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Garden~of~Roses~ #2 Voxian 04/05/2023 (Wed) 04:53:14 No. 21669
Lyria was the first to win my heart, butt Rosetta was first to win my body in GBF la~
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>>21685 I had hoped for a Twin Tigergal dance, butt I guess they weren't popular enough during their own year gao~?
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>>21686 Sad la~
>>21688 https://fal7p-xaaaa-aaaag-qb5da-cai.icp0.io/ >Try to login, get message insert security key la~ <Yeah no la~ https://boards.4channel.org/biz/thread/54475724 <If you're White and want to escape (as much as is possible, Thailand is best. Followed by Japan, and finally the Philippines la~ https://boards.4channel.org/trv/thread/2433449 >.jp la~ https://boards.4channel.org/trv/thread/2427482 >.ph la~ https://boards.4channel.org/trv/thread/2423063 <Too bad I can't post on 4cuck because somehow they've range banned all my IPs, oh well la~
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>>21690 Henry Ford's 1940 Presidential Election Victory (Neutral) la~
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>>21691 Henry Ford's 1940 Presidential Election Victory (Axis) la~
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>>21692 Scandinavian Nations established before 900AD la~
>>21691 PoD: Henry Ford survives an assassination attempt in 1938 la~ Butt Why? Henry Ford was long admired by Hitler and had prominent anti-Judeo-Supremacist views; he survived by simply not following his regular schedule on the right day. He was about to enter his car, when he told the driver to wait a few moments as he had forgotten his wedding ring in the office. Sadly for the driver, the assassin had already started the timer on the explosive under the car. Luckily for Ford, he survived la~ Results: Ford was now sure that the 'Jews' were after him, and if his life and/or the lives of his family were forfeit anyway, he no longer had any reason not to run for President and attempt to save America. Ford ran, for President, on the 1940 Republican ticket along with Howard Scott of Technocracy fame. Ford and Scott promised an end to the Depression, and to strictly defend American neutrality in WW2. The Republicans narrowly won the election, and one of the first actions Ford took was to end the oil embargo on the Empire of Japan, and negotiate a trade deal. The USA stayed out of WW2 and sold to all sides (but not on credit), coming out of the war as the undisputed economic superpower. President Ford's last act in office before his death was to see the admission of the UK, Ireland, and NZ into the Union. President Scott solidified the Monroe Doctrine with his concept of the American Technate, the name proved quite unpopular so the latin inspired 'Terran Federation' won out in a 1953 referendum simply by being the least unpopular. The Terran Federation, as the third global state, was ratified into existence in 1962 by a successful universal vote in all relevant territories. The constitution of the Federation was similar to the constitution of the former United States, and was broadly heralded as a Libertarian alternative to the authoritarian Axis powers la~
>>21693 ᛗRagnarᛏLodbrokᚾSurvivesᛉÆllaᛟNorthumbriaᚹla~ POD: Ragnar Lodbrok narrowly escapes from King Ælla of Northumbria la~! Butt why la~? Ragnar decypherss an omen of danger from odin delivered by his Raven, and is able to evade Ælla's men la~ Results: Ragnar eventually forges a feudal Empire of the North, that changes the course of history forever la~ The Empire quickly conquers the whole of Hibernia, Greater Britannia, and Scandinavia. Lodbrok outlaws civil-wars within the Empire before his death in favour of personal combat or some other trial, with the challenger deciding the stakes and then being subjected to the challenge determined by the defender. This serves to unite the Norse and Ásatrú faithful. Meanwhile, in Iberia, the Catholics face defeat after defeat by the Muslims, drawing focus away from the 'pagan' North and East la~ ~ The Northern Empire eventually fractures, but not before reaching the borders of Tibet and China in the East (resulting in the importation of Buddhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism to a lesser degree), and Vinland (North America) in the West. The Empire fractures during a succession crisis—rather than go to war, three brothers—all claiming the Title of Emperor—agree to go their separate ways. This results in the creation of the Norwegian, Swedish and Danish Empires. The Danish Emperor converts to Catholicism soon after—the vast majority of his subjects (and powerful neighbour's) are Catholic, and it appears the practical thing to do. His brothers, however, are disgusted by this treason against the Gods, and require all nobles to be at least officially Ásatrú. Additionally, to combat the influence of Abrahamic faiths, they promote Buddhism, Taoism as secondary and complimentary 'religions' to Ásatrú by inviting many Monks from Tibet and China (especially to the British Iles) la~
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PoD: Boudica’s revolt in the AD 61 succeeds la~! Butt why la~? In a dream Boudica receives a vision from Andraste showing her that the path to victory is through using captured Roman citizens as political hostages AND never succumbing to pride and abandoning hit and run warfare in favour of decisive warfare. Boudica acts on this vision from her Goddess and achieves victory. Emperor Nero has other wars to fight and decides to cut his losses and instead focus on conquering nearby Germania and repelling Parthia la~ Results: Boudica’s army takes over the Roman province of Britannia la~ In AD 63, Emperor Nero cedes the governorship of the Province of Britannia to Queen Boudica and grants the province independence in exchange for the establishment of, “a treaty of eternal peace and trade between Britannia and Rome.” Despite this being a unilateral declaration by Nero, Queen Boudica accepts the eccentric Emperor’s gesture. Boudica accepts the Roman title ‘Sovereign Governor of Britannia’ and also creates the High Queendom of Albion as her primary title with Andraste as the patron High Goddess of the Queendom la~ Under the succession laws of the Queendom, only mothers, under the age of 50, with at least two natural daughters, can inherit/possess the throne. By default, the Crown Princess is the oldest daughter that qualifies unless the Queen publicly chooses another one of her daughters who qualifies as her heir. Succession occurs automatically when the current Queen turns 50. The Queen’s mother (if alive), uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters form the centre of the Royal court la~ The Queendom does not formally recognise marriage nor paternal lineage; lineage is traced purely through the mother. When a mother dies any property she owned is split evenly between her children; the only exception is the Crown itself—only the Crown Princess inherits. Both men and women inherit property, but when a man dies, all his property is split between his living biological-siblings la~ While the Queendom does not recognise marriage the other Celtic lands of the British Iles did. All these lands are eventually (by AD 800) united with the Queendom (primarily) through a mixture of marriage and intrigue.The High Queendom of Albion is soon (in)famous for being extremely (sexually) liberal yet fiercely (racist) nationalistic. However, the matrilineal nature of the nation does inspire a fair number of men to emigrate—the main destination being the Roman Empire, and later the frontiers in the New World la~ ~ As a result of not being focused on Britannia, Rome is eventually able to conquer Western Germania la~By AD 312, Civil War between the Western and Eastern Roman Empires is expected by all. This was due to the Eastern Roman Emperor Constantine officially converting to Christianity in AD 312 and swiftly proceeding to harshly oppress non-Christians—the the Western Roman Emperor Julian responds by calling Constantine a spiritual-Jew and traitor against Rome and by extension labels all Jews and Christians as traitors under the law. War breaks out in AD 313 when Constantine orders the first strike towards Rome—reaching the outskirts of the city before being surrounded and destroyed. The Western counterattack achieves a certain degree of victory, forcing Eastern forces to retreat to the East of the Bosporus, butt lacking the strength to pursue, Julian decides to fortify the western bank of the Bosporus. Meanwhile, Eastern forces are able to conquer Africa. This is where the war ends. With Byzantium/Constantinople split, the East relocates their capital to Jerusalem, and renames their state the ‘Christian Empire’ while the West simply calls itself the ‘Roman Empire.’ During and after the conflict Christians flee the West for the East and non-Christians flee the East for the West la~ ~ The Catholicism in this timeline is different and closer to Torah (not Talmudic) Judaism with the addition of the New Testament. That said, as this Constantine still initially favoured Sol Invictus, the 'Sabbath' is still moved from Saturn's day to Sun's day. Church leaders are more than willing to compromise if it means gaining the backing of Constantine's legions la~ ~ The rise of Islam forces the Christian Empire and the (Zoroastrian) Persian Empire into an alliance. Their combined forces are enough to keep the Caliphate contained in Arabia. The Christian Empire slowly expands into Africa. The Persian Empire slowly expands North (into modern day Russia) and East (occupying modern day Pakistan). In AD 900, Norse explorers discover North America. From that point onwards, the three Western European powers, the Norse, Celts, and Romans soon embark on a competition to take control of the new lands la~~The Zoroastrian religion spreads significantly roughly matching the spread of the Persian Empire. from AD 1000 onwards many in the Scythian Empire choose to adopt the religion, and by AD 1300 slightly less than half follow the way of Ahura Mazda as determined by the High Priest(ess) in Persia. However, conversely, Christianity has spread as a minority religion within the Persian Empire, although Catholicism (following the orthodoxy of the Pope in Jerusalem) is forbidden. Christianity is a minority religion throughout the East and has found it's largest foreign following (outside of the Christian Empire) in the Korean and Chinese Empires where slightly less than half of the population follow various 'Churches' of the religion, although the ruling classes continue to prefer Buddhism and Taoism, and like the Persian Empire, Catholicism is forbidden la~ ~ The customs of marriage are unique within Zoroastrianism. For-example, a mother is strongly encourage to marry one of her sons if she is currently unmarried. "Gayomart, whose elder sister conceived him by her father and in turn conceived by him the twins, who then peopled the world... The theological doctrine of xvaetvadatha, which recommends as especially pious and meritorious sexual unions between mother and son and between brother and sister... What seems unique in the theology of the Magi when compared to later monotheistic theologies, is the doctrine of xvaetvadatha so that a man acquires a significant religious merit by having sexual intercourse with his mother. They (the Magi) undoubtedly revealed the dogma of xvaetvadatha to justify the marriages with sisters, mothers, and daughters by which they preserved the divine ichor of their holy race from all danger of genetic pollution." Thus, incestual marriage is considered a virtue and female bisexuality is encouraged. However, male homosexuality is forbidden and strict female homosexuality is shunned la~ ~ Buddhism has also spread west all the way to Albion and the New World, however it is not the majority religion anywhere in the West, unlike the East where it is often the dominant religion la~ ~ Besides shipbuilding, technology is not significantly better than it was in 1000 AD (and is in many ways equivalent to 1700 AD in our timeline). Despite no period of 'Dark Ages' there also has been no 'Enlightenment' due to the continued wide spread prevalence of religion, feudalism, and private slavery. The continued prevalence of slavery means that the upper classes have little need for technology to improve production. Furthermore, these massive civilisation-empires have not broken up due policies of extreme feudal decentralisation. Following the first age of exploration kicked off by the Vikings, the world is experiencing an age of religion, lords, pirates, and privateers that it shows no sign of ending since it is not clear if an industrial revolution will ever occur la~
>>21709 My character: Aine, a 13 year old redheaded blue-eyed Celtic woman, and distant descendent of Boudica's youngest daughter, living with her aunt on the Isle of Skye. Her mother Niamh is a Privateer for Her Majesty's Royal Navy. She learned to read by the studying letters her mother sent her. Soon, she dreamed to live the life her mother wrote about la~ Aine opened the letter gently, it had been over a year since her mother's last letter to her, and her birthday had already been a few moons ago. She glanced through the window; rain continued to fall. She raised the letter; a pressed-flower fell to her standing-desk. It was white with six petals, she had never seen a flower quite like it. She left it and turned to the letter. She read, "My daughter, dearest~! I am hoping this letter finds you on your birthday~13 years ago I gave birth to you on this day and you have remained the most precious to me—more precious than gold and jewels. It broke my heart to leave you butt it would also have broken my heart to stay, and to have brought you, oh... it was and has been far too dangerous. I am happy to be writing you this letter, for this will be my last letter to you," she paused, dread creeping up her spine, she looked out the window again, then quickly returned to reading. "So, come, and don't keep me waiting, my darling, my love, find me on the emerald isle of ❤️ within eternal summer, make me yours again, let me feel your touch, the beat of your heart, now and forever, and I will make you my Titania🦋~" Aine had hoped to attend the Royal Naval Academy, butt without money—her aunt was not supportive—she would have to score very high on the entrance exam, and even if she was accepted, it would require at least 3 years of intense work to graduate. Butt now she wasn't certain she should even try. She couldn't tell how serious her mother was, it was certainly her handwriting, and she had always had a comedic, flirtatious, even romantic, poetic manner. Butt Aine loved her mother, and she was the only one she was certain she loved even though she barely remembered her mother's face. She did wish her mother had taken her with her or stayed with her... butt she now she understood the dangers of piracy, and of denying one's passions... she was ever so frustrated each-time her aunt would call her mother irresponsible and foolish for going out to sea, because her dream was now the same as her mother's dream. She took another look at the flower on her standing-desk; attached around the stem was a rolled note. She slid it off and read the tiny print, "present this flower to the Skye Admiralty Clerk before midsummer along with the words 'Aine daughter of Niamh' and you will find your way la~ What should Aine do? A) Do as her mother says la~ B) Apply to the RNA la~ C) Something else la~?
>>21712 To begin, I'll start with the fact that conspiracy is the norm in human experience, not the exception. Thus the following really isn't a 'conspiracy' in the sense of being untrue, as I think you'll find it is a snapshot of THE GREAT conspiracy and so frequently supported by the facts that it could easily be posted as politics: 1) At the north pole of Saturn is a dark storm with a shape than can be described as a hexagon or in 3D as a cube with a darker fractal repetition in the center of the formation; the relationship can be described mathematically as 666 repeating. 2) Saturn is the Roman Chronos, and Saturn is also identified by the Romans with the Jewish God Yahweh. 3) Ancient pantheons often had a hierarchy and every ancient God an equivalent Goddess consort. Furthermore, every divinity had a light side and dark or inverted side. Tarot inherits some of these concepts. 4) Saturn (Cronus/Yahweh) is the old patriarch of the Roman Pantheon, he is depicted as being hooded to hide his shame at defeated and usurped by his son Jupiter with the help of his wife Ops (Rhea/Asherah). 5.1) Jupiter revolted because his father was going to eat him, and for the same reason Ops helped him as she was tired of her younger brother and husband eating her children. 5.2) Saturn was the God of generation, agriculture, and time. Of course, Father Time always eventually eats his children. 5.3)The revolt against Saturn was a revolt against tyranny and mortality. 5.4) The successful revolt of Jupiter ‘castrated’ his father, and thus Ops became Ceres (Demeter) and Juno, Jupiter’s mother and wife, causing Saturn to go into hiding in shame. 5.5) The Roman festival of Saturnalia celebrated this inversion of roles by celebrating every binary inversion. 5.6) Saturn inverted is the God of degeneration, harvest, and time cut short i.e. the reaper of souls; the grim reaper. 5.7) Saturn has been inverted since the time he began eating his children, before that he was the God of eternal life / summer / golden age 5.8) Baphomet is a Satyr, an acolyte of Saturn, possibly spawned after the castration of Saturn along with Venus. 5.9) Satan is merely inverted or dark Saturn AKA Darth Saturnis. 10) The concept of appeasing the reaper (and death) through sacrifice is as old as time; vampirism and cannibalism also is justified from this concept as life is in the blood and body. 10.1) Circumcision is the primary public Saturnian rite and represents a sacrifice to Saturn to appease his animus by weakening the younger generation’s desire/power thereby achieving revenge against Jupiter 10.2) The Christian rite of the bread (body) and the wine (blood), along with the ‘circumcision of the heart’ echoes this as a sort of allegorical cannibalism. 11) The center of Mecca, the Kabba, is a representation of the black hexagon within the dark hexagon of Saturn. It is also said that the shrine was built on the site of a fallen ‘star’ i.e. where allegorical Saturn, now ‘Satan,’ fell in defeat to Terra. 12) The supposed Star of David is actually the ‘Star’ of Saturn, and is only on the Israeli flag (the Menorah is was the more popular symbol) because it was the Rothschild dynasty crest; the Rothschilds from Waterloo onward have clearly owned the British Empire hence they owned their new state of Israel. The star of Saturn features 6 points, 6 little triangles, and the hexa(6)gon or cube. 13) Financial centers around the world feature the symbol of the Dark Star Satan with a black cube. 13.1)The global central banking system is directly controlled by the Synagogue of Satan, and they ‘reap’ the human cattle by stealing their time and their souls. 13.2)The ‘vaccine’ a word derivative from cattle, is a ‘mark of the beast’ and all goyim, those not initiated into the Synagogue of Satan, (even neophyte ‘Jews’) are considered as cattle, livestock; beasts. The 666 mark was once optional, butt now they have attempted to force it as they continue their endless quest for complete control (lest the Jovian [last somewhat seriously represented by Hitler] take back control) and the crushing of any remnant of the divine spark, FREEWILL. 13.3)The red (symbolizing the blood sacrifice of the herd) flag of Communism features a rotation of the the alchemical symbol of Saturn, especially notable is the Scythe of Darth Saturnis, the Grim Reaper. 13.4) The 9/11 memorial features a ‘negative space’ black cube and is a inverted monument identifying a place of completed human sacrifice to Satan, many inverted black cube memorials to human sacrifices done in Satan’s name exist around the world. 13.5) The followers of Satan are obsessed with taking and/or maintaining control, indulging in revenge against the ‘Jovian,’ or true progression, and sacrificing to maintain their youth and/or please their master, Satan. 13.6) The vast majority of people serve Satan, aware of it or not. You don’t even have to believe that Satan literally exists. The memetic construct does, as does the satanic/beast system. 13.7) Is the cure to 666… 999…? Instead of a canabalizing system of darkness could we have an infinitely expanding system of light?
