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Collaborative Subs: Jack and Jill edition Anonymous 07/24/2021 (Sat) 01:21:50 Id: 84fd40 No. 768 [Reply]
Self-explanatory title. >What do I do? Pick 10 minutes of the movie and change the subs to your liking. (Subs here (My ten minutes are there already): https://files.catbox.moe/f7uewf.srt) Just change the .srt extension to .txt and get writing. Download the movie as well to help you.
Has anyone been working on this?
>>797 I've been too busy to type stuff up but I've got a few ideas.

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Anonymous 11/10/2020 (Tue) 05:08:39 Id: 3e3833 No. 148 [Reply]
Is there any filmmaker more degenerate than Alejandro Jodorowski?
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>>184 A Serbian Film is degenerate the baby rape scene caught me off guard but I don't know if the filmmaker has ever made any other film. I tried looking him up, but I can't find anything. Yet Alejandro Jodorowski and Pier Paolo Pasolini were, and are, praised for their "art" films (albeit the controversy), and they made quite a number of movies that are all filth. So definitely degenerate filmmakers to the boot. Takashi Miike also has some degenerate stuff (like Visitor Q), but he's done so many other movies that are calm and happy that I don't know how I place him.
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First thing that came to mind was pic related, but then i remembered that netflix exist.
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>>148 >Alejandro Jodorowski Is that the same Jodorowski that worked on Metal Hurlant and made the Incal series, the spin-offs Metabarons and Technopriests as well as those Borgia comics? >>722 Heard August Underground is way worse because of its realism.

