920x1032 sketch1638881002056.png)

(1.66 MB 1920x1032 Untitled21_20211207082314.png)

Spadebies 5 | rararar20 #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/94632741
>>1500 die niggerlover
>>1501 Gonna cry?
>>1502 die niggerlover
(42.56 KB 180x212 IMG_2396.png)

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(129.25 KB 608x448 20200625_224631.jpg)

Requesting Michelle Beaks, naked and peeing all over the floor and her big brother Harvey Beaks rushing to find a mop (Naked screencap of Harvey for body reference)
>>1565 I understand that everyone has their tastes, but... Why?
>>1567 I mean, it's no worse than half the other requests
basically only this request sucks that much tbh >>899
I'd argue public urination is better than erections or penitration
>>1570 it could be if it wasn't some cringy looking tumblr bird, maybe if it was a /tot/
>>1571 She technically is
>>1572 nah it's a retarded calarts bird bro
>>1573 You still use calarts as an insult, your argument is invalid
>>1565 Okay, this post has caused a bit of debate and I don't want it cramming the thread. So unless someone wants to draw it, let's not talk about it any further.
(1.17 MB 1312x634 Baby Star.png)

Requesting a POV of Baby Star lying on a bed while some hands lift her tiny dress up revealing her naked pussy. Pacifier edit would be nice too, that always makes it hotter.
>>1583 now this is a good /tot/ request >pacifier fuck yes
>>1583 You know, this reference pic really makes you appreciate when a diaper is drawn well, and they are hard to draw. That little bit of extra detail is just top notch
Can we get a thread purely for diapers, please? That would be awesome!
>>1598 >>1598 Nothing stopping you from making one man, just remember to include a good pic for the thread's thumbnail. Unfortunately, this board is pretty dead, so don't expect a ton of responses, but I'll add some stuff to it if you do Wait, purely for diapers? There's a board for that already man, here they'd have to be diapered toddlers/babies
(194.53 KB 1000x1277 St. Neptune.jpg)

Not sure if there is any artist still around but I would like a baby version of this missile girl.
Is this Drawthread even still active anymore?
>>1713 Doesn't look like it. If this place wants to see a revival, we'll have to become the drawfags.
>Provide references and keep them to one image/post. >Keep requests /aco/ related and keep them concise. >Be patient and take it easy! >Don't forget to check the boorus to see if your request was filled. >Drawfriends, don't hold back. >If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. >Keep art critiques short. >To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit. >No one is entitled to a request delivery. >Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit. >Don't fight spam with spam. >No begging. >Have fun! >>364
(394.56 KB 1920x1080 image_197.png)

I will single handedly try to revive this place if I have too
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(34.85 KB 456x553 image_363.png)

>>1773 The head and face look derpy but still nice
This thread is gold hope it gets jump started again sometime soon
You wouldn't be able to get it inside her, at least initially, for you're too big and she too small. But you can slide her up against you or you against her at tis time, and it is more than enough. To prepare her for entry, you can stretch her out with fingers or objects until the holes adjust to having things inside of them and expand themselves for accommodation. It might be painful or upsetting to her for the first times, but remain consistent and undeterred by this, eventually she will adjust in mind as she will in body. All this is possible because in the past such things were common occurrences, unlike today when they are forbidden. As the biggest players in the world say, she can be sexually trained up, conditioned physically and mentally to serve the recreational role of her sex earlier than the time when it becomes her biological purpose. It is best to start from the youngest ages to get the worst parts over with when whatever damage done is least remembered and most quickly recovered from. You can have a girl who enjoys sex and is eager to please, for the rest of her life she can enjoy activity with anyone, both sexes and all ages. In a different society from this one she could live a very happy existence indeed.
>>1996 I got b& from 8moe /ss/ for posting this section of wikipedia on dick sizes as a reference for artists and writers: Size at birth The average stretched penile length at birth is about 4 cm (1.6 in), and 90% of newborn boys will be between 2.4 and 5.5 cm (0.94 and 2.17 in). Limited growth of the penis occurs between birth and 5 years of age, but very little occurs between 5 years and the onset of puberty. The average size at the beginning of puberty is 6 cm (2.4 in) with adult size reached about 5 years later. W.A. Schonfeld published a penis growth curve in 1943. Size with ageing Authors of a paper reviewing research on area of penis sizes conclude that "flaccid penile length is just under 4 cm (1.6 in) at birth and changes very little until puberty, when there is marked growth." Age is not believed to negatively correlate with penis size. "Individual research studies have... suggested that penis size is smaller in studies focusing on older men, but Wylie and Eardley found no overall differences when they collated the results of various studies [over a 60 year period]." You'd think an /ss/ community7 would appreciate something like this. Also posting the accompanying picture from wikipedia.
Would love to see a male slightly smaller then a tot and hughump her in her own crib~
>>2083 I think I may have seen you post somewhere else, the loli board? Very good taste
This little guy dosent get any attention
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Another one
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Jack jack needs love to
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