/vore1/ - Vore

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Hypnofood Anonymous 05/13/2023 (Sat) 12:55:11 No. 29687
I lost my archive of hypnofood's artwork and since they - for whatever reason - wipe their twitter often, it's hard to get their new stuff. Just please post what you have
>>29892 Doesn't have everything
That'd be a really big shame if nobody hasn't saved all their works
>>29687 > has a cute fat cat OC > teases that her appetite extends to men > never actually delivers a picture of her swallowing a dude I've come buckets to that greyscale picture over the years yet I feel eternally blueballed, life is naught but pain.
>>30012 Arguably this, but it isn't tagged as vore as e621.net.
>>30012 Literally though, for me it's that tiger. They've done like ONE picture of her as a pred and it lives rent free in my head. I wish they'd do more with that reindeer character as well
>>30048 I think I know the one you're talking about and I'm kicking myself that I didn't save it. An endo pic of the rubber version or whatever of Sascha (like the one in the OP) with an anon in her belly and she was dancing or something. I hope someone has it.
>>30084 Closest thing I have is this that hypfoo did for UptNcro, but not sure if it's what you're talking about.
>>30086 It isn't but that's also a classic so thanks man
>>29687 The Big ImageBoard (TBIB) should have a good chunk of it: https://tbib.org/
>>30123 dont think ive seen that first one before, good find
It's so weird just how much they wipe their own art. I don't get it, why would anyone do that?
Anyone got the full pic of this?
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>>30254 I'm retarded. Somehow didn't notice OP already posted this. Ignore me.
>>30255 They were talking about a different one I'm pretty sure, like the tiger had a big gut and you can see the anon inside and all that
>>30260 I think it should be this one
>>30266 No like it was by hypnofood themselves I swear to God I am NOT GASLIGHTING MYSELF ABOUT IT
>>30280 Thank you!
(153.94 KB 1280x1438 EddZnS0XkAYR9o4.jpg)

>>30281 >>30299 No prob. Looking for anything else?
>>30317 Ideally everything tbh, all the galleries online are always missing something
>>30317 Could you upload what you have to Mega or Google Drive? 'Cos there is always bits and pieces missing like >>30281 which is just a preview image
>>30320 Seconding uploading everything
>>30310 Where was the first one posted?
>>30364 I meant like where was it posted before it made its way to TBIB. I've never seen it in the wild before
>>30317 Adding another request for you to upload everything you've got to Google drive or something
>>30320 >>30324 >>30641 I've been debating it, but I've decided, and have been working on zip. Will throw it up for a day or two on something then whoever feels like it can host it or copy pasta it here
>>30664 Sick that sounds great
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holy shit! actual vore pic with his cat girl oc!!!!
>>30704 YO shit! Where did you find those?
Oh my fucking God they're a 4chan artist holy shit
Nobody got the full images of these? There are quite a lot of just cropped images like these in the e hentai archives
>>30722 And I'll throw in an edit some anon made of Sascha's face looking concerned about the whole snake stomach thing.
>>30792 Here's the originals of that set and couple other old Saschas.
(141.74 KB 4900x3500 ticktockcrocsketch.png)

(57.91 KB 1289x1157 toriel_hypno.png)

(112.42 KB 2048x1536 smilecroc.png)

(176.70 KB 2702x2544 SASCHA OV COLORED.png)

(970.07 KB 3400x2648 REINA OV COLOREDFIX.png)

>>30792 Thanks for the full images. So much of Hypno's stuff is just scattered across the internet and hard to find.
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(58.46 KB 540x810 reinakaa3.jpg)

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(257.18 KB 888x515 horse_hypno.png)

(374.22 KB 1200x935 hypno_bat_fix.png)

(217.63 KB 1800x1950 hypno_rab1_COLOR.png)

(163.67 KB 1108x1200 hypno_rab2_COLOR.png)

I really wish there was more stuff with their chars as preds. What they usually do isn't my jam, though I respect them being into it and the sheer talent they have.
>>30823 Agreed. I need that tiger and deer to kill me in their gut
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>>29687 >>30666 >>30641 >>30324 >>30320 >>30318 Sorry for dragging my feet on this. Was trying to clean it up but started going nuts trying to figure out how best to reduce the redundancy. *Shrugs.* Here's the zip. You have until I remember to delete it. https://mega.nz/file/049HzYbR#VMPVp7_Kc_xZZzCPxSkgHBMC3mrN2AJUI5tJ7VKTh-0
>>30875 Thanks for the zip, I'll have an alternate link here for when you delete yours. https://mega.nz/file/RP1wFLYK#WpzHodUVsJkVgQNQqHZZ6PwfSq0i_3RgnZXeI4ooA6Y Also, someone recently uploaded a bunch of stuff to e-hentai so if you want here's the link https://e-hentai.org/g/2574263/8e3ba26187/
>>30836 Yeah, tbh Sascha is one of my fave preds. Just, damn man, she hits a lot of buttons in design.
>>30910 Agreed. Need to be Sascha food
I hope the mega and the archive post haven't pissed them off or anything
Haven't seen them active at all really. They posted the Carrot vore pic on their Twitter and then took it down after a day, and some of their work has popped up on the 4chan /trash/ threads, but nothing new
>>31480 Idfk maybe they offed themselves
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He posted this on /Trash/.
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(18.33 KB 655x680 F5E5J4za4AAKq-W.png)

Bump - not vore but new art with his girls so may as well, I guess. Haven't seen him on /trash/ lately so we may be waiting a while longer.
>>34779 hope we get to see ratto there gobble up a human
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>>35496 i wish i could go back in time to find the person who came up with the idea of kaa, and feeding them with a voodoo doll of themselves, so they die by digesting themselves
>>35498 I don't wish that at all and like hypfoo's work
>>35653 i like hypno's work too, but only the same size anthro ones... i hate that stupid snake
New gungan images from Halfchan's vore thread. (Plus a bonus color edit by an anon)
If you have anything to contribute here then do so soon, if this is true
(125.80 KB 2940x2670 F-t_PKza0AA0AYa.png)

>>37056 Hypnofood try not to nuke their gallery every five minutes challenge!
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(117.36 KB 1620x2048 F-ZKfOsWIAAXaHW.png)

Deleted or not the art will be saved
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(238.85 KB 680x581 GCO8fd_aYAAyi6_.png)

This is the last image I could get out of their Twitter account before mine got banned. Their handle is @alostbell if you want to find more, they seem to post regularly-ish for a bit before wiping the account and starting it again. Also shame Sascha isn't pred here but whatever
>>40269 >tiny compressed image nice
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God Sascha is an amazing pred Just snatch me up and cram me down that tight throat already
(71.34 KB 2536x2735 stuckinaprimsfatail.png)

Fresh from 4chan

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