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ITT: Post obscure theories about films that you subscribe to Anonymous 03/14/2021 (Sun) 06:31:29 Id: 58bc0b No. 414 [Reply]
So I have come up with a pet theory I'd like to post regarding Star Wars. Before I get into it, I'd like to mention that I only consider episodes 1-6 canon, so I absolutely do not give a fuck what the books (old canon or new), comics, or video games do to contradict what I'm mentioning. One line that stuck out to me that people regard as a plot hole is the description of Vader's belief system as an "ancient religion" whereas the Jedi order collapsed only a generation prior. While the most rational explanation is that when the OT was made, they did not have a single clue what happened one generation prior, I think there's a way to rectify this line so that it's not a plot hole. That is, the spiritual beliefs espoused in the Qui-Gon Jinn line of Jedi is not and may have never been the orthodox spiritual belief system of the Jedi or of the Sith. Forcism may be some ancient form of animism that more materialistic explanations have overtaken over the course of a very long time. As proof of this theory, I have two arguments. 1) Nothing said by any non-Jinn line Jedi (except maybe Yoda, who is old enough to have taught Qui-Gon or one of his predecessors) indicates that anyone else believes in the Force in the same sense Obi Wan taught about it to Luke. In the prequels there is a distinct lack of spiritual discussion of the force. I believe this implies that true belief in the Force as anything other than the manipulation of midicholorians to make light sabers travel across distances is nearly extinct in that era. 2) There is a very useful power that we never see any non-Jinn line Jedi use in the canon films, that being the jedi mind trick. This power is highly distinct from the rest of the Jedi/Sith power sets, which to my mind indicates that it may be not accessible to the more materialistically-minded Jedi. There may be subsets of what are commonly understood to be Jedi/Sith powers which are actually reserved for members of the ancient forcist religion. In summary, because the canon movies revolve around the Jinn line, I believe there is a severe conflation in the fanbase between aspects of the heretical and mystical ancient cult Obi Wan inducted Luke into (and that Anakin continued to follow even after parting from his mentor) and the actual orthodoxy and power-set of the majority of Jedi and Sith. pic unrelated, I don't want fucking Soy Wars shit on my computer.
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One thing I always found interesting is the strong theme that The Jedi Order is corrupted by the time of the prequels. In interviews and such, Lucas seems to not intend this at all, but in the films themselves, it works so well. Of course there is the bit where The Jedi are turned into a military force, which is acknowledged as being wrong within the films, but then we also see them make multiple judgements that are incorrect, and since they're prequels, we know they're incorrect as they make them. Anakin IS the Chosen One, he does bring balance to The Force, but Yoda was going to disregard that and not allow him in. Qui-Gon, a hippie spiritual type who disregards the letter of the law in favor of its spirit, could sense further ahead and saw that, even though he would do terrible things as Vader, he ultimately still would fulfill his destiny. And not only does he end The Sith, but he also ends The Jedi, as if both were corrupting The Force. And given that we see the Jedi were corrupted, this makes sense. By the end, Luke is the only one left, but he didn't even finish Jedi school, and the Jedi school he dropped out of was obviously not the type that the Jedi Order used before their downfall. Not only was he older, and Yoda had to teach him in unorthodox circumstances, but by that time, Yoda seemed to see and learn from some of his own mistakes as well. Whatever Luke is, he is not the same type of thing that the characters of the prequels were, except for arguably Qui-Gon. Of course, the fact that Qui-Gon was an influence on Anakin is important as well, and a large part of what saves the day in the end, but the fact that he wasn't able to train him fully himself resulted in Anakin being corrupted by Jedi who were themselves already corrupted, notable Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan was better than most, due to his training by Qui-Gon, but was shown to never fully get Qui-Gon's teachings, and thus still had a bit of the corrupted, bureaucratic influence of the Order in him, and then this results in him being unable to properly train Anakin. It's not because Obi-Wan is a bad Jedi, he's better than most, but training Anakin was always going to be an extraordinary job, and while he did it well enough to save the day at the very end, it resulted in a lot of messed up stuff in the middle (Darth Vader). When Obi-Wan says that he failed Anakin, he might be hard on himself, but only a tiny bit. He didn't do as well as Qui-Gon would have done, even if he was second best. But of course we can sympathize with his very difficult situation. >tl;dr: The Jedi Council was corrupted by bureaucracy and itself needed to be destroyed, along with The Sith, to bring balance to The Force, and that's precisely what Anakin did. Vader destroying The Jedi was actually the will of The Force. They, like Anakin, had good intentions, but were flawed, and their destruction was ultimately good. In the end, there is no organized religion dedicated to messing with The Force, for good or evil. Both take it out of balance. The movies seem to actually establish this quite well, but in interviews and such, it's like Lucas doesn't even realize he did it. >>414 >the description of Vader's belief system as an "ancient religion" whereas the Jedi order collapsed only a generation prior. This isn't complicated. It was ancient even when it was still practiced. Ancient doesn't have to refer to when it ended. If anything, in almost all uses it would refer to when it began. >Yoda, who is old enough to have taught Qui-Gon or one of his predecessors) Yoda did teach Qui-Gon, not to mention Obi-Wan. This seems like something that was almost a plot hole when they introduced Qui-Gon, until they established that Yoda teaches the younglings. >>415 >Much like how Leia claimed to remember their mother's face in Episode 6 I can buy that this is just a vague memory from birth. That's believable, especially in context. >>416 >Why doesn't everyone use a droid army?

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>>417 I recently got into reading the thrawn trilogy because my friend wouldn't shut up about it and i ended up enjoying it more than the movies.
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>>414 >The prequels are honestly fine, just lacking subtlety. The prequels were an utter failure when the Clone Wars that Obi Wan talked about was just about a bunch of cloned dudes fighting robots and not people duking it out with cloning technology like in The 6th Day. It would made have so much sense more sense why Vader ended up in the Gimp suit and had such a bitter outlook on live, why technology decaded ect. The type of story one could have told with this kind of setup would also be wastly different then this shitty politics plot we got instead.

