/vore1/ - Vore

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Vorashia Vtuber Anonymous 12/12/2023 (Tue) 18:54:41 No. 39384
https://www.twitch.tv/voraisha What are you guys opinion on her or just on vore vtuber?
>>39384 It’s shit >4 hour long videos of just sucking noises >volume has to be at 80 just to hear her >even harder to understand her >painfully boring videos >no digestion/weight gain/burping/fucking anything That’s off the top of my head, it’s a cool concept executed terribly
once again >her
https://www.kemono.su/patreon/user/96969582 I think it's a her, but you're right, you can never know these days.
I find her really hard to understand, most likely due to English not being her primary language, however it doesn't help that her microphone sounds like its been dunked in oil lol
>obvious voicemod >still can't fucking understand anything >the vore noises suck >boring as shit Yawn
I fucking hate her Not her as a person but holy shit who streams fetish content on twitch? Like Emma Dook, she should get banned from the fucking platform Ontop of that, her calling herself a goddess and wanting to be worshipped and wanting tributes is insanely cringe to me
>>39384 Her early streams were more comfy. She at least streamed drawing shit and showcased interactive minigames that chat can play or whatever. Beyond that, its boring as hell
The 3D model is good at least, I want their kemono updated for that video
>>39441 To shit on emmydook a little (lot), there have been more than one time where they don’t pay artists for the work they do for them. I will never watch them for that reason. Also their model is dogshit
>>39449 I like to hope that none of us are horny enough to go onto twitch, follow a troon with dogshit model and content, and somehow find it arousing enough to continue enabling the degeneracy To not derail the thread, I've never been downbad enough to want to WANK and think 'Damn I should go on twitch and watch vtubers right now'. I just find it depressing that many others can't relate. Voraisha reminds me that our future is absolutely fucked, and somehow manages to make me hate this fetish even more
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>>39506 Your wishful thinking will get you nothing. Statistically speaking there are people here that do. Also your concept of virtue is completely warped from a standard one, since you are here to begin with. Hating yourself and vore, is just self-destructive. Mind you, I agree that it's an issue, but we are part of the main problem and without a solution. Here, let me make it worse by sharing vore content. https://www.mediafire.com/file/bmj47uwoa486qww/Isekai_6.5.pdf/file
>>39441 >Not her as a person but holy shit who streams fetish content on twitch? The dozens of ladies that stream from hottubs and do ASMR.
>>39516 Thanks Annon
>>39516 Thanks so much for sharing this. Albeit is the wrong thread, it is still appreciated. Do you also have the file or files of the illustrations for Isekai 6.5 as well? (Just the illustrations, no text), if so can you share it?
>>39516 Thanks a lot btw !
Well If you don't like voraisha, i found this. Seems good enough https://www.twitch.tv/cyflea?sr=a
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>>39799 Nice. Anymore vore themed twitch streamers like this? I enjoy all of them usually
She's was good but has let greed blind her and is now purely Fetish bait she uses vore as profit but why pay when it can be done for free in a rp with firends. I was banned from her discord and stream because of my mental health issues and I've been attacked form her followers and tbh I hope something bad happens to her or someone better out does her and ruins her reputation. Her community it s cult full of obsessive simps and freaks that have no respect for new comers or responsibility for the mental health. And im recovering from mental health ptsd attacks as people still remind me of her evils and her community. Even her name pisses me off.
>>40013 Sounds like you trauma dumped or some shit and got kicked out for obvious reasons lmfao
>>40015 They are right about the cult part tho
>>39384 Streamers like Aurum are better.
>>40046 Wish she'd fucking stream more
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>>39384 Funnily enough i got some stories from a few folks ranging from folks accusing her of a few things. >commissions that were made but were shoved into the forever box and asking for refunds for going quiet on commission while also working on other comms that were more recently submitted by her were pushed into priority than the ones that came first, however international laws came with a frying pan for her sketchy pratices and she refunded said commissions that she tossed into the fucking trash for other commission works. >has been caught attempting to sell/auction off a users OC model, side note the user did not agree to auctioning off their oc model or any of that at all and she and her cronies went into damage control. >Sidenote, i reached out to some of these folks and yea, she's a bit of an asshole and has some interesting affiliations to a circle jerk of users on the internet who've got a track record of doxxing users and harassing's them off the internet and have done Ethan ralph levels of fucking harassing's of users IRL to the point of some being sent to a mental hospital. >From reaching out to said user they said they couldn't pay it off in time but asked if it could be put on the back burner until they had enough to pay off the other half, but the user who was short a bit on cash was told to go fuck themselves and word has it their paypal account was hit by a supposed proxy that took control of the account, since they're canadian, paypal couldn't really do much about it. >also upon a contact poking Vorasha's discord server, it seems the janitors are mopping up the channels of any old chat messages that could be used against her.
https://mega.nz/file/JetzDahT dGRitKcjqqTMkwaS_smAgMFPxZ6gLWUcr09Fxk5gNWk
>>39384 >her
>>39384 Tranny faggot.