>>21713 So my mom has, for as long as I can remember always suggested I 'grow a beard.' I would of course want to reply to her, "why don't you grow a beard... how would you feel if you started growing a beard?" Because in the same way she wouldn't want a beard, that is how I feel. Of course, I can't tell her the truth because these are 'forbidden transsexual' feelings I'm not supposed to have. Hence why I've never talked to her about many things, because it is pointless. She simply obeys her husband, her book the 'bible,' and the 'norm.' I am low down on her priority list and always have been. I'm at most 5th~ I have to admit I would have liked to have been 1st. To actually have been truly loved by my mother... and that is my greatest 'fetish' and always will be. One 'fetish' that is realistically unachievable in this life la~
>>21714 One area I find I am very different from my birth-family, is that I have a very developed natural disgust response, whereas they are only disgusted largely by cultural programing. Hence why they'll invite niggers and nigglets to hang around them and their family including at their weddings la~
>>21721 https://boardz.org/thread/breakdown-of-society-evident-in-vancouver >Ultimately, he said, “It doesn’t faze me too much because... human life to me... the way I look at it, if I don’t know you, it’s meaningless.” <You know what, I actually agree with the random Zoomer. In a society without racial solidarity, why should I care about some random White guy? Now I care more about some random White guy over a random non-White guy (the less non-White males the better) butt that is all. In fact, I'll go further than the Zoomer and say that if you are not my family (my parents, lovers, or my children) I will not risk anything for you unless I think I would want to make you my family, and that you would likely adequately compensate me for the risk I took la~
>>21732 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhea_(mythology) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ops >As the wife of her youngest brother Cronus/Saturn la~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hera https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juno_(mythology) >As the wife of her youngest son by Cronus/Saturn, Zeus/Jupiter la~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demeter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceres_(mythology) >Rhea split her public identity into her 'daughters' Hera and Demeter since unlike sibling marriage, parent-child marriage was taboo for even the Gods la~ <All of the above are different personas of the same Goddess la~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persephone https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proserpina <The Goddess of Spring was the favorite daughter of Rhea that most closely inherited her nature la~
>>21758 Okay I've just finished my last Alternate history scenario. It's time to move on la~
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>>21759 >What if the American Civil War turned into WW1 la~? >May 1, 1863, The British Empire recognizes the CSA and declares war on the USA—invading from Canada and directly assaulting Washington D.C. The British have prepared several years for this operation. The Second French Empire and Austrian Empire, already intervening in North America in support of the Second Mexican Empire, propose an alliance with the British Empire and CSA. March 1, 1864, the 'Compact' is formed comprising the CSA, British Empire, Second French Empire, Austrian Empire, and Second Mexican Empire vs. The USA and the United Mexican States. The USA suddenly finds themselves fighting in two civil wars against the side backed by an alliance of European powers. This is a perilous position, and so the USA makes overtures to the Kingdom of Prussia and the Russian Empire. Prussia and Russia, seeing Britain, France, and Austria distracted, agree to the alliance, resulting in the creation of the 'Order' in July 1864. Prussia invades France and Austria. Meanwhile, Russia sees this as an opportunity to greatly expand their empire and thus simultaneously invade the Ottoman Empire and Qing Empire. By August 1864 WW1 has truly begun la~ >1866 WW1 End Results: The German Empire is formed by Prussia (annexing Austria), The CSA is independent, the USA annexes Canada, The Second Mexican Empire is established in Mexico. Russia is still invading the Ottoman and Qing Empires with limited assistance from the rest of the 'Order.' The 'Order' are largely victorious everywhere except Mexico and Britain is the biggest loser la~ >1867 USA invades Japan la~ >1870 USA annexes Japan la~ >1877 The Russian Empire formally annexes the Ottoman and Qing Empires, and yet, must repay a very large debt payable to Germany and the USA la~ ~ >1921 The British Empire seeks to return to greatness and forms a military alliance with the German Empire—the deal between the two is that Germany would gain the European continent while Britain could have the rest of the World la~ >Germany and Britain jointly invade France and Russia. Mexico intervenes on the side of France. The CSA invades Mexico. The USA invades Russian Alaska and Russian China. Spain invades Gibraltar. By 1922, WW2 has begun—the enormous Russian Empire, France, Spain, and Mexico (Allies) are fighting a defensive war against the Germany, Britain, the CSA, and the USA (Axis) la~ <What do you think? Realistic at all la~?
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>>21760 >I just want a wife like her, and if I can't have even one, there is no point with being concerned about future generations la~
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>>21764 >C'est la vie la~
>>21767 >CRT la~? Moeka would love (((Critical Race Theory))) wouldn't she, good (((NWO))) slave that she is la~
>>21772 https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Okusan-chapter-30-page-1.html <On second thought, I'm done with Het, I just feel inevitably cucked by it because I'm a single virgin and have been forever la~
>>21779 Good night, la~ Why do you write 'Have good dreams' in Japanese, la~? Is it your motto, la~? >>21777 I watch my anime at 1.35 speed, la~ I don't get as much enjoyment from it if it goes so fast, la~
>>21780 >Why do you write 'Have good dreams' in Japanese, la~? <Why not la~? >I don't get as much enjoyment from it if it goes so fast, la~ <Ah, I should say the less good an anime is that faster I want to watch it 8/10+ anime I'll watch at 1x/1.25x speed. 5-7/10 at 1.5x speed at anything less that 5 at 2x speed... something like that la~
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>>21794 Good night, la~ >>21760 This scenario is based upon quite a lot of what if's situations that have to come true in order to play out like that, la~ What would the USA get from directly annexing Japan, la~? And that action might change the course of how Japan's culture would evolve from that point on, la~ What would happen to USA's development from 1912 onwards, la~? It's interesting way of thinking, la~ >>21787 Nah, I'm not gone, la~ I'm still here whenever I can, la~ Just my posting times have changed a bit, la~ >>21790 The elf is cute, indeed, la~
>>21782 >>21795 I really wanted the USA and CSA to both survive the Civil War that became WW1, and end up fighting together in WW2. I also wanted the USA to invade Japan before the Meiji Revolution... and this forced me to end WW1 quickly in 1866. In reality, Japan had almost started many wars with various European Powers, and this was the major inspiration for the Meiji revolution. The USA after WW1 is a military superpower, in our reality, after the Civil War the USA was the world strongest military power. In this timeline the USA annexes Canada from the British after their unrealistic imperial ambitions are almost completely thwarted. Russian Alaska then directly borders the USA. Additionally, the continued Russian advance into China, causes war planners to fear a single empire (Russia) dominating Eurasia. Thus it is decided to annex Japan as a forward base. The USA had already abandoned the concept of racial citizenship during the Civil War and so directly integrating the Japanese into the union was seen as no more difficult than integrating the niggers who fled the South la~ >Just my posting times have changed a bit, la~ I'm sure you're quite busy. I would love it if some other anons would join us butt they never stay long la~ >The elf is cute, indeed, la~ The Elf in Japan and Yuri Cafe anime will probably be my favorite this season la~
>>21796 >What would the USA get from directly annexing Japan, la~? Soldiers and a forward base for the future war with the Russian Empire la~ >How would Japan's culture would evolve from that point on la~? Japan would experience an enlightenment similar to the post-WW2 experience. Many Japanese would migrate to the west coat of North America as well. Christianity would be introduced to Japan while Shinto and Buddhism would be introduced into the mainland USA, what other changes do you think would occur? There would surely be anti-Japanese and anti-American sentiments but both would be characterized as 'racist' and uncivilized. Since in this timeline Lincoln is still assassinated la~
>>21797 Mother Nature is sexist and racist, that's why (((they))) hate her so much la~
>>21800 https://shamik.ooo/a/ <Ah meguca la~ >>21797 https://pcgamestorrents.com/victoria-3-flt.html <I think this might help with my scenario la~
>>21805 I'm sick and tired of waiting on my mother. From now on, she can come to me if she wants to say good night la~
>>21806 I've said that before I think, butt I really mean it this time, so long that I remember of course la~
>>21826 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/dalai-lama-apologizes-after-kissing-boy-asking-suck-my-tongue?commentId=687f8f37-0a8f-4ad9-b2f1-f8af3eb35740 <Interesting, butt you know, I think I'm done with the anti-pedophile 'crusaders,' I really do not care about other people's children—especially if they are not attractive and available sexually either for me or my children—and in fact loving children including physically is only beneficial—if it is actually love and not just lust la~
>>21827 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/condition-our-society-has-never-been-bad-and-it-only-going-get-worse?commentId=d39a5cc6-301c-4676-9b8f-e80bd42a1b37 <Honestly, North American society has never been ideal, however, it was certainly racially healthier in the past la~
>>21828 I tried playing Victoria 3, butt it was painfully complicated and the military system was horrible la~
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>>21829 Butt, I kept on playing and built a Danish Empire la~
>>21830 My work makes me fucking exhausted as of late, la~ I don't even stay that much up before going to bed, la~ Atleast one of us is having a better time, la~ Hope you enjoy this night, la~
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>>21832 https://boardz.org/b/politics <Well I did my politics posting for the week la~
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>>21833 I don't think I will post on White Date anymore. I dislike the focus on 'Tradition.' The few women there are 'Christian, Traditional, and want Strong Men.' What that translates to is they want a rich macho alpha that is somehow still obsessed with the bible, or at the very least, they want a guy that will go to their church and wage slave for them and otherwise fit in their boxes without complaining and while never showing weakness. Their standards are insane, and I do not fit any of their boxes la~
>>21834 For these women, Race is important butt not more important being (the right kind of) 'Christian' and 'Alpha male.' And yet, despite wanting someone Alpha they immediately disqualify any man that doesn't fit all of their boxes. It's sad-funny butt the best way to give them what they want is to completely take away all their right to decide. If women were treated as private property and men as persons, every man would appear 'Alpha' la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/12/2023 (Wed) 01:45:37.
>>21836 Personally I will never fit the 'Alpha male' label without formal status since I have extremely strong anima for a man... even despite suppressing it to try and avoid conflict and please women my entire life. As for 'Christian' I could very well create my own Christian sext if I think there is a greater chance of fulfilling my personal goals that way. However, I would have to modify the dogma quite a lot to begin to harmonize it with my desires and will. In other-words, if preserving the central myth and trappings of christcuckery will help me further the White subspecies than so be it la~
>>21837 New (old) wisdom for men: it is not worth it to care about what women have to say, unless you are having sex with them. Yes, even your female relatives (unless you are under the age of majority or not an adult). With women, the more you care about them, the less they care about you, especially if you are not having sex with them. The true purest love is the unrestricted love of Father~X~Son~ and Mother~X~Daughter~ la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/12/2023 (Wed) 04:01:40.
>>21838 It is curious how the purest love is also and has been historically across virtually all cultures the most 'taboo.' Why is that la~?
