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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Vore opinions Anonymous 03/23/2024 (Sat) 10:14:01 No. 44639
Your opinions on Vore and anything relating to it, as well as discussions around those opinions, whether you agree and add on or disagree and wanna challenge an opinion. To start, I will say that I don't like characters in Vore who are sex driven. Vore doesn't need sex to be appealing, and I don't mean a pred can't be sexy, but the pred doesn't need to get horny or involve sex, and I think it lessens the impact of Vore. I like cute girls who have no interest in sex and live a fairly normal life but love big, lively meals. I also would say that Vorny isn't the same as horny since a character who's Vorny may get satisfaction from Vore which makes them eat more and not sexual satisfaction. I also do like some horny characters, but I find them much less appealing than a cute girl who is a pred and has "pure thoughts".
>>44639 I have really something about burping after vore when I see a girl burping while digesting inside someone in her belly make me turn on.
>>44652 >>44653 Yes, that is the correct opinion, shame there's never been a burping thread though
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>>44652 >>44653 >>44669 I like burps, but personally, I never think an image without burps is less than one with burps. I've definitely seen some images that could have used burps to make it better and some that have missed out on an opportunity. If I was to pick something I love seeing, it's probably digestion and slight weight gain. I love seeing a pred gurgle up food, but what really gets me is seeing a pred gain mass, but not as much as you would expect from such a large meal. I get this strange arousal from the idea that the prey wasn't fully utilized, wasted, only used to make the pred look good and or be a toy for satisfaction. It adds to this idea that the prey's life meant nothing to the pred, that they don't care that there are more effective meals, they prefer the thrill and raw emotions from live prey, or they may like how prey gives better gains than normal food. It's hard to find images that give off this vibe with the right amount of gains and belly, but when I do find one, it's amazing.
>>44669 Actualy there was some but people let it die
not a fan of male human preds. That's all the opinions I have lol
The bigger the Prey and smaller the pred the better. Micro/Marco is the best type of vore, just seeing a much smaller girl domination her larger meal is peek vore, and digestion scenes in this type of vore is God tier.
>>44708 Same but, also, I'm not too fond of ugly monster preds and snake preds. I hate how one of the best anime artists only ever does snake pred's.
>>44710 what artist is that?
>>44669 did I just see a boneless pizza reference
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>>44714 It's quite an old artist so I can't find him right now but his art was similar to co ma, but tended to have better shading and line work. all I can remember is seeing some amazing covers to only find out it was that guy and seeing one of my favourite characters being eaten by a fucking snake. So I didn't really remember his name, I can tell you I found him on Exhentai but that really it. art is co ma, not the original guy I was talking about.
>>44747 To best describe the quality I would say it was on Nopes or G17 level if I remember correctly. I could be wrong but I doubt it since half the reason it annoyed me was because of how good his shit was and how he used some of my favourite anime girls and not just OCs.
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Micro prey is not my favourite type of vore. However, it has its moments. I think this type of vore is the best for casual and realistic vore, with things like temptation and guilty pleasure at its peak. I also think that the idea of a girl being able to walk around with prey in their gut in normal society is hot as fuck. I love the idea of a girl having a gut full of people the size of a town but no one noticing, and she goes on with her day slightly stuffed, with the only hindrance being a bit of a belly ache.
I've got this strange fascination with girls shoving thighs up their asses until their ass eats it whole. like butt plugs going so deep they can't be retrieved or those videos of girls shoving eels up their asses. It doesn't really matter what object it is but I get this enjoyment from seeing a nice back-end costume an item and imagining it just sitting inside their butt. The only issue is that there are so few videos of this and half of them have girls with ugly asses or you can see their faces in the background and it looks bad. I know why they wouldn't do this since it can cause problems for them so I'm not upset there is not a lot but it's annoying how hard it is to find this stuff since there isn't a simple term I can type to find it. If anyone likes this stuff too and either has a good video or knows a good search term to find this type of stuff please let me know.
>>44769 Sauce on that image and anymore images with that same concept. I think you just won me over to that concept as well.