>>41357 hold on, Voraisha is??
What do y'all think of Emmydook's new model?
>>41418 He can try all he wants, he'll never escape the vile shit he did. Also model looks fucking boring.
>>41445 The vile shit they did??
>>41418 Sucks fucking dick. Every model gets worse than the last one. Makes her lack of personality even more apparent
>>41418 looks like shit. Just doing it to get money from the non fur normie faggots. >>41445 What did he do?
>>40345 Incase anyone wanted proof of how scummy Voraisha is https://imgur.com/a/juwQGjN
>>41603 Can you post that again?
>>41603 Anyone know what it was?
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>>41418 Unbelievably ass. Pisses me off seeing so many good vore artists draw it for some reason. Wish her dumbass fans werent throwing money at her so she couldnt pay for all the trash art
>>41418 when it comes to new model i saw its a bit excessive but when emmydook actually doing arts i think its fine
>>41418 Compared to the older one, it's not better. It's intentional to get a public that is into Nice person
>>42885 8chan censors the llcon word
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>>44880 Nah, her streams are still shit.
>>40345 We need to talk about how scummy she really is. I called her out on one of her streams about the commission, and she banned me and claimed that she has never done any commission for anyone. Then she proceeded to delete everything from her eka about commission and her Carrd.
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>>45516 What the fuck is she supposed to be? This has bothered me for a long time
>>45521 A goddess lmao The amount of narcissism never fails to go beyond me
>>45523 Not like that's a common trope under VTubers...
>>45533 Just because its common doesn't make it any less cringe Whoever calls herself a god or goddess is straight up a narcissist, especially if she wants her viewers to worship her There is no excuse to this slutty behaviour
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Here some exclusive Patreon stuff https://mega.nz/file/JXUGjA4T ofhJull8oaslNVU1O23HWRBuoYe7FQ06ZfeHVK8L5Bw
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>>40345 So ask her about the action and then she banned me Bitch
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>>40345 So i ask her about this post and she actually answer back with this
>>46961 Of course the tranny is never going to admit anything, especially to a random anon.
>>46977 >>46894 how much damage control she did that day a lot of small vtubers/wip limbo vtubers have been calling them out for sketchy practices, of course they're going to say that. >"topics that have to do with people who did bad things" good sir you stole money from 2 of my frens, one of them is borderline in crippling debt and your calling them bad?
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does anyone know a voraisha comic i found it somewhere iirc in exhentai
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anyone else get the feeling vorasha and her cronies are posting up their things in here? Also I hear that They've also been saying the accusations of stolen money came from 4chan, and not twitter/x, while also ignoring the posted up evidence relating to em stealing money from said people. while also ignoring the individual who has presented their numbers relating to the cow who stole almost most of their money. >https://twitter.com/Amber_Luna01/status/1670889385938784256 >https://twitter.com/EnnaelK3219/status/1670898101823913985 (user pointing out that cow can be sued by the scammed individual as they live in regions that international laws can be used against vorasha, last I heard she said she lives in spain which means she can get dragged through the mud for her actions.) Fun part is that theres still posts of them denying they did sketchy business what so ever while also openly lying/blocking on twitter/x loooooong before it dragged over to any of the chans.
>>47568 I heard that she a student living in Luxembourg right now
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I don't know if I should post this but I found one of her biggest simps on Facebook
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Her old design
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>>47773 Show it to the class anon, while also the image spams from the simps that think all this started on /vt/ board (even though it started over in "her" discord server with the attempted auctioning of someone's OC, and it flooded over to Twitter/X with the simps and "her" trying to cover their tracks and flagging messages as "targeted harrasement" even though its calling them out for stealing peoples money to this very day) > Sees the simps spamming vorasha art instead of having an actual counter argument to the presented screen caps.
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>>48116 So the big announcement was that she changing her model and expanding to more social media and also dropping out of university so she can do this full time
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Average Voraisha fan
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How the fuck can "she" pass of this as real?
Do you guys think that Voraisha knows about this thread?
>>48715 yes retard
>>48790 How do you know?
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>>48450 Gyaru peacock this gonna suck
>>48503 Is this the real IGP? The horror youtuber?
>>48907 Don't know i got banned ask to many questions
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>>48966 dude just asked and was banned for asking a question, well aint that a bit odd, just banning people for asking questions do spark others curiosity and then proceed to send out the memory holers to spam out new art to distract the tourists and coomers (not going to call them gooners before you ask it, its more retarded rewording that ive ever seen/heard). also it looks like the porn spammers have left.
