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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Surprise Adoption! (aka unbirth) Anonymous 10/01/2023 (Sun) 16:30:25 No. 35974
Anyone got some good unbirth stuff ? Extra points if it's for rebirth/adoption purposes or to become their victim's new "mommy". Conscent is appreciated but so is a "surprise adoption" (art is by Varu on aryion)
i dont know if this would count but i kidna like the concept too bad i could not find much something like this
>>36590 me again. if you are interested with that kind of stuff i mostly know the one that are drawn by chinese artist MagicA2 on pixiv. The snek girl unbirth is amazing
but if you just want regular unbirth, there are a thread for unbirth in this sub already. just try searching it. but however if you want somewhat safe or non-fatal related, i think yeah a new thread should be made. anyway i was digging Eka's to see if there's a comic i found back then but it seems its missing now or my eyes missed. its about the girl crying to her sister after bullied, her sister unbirthed her to heal her. its non-fatal unbirth. if anyone found it please let me know
nevermind found it lmao
>>36590 I mean it's a surprise entry that's for sure, good find! 👍
>>36621 source on 1,2,5 please?
>>36638 https://aryion.com/g4/view/912951 is thee first one, I think the 2nd is from another archive and I believe the last one is from anchor
pixiv illust ID: 99053604
>>37116 sorry its uploaded in wrong order
As a fan of everything unbirth, I appreciate this thread! 👍
Anyone else got more of this ?
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>>41961 I cannot tell if she got liquified or YEETed out of there. Love it!
Congrats, you are now the proud mother of a ... truck ..?
>>35974 So OP, if I got this right, you want unwilling/unexpecting prey unbirth ? I gotcha
That should be enough to last you a while lol
>>44933 sauce on last one?
>>43905 got any more from that 2nd artist ?
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>>44935 Is there a creator/artist for this? I couldn't find one. A kitsune mom turning people into fox-girl daughters would be perfect...
>>42961 need sauces on all of these
>>48534 Old Aesir comic, Lampton, and YemeYami for the last two
>>37792 need the sauce for that 2nd pic
>>48940 isn't that from Helmet ? Been a while since I've seen their work
>>48940 Where can I find more of their work?
>>49346 I believe they have a pixiv acc as well as a twitter.
>>49667 Huh, first time this artist doesn't draw "cruel pred".
>>49667 Ayyyyy someone shared my commission! Noice! I was thinking about comming a part two with internal sex
>>49667 i need salsa of this cuz i think its removed from pixiv or smth or did i miss something?

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