>>44965 I've seen a few images like this over the years but would need to find them again, if I do find them again I'll post them here. Here is the link to the original image https://x.com/mshngsngz113886/status/1771762633755996395?s=20 Here is what I've got so far, it's hard to find good macro/mico casual vore but here are a few I could find at the moment. Image 1 https://aryion.com/g4/view/604330 Image 2 https://aryion.com/g4/view/872682 Image 3 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/91266252 Image 4 and 5 https://aryion.com/g4/view/519274 https://aryion.com/g4/view/519276
>>44965 This one is a bit different but it's still a nice animation of a girl just casually doing her thing well filled with prey. https://aryion.com/g4/view/892079
>>45005 This is the goldilocks zone of human on human vore. Prey's not so big that major disregard for human biology is required to make it work like same size or larger prey, and it also isn't so small that they're smaller than a pinhead compared to the pred. The extreme ends of the scale do have their appeal at times, but it's when the pred can slurp someone up like a rigatoni noodle that human on human vore is at its best. It's intimate, has a clear power dynamic, and it's believable. As far as an unrelated opinion, a particular kind of animal/beast more that I don't see nearly enough of is aquatic animal on human vore (squid/octopus, fish, and sharks especially). Maybe I'm just an idiot not looking in the right places, but quality fish vore feels really difficult to come by. I've only found a handful of really good ones, and I know there's a lot more potential for it.
>>45005 Damn thats nice! Thank you so much for sharing. Yeah it's really fucking hot to think about a girl growing to the size of a giant, voring a bunch of people, and then shrinking back down again with a belly full of digesting people while she watches the footage of her rampage on the news.
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>>45021 Oops, forgot the pic.
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>>45010 For fish pred I remember this comic I found when I first got into Vore that you may like. However, it's more like a monster fish than a normal fish and it's not in English. https://exhentai.org/g/782285/5416cb6dbb/ I'm not a fan of feral preds but I can see the appeal of a pred that can hide underwater preventing rescue in time which is why I like this comic. The idea of her being stuck in the fish deep below the ocean and how she couldn't be rescued in time add an element of tragedy I love. Another opinion I have is that tragedy and strong emotions make Vore massively better, it's why I think muted melody is so good even though I hate the pred and love the prey and I think that even though I want to see the prey as a pred I wouldn't want to see it by the creator because tragedy only works in perma vore.
>>45025 Sorry for the lack of punctuation here. I forgot to double-check before posting.
>>45025 I also keep forgetting not everyone can use ex. Here is a link that should be useable https://e-hentai.org/g/756011/d6b0e9dfef/
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>>45021 >>45022 I get what you mean, but it's rare to see. A similar but different idea I've seen before is in this, where the girl can shrink and teleport anything she wants, and her action appears on the news. https://e-hentai.org/g/1124839/b84d8dc2ea/
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When looking at vore of characters I like, I tend to use both vore and non-vore images to improve the experience. The images I use tend to focus on the areas I would like to see have weight gain, and I would imagine the images are aftermath shots to show off gains.
>>45057 Did you forget to write out what you were going to say?
While I love myself a good cruel, fatal digestion, I tend to prefer situations of reformation. It makes vore less cruel and more casual which allows for good sexual situations without moral dilemmas. It also allows for my dream fantasy of a girl eating and digesting me but I reform before she’s done processing my former body so I get the play with her belly and/or fuck her with my remains sloshing inside. An artist who has gotten this to a tee is https://aryion.com/g4/user/Flight007.
I love Cockvore but at the same time I am not a fan of condom disposal or just spraying it everywhere. On the other hand using that fresh cum supply to fill up someone else is the hottest thing ever, bonus points if they digest it afterwards and get some asset growth.
Mawile is the perfect Pokemon pred and you can't convince me otherwise. First things first, Mawile could logically swallow other Pokemon and in some cases, humans whole, making it a Pokemon people should be wary of in the wild unless they want to be just another meal, which is hot. Also, imagine capturing one and not knowing that your new best friend is made partially from cocky trainers and in another universe, you may have been another victim. Good Mawile art can have some of the best mawshots with some art even making her maw look terrifying. Mawile is also one of those rare characters where people not into Vore may draw them in Vorish ways, like this video https://youtu.be/v91ZNkt6fO4 or like the mawshots in this post. The only issue is that people keep making her too big and too human or will get her face wrong, making some art uncanny. However, when done right they can be both cute yet voracious predators.
i personally find belly humping and sentient fat to be some of my personal favorite vore tropes.