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She is slowly changing her appearance
>>41603 What was that?
>>48892 So Artist like Big Big Fudgeman And spellx are gonna work for voraisha How the fuck did she get those artist work for her
>>49165 either they are simping her or some simp is going to help voraisha to pay for their commisioned work so artists can get paid. idk
>>48544 Troons ruin everything
I just found out that she was born in 2002/09/16
>>49265 Now you're getting into stalker territory my guy Don't be so creepy
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>>48544 Yep Fake thats edited and not real. i can see the editing errors.
>>45274 Shes basicaly a example that is everything wrong with our current generation. Will Scam her audiance for her own gain. Will ban thoses that ask too many questions. and is using vore as bait to make people waste there money on her fher own selfish needs.
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>>49311 Some more old art work that she delete
>>49275 Why do you care
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This is her new name Vorsaka
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Do you guys think that she changed her name, model, and pretty much everything because of this thread?
>>49554 Perhaps but I think its because people like us are catching onto her scams and ploys she's used before. But most likely she's changing her look to drag more viewers and followers in since her following was slowed to a massive crawl. But she can put on as many masks as she wants she's not escaping from her past lies and actions. Regardless her stuff is getting old and predictable. And the fact all her "irl" belly pics are photo shopped and edited. So to conclude Yes but actually no she's changing to avoid any more conflicts and avoid drama.
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>>49588 Yeah, I'm just praying for her downfall
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>>49320 Based. If only more mentally ill bpd women with a vore fetish did that the world would be worse place in a better way. She's basically just being a predator and eating simps and clueless prey in a methaporical way. Keep it queen, yuss (I've never watched her streams and I never will, but the art is cool).
>>49653 > women It's a FtM bro.
>>49664 With the hips of >>49651? Damn that's crazy. Do you have any data to back up your claim or are you just trying to guess?
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💀 💀 💀
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Here a commission that she did back in 2023
>>49653 > art is cool Debatable but comes to personal taste I suppose. I wouldn't care for her anyway as she herself seems to have massive disrespect for those with mental health issues and depression. Plus she Denys her belly photos are fake but they are and has developed from a once humble person who actually cared for her own community, is now just a selfish and self absorbed narcissistic whore.
>>49686 Yah, I've been scouriging through the webz for anything that might indicate that she is infact a troon. But i have a hard time finding anything. Watched some of her recent streams and her voice seems very fake, keep artifaxing at certain points and pitches. She/he/it/whatever might be doing this to masque their real voice. Being female or male. But thats about the only sus thing i could find. No real hard evidence.
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She ate all of that? Her shits must be crazy
I have notice that she has delete everything that has do with Luxembourg on her Discord server
>>49834 she def looks female based on the pics she posts but I agree the voice is fake as fuck. Still though, could always just have a fake "sexy voice" she puts on for stream which would explain it
>>49873 I couldn't care less about her voice I was once a follower of hers 2 months ago and when I question the legitimately of her irl belly photos, asking if they were shopped she or one of her craven simp followers/mods banned me for Sexual harassing her, misleading information and hate conduct. If that's not raising suspicious activity of her actions I don't know what is then.
>>49835 She's going though right way to fatal obesity. A ruptured stomach. Plus I don't believe she ate that all the human body has a limit and would stop her.
>>49885 wasn't talking to you lil bro
>>49890 she does seem like a cunt tho don't get me wrong
>>49852 I have heard that she has 2 years left in Luxembourg
>>48715 Yes, she knows. I sent her a link to it, and not only did she banned from her Discord server, but I also got banned from another vtuber server that she was in
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>>50009 Which one?
>>50033 And here is the biggest simp in the world to vora. Gibby. What a waste of spending time to someone who's scamming and fucking people over.
>>49891 Cunt is putting it lightly Narssatisc whore is more like it.
>>50085 NoraTheFrozenTundra one of the mods add me on discord and just banned me and block me
>>50085 >>48294 We have his facebook
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They still claim the drama sparked from /VT/ and not from x/twitter, and they'll scream foul/ lash out at you like a tiny cap merchant if you dare post any of these on nora's discord, & vorasha's discord.
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Does she still live with her parents?
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It's kinda pointless since she's going to change her model in about two weeks.
>>50211 Another classic scam tactic. Sell products that won't be of any use or official.
>>50130 Would seem so and if I was the father or mother that founded out her true intentions. Well id probably ban her from doing this sort of thing.
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>>50268 Just saw clips and fragments of the stream based with this horrific red version and holy fuck it's just awful. Noises such as swallowing or gulps are just sound edits and audio files. Massive cringe from the her bragging about her "irl" belly sizes even though all are edits. And wtf was that moment when she looked like she was melting. Just why oh why. But it's a clear sign she's becoming creatively drained.