Anonymous 06/27/2021 (Sun) 17:28:50 Id: dab621 No. 698 [Reply]
>mfw I realized the last two non-remake films (((John Landis))) produced are titled Some Guy Who Kills People and I Hate Kids
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>>705 Howling was a better movie anyway. Speaking of which we need to watch the Howling movies on movie night. Not Howling 7. Never watch Howling 7.
>>706 There was more than one? I've been meaning to watch the original - never got around to it.
>>707 >There was more than one? You have no fucking idea. The first one is objectively the best and 7 is objectively the worst and the others vary in quality and content but all are worth a watch at least once, if not by themselves then as part of a spook marathon. The second movie even has Christopher Lee as the star. The only two to avoid is Howling 7 and the Howling reboot.

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Impromptu Saturday Movie Anonymous 05/22/2021 (Sat) 22:29:01 Id: 69d1e5 No. 600 [Reply]
If anyone is interested there will be a stream of Casino (1995) at 16:30 PDT - 19:30 EDT. I'll update this thread with any more random showings if there is interest. https://watch.8ch.moe/view/8018a828-7ced-48fb-a63f-54ca099efe02/ https://cytu.be/r/civilwarcrimes

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Italian Cinema Anonymous 02/03/2021 (Wed) 13:59:28 Id: 713b88 No. 338 [Reply]
>get into Italian cinema >it absolutely blows out of the water most Pedowood films I have ever seen It's like I'm watching films made by people with actual souls. Any recommendations aside from these films I posted? I have Life is Beautiful on my queue already and Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto.
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>>387 We don't use more than two spaces because we don't use typewriters anymore, grandpa. >>374 >Nigger nigger, nigger, nigger nigger. >>505 Fuck right off back to 4gag, fag.
>>425 I agree, but this is too much of a tangent based on OP's "actual souls" comment, assuming that that is what set you off anyway.

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Mad Max Anonymous 09/22/2020 (Tue) 03:26:41 Id: 2c35ad No. 3 [Reply]
You anons like the Mad Max movies? What are some of your favorite moments and what's your favorite movie? Do you think Mad Max: The Wasteland will be any good if it ever happens?
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>>406 It has good practical action so the normalnigger cattle overhyped it to high heaven.
>>406 I sort of agree. He should have cut out most of the dialogue and let the visuals speak for themselves.
>>405 nothing script wise. It's just the aesthetic of black and white in a modern movie that adds to the atmosphere of everything. It's not worth it unless you're a mega autist Mad Max weeb like Razorfist.

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大怪獣- Kaiju Thread Anonymous 09/27/2020 (Sun) 05:46:18 Id: 9fb451 No. 52 [Reply] [Last]
大怪獣 Hail to the king baby! Giant monster talk goes here. It doesn't just have to be Japanese movies either so the rare Western kaiju and other Asian kaiju are welcome too. And for the heck of it we'll also include movies that are peripheral to the kaiju genera like Green Slime and Matango.
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>>477 It's okay to have an opinion. But yours is wrong. 2014 is the weakest of the series.
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I was watching the commentary on KotM, and the director mentioned these bones outside of Godzilla's lair. I can't figure out what they're supposed to be, anyone have any ideas? >>481 2014 is by far the best.
>>489 It's Anguirus. No the best is King of the Monsters with Godzilla vs. Kong in second place.

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Movie Puppets Anonymous 10/20/2020 (Tue) 00:44:47 Id: 97aa41 No. 115 [Reply]
What is some of your favorite puppetry in movies? Any that stuck with you as a kid? My personal favorites are ED-209 and The Thing.
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It's stop-motion, so maybe it isn't what you mean by puppets, but Live Freaky! Die Freaky! is one of those random-ass movies that has stuck to me like glue.

Movies Soundtrack Anonymous 10/06/2020 (Tue) 19:36:56 Id: 0b1519 No. 86 [Reply]
Post your favorite movies soundtracks. Any you remember fondly? Phantom of the Paradise has a very good soundtrack.
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REDLINE has a soundtrack with never-ending energy. Perfect for driving fast to. Movie is worth watching for the soundtrack alone, but the animation is among the best.
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>>86 Phantom of the Paradise is ingenious. I love how Paul Williams takes Winslow's "Faust" and makes a bubble-gum-pop version with "Upholstery". I often break out from "Upholstery" into "Faust" because of that chorus. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=dJcH1bj53aE Oliver! from 1968 is a great musical. "Who Will Buy?" has been stuck in my head ever since I watched it, but every number seems to fit into the film well. Not to mention the choreography is wicked good. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=XihLS-jA_Dg Another great musical is "The Music Man". Please, if you watch a film adaptation, watch the 1962 one with Robert Preston. The one with Matthew Broderick is a clear example of shoving a falling star into a film to hopefully sell a few tickets. My personal favourite is "Gary, Indiana", but every song is memorable.