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Long term digestion is the best. Anything from 3 days like the first pic or whole months and years like the second and third pic. The more time spent inside being broken down the better. I also love reformation. Fatal is great too but, stuff like the fourth pic is unbeatable. Being seen as nothing but food to people around you and getting eaten whenever they're hungry sounds terrific. Also just love the idea of being vored more than once cause who only wants it to happen once and never again right?
>>45321 The reformation part reminds me of this text adventure Vore game I played that had this one scene that made it the best text adventure vore game I've ever played. You were in a hotel and had different floors. The top floor was a city, and there was one scene where you met a shy mouse girl who had only eaten someone once. You can offer to be her prey, which shocks her but makes her happy, and she will ask you to meet her in a classroom as she is shy. Being her first time, she struggles a bit, breathing heavily and asking you not to move around too much as she is not used to this. Eventually, she digests you, with this normally being how it ends. However, on this floor, you can find a place that will reform you, and if you help her after getting this ability, you can come back to her and find her still enjoying what's left of you. When she notices you, she is shocked but happy you're alive and asks if you came back to be eaten again. What made this one character perfect was how she would change as she became confident, enjoying stuffing you down her throat and gaining weight each time, which you could see if you inspected her. I also love how she was still the sweet, shy girl who was thankful that she not only had willing prey but could enjoy eating them over and over again. I loved her so much, and it was a shame the game never got carried on as it would have been nice to see more of her and possibly accidental perma vore. Every so often, I return to this game and redo this part well using images of Nazrin as a reference for what she could look like. The rest of the game didn't interest me much, but this interaction was pure gold, thanks to reformation. Ever since I first played that game, I've always loved reformation in games if the pred reacts to you coming back, like being shocked or overwhelmed with joy.
>>45324 I forgot to say that the game was Vore Inc. You can use the password blueberry to skip to floor 4 where she is. Her name is Lily and you can find the reform lab near her. Also, an opinion I have is that mouse girls are the best girls and all other animal girls should be fed to them.
>>45324 >>45330 Gotta look into this game now. Sounds insanely hot even though I'm not huge on text games. Mouse girl preds are top tier
>>45430 Sadly the rest of the game isn't as good as the Lily part. I think there were only one or two other scenes that were pretty good but that's just my opinion.
How popular is vore in different countries compared to others? It's clearly very popular in Japan/the US but where else does it have a high concentration? Do african countries or black people in western countries have this fetish at similar rates to whites/asians? What about China? They are very repressive over there but I wonder how popular vore is over there regardless. Are there any races that have higher rates of preds/prey among certain genders than others? The demographics of voraphiles really fascinates me for some reason.
>>45661 I've seen Hispanic and Slavic artists and they also tend to have fans who talk to them in their language. I've also seen a South Korean artist and one artist from I assume was Taiwan.
hey, wanted to share how I experienced vore as a language barrier and a fetish for over 8 or so years by now. First of all english isn't my first language so very early on when I was a teen I was atractted to vore but didn't know what was it or if it even was a thing and in my own language couldn't find any clues that could lead me to it, so I began to search in english and soon enough found out about vore and got engaged to it, the thing is, I've always consumed this fetish trough english after al these years and even tho nowadays I can find vore in my own language, it just puts me off completly, like it cringes me to my core reading or seeing it in my language. Every time I got time to think about vore I think in english, wich it blows my mind bc it like my brain made vore enjoyable for me only outside of my native language. That's it, just wanted to share my circumstances around vore and curious to know if anyone else had a similar experience, in case english isn't your native language.
>>45690 That's cognitive dissonance. In your language you understand how fucking weird this shit is. But in English your like damn my dick hard tho.
>>45690 I've got one question. Did you learn English because of vore? Like, did vore act as some sort of motivator or was there other reason you lerant English, which had nothing to do with vore?
>>45691 lol, yeah maybe it is just my brain fighting itself when I look at vore with my native language, finding it weird. >>45692 I knew very basic english at the time, and now that I give it some thought, it was some kind of motivator to learn more about vore but throughout these years I also used and developed english to play games or to watch series and films so its not just bound to vore per se.