>>21840 Mother~X~Son~ is still the sexiest though, and always will be la~
>>21842 >I'm sorry butt we cannot mix our blood with that of other peoples la~ <I wonder how many tribes has such rules and how the determined who was not of their people and therefore an 'other people' la~
>>21854 https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Otoyomegatari-chapter-104-page-24.html <It is impossible to be a 'real strong (White) man' in the current era, especially in the former White lands where wanting to preserve your lineage and race and have many children is considered (((evil))). If it were just a matter of defeating a woman in a contest, I defeated a blonde Aryan woman (who was the ace of the university soccer team) twice my size in a tag race (despite being out of practice), and still she paid me no attention, instead she went to look at her phone, and this despite also being one of the cutest attractive in a feminine way men I have ever seen although age and stress have now taken their toll. If it was like this horseback contest I would have grabbed her and thrown her over my shoulder. Butt I dared not touch her without her consent lest my life be ruined by the university and the law. White men across the west are cucked and the last somewhat uncucked White men were the 'Nazis' the most (((evil))) of all in today's Judeo-Satanic world. Butt yes, hunters have always been more powerful and free (manly) than domesticated agricultural folk. Hence why nomadic hunters have conquered settled peoples repeatedly over the millennia la~
>>21855 There is only wage slavery or soul absorbing entrepreneurship supporting a system that wants to genocide you, getting lucky and/or criminal enterprise, or inheritance (who knows how long even this will last). In the former White lands, one cannot be a 'strong White man' without being rich and/or a criminal rebel. I do not count traitors, for their treason only really benefits them one generation la~
>>21856 The more I think about it, the more I realize that the only realistic chance for a better personal future is outside of the former White lands known as the 'West,' even if there is a risk of failure la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/12/2023 (Wed) 06:11:32.
>>21863 https://9animetv.to/watch/mobile-suit-gundam-the-witch-from-mercury-season-2-18353?ep=100088 <Pretty hype butt I really don't like the nigger and some of the other characters that look like they belong in an American cartoon la~
>>21876 I mean, she has done it so many times now with other women, la~ It should feel like a therapeutic massage for her, la~ I'll have to go on a holiday with my mother from 13th to 17th, la~ Hope this night is enjoyable to you, la~ Random stuff All Communist states abolish religion, destroy traditional culture, implement feminism, and so on. Leninist USSR legalized LGBT and had the first hate speech laws in history. Communist China is most renowned for its immensely destructive Cultural Revolution. “Anti-imperialism” (i.e. overthrowing White empires/colonies) has been a central doctrine of Communism since Lenin. Stalinist USSR and Communist China were both Third Worldist and their agents led the anti-White revolutions in South Africa. Cuba is radically feminist to this day, la~
>>21877 >abolish religion, destroy traditional culture, implement feminism... My second brother is a very religious Jew loving Christcuck and an explicit race traitor who married a 3/10 Aztec-looking vegan divorcee and stopped eating dairy for her and invited (without consultation) a family of niggers over for dinner. Of course, my family are all Jew loving Christcuck race traitors, but this one brother is the worst, even my Dad didn't invite the niggers over for dinner, he only took a paying 'student' nigger la~ >I'll have to go on a holiday with my mother from 13th to 17th, la~ <Ara~ are you not looking forward to it la~ Where are you going together la~?
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>>21886 Like, how does MC reincarnate as a child that is already conceived? I get that it's 'magic' butt are they saying that you can reincarnate as a child as long as the child isn't born yet, that a child has no spirit until the moment of birth? Of course, the word 'reincarnate' doesn't necessarily exclude possession, butt in that case one spirit would have to supplant another la~
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>>21887 I am curious as to who the father is supposed to be la~
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>>21888 As for the basic concept of 'what if you could choose your parents' I would have to say, yes I do wish that. If I had a mother that I could have loved completely... parent(s) that would have nourished my talents instead of forcing me to suppress them out of fear and/or if I could have been born a girl... I do find that appealing la~
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>>21889 The primary appeal of a fe/male idol for many is the fantasy of romance with that idol la~
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>>21890 I guess under the new NWO laws in Japan, if the guy who impregnated Ai was over 18, he'd be considered a rapist 'lolicon' lol... maybe that's why he arranged to have her killed, to save his career la~?
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>>21891 If I were ever to get into the idol business, I'd require each gal to have at least one of my babies, to invest in me, before I'd invest in them. That said, I think that to break into the business from the outside is very difficult la~
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>>21892 The whole memory of one's past life being present completely from infancy is totally over done BTW... better to have the memories come at like 10~ la~
>>21895 Something about interacting with my mother just makes me want to say fuck you bitch, I dunno, butt I'm tired of giving her the time of day la~
>>21897 I guess It's because I'm come to the realization that ultimately my mother is just another bitch, and a bitch that has kept me down far more than built me up at that la~
>>21898 Oh well, time to accept the truth and move on. At least I now no longer feel any obligation whatsoever to my birth-family, especially once I finally say sayonara and move out la~
>>21899 I'd really like to make some friends/lovers though, zero luck with dating apps. I've had some text-chats over non-dating apps, butt they always die out because we're always too far away to meet up, and I always have to lead the conversation and I get tired of text chatting and/or I can't keep their interest and it dies out la~
>>21900 Haven't been brave enough to voice/face chat gals yet. Probably because I can't do that in stealth at home like text chatting la~
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>>21913 Sometimes I wonder... where were/are all the 'cougars,' the older women after younger guys? I was on original dating sites life POF for years, and no lusty MILFs. Maybe they were all using that 'cheating' site Ashley Madison. If I had had any sexual attention from even moderately attractive women of any age, maybe I wouldn't have fucked myself up so badly. It's all because the lukewarm 'love' of my mother was always the best I've had la~
>>21918 I'm tired of being used as a wet rag, to be used for emotional support butt then to be discarded as soon as it is no longer needed. Even my own mother does that to me la~
>>21919 It's really difficult to just go about my business focusing on my interests though. I have to remain polite. I have to maintain 'normalcy' it's all so wearisome la~
>>21920 Whatever, I'm doing it again. Not focusing on my interests la~
>>21921 I really must stop that. This how I've been used and abused my entire life la~
>>21922 Even the married MILF in church who expressed some interest in me before I broke a lot more... I saw her again post-wall, and she was quite... uncomfortable(?) when I brought up my caring for my sick mother despite her being our commonality. She probably knew I was being used by an uncaring bitch. Oh well, and enough. I've decided there are one-two~ ways to think about people in this world. "I want to fuck you~" and, "FUCK YOU!" That's it. However, how to act is another matter. Even if the answer is "FUCK YOU," it doesn't mean you should be unpolite la~
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>>21923 Uh~ I lost my thought la~
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>>21924 Oh, that's right. You know, if you trade you time for money, you are selling yourself. If you trade your time for anything really, you are selling, or at least, investing yourself. E-whores as they are called, can reap all the benefits of whoredom (party/have-sex for a living, lots of money in a short time, with little effort) with very few of the drawbacks. They are simply doing what is most advantageous to them (the only better gig might be marrying rich and divorcing, or better, marrying a rich sexy guy). What is amazing, is that there is still demand for e-whores la~!?
>>21925 AI will eventually steal e-whores work butt until then there is no better gig for the typical woman la~
>>21926 This is why Yuri is beautiful, it is free from cold financial/dominance calculations la~
>>21928 https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/1061.html <The feminist plays the victim while stabbing you in the heart (typically metaphorically) la~
>>21944 I am tired of emotional roller coaster and self-censorship la~
>>21948 2) I will get ready for bed / at 10:30PM on normal days la~
>>21949 3) I will not cut my hair again except to maintain it above my hips or so I don't/can't sit on it la~
>>21950 I can trim my hair now and then to eliminate split ends by cutting off 5cm la~
>>21954 This is another: I will not pleasure myself, especially, I will not intentionally ejaculate except into the vagina of a woman that wants my babies la~
>>21956 So basically, no fap and no hair cut (only above the butt and the occasional 5cm trim). These are my new vows. Spending less time on time wasters like solo games/manga/anime is another la~
>>21959 I deleted Bumble and Tinder, over the years I've 'used' them I have not had one date and fewer than 5 matches. If I use them again it will be purely to find men la~
>>21962 https://9animetv.to/watch/sugar-apple-fairy-tale-18301?ep=99257 <Ara~Ara~ la~ https://9animetv.to/watch/sugar-apple-fairy-tale-18301?ep=99672 <The art is pretty, I wonder if you really could make such art out of refined apple sugar la~?
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>>21964 To have such artistic talent la~
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>>21965 I find this a fairly ~comfy~ fantasy world, or a least, one full of beauty la~
>>21966 Jonas could have been a better character though, him going from dere~dere~ to yandere~ was good butt the change to cowardly tsun~tsun~ was lame and just makes him a pathetic character, butt I suppose that is how all women view their failed suitors at least, until they catch a better woman...la~
>>21967 I missed you my friend, la~ I went on a familial vacation to Istanbul, Turkey, la~ That's why I was gone these few days, la~
>>21968 Yes~ la~! Did you have fun la~? Who did you go with? Just your Mom? What did you do la~?
>>21969 https://canonic.xyz/ . http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/ . https://www.youtube.com/c/Nyanners/videos <Wow, looks like my Lady account on WhiteDate was deleted for being bisexual. This is the fucking problem with White nationalists, they adopt a position of 'traditionalism' and 'reaction' that is always a losing position la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/19/2023 (Wed) 01:30:54.
