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Garden~of~Roses~ #2 Voxian 04/05/2023 (Wed) 04:53:14 No. 21669
Lyria was the first to win my heart, butt Rosetta was first to win my body in GBF la~
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>>22649 Fresh milk la~!
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>>22650 I want to be able to drink fresh mother's milk everyday from women that I make pregnant with my babies la~
>>22651 I find it strange that TIkTok recommends me pro-teen pregnancy videos (Young 16 and under White women with White kids) by default without an account. I mean, I'm not complaining, I want to get teen gals pregnant, and if I had been born a girl, I'd have married at 16 to get away from my parents if there were any attractive Blonde/Redheaded Aryan guys that I could get in contact with, and if I got carried away while the parents weren't looking, I'd have probably ended up pregnant at 13... I was incredibly horny from 11-22, and without mutilated genitals (women aren't subject to Yahwey's mutilatiion) nor the drain of ejaculation, I'd probably be a nympho la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/08/2023 (Mon) 23:40:15.
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>>22652 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/local-and-private-covid-vaccine-mandates-patients-and-health-care-workers-being-reversed . https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/wildfires-canada-force-30000-flee-slash-oil-and-gas-production . https://www.zerohedge.com/political/rfk-jr-cia-definitely-involved-murder-jfk . https://www.zerohedge.com/political/climate-envoy-john-kerrys-jet-set-spending-getting-plenty-cloud-cover . https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/tucker-carlson-preparing-war-against-fox-news . https://www.amren.com/features/2023/05/a-symposium-on-southern-nationalism/ . https://www.amren.com/features/2023/04/how-to-save-europe/ . https://www.amren.com/features/2023/04/reforging-america-part-i/ . https://www.amren.com/features/2023/04/the-theology-of-deconstruction/ . https://www.amren.com/commentary/2023/05/anarcho-tyranny-and-the-tragedy-of-the-subways/ . https://www.amren.com/news/2023/05/elon-musk-why-does-the-media-misrepresent-interracial-crime-stats-to-such-an-extreme-degree/ . https://www.amren.com/news/2023/05/how-diverse-coronation-reflected-kings-bid-to-modernise-monarchy/ . https://www.amren.com/news/2023/05/south-africas-only-drivers-licence-card-printing-machine-has-broken-down-again/ . https://www.amren.com/news/2023/05/how-woke-mob-drove-white-military-vet-to-suicide-after-pushing-for-him-to-be-charged-for-shooting-dead-blm-rioter/ . https://www.amren.com/news/2023/05/a-california-panel-has-called-for-billions-in-reparations-for-descendants-of-slaves/ . https://www.amren.com/news/2023/05/denver-councilwoman-proposes-taxing-white-led-businesses-as-reparations-to-support-minority-enterprises/ . https://www.amren.com/news/2023/05/majority-of-germans-say-migrants-bring-more-problems-than-benefits-want-limit-on-refugees/ . https://www.amren.com/news/2023/05/bridgerton-star-adjoa-andoh-stuns-itv-presenters-by-calling-the-buckingham-palace-balcony-terribly-white/ . https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/05/the-return-of-tucker-carlson/ . https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/05/the-pope-calls-for-national-suicide/ . https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/05/white-psychology-under-jewish-tyranny-part-3/ . https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/04/the-tolerant-man-who-could-not-be-tolerated/ . https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/04/greenblatt-carlson-desantis-and-mary-phagan/ . https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/04/mary-phagan-110-may-her-life-be-not-in-vain/
[Expand Post]. https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/04/the-rebirth-of-race/ . https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/04/cosmotheism-a-nietzschean-doctrine-of-power/ . https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/05/08/survival-or-suicide-italy-will-follow-melonis-melody-not-the-schlein-whine/ . https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/05/05/the-eurofiles-the-eu-as-the-sick-man-of-europe/ . https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/05/04/thoughts-on-tucker/ . https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/05/02/the-extreme-center-how-the-neocons-went-woke/ . https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/05/05/how-to-bribe-the-supreme-court/ . https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/05/04/prosecutor-pushes-dubious-prosecutions/ . https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2023/05/be-aware-of-the-issues-but-not-too-aware-how-to-survive-in-a-prog-canada . https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2023/05/diversity-means-open-hatred-of-the-white-race . https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2023/05/black-suffering . https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2023/05/pet-ownership-is-not-cute-a-reply-to-james-tucker . https://canucklaw.ca/were-recent-gun-control-measures-in-canada/ . https://canucklaw.ca/unaids-releases-paper-on-human-rights-based-approach-to-sexuality/ . https://canucklaw.ca/statement-of-defence-filed-in-high-profile-bridle-lawsuit/ . https://canucklaw.ca/csaspp-class-action-certification-hearings-to-resume-on/ . https://canucklaw.ca/a-beginners-guide-to-spotting-scam-lawsuits/ . https://canucklaw.ca/action4canada-appeal-why-didnt-they/ . https://canucklaw.ca/a-look-into-the-motion-to-throw-out-vaccine/ . https://www.patrioticalternative.org.uk/nhs_war_on_white_staff_revealed . https://www.patrioticalternative.org.uk/the_curious_case_of_dominic_raab . https://expose-news.com/2023/05/07/schwab-gates-great-reset-plan-depopulation/ . https://expose-news.com/2023/05/07/increase-in-deaths-of-younger-pilots-during-2021/ . https://expose-news.com/2023/05/07/julian-assange-invites-king-charles-to-visit-prison/ . https://expose-news.com/2023/05/07/vaccine-induced-immune-response-causes-most-harm/ . https://expose-news.com/2023/05/08/christians-under-fire/ . https://expose-news.com/2023/05/08/black-nobility-new-world-order-and-the-great-reset-king/ <My last new post a~
>>22645 https://www3.zoechip.com/watch-tv/ssgb-35873.5193475 <Ara~Ara~ https://www3.zoechip.com/watch-tv/ssgb-35873.2493734 <Hmm so that's it eh? I guess the 'hope' is that the 'British resistance' drags the USA into the war (that is already essentially over) with the Reich while also giving them the ability to make nukes to ensure that they win. Sure, that would result in the fall of the Reich, and a world very similar to IRL. BTW, if the guarantee of Poland was the excuse for Britain to go to war with Germany, shouldn't they also have declared war on the USSR? I find the favoritism shown by Britain and the USA towards the Soviet Union to be extremely suspect, butt most people just accept that the 'Nazis' were the sole 'villain' of the WW2 era. The reality is that the 'Nazis' threatened Jewish power globally, while the Soviets did not, thus the media (that the Jews control) make the 'Nazis' out to be the greater villains (and sometimes even make the Soviets into heroes). The Soviets were actually more brutal (and less civilized; to even their 'own' people) than the 'Nazis' but perhaps their brutality was more (((equal))). If the British and USA governments were not controlled by the Jews, they would have never engaged in war with Germany over Poland, nor even France la~
>>22654 Any positive outcome of WW2 requires the survival/victory of both the Third Reich and the USA la~
>>22656 In the end, regardless of how 'evil' the Third Reich is depicted in fiction, the primary cause of advancing the Aryan subspecies (race) was a pure good for Aryans. Any Aryan who denies this is denying their own existence and inherently suicidal la~
>>22661 Star rail is fairly interesting, butt, the combat system seems to have declined since the natural combat of Genshin. The key to 'playing' gatcha games is to play for the experience and story rather than 'completion' la~
>>22671 Almost every https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?page=3&tags=otoko_no_ko has to make a hard choice before they turn 13... do they want to become men or https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=newhalf_with_female+&z=5 ? Honestly, if I were given a choice and it were completely up to me, I'd have chosen the latter butt only sans anti-androgens that make you infertile la~
>>22672 It is far harder to pass as a woman if you start taking women's hormones after you've stopped growing. Of course, some natural 'Traps' don't have to take women's hormones at all to pass as a woman la~
>>22675 I hate American movies, and yes, that is a generalization la~
>>22646 That's a good way to not do any of them if you've been breaking them all till now, la~ I'd suggest you to go one by one, that way you'll be able to concentrate fully on improving the given issue, la~ Though, it's good in making a list, la~
>>22678 Well, some require not doing actions, so I'll focus on those first la~

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