>>45661 Are there any places on the Chinese internet where you can get away with posting vore? I'd think that they censor it pretty hard.
Possessed preds are amazing. Having someone who wouldn't even hurt a fly lose their body to a person who sees everything as a meal has insane potential for top-tier vore. This type of vore works best when you know the host and if they are more cute or pure. However, with good writing, it can also work with unknown characters. There are a few ways this type of vore can go. The first type is that the new host corrupts the old one as they become one in mind and body, almost fusing together where we see the host's personality change as they slowly become a new person. A great example of this is the Anya and Makima stuff. It's still Anya, but she has completely given in to Makima's side. Anya's personality is still there, which you can tell through how she acts. The second type is where the new host takes complete control, with the old host stuck in the back seat watching helplessly as they are forced to digest others, or even better, their friends or family. An example is in the second post, with the ghost possessing the girl to eat her friends. The third type is probably my favourite type, where the possessor swaps bodies with someone and then eats their old body with the original host now in control of that body. The old body gets digested, and the original host dies, possibly affecting the new host's personality or memories. However, it's not them since they died. An example of this is the Wendy and Cirno images.
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>>44709 Based opinion, there is not enough contenta as well
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Reformation is a boner killer, because it takes all the risk and excitement out of digestion, especially during scenarios meant to be non-fatal. There are no real consequences if the prey does get digested. With simple regurgitation there will always be that shred of doubt: Are you gonna cuddle on the couch an hour from now like you always do, or will she make good on those playful threats of hers and let you slosh through her intestines after all? It's an event that has to carry weight no pun intended
Not enough art with someone playing the "observer" role. The observer role is so fucking hot, not just in their own regard, but the entire dynamic with the pred is incredible. Like imagine how terrifying it is for a prey. About an hour ago, you were just minding your business when someone casually gulps you down, unbirths you, whatever. You struggle, trying to catch people's attention and their reaction? Perhaps they're unaware and simply think your new home is pregnant, and reward her with belly rubs, pats, and praise. They're given priority or discounts over their "pregnancy" as a reward for resettling you without a care for your hopes and dreams. And imagine the horror after all that, your pred gets home, and her husband or boyfriend starts getting flirty about the new curves you gave her before fucking her senseless... with you still inside unable to escape, your entire world being shook with each thrust, your endless struggles for escape doing nothing but making the lives of everyone in the outside world happier and more enjoyable. I *love* the idea of inflicting that onto someone and making that their entire life, where the more they suffer equates to how much more I and a pred gf take pleasure in things.
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>>46359 On a similar note, giant couple vore drives me crazy. I absolutely love stories featuring it as well.
I dont know how popular it is, but i really like shota prey, i really just wish i could be a little boy again and kidnapped by a hungry milf and sent deep into her tummy. love the idea of being "lost" yet so close, and theres no way to tell they (me) are there. somthing similar to this... im ok with digestion in this scenario but somthing about long term sounds really cool
I'm not that much of a big fan of x-ray shots. They're okay, but i think they can ruin one of the best parts about vore, that being the disconnect from the prey. After being eaten, the Prey is no longer the focuse as their just food at that point, so we should see them only as a belly and muffled cries. Just thought about this after seeing this Filia image. I saw the x-ray first and felt it took away from the act of eating and made the non x-ray less enjoyable. I think it also depends on how the pred reacts afterwards as her total lack of acknowledgement to her prey is why x-ray ruins it, as it acknowledges the prey.
>>46453 I'm the opposite. I like x-ray shots because they acknowledge the prey, and show what is going on inside the stomach.
>>46398 dude I'm exactly the same. Like to a tee. Anyway I would just add that a hot milf teacher would gobble me up. Literally would kill to be a kid again just for that scenario
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I was looking through Natsumemetalsonic art for some good stuff and found this Senko drawing he did. It's good art but fuck, now I wish he had done vore of her like this. One of the worst feelings is seeing a character you like being drawn by a vore artist perfectly but they end up not being in a vore image or are the prey.
Something I absolutely love seeing in more is more than 1 prey, with 1 getting gulped, followed by the other after a chase. Bonus points if prey 2 watches in horror as prey 1 gets gulped. Part of it is the other prey knowing what just happened to their friend and at the same time knowing there's a real possibility the same happens to them, and another part is that I love when preds have to put a bit more work in to catch prey.