>>21971 <I'm open to exchanging photos once we get texting. The last 10+ years have been hard: mistakes were made, health was poor, and luck unfavorable. Life was (is) a struggle but I kept on 'rising from the ashes' and I will continue to do so as long as I live. I will continue to pursue my interests alone, but some good company would make even the frequent set-backs seem worthwhile. The world as a whole is going to (((hell))) and I don't expect anything to come of this profile, but at least I won't have to spend so much time filtering out non-Whites and anti-Whites. My goal is to create my Tribe, a people truly my own. It may not be possible is this life, yet that won't stop me from trying. Practically, the first step in achieving this is finding a good woman—the second step is owning a permaculture estate in a potentially politically sympathetic sparsely populated moderate climatic area full of wild foods. That said, I have no survivalist and/or military training and the NWO is the greatest threat, so if there is anywhere I can use my BA degree and perchance be more true to myself, I will pursue that possibility, even if that means moving to the Asia-Pacific. Of course, if money were of no consequence, I would not worry about utilizing my formal education. . <Oh, I just finished reading your profile updates (didn’t see those last time), and I see you’ve completed your degree, so I’ll ask again, what is your degree in? I recently completed my degree in Pacific/Governance studies with a focus on learning Japanese—before the plandemic moving to Japan (finding my own life and building a White tribe there) seemed the most rational course of action, now I’m not so sure. I’m also interested in the Cook Islands and Polynesia more generally—the thought of escaping to a peaceful tropical island with beautiful beaches appeals. I do find Prince of Whales Island (Alaskan Panhandle) interesting as a potential White refuge and a possible place to raise a family, but I would only consider moving there (or Alaska more generally) if: I found a career that used my degree, money was no issue, the government(s) in Canada/BC force more tyrannical policies that aren’t present in Alaska. For the time being, I have decided to stay on Vancouver Island and am presently staying with my parents as rent is ridiculously expensive, and I do not have enough money to buy a decent home. <”I must also mention that I still have my virtue intact. I am absolutely incapable of separating love from physical intimacy.” That is a treasure, and really the best way for a woman, something worth conserving. I don’t really identify with the labels ’conservative’ and ’traditional,’ more ’free-thinking’ and ’radical,’ but that said, certain aspects should certainly be conserved, the most important being the Pureblood (sans plandemic injections) White sub-species. I also see the value of traditions, and would like to make my own. I really empathize with your ’Christianity’ struggles. That cult has been a major bane of my existence, a burden to bear, rather than a source of comfort. I have really found myself, my whole life, ’crushed’ between my family’s form of Judaedophile-Christianity and the Neocommunism being pushed on society by the Khazarian Mafia AKA ’Synagogue of Satan.’ There are a few aspects of my family’s religion that I appreciate, like singing ’psalms’ (my favorite part of Church services, that I sometimes liked), biblical food laws (I don’t eat pork ect), the concept of a day of rest from work, and the concept of a harvest festival—other elements as well but they are not immediately coming to mind… but the overall effect has been (anti-White and) to me oppressive loveless tyranny. <”I’ve read Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen 12 times.” I haven’t, care to enlighten me ;)?
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/19/2023 (Wed) 04:22:14.
>>21972 <”I consider myself to be a Christian but I am still learning and I struggle with my faith and dedication.” I see that you are seeking a ’redpilled Christian man’ to set you ’straight.’ I was raised in an oppressive biblicist household and can say with years of experience trying to ’redpill’ my family, that Christianity requires a serious reformation to be considered pro-White. Positive Christianity in the Third Reich was one failed attempt at achieving this… but not being pro-White is not my only concern with Christianity. In case you’ve read this far, I would like to ask you what you would prefer if forced to make a choice: a White Christian man who tries to pretend race doesn’t matter, or a pro-White White Buddhist man? I have no problem with the central narrative of Christianity but, regardless, the only way I could call myself ’Christian’ is by starting a radical new pro-White and pro-liberty sect/branch of Christianity. >Hi, thanks for the message. I wouldn’t say that I’m looking for a Christian to *set me straight*, as I would consider myself to be on a straight path with or without a man, and struggling or not with my faith. I would say I strongly prefer a Christian man to simply continue living life with, going to church with, studying with, and to have a family with. As you know, us Christians believe that God has a plan for us and if mine plays out without a husband and children (sadly) I would choose to accept that, but for the time being I’m still going to try to make that life for myself. >I’m sure it’s frustrating for you to see people take the redpill but choose to be Christian, since you personally feel this is wrong. >To answer your question, if I was forced to choose between a pro-white non-Christian, and a Christian who is not pro-white, I would probably choose neither, since this is not what I’m looking for in a partner. Not the answer you wanted to hear, right? Lol I find most people will settle into a relationship/marriage with who they can find just to avoid being alone, but I don’t wish to conciously make a lifelong commitment to someone/something I don’t want. This would obviously not bring contentment. I guess this is just me and my hypergamous female nature talking..lol <”I’m sure it’s frustrating for you to see people take the redpill but choose to be Christian, since you personally feel this is wrong.” Most Christian sects are logically inconsistent, and definitely not pro-White, that is all. I myself, am not one to ’settle’ so I understand your thoughts on that matter. Being hypergamous would refer to your desire for a high status (money/power) mate (and the tendency to leave an existing mate for one of higher status), I’m not sure the requirement that your husband be Christian qualifies—of what sect by the way? Or is simple belief that Jesus was born the son of god, died, and was resurrected to save humanity from ’our’ sins sufficient? The vast majority of post-WW2 Christian leaders denounce pro-White politics (often on the basis of scripture), so I’m curious.
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/19/2023 (Wed) 04:21:11.
>>21973 <Pleased to make your acquaintance Em, you’d definitely look cute in cat-ears 😉 <I used to be quite curious about Inverness, how is your life in/around that city? <Also, beyond what you’ve already mentioned, what other interests do you have? <You remind me of a cat and why not? ^.^ <Loch Ness… have you ever seen nessie? 😉 <I certainly enjoy beautiful art, music, and sometimes cooking but only because I enjoy eating good food. What is a favorite dish you like to prepare? And send me a link to a song you enjoy! Do you play an instrument? I played a bit of piano in the past and want to learn to play the guitar. Currently I’m trying to learn Greensleeves. Learning the best folk songs is a good place to start.
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/19/2023 (Wed) 04:19:40.
>>21974 <Yeah, no problem; I know that feeling of being, ’not up too much.’ I figured I should give attempting to make some comrades/friends another go since I only have one online friend and no IRL friends. <Then again, my bar for who I consider a friend is pretty high. I figure starting by making some comrades is the best strategy. >I get that, after all given the world we live in it’s hard maintaining friendships with people that secretly hate you or are working towards destroying your race. So yeah starting from at least a similar ideological background, while it filters out many, insures the longest lasting, greatest friendships. Like I still have a few irl friends, though it’s in spite of them not being aware of the truth. <That right, and yeah I did have IRL friends, even some non-White friends (a Filipino guy and a Japanese guy) back before the plandemic. But they were shallow friendships based on simply being in the same place at the same time (university classes) and the fact that they thankfully they seemed somewhat resistant to the anti-White hate programing at the university. Anyway, with more in common, it seems natural that friendships should be stronger if they have a chance to form. I’ve been wanting to travel for years now, but I held off because I didn’t have anyone to travel with and I wanted to achieve something first (finish my BA degree). Now I’m thinking I’ll travel the Asia-Pacific even if alone, although I’d rather have a travel companion. But the idea of traveling North America or Europe alone doesn’t appeal. I’d want to meet people here from the countries/areas I want to travel to, and have them offer to show me around.
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/19/2023 (Wed) 04:18:38.
>>21975 >Thanks for the invite but I’m not really a libertarian and I’m not in Alaska. I appreciate the thought, though. <Understandable, I’m actually more of an National Socialist Monarchist myself, you may address me as Führer and Emperor.
>>21976 >Thanks. This place hasn’t changed much over the years, nor has Stormfront. I founded BC White Pride in 2000, and it lasted for around 3 years, but nobody ever seemed to want to produce an actual community, and the women were mostly social rejects. So were the men, but that didn’t bother me. Now, it seems as if there are 6 women in BC whose values match my own, and two have been online in the last 2 years. Rosetta seems nice, for a bisexual woman, but I don’t know how she intends to continue to reproduce when she’s only looking for women to date. I can’t imagine paying for this service, inasmuch as there’s only one eligible female west of Vancouver, and she probably would have gone for you if she was into getting gotten. WN women tend to think that they can restrict themselves to WN men without surrendering their insistence upon a 6’1” body builder with a trust fund. I’m not much for friends, but pro-White people should support one another, and I’ve been out of a job since I refused to get stabbed by the injectionaries, and a WN man can’t share his thoughts at an office these days without getting fired without a reference. As a technical writer, my opinions should have no bearing on my job, but the communists love to impoverish those who reject their hatred. Whereabouts on VI do you live? >Given that Rosetta is 21, and that she’s probably looking for a man close to her age, I feel that it’s the duty of men who live near her to vet her potential WN love interests. I’m not going to get a membership in order to contact her, but, given that you have a lifelong membership, perhaps you’ll pose the question to her about vetting. I’m not a simp to serve the best interests of women, but I’ll never stop simping for my race. Even if she’s entitled, she warrants our help. One might hope that she would recruit women for her WN male friends to meet. <Hey Shaughnessy, because this site has seemed dead, I’ve only checked in once a week recently. I’m glad to have found a live one in you. Rosetta, for her part, seems to have found a White husband although I doubt she met him on this website. <”Do have any sort of venue where you meet other members of this group, or is it for online chat only?” At this point, the latter. I would want to see many more members before regular ’formal’ IRL meetings could be arranged. <”I founded BC White Pride in 2000, and it lasted for around 3 years, but nobody ever seemed to want to produce an actual community, and the women were mostly social rejects.” I feel like the young ’goth’ women 10 years ago would have been a good target for the pro-White message, some of them were even pretty although shy. Alas, there don’t seem to be many real subcultures these days, especially with the neocommunists tightening their grip, and severely so, over the last 3 years. I think organizing teenager youth gangs is the way to go, as older people and people in the workforce have, for the most part, already resigned themselves to the ’status quo’ whatever that happens to be day to day. On the other hand, I really don’t know how to go about doing this as I was never popular in my teenage years due to my strict Jew loving Christian parents, and Generation Z (last generation before the nucom Great Reset is supposed to be completed in 2030) is foreign to me. <”I can’t imagine paying for this service, inasmuch as there’s only one eligible female west of Vancouver, and she probably would have gone for you if she was into getting gotten.” Yeah, I’ve contacted everyone pretty much. I only paid out of altruism because I don’t know of a better pro-White social site. <”WN women tend to think that they can restrict themselves to WN men without surrendering their insistence upon a 6’1” body builder with a trust fund.” White women in general seem impossible these days, and WN women are sadly no exception since I’m not over 6’ and rich. <”I’ve been out of a job since I refused to get stabbed by the injectionaries, and a WN man can’t share his thoughts at an office these days without getting fired without a reference. As a technical writer, my opinions should have no bearing on my job, but the communists love to impoverish those who reject their hatred.” Indeed, the only solution seems to be entrepreneurship, or finding a rare company full of the unassimilated (unvaxed). Or we have to essential act as unpaid spies. It’s a difficult world.