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Anonymous 12/25/2020 (Fri) 05:30:21 Id: b1af5d No. 244 [Reply]
MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM /co/!!!!!!! >>>/co/7744
>>244 Merry Christmas, sorry it's belated.

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MST3k Turkey Day Marathon Anonymous 11/21/2020 (Sat) 06:06:49 Id: ae8d5e No. 158 [Reply]
Once upon a time, it was tradition to marathon Mystery Science Theater 3000 on Thanksgiving, and it became known as "The Turkey Day Marathon". After a brief absence, these marathons returned in the form of YouTube streams with segments filmed to fill in the gaps between episodes. These streams continue today, but primarily exist to promote the Netflix reboot. As such, I've run my own Turkey Days the past few years by queuing up a bunch of my favorite episodes to run in the background while I cook. This year, I'll be streaming it so everyone can join in. However, I need your suggestions. What are your favorite MST3k episodes? Make suggestions in this thread and have them streamed on Thanksgiving!
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>>178 Maybe. There's a few MST3k Christmas episodes, plus a few more Rifftrax ones including some live shows, although some of those are duplicates. Pretty sure they did Santa Claus vs. The Martians like three times. I was also considering a Rankin-Bass marathon. I'm open to suggestions. What would you like to see?
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>>179 Jack Frost and The Day the Earth Froze are great Christmas episodes.
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I'm going to try to do some MST3k episodes for Christmas tomorrow, so as not to conflict with the movie night falling on Christmas.