>>47281 I have a similar opinion: I like voreception. When the prey are in the stomach together and one eats the other. But only if they're both female.
Can someone explain to me what's so thrilling is about mini or smaller preds? and then after barely gaining weight? Same with giantess preds swallowing prey smaller then them. like what is so exciting about it?? genuine question btw.
>>47847 For smaller preds it's a case by case thing but it boils down to that they look more unassuming when they do strike, I like the power play that they've had to over power or trick their prey and the bigger belly is nice.
>>47847 For me, I like some smaller preds because due to the larger prey, their stomach is bigger, leading to a tighter stomach that shows the outline of the prey more and indigestion. Both things I really like, but I prefer they gain weight after. Little to no weight gain after digestion isn’t fun. Can’t speak for giantess preds as I don’t really enjoy them.
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It's not really a vore opinion and more of an opinion of a character when in vore, as I hate how most people draw Jahy in vore. Jahy has two forms, is a smug bitch and is the definition of the character who fucks around and finds out, yet most people don't utilise these elements when making her. It's why I think JustAPotato has the best Jahy vore and this may sound assholish to say, but second place is not even close. No other piece with her that I've seen has that smug personality, her getting punished by her own actions, both forms with a belly and great art showing off her golden eyes and her nice tan.
I think that a responsible pred in a fatal vore universe should fuck their prey before voting. If they´re gonna die literally melting in your stomach at least make sure they´re not a virgin.
>>49217 It's fucking shit no matter how you look at it, plus its even more unrealistic than what vore is by itself. it feels wrong
>>45691 I guess I'm kinda that way but with Japanese. Or maybe I'm just a weeb
>>45321 > Long term digestion is the best. Anything from 3 days like the first pic or whole months and years like the second and third pic. The more time spent inside being broken down the better. > I also love reformation. My man! Those are some based tastes!
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Allowing P3d0s/lolis into vore culture was a fucking mistake. Ekas and 8chan should be ashamed for allowing such abhorrent content. I'm a degenerate, but I'm a degenerate with standards.
>>50014 >vore culture
>>50014 If you wanna get real for a second, if you wanna play that, I ask Him for forgiveness everyday, if I’m able, and tell Him I’m sorry. Sometimes almost right after a wank after I’ve “cooled off” and that feeling arises in my core. I am human, and I falter, I often times do. But, at the very least, none of the stuff I look at is real. I can’t stand kids, so dang annoying. I think part of my problem was finding that I was into vore at an early age, so seeing, you know, younger fictional people “involved” in vore scenarios did something. I sometimes try to stay away from that stuff in vore now, and only ever really look at it with vore stuff. But sometimes it pops up from time to time. I’m not one of those “oough (insert p3d 0 slang here)” anime profile pic people though. I’m actually quite ashamed of myself when the thing happens. And I’m only every really “into it” when it comes to vore stuff.
>>49217 it's too goofy and isn't something I like
Swallowing Pokeballs is hot and we need more of it.
>>44639 I'm a little picky when it comes to what I like in vore Mandatory: >Female pred (biological female, no trans or futa shit) >Pred and prey must be adults >Pred and prey must have more human traits than non-human traits >No R34 >No scat >No snuff Preferred: >Female prey >Internals >Giantess >Non-fatal or reformation >Any female characters are naked
Vore is the perfect Yandere fetish and it makes me upset that there's an extreme lack of it/hard to find
https://x.com/TinyCalicoVA/status/1808904181060940190 I wish the animation was similar to this scene >>44769 where instead of her getting belly rubs she is in public with everyone around her oblivious to the city's worth of people breaking down within her. Unawareness and the amount of prey to become full are what I love about micro prey. So it's a shame that there is so little of it and not enough casual mass vore. Also to add to this >>44769 I think micro prey has some interesting potential due to the idea of mass prey. I remember seeing a video where a girl has her mouth full to the brim with tines well another girl records and after a good amount of time, the first girl starts chewing the tines into a bloody soup and finally swallows the liquidated mass down. The performance was amazing, but the quality of the models was subpar.

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