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/19/2023 (Wed) 04:17:46.
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>>21978 I feel like living in this household is slowly turning me into a psychopath, butt one that understands emotions la~
>>21980 Trying to play friendly with my brother and father is tiresome la~
>>21981 My life since the age of 13~ has been one long hell since I don't fit as a 'man' and I have a mind of my own la~
Time to try and forget about my troubles, and my self-hate as result of being forced into a cancerous environment my whole life la~
>>21990 https://9animetv.to/watch/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-of-cold-steel-northern-war-17691?ep=99675 <Hmu, Iseria was solidly best gal, a loyal fun attractive blonde sniper, I'd marry her... Yeah, there have been many wars in history where one side or the other wining doesn't change much for the lives of 99%~ of people, and sometimes an invading power even changes things for the better for 99%~ people. In these cases, the war ending as quickly as possible is best for 99%~ of people. WW1 was one such war, in that war, it would have been best if the war ended ASAP with any result. WW2 was different, that war was ultimately about the White race achieving destiny or enslavement followed by extinction... the survival of the Third Reich as a great power was a necessity. Alas, as soon as the White people of the USA were tricked into fighting the Third Reich, the worst timeline.... our timeline, was neigh inevitable la~
>>22003 You know, my life has been full of stress, I'm going to start de-stressing as much as possible while also attempting to increase my value as much as possible. Good luck me, you'll need it la~
>>22013 Somehow, every-time I talk to my parents they piss me off la~
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>>22014 So yeah I've quit dating apps except to find men la~
>>22015 I've never had any good matches let alone chats and then dates so it's past time to admit it was a complete waste of time la~
>>22016 I figure if I'm going to find a good woman, it will be through casual classes (dance, yoga, cooking, ect) or group travel. I really want to go on a lot of contiki tours before I turn 35... we'll see la~
>>22021 Heh the Tinder verification process requires you to make a vaxd paralysis face and the George Takei face lol~ the villains sure have a sense of humour la~
>>21969 We went there for Easter, la~ We visited the Hagia Sophia, and then went around the Bosporus on a cruise ship, la~ The breakfasts were all you can eat swiss table, and was the only meal the hotel where we stayed that offered, la~ >>22023 May fortune bless you upon this night, la~
>>22018 I rejoined Tinder and Bumble because of this redhead appearing in my dreams la~ >>22024 Oh so you did go just with your Mom? How romantic ^.^ la~ >all you can eat swiss table Mmm delicious wood... la~? So like Swiss home-y cooking? That's odd for Turkey, they should have at least served Turkey :P la~ >May fortune bless you upon this night, la~ <Thank-you and you as well la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/21/2023 (Fri) 05:08:53.
>>22025 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYvmd52p/ <Heh, some guy finds a stealth (((elite))) community la~
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>>22035 https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-04-21/vaxx-mandate-fascist-gene-simmons-suffers-stage-health-issue-cancels-show?commentId=3ec7f929-6d4d-4641-8f95-b76a1b0b96bc . https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/100-million-gold-heist-canadas-biggest-airport-goodfellas-meets-italian-job?commentId=4f5664a6-b309-4941-8ee8-3bb51917d731 . https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-04-21/fbi-deems-red-pilled-based-terms-indicate-incel-violent-extremism?commentId=f31c047f-5860-4474-83cd-a570dd0b75e2 <LOL, 'incels' have always been cannon fodder of any armed force. ISIS and the Taliban are case in point. This is why the (((FBI))) are afraid. That said, I have always been a vocel since I was 18+ because I could have directly paid for sex at any point, and you know, even married men pay for sex and often it is far more expensive than just buying a prostitute la~
>>22037 OK, I'm going to change. Meaning no more infotaiment. It really doesn't help me la~
>>22038 https://9animetv.to/watch/my-star-18330 <So stupid... why not, you know, try and find the guy who killed you in your last life? Rather than try to 'protect' your sister from herself, why not be clear and direct about the dangers and his past life. So dumb la~
>>22025 Nvm I confused swiss table with swedish table, la~ It was a swedish table where there were different kinds of food/ingredients laid out and you were able to choose what you want and then put it on your plate, la~
>>22042 I feel like I've tired myself out by doing pretty much nothing today. I'm going to try to stop the perpetual panic response of swallowing/eating air that makes me bloated. Ah~ I'm so fucked up, I'm such a waste. If only I had actually been loved la~
>>22043 Two women making love while having their vaginae pounded by the Aryan penae is somehow the sexiest la~
>>22046 Two women having (what looks like) an intimate Yuri scene while both getting stuffed from behind is super hot. Too bad so much ero appears to be (((BBC propaganda))), I want an AI that turns all the men White, and Whiter than the women la~
>>22063 >She's the lewdest meido of them all, 6&7 from the left are like she's saying: >I know you want me... to be me... you'd take both if you could la~ <It's super hot la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/22/2023 (Sat) 02:21:27.
>>22066 https://shamiko.org/all/ <Oh no, I was banned again for wrong think or being uncool or something, I don't know. The tragedy not la~
>>22068 I've learned that when interacting with people, it is best to just ask about them or what they think, always questions. Even suggestions should be framed as questions. Questions are less risky. It's only after you fuck that it makes sense to actually open up. My history of being rejected by pretty much everyone has made me this way la~
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>>22041 Yeah, la~ I think it was exactly that, la~ I also went to the aquarium there, I saw a lot of funny and cool fishes, la~ >>22043 Maybe that's the reason why you've felt exhausted at the end of the day, la~?
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>>22073 >Maybe that's the reason why you've felt exhausted at the end of the day, la~? I am not unaware of the major/obvious causes of my exhaustion... my struggle is remedying them la~ >I saw a lot of funny and cool fishes, la~ Cool la~
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>>22107 https://9animetv.to/watch/the-cafe-terrace-and-its-goddesses-18358?ep=100497 <The Blonde is the best gal, with Twin Tails as second best. I know it's played as a gag, butt I'm not too into being violently assaulted, especially for no good reason. Green is a slut, butt if not for Blue, Twin Tails would have been right and Green would have won MC in the first episode la~
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>>22108 All the gals are critical for the cafe's success though, and the story does a good job of showing why... real harems were either held by the extremely rich, or by men with businesses that benefited from having women staff la~
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>>22108 TBH, if it were me I wouldn't have resisted Green's advances without Blue's intervention. I don't think your average not-hard-gay unmarried man could easily resist an attractive woman coming on hard like that. Also as soon as I realized that she would become super nympho when drunk. If I had any sex drive at all, it would be super easy to simply get her drunk and fuck, and If I were 'drunk' too the claim of 'taking advantage' couldn't be used la~
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>>22111 I still really empathize with losing money due to a computer failing at the wrong time. Although I don't have someone else to blame. Really MC, should hold blue responsible for the loss. I certainly would and she could pay with her body like she offered la~
>>22123 I like these older women characters, la~ Every racehoax follows the same script; Trayvon Martin, Michel Brown, Philando Castile, George Floyd: - Media spreads a fictional version of events - Whips up anti-White hatred - Libtards go into a frenzy - Burn Loot Murder riots - Unveiled months later that it was all a lie La, lalalalala~~
>>22124 >Unveiled months later that it was all a lie la~ <Yes, and there appears to be no consequences for this, for (((their narrative))) I mean. The former White lands are too compromised, the biological instincts (in this case to defend and preserve one's race) have been subverted. The chance of transcendence (reactionary recovery is impossible) from this period of terminal decline is small, I give it 0.88% chance of success la~
>>22126 https://ok.ru/video/7158301980 >Ah yes, the Catholic Schoolgirl defense. "I've only done oral and anal, so I'm still a virgin" >🎵 Fuck me in the ass 'cause I love Jesus!🎵
>>22128 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/why-arent-black-celebrities-talking-about-bill-maher-asks-why-black-people-are-killing?commentId=0b0a38af-6d38-4f79-a4d4-12c60ba8525f <Niggas don't care about other niggas, they just pretend to care (((BLM))) in order to extract benefits from insane Whites and now some Asians... so it goes la~ https://www.zerohedge.com/political/nashville-official-says-school-shooters-manifesto-astronomically-dangerous?commentId=323ddc67-e816-49c3-b6e0-8f2ce187fda2 <Acceptance does not equal promotion. (((Western gov'ts))) have made NOT being a 'cisgendered heterosexual' into the new 'patriotism' and of course, promoting 'bisexual-eunuchood' under cover of 'transexuality,' without providing truthful information and requiring the informed consent of the individual and their guardians... has consequences. I am in favor of acceptance, because quite frankly I am one of those 'transseuxals' according to the simple fact that I would have greatly preferred (for numerous reasons) to have been born a girl la~
>>22129 That said, the idea of having cosmetic/damaging surgery to appear more like my ideal woman, does not appeal at all. First, I want children, and second, I've already had my penis mutilated by my Judeophile parents, I know not to cut off parts of one's body from the pain, loss of pleasure, and ugliness/humiliation. The furthest I could ever see myself going with this 'soul/body' is becoming a newhalf or a non-OP MtF that takes female sex hormones to imitate the hormonal ratio of a sexy woman la~
>>22132 I'm trying to decide if I should buy some more BSV, Gold stock, or buy a flight & tour of Thailand. It's amusing I'm thinking of Thailand over Japan as my first real travel la~
>>22134 <Didn't get to it... time flies la~ https://www.zerohedge.com/political/bush-clinton-and-obama-launch-ngo-fly-migrants-us?commentId=626f0b17-b2ff-4abb-a05d-7ed814c6115c <Since the assasination of Abraham Lincoln, the USA has been ever increasingly anti-White. Anti-White politics started in (in a big way in) the USA la~
>>22159 https://9animetv.to/watch/mobile-suit-gundam-the-witch-from-mercury-season-2-18353?ep=100514 <War, and WTF was the point of Sophie and friends attacking the school? Just hatred for 'spacians' la~?