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>>50279 I watched some of the stream and found one of her creepiest fans.
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>>50321 >>50342 Double cringe
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Does anyone have any more info about her before her big debut? Should I make a new thread or just keep this one?
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Here's another simp Jonathan Pruto
>>50386 I'd just keep this one it's the same scamming bitch just with a different look so ye.
>>50297 Not to mention how fucked they are in the head to simp for a fantasy over reality. Also massive suspicious on why she hasn't uploaded those belly photos from the Saturday event effective immediately. Well if I had to get a wild guess she's probably editing them to a fake degree so ye also record for 11 liters pffff don't make me laugh. No human stomach can hold that.
>>50407 There is probably way more than that one and gibby but let's be honest it's there fault for falling for this shit
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So, this is her new model. Just some questions here: How much has this cost her? The new model, the new animation, the commission of other artists. Will this be a flop or a big hit Is all of this because of this thread and the guy on Discord who has been posting screenshots from here and pirate her content on Discord?
>>50553 >How much has this cost her Like alot but it'll be from money she didn't earn from her scam tactics. >flop or big hit Likely a flop given how generic the model looks plus the design looks strangely familiar. >all this because of this thread and a guy on discord who's been posting screen shots and pirating. Most likely but I believe it won't matter she'll still use the same scummy tactics and continue to shop her irl belly photos, deny responsibility and much more. As for the commissions. Well I've tired to reach out to the other people she has apparently made "work" for her and Faggot has never mentioned or said a thing about vora. But alas I Don't have the answer for that.
>>50557 >Faggot Faggot*
>>50558 Faggot *Big Big
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>>50559 I ask Faggot about Voraisha this is what he said I'm gonna try to contact the other artist that she commissioned later
>>50657 *Big Big
>>50657 More info the better I don't want to see these 3 great artists working for someone who's just gonna ruin there career.
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Some news
>>50708 Well im glad these two are aware and are now cautious any word form spellx? That's the last one I believe she had mentioned.
>>50711 I'm still waiting for an answer from him. I have also DM'd CakeInferno and Just-A-Little-Vore.
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>>50711 >>47568 I could only send him the Twitter links
>>50716 Not sure why these two need to be warned but go ahead then. >>50727 Well atleast they know now.
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>>50753 More that know the truth the better and the quicker she'll be exposed.
>>50753 >I'll pay you in exposure lmao Never do this. Exposure should always be a bonus at best, not the main form of payment.
>>50770 All the more reason why the truth needs to be exposed. She's becoming desperate and going to extreme lengths to bribe and convince others to do things to further herself and her selfish needs.
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>>50799 "she" is a ma'am thats scammed folks and screamed foul/lash out at people upon being caught red handed. >>50727 Understandable since they're screen caps, i recommend a site that can embed them and have them presented to them properly. >Also I like how the coom posters have gave up from all this.
>>50818 Took the words right out of my mouth.
>>50818 If there is one I think is just as unstable as vora its Maxxluxia. From other sources from others who wish to remain Anonymous, Maxx is just as unpredictable as vora and from the Intel I gathered Maxx has abused mental health in others with bluntness and strict aggressive intent when those individuals were at a low mood or vulnerable/suffering depression or anxiety attacks.
Hi everyone, It's me, the one who DM'd all the artists. I haven't received any new responses from Spellx on Twitter or from Just-A-Little-Vore, and she hasn't been active on Eka since June 5th. Voraisha's debut is on Saturday, and she's doing a Subathon. Do you think she'll reach 300 hours? What I'm trying to say is, can you guys also DM other artists who have worked with her to let them know she's a scammer? Please help spread the word about this. Thanks!
>>50867 Worry not I have people already spreading the word warning artists and spreading the truth while having a few in the discord undercover. Can't say who though. >Do you think she'll reach 300hrs? If she does I'll eat my own shoe but at the same time it's a scam all the way this is going to crash and burn massively because of likely two or 3 factors in it. I can't say which they'll be because I don't know her scam tactics fully. But don't bother with warning maxxluxia they are in voras thrall and are a high loyalist especially when it comes to her arts/commissions.
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Artist here: Could I get a run-down on this jazz? I'm not particularly large or known or anything. I'd just like everything condensed into something that's more digestible; no pun intended.
>>50883 Which one?
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>>49835 Man, after watching that stream, it made me want to eat a lot less.
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>>50969 Well she can stuff herself to obesity for all I care. But least your looking out for yourself so good job.
>>51013 Most promising reaction so far. And well least we know they have had some involvement in making the model and are honest that they arnt working for them anymore.

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