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Slasher Movies Anonymous 09/26/2020 (Sat) 23:37:07 Id: 82e7d6 No. 50 [Reply]
>Favorite Slasher movie >Favorite Friday the 13th film >Favorite Nightmare in Elm Street film What have you been watching?
>Favorite Slasher movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 - it's a pretty tame movie, but the intimidating title and the frontloaded content warning let the movie do a lot while not being excessive or unbelievable. >Favorite Friday the 13th film Jason X. It's kind of hard to take the Friday the 13th series seriously, so I like it best at its goofiest. >Favorite Nightmare in Elm Street film A Nightmare on Elm Street 1, easily a contender for the best slasher movie.
Been watching all the Friday the 13th movies. I love them even though they're horrible. With Halloween, I even like the Thorn trilogy, because Loomis and Jamie are actually interesting characters, and Halloween 6 so fucking retarded that it's great. But Friday the 13th never does that. Tommy Jarvis is a cool idea, but he's completely wasted in Part V, so really there are only two movies, IV and VI, where there is truly a recurring character that is of any importance. Even more than every other slasher series, these characters are lame. There is more plot to each movie than most people say, but not by much. But that doesn't matter. The one with the least story is probably Part III, which practically has no story, the most that can be said is "it's the one where he gets the mask," but I'd say it's still one of the best ones, largely just because of the kills. And that's what we're here for, right? Well not really, because these movies are largely so neutered that you barely see anything. So why am I writing about them? I don't know. But I'll keep writing my thoughts anyway, and maybe it will help me figure it out. So Parts 1-8 have a pretty cohesive story, with some major fuckups, but in a series like this, it's easy to overlook them. As a lot of people are aware, Parts 2, 3, and 4 take place in one massive killing spree. A lot of people say it's over three days, but technically I think more than one day passes in some of these movies, but still. Part IV is technically Monday the 16th or something. Anyway, when you keep this in mind, it actually helps to justify a lot of the dumb decisions made by the characters. It's not that Crystal Lake had four killing sprees by an unstoppable monster, it had three killing sprees: one in 1958, one in 1979, which were later discovered to be the same killer, and she was beheaded. Then there was one more spree by a different guy in 1984. Really, in Parts V and VI, Pamela Voorhees should be a scarier legend than Jason, since she had two sprees to Jason's one. It also makes it a bit more justifiable that people don't believe Jason is back. By the 5th and 6th movies, this seems ridiculous to us, but to them, it's like saying that the Boston Bombers are back. On the other hand, it makes it even more ridiculous that more kids keep coming to Crystal Lake in Parts III and IV, since Jason's murders only happened like last night. Now the weird part is how once Jason comes back as a zombie and a bunch of cops see him, Part VII still treats him like a legend, and never make any attempt to justify it, like say Nightmare on Elm Street tries to justify people treating Freddy like a legend. And the worst part is they could have justified this easily. Just point out that there were very few survivors, and the whole thing got blamed on Tommy. But instead they just never mention Tommy again. In Part VIII I kind of get it since the guy denying Jason isn't a cop, and seems like he's just trying to shut up the damn kids, regardless of if he believes in the killer zombie or not. But then speaking of Part VIII, it's a bit sad that the last one with continuity is the one with the biggest continuity problems. How old is that one girl that she saw Jason underwater when he was still a kid? Jason was fully grown by 1984, and it seems like he was just a regular retard until then. So how did she see him as he looked in 1957? Was she over 30 years old? Tommy looks a hell of a lot older in V than in IV, and surely we're not supposed to think V, VI, VII, and VIII all happen in quick succession. Even if they did, this shit has to take place in the 1990s at least. Of course, it's not the first time there have been problems with this. Everyone points out the girl in Part III that saw Jason before and he looked like in Part III even though this should have happened before Part II, but then if I can accept that Jason looks radically different in Parts II, III, and IV even though they take place immediately after each other, I can accept this. Anyway, back to Part VIII, what the fuck was the ending? So the acid turns him back into a kid? And uh... it's like his inner self, like what he would have looked like if he wasn't a retard? As far as I saw, they just left him there. So by Jason Goes to Hell, did he just age back into an adult, since they just let him live and go free in the previous movie? Of course the New Line movies have effectively no continuity, but still. I know there isn't much point complaining about Jason Goes To Hell, but how did that bounty hunter know Jason was a body-hopping Deadite? He had never done anything like that before. He was just a retard with tard strength who happened to become a zombie. I actually like this movie overall, but for some reason, this is the part that bugs me. I can accept that it's basically retconned that Jason was a Deadite all along, but not that this guy knew it. Not without more explanation. Jason X then starts saying Jason has regenerative abilities, which is also technically a new power, but considering all the shit he's been through, this is a lot easier to accept than the fact that his true form is that of a body hopping gremlin that technically isn't even a zombie anymore since he got a brand new body after jumping into his dead sister's vagina and jumping out as a full grown man complete with clothes and hockey mask. Plus, the fact that this movie is so self aware helps you accept whatever it throws at you. Pretty underrated entry, IMO. After eight movies that were effectively exactly the same, and a ninth that was just full retard, this one hit a balance of both kinds of retarded. Though it did bother me that they said the year was 2455, and Jason was frozen for 455 years, even though he was frozen in 2010. They kept fucking up and calculating the date based on the year the movie was made. Freddy vs. Jason has always felt like wasted potential just because my autism wanted more of a story, but I guess it's what I should have expected from any movie with Jason. I remember when it came out, even all my casual friends were shocked that they didn't say Freddy was one of the councilors that let Jason die, since it was the most obvious thing ever. I like the remake. I also like that since the franchise has such little story, and after the New Line films, such loose continuity, that you can basically consider it to not even be a remake. Jason lost his mask and then got another sack and eventually another hockey mask. There, it's just the sequel to Freddy vs. Jason now. And then Jason X, beginning in 2010, happens about a year after this movie.

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