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>>22161 >Gayomart, whose elder sister conceived him by her father and in turn conceived by him the twins, who then peopled the world... The theological doctrine of xvaetvadatha, which recommends as especially pious and meritorious sexual unions between mother and son and between brother and sister... What seems unique in the theology of the Magi when compared to later monotheistic theologies, is the doctrine of xvaetvadatha so that a man acquires a significant religious merit by having sexual intercourse with his mother. They (the Magi) undoubtedly revealed the dogma of xvaetvadatha to justify the marriages with sisters, mothers, and daughters by which they preserved the divine ichor of their holy race from all danger of genetic pollution la~
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>>22162 Zoroastrianism is still the best and oldest monotheistic middle-eastern religion la~
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>>22164 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYvpdL3P/ >Bitches and 8===> la~ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYvpYv58/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYvpJu9m/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYvp6QQP/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYvpkE3P/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYvpRdsC/ >Mom & Daughter Dances la~ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYvpMNtW/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYvpAbwh/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYvpANnk/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYvpru7K/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYvgoGDU/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYvpeKYb/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYvgoLH3/ >Young (minor) women & mothers la~ <This is what I saw when I looked a TikTok without an account. Interesting. I approve of pro-White eugenic oyakodon and shimaidon breeding (with women; a girl becomes a woman after after her first period). Of course, I find it ridiculous that it's okay for a young (minor) woman to be impregnated by a young (minor) man but not a (Major) man la~
>>22126 Good night, la~ may your night be enjoyable qnd nothing off-mark happens , la~
>>22167 Thanks, good night la~
>>22168 https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/remote-work-bullsht-says-cre-billionaire-sam-zell?commentId=d6295eb6-e68e-4606-bf6b-7fe45072147a <Cuck this guy, if all the work is via computers, there is no reason for offices. Just require certain levels of performance rather than payment purely for 'clocking in' la~
>>22171 https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/which-countries-are-granted-most-new-patents-spoiler-alert-not-usa?commentId=4348f9d8-a529-4a75-bc64-5308896286cd <If China is even 1/2 of Japan in-terms of media, average, and elite ability, China will surpass the USSA dramatically within this decade (because China is 10x~ the size of Japan). The (future) EUSSR was destroyed by WW2 and evidently never truly recovered. Also, it is only intelligent to steal intelligence from technological superiors. Only after imitating the 'masters' can you surpass the 'masters' la~
>>22174 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/chinese-foreign-minister-reminds-west-beijing-will-never-back-down-taiwan?commentId=9c5b1b56-328f-4fa7-873a-ef1503b4ac6e <If Taiwan and/or Japan and/or Philippines want to not be vassal states of the CCP, they need to acquire nukes and delivery systems, nothing else will ultimately deter the CCP la~
>>22181 https://9animetv.to/watch/birdie-wing-golf-girls-story-2nd-season-18363?ep=100498 >Japanese elite family adopted a Blonde White girl as a daughter (kissu-chan's mother)? >A Japanese man and a Blonde White woman somehow have a blonde daughter with blue eyes la~ <The Japanese and their ignorance of genetics is amusing, butt, if White men continually impregnate Japanese women, maybe eventually some 'native' Japanese blondes will be born la~
>>22197 >If you have to work hard to make someone love you then they don't love you, just the character you're playing la~ <Do you agree la~?
>>22212 The political orientation of HOD seems to be ultra-right/militarist butt not 'conservative' nor 'racist,' it's a kind of orientation that is rare outside of Japan. To bad the authors fell for the nucom lie that all 'racism' is prejudice. Racial preference can develop as result of personal experiences, second-hand experiences, statistics and knowledge in general. I prefer (native English speaking) Aryans, Aryans, Eurasians (WM/AF), Japanese, Thais, and then all other East Asians. Next comes Indians, Latinos, and then Middle Easterners. Blacks (even 1 drop) are at the very bottom, and I have a strong inate urge to get away whenever I see them. However, it is quite possible for me to prefer even a Middle Easterner over an Aryan depending on their memes. Memes are at least as important as genes. With the wrong memes, good genes are wasted la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/26/2023 (Wed) 06:33:27.
>>22198 What are you referring to here specifically, la~? That kind of method sometimes pays off, sometimes it doesn't, la~ It varies on personal level, la~
>>22214 I was just quoting someone from somewhere. Really, we all play 'characters' some just come more naturally or we've just played them longer so they seem that way. So I don't really agree, although I would say that lying and trying to hide truths is not conducive to love in the long-term. That said, it may be necessary to get past romantic relationship hurdle #1 (have sex) la~ https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e4300.html https://www.isejingu.or.jp/en/ <Mommy la~
>>22215 https://mangasee123.com/read-online/High-School-Of-The-Dead---Full-Color-Edition-chapter-1-page-1.html <So I 'read' this, I had seen the anime, butt not the manga. I guess the main author literally died and that's why the series died... even though the anime was 'anime original' after the ultra-right compound if I remember correctly... anyway, back to the manga... The best part is the sexy women, then the depiction of a chaotic collapsing world where ultra-masculinity is again in demand, then the guns. Now the bad part... the zombies are not well explained besides the part that they react to sound and to a lesser extent body heat. Only their bites seem to matter as the characters get zombie juices on them frequently and never turn zombie. In regards to the sound, the characters, despite learning of this early, frequently make a lot of noise and not in a strategic way until very late. They also bring a little yapping dog with them, and not as a decoy. The whole idea of running around during the zombie apocalypse trying to find one's parents is pretty absurd to begin with... the safest thing to do for parents and children would be to head into the countryside to the sparest populated areas with few and narrow entrances and wait for the zombies to decompose. The head is evidently important for the zombies as they die without a head, the question then is how the zombies get sustenance to continue to move. If it's about 'eating' then they should eat each other as well or failing that, cease to move after a certain period of time. Really, only a 'supernatural' explanation (hand-wave) works (not even nanotech) given all the plot holes. The worst parts are: the fall of the ultra-right compound (if any true NGO's would survive, it would be the ultra-right NGOs), then the mall scene where the characters suddenly abandon all logic risk their lives to extend the life of an elderly woman (who then soon commits suicide with her husband) and worst of all, the mall escape scene where a would-be-rapist decides to play the hero and try to rescue the crazy fool who let the zombies inside... not only this, but the crazy bipolar police woman who gave up her role then decides to go kamikaze to also save the two villains and then asks her side-kick-MC love interest to shoot her, causing him to go crazy until the bimbo nurse (who never decides to carry/use a weapon?) wakes him up. The mall drama is by far the worst written section. Nevertheless, this still remains one of the best Hollywood-ish cinematic manga/anime la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 04/26/2023 (Wed) 23:01:59.
>>22217 MC is such the 'gentleman,' not fucking his life long crush when drunk even after a zombie attack. Unrealistic la~
>>22218 TBH the series really started going downhill when the War Otaku first decided to play hero la~
>>22219 What is the difference between bravery and foolishness? Priorities la~
>>22220 One has to decide if the risk is worth the reward. In this case the lolicon took a risk for everyone without consultation. Butt everyone went along with it because saving little girls = moral good... later this becomes saving even villains/fools/soon-to-be-dead at risk to self and comrade = moral good la~
>>22221 Actually, it's not even about that. It's that when X comes to their attention, and they don't want to feel like 'cold/bad guys' so they act the hero at random. I guess being 'human' is the same as being stupid la~
>>22230 None of the Ultra-Right episode nor the Mall episode makes any sense, forced drama at every turn la~
>>22234 Best gal for peacetime is definitely Sensei while Saeko is best for wartime (she enjoys fighting more than she fears it). That said, they are all sex la~
>>22236 Although, to be fair, she'd have to be a completely different character and the ditz would have to all be an act la~
>>22240 Saeko won the MC at the end of Act 16 making his pseudo-ex-gf jelly for the rest of the story la~
>>22244 <The moment MC completely abandons logic and risks his life to extend the life of a mummy for a few days, because of a loli, there are many incidences where the author provides a reason not to do a stupid thing, and then they do the stupid thing, it is stupid beyond belief la~
>>22245 <All lives are not equal in value especially in desperate situations, this work essentially admits this, and yet at the same time clings to the notion of 'equality and self-sacrifice' as what defines one's 'humanity' la~
>>22246 >First defeat la~? Not by a long shot, letting that slimy Sensei on the bus was the first major defeat that led to the death of all the average students and the fall of the ultra-right compound. Anyway, saving the granny for a day was an idiotic objective in the first place, butt the intelligent two were overruled by the emotions of a humanitarian ditz and a loli... and yet they had ignored many others in dire situations the past. Zero logic la~
>>22265 >The beautiful teacher meme la~ <I have had 2 attractive lady teachers in all my years. One was my uni French teacher had an amazing 8~ kids. One was my Freshmen Junior High Art teacher for like 5 days, sadly the class was full of niggers who threw clay dicks at me because I was the one White student there, and I was too fucked up to consider making a move on my teacher, although I did fantasize about fucking her in the closet later la~
>>22291 I really don't get my mother. What I do know is that if she 'loves' me in her own way, it is a twisted 'love' because she has been rejecting me since I was an infant. As for my father, he has pensioned the relationship with my mother, and he has always shown very little love for me. I have always been the caged bird, 33 years as the caged bird. Even when I wasn't living in the same house as my 'family' I still couldn't break away because I couldn't find love. Only a stronger love than what my mother has given me can free me and start to maybe heal me la~
>>22292 I think my mother would have accepted me if it had been just her and I. The sad fact is that I can never have back the wasted life. The life I could have had if I had been accepted and loved la~
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>>22293 Butt as I've said many times before, I'm done trying to win my birth-family's favor beyond being polite la~
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>>22294 I'm still working on doing more of what I want to do while caring less about other stuff la~
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>>22295 I've decided to get a Master's tier-degree before considering leaving my nucom 'home' jurisdiction la~
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>>22296 I just want to be loved, especially by the people I want to love me la~
>>22373 Do you enjoy this series, la~?
>>22377 It is entertaining in a pulp-action-cinematic manner and the Super Ara~ (younger than me now) is Super Hot, also some of the plot concepts are interesting la~
>>22407 In the end, I found myself not caring about the characters except for Yuuko... if not for her character I don't think I would have read this la~
>>22408 She was the Ara~ bait to get me reading this, butt she really didn't get much development until very late la~
>>22425 So, I've decided that I'm largely done traditional investing by the time of my next birthday. That means I won't be investing any more $ nor time into the formal stock/crypto markets. Life is short, I should use whatever $ I have to live better now la~
>>22427 The only traditional investment I will consider is useful real-estate la~
>>22429 After that, unless I can directly buy what I want with 'crypto,' I will not be buying it la~
>>22425 Try to use that energy of horny into something else that you like to do, la~ Do you have IRL friends, la~? If you do, why not ask them to set you up with somebody on a blind date, la~?
>>22435 >Try to use that energy of horny into something else that you like to do, la~ Sure la~ >Do you have IRL friends, la~? Nope la~ >Ask them to set you up with somebody on a blind date, la~? >Blind la~ Nope, I'm still in limbo ATM, I'll apply for one more Master's program and then see where the cookie crumbles. Once I know where I'll be, I can then invest in meeting people through paying for classes like cooking, baking, yoga, ect la~
>>22451 https://9animetv.to/watch/birdie-wing-golf-girls-story-2nd-season-18363?ep=100572 <Whew la~ https://9animetv.to/watch/magical-girl-magical-destroyers-18362?ep=100573 <ANArchy-chan~ butt yeah, even here in NA anime/manga has become almost 'normal' and you can't bond over it anymore without getting specific, it's really amazing how much stuff has changed over the last 10 years. TBH it feels like bonding with people over interests and common experiences just doesn't work anymore, of course, that might just be because my social experience is limited to largely my family and Tinder/Bumble where I never get any real feedback, hell, I don't even know if it's showing my profiles at all la~ https://www.zerohedge.com/political/left-has-no-intention-going-quietly-night?commentId=429ae637-c24d-4e7c-a58c-4d195bbb76d6 <Uh~? The better question is if the 'right' will just go quietly into the night... seems like it for the most part la~
>>22437 >>22438 >>22439 >>22440 Are you trying to find relatively cheap places to live under rent in Japan, la~? >>22454 I'm sure that Elves have their own native diseases and illness that they catch, la~
>>22491 Not to rent, no. I could buy an old house in Japan, butt WTF would I do for a 'job' as I'm too broken to be a full-time farmer me thinks, and a formal job is required for a visa unless married. Realistically, I think a lady gaijin hunting me is the only way... I've come to accept more of my nature and I'll try to fight less against it, even if I'm stuck with my parents due to my poor health and finances. Basically I have to adapt to what is for me a very undesirable situation... since I was 12 time my method of adapting to my undesirable circumstances was to completely suppress my feminine nature, my frustration, my anger, and my hatred. Butt now my strategy is the be as much 'me' as the circumstances allow, even if it means taking more risks. I like to be the one pursued, and I'm not going to be doing the pursuing unless I find X woman ultra hot (basically no non-White woman will qualify), enough to motivate me (in which case I'd never match with her on an 'app')... Ah~ of course, butt then that means elves are quite a bit different from humans biologically la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/02/2023 (Tue) 18:25:24.
>>22492 So yeah I've actually tried the 'be as much me as the circumstances allow' strategy many times, butt I always end up falling off this 'high road.' It is really hard living with these people who will never truly accept me and never truly love me, and yet retain at least slightly positive relations because life just becomes more difficult otherwise la~
>>22493 https://humandesign.net/basic-concepts.html >Without informing, you will get resistance every step of the way. That's why many Manifestors, already in their childhood, resign, after being punished over and over again by parents, teachers and others. They give up their manifesting powers and concentrate on going through life, just getting by. They may feel ignored, or like they've been run over by a truck. The last thing they would want to do is to inform others. Everybody else is in their way all the time, so the idea of making it easier for others by informing is unacceptable. Yet it's the only way out of the circle of control and resistance...While still living with parents, Manifestor's strategy is actually different - they need to ask for permission... <Yeah, and I always knew the answer would be NO if not essentially 'you're going to hell' la~ >Strategy: Inform those who will be impacted by your actions. Think about that, you'll see you impact quite a lot of people. >Predominant negative feeling: Anger >SATISFACTION is the key word for Generators. You need to be selfish; it's all about self satisfying work. Do only what brings you satisfaction. Your life is all about doing what you love and only that shows you who you are and brings you happiness. In words of a renowned anthropologist Joseph Campbell: "Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors for you where there were only walls." >If you initiate, if you don't respond and enter into things incorrectly, you get the theme of frustration and want to get out, quit. Your energy is cut off and you end up feeling depleted, tired or frustrated. >Manifesting Generators do things very quickly and are even more tempted to initiate (not waiting for something to respond to). They are very efficient and skip that, which is not important. But in doing so, they also often skip something essential and then they need to go back to it. >If you're a Generator, it's healthy for you to go to bed only when you are exhausted. If you haven't used up your energy, you will have problem falling asleep and will not wake up fresh the next day. >Strategy: Wait to respond >Predominant negative feeling: Frustration for Pure Generators and frustration and/or anger for Manifesting Generators. <So I appear to be a mostly a Manifestor X Manifesting Generator, butt of course, any psuedo-scientific psych-religious system should be taken with a beach of salt la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/02/2023 (Tue) 18:56:39.
>>22494 So I'm like exactly half-way between Manifestor and Generator in this system, although I see myself in the other types as well... ah the classic of fortune telling. However, It's interesting because society classically identifies being a Manifestor with being a man and being any of the other types with being a woman la~
>>22495 Because of this, I think that physically being a man and yet not being a pure 'Manifestor' is undesirable... and wow, I've already been at this an hour, WTF la~
>>22496 So yeah, if I don't have a match on Tinder in a week I'm deleting it forever la~
>>22497 https://vndb.org/v40472 >I don't get why Yaoi is so popular when gals IRL hate fuckboys and yet Yuri, which is popular with guys if sexy doesn't sell la~
https://boardz.org/b/sexxxxxxxxx <I made a new board lol yeahhh la~
>>22517 So, if I don't get a match on Tinder/Bumble by Monday, I'm perma-deleting them la~
>>22503 What're you going to use this board for, la~? Do you know of any way of archiving a whole board from an imageboard like this one, la~? >>22529 Having enough of sleep can make you feel better, la~
https://www.poletrixvictoria.com/ https://civitai.com/user/Wideanon/images >>22530 >What're you going to use this board for, la~? Anything tangentially related to sex or whatever la~? >Having enough of sleep can make you feel better, la~ Yes, I plan to make it a habit la~ >Naked apron la~ <Mamma mia la~
>>22530 >Do you know of any way of archiving a whole board from an imageboard like this one, la~? No, butt, I thought you did la~?
>>22534 From now on, unless my 'family' comes to me, I am not going to engage them la~
>>22535 So I didn't get into law school, so I'll apply for business school instead. The plan is to eventually immigrate to Japan, Philippines, Thailand, or French Polynesia. Butt we will see... if it all goes to hell Alaska will be my last stop as it is probably the most libertarian place on Gaia la~
>>22537 So apparently I have 22 likes now on Tinder, I guess that means I can't delete the app. Of course, the app doesn't let you swipe on those likes without paying. Death will find the parasitic Jews la~
>>22538 So I've matched with two 3-4/10s so far, no motivation to send them any messages la~
>>22539 It's funny how my try hard profile will all my curated photos in nature did zero to get likