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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Vorashia Vtuber Anonymous 12/12/2023 (Tue) 18:54:41 No. 39384
https://www.twitch.tv/voraisha What are you guys opinion on her or just on vore vtuber?
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>>50321 >>50342 Double cringe
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Does anyone have any more info about her before her big debut? Should I make a new thread or just keep this one?
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Here's another simp Jonathan Pruto
>>50386 I'd just keep this one it's the same scamming bitch just with a different look so ye.
>>50297 Not to mention how fucked they are in the head to simp for a fantasy over reality. Also massive suspicious on why she hasn't uploaded those belly photos from the Saturday event effective immediately. Well if I had to get a wild guess she's probably editing them to a fake degree so ye also record for 11 liters pffff don't make me laugh. No human stomach can hold that.
>>50407 There is probably way more than that one and gibby but let's be honest it's there fault for falling for this shit
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So, this is her new model. Just some questions here: How much has this cost her? The new model, the new animation, the commission of other artists. Will this be a flop or a big hit Is all of this because of this thread and the guy on Discord who has been posting screenshots from here and pirate her content on Discord?
>>50553 >How much has this cost her Like alot but it'll be from money she didn't earn from her scam tactics. >flop or big hit Likely a flop given how generic the model looks plus the design looks strangely familiar. >all this because of this thread and a guy on discord who's been posting screen shots and pirating. Most likely but I believe it won't matter she'll still use the same scummy tactics and continue to shop her irl belly photos, deny responsibility and much more. As for the commissions. Well I've tired to reach out to the other people she has apparently made "work" for her and Faggot has never mentioned or said a thing about vora. But alas I Don't have the answer for that.
>>50557 >Faggot Faggot*
>>50558 Faggot *Big Big
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>>50559 I ask Faggot about Voraisha this is what he said I'm gonna try to contact the other artist that she commissioned later
>>50657 *Big Big
>>50657 More info the better I don't want to see these 3 great artists working for someone who's just gonna ruin there career.
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Some news
>>50708 Well im glad these two are aware and are now cautious any word form spellx? That's the last one I believe she had mentioned.
>>50711 I'm still waiting for an answer from him. I have also DM'd CakeInferno and Just-A-Little-Vore.
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>>50711 >>47568 I could only send him the Twitter links
>>50716 Not sure why these two need to be warned but go ahead then. >>50727 Well atleast they know now.
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>>50753 More that know the truth the better and the quicker she'll be exposed.
>>50753 >I'll pay you in exposure lmao Never do this. Exposure should always be a bonus at best, not the main form of payment.
>>50770 All the more reason why the truth needs to be exposed. She's becoming desperate and going to extreme lengths to bribe and convince others to do things to further herself and her selfish needs.
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>>50799 "she" is a ma'am thats scammed folks and screamed foul/lash out at people upon being caught red handed. >>50727 Understandable since they're screen caps, i recommend a site that can embed them and have them presented to them properly. >Also I like how the coom posters have gave up from all this.
>>50818 Took the words right out of my mouth.
>>50818 If there is one I think is just as unstable as vora its Maxxluxia. From other sources from others who wish to remain Anonymous, Maxx is just as unpredictable as vora and from the Intel I gathered Maxx has abused mental health in others with bluntness and strict aggressive intent when those individuals were at a low mood or vulnerable/suffering depression or anxiety attacks.
Hi everyone, It's me, the one who DM'd all the artists. I haven't received any new responses from Spellx on Twitter or from Just-A-Little-Vore, and she hasn't been active on Eka since June 5th. Voraisha's debut is on Saturday, and she's doing a Subathon. Do you think she'll reach 300 hours? What I'm trying to say is, can you guys also DM other artists who have worked with her to let them know she's a scammer? Please help spread the word about this. Thanks!
>>50867 Worry not I have people already spreading the word warning artists and spreading the truth while having a few in the discord undercover. Can't say who though. >Do you think she'll reach 300hrs? If she does I'll eat my own shoe but at the same time it's a scam all the way this is going to crash and burn massively because of likely two or 3 factors in it. I can't say which they'll be because I don't know her scam tactics fully. But don't bother with warning maxxluxia they are in voras thrall and are a high loyalist especially when it comes to her arts/commissions.
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Artist here: Could I get a run-down on this jazz? I'm not particularly large or known or anything. I'd just like everything condensed into something that's more digestible; no pun intended.
>>50883 Which one?
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>>49835 Man, after watching that stream, it made me want to eat a lot less.
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>>50969 Well she can stuff herself to obesity for all I care. But least your looking out for yourself so good job.
>>51013 Most promising reaction so far. And well least we know they have had some involvement in making the model and are honest that they arnt working for them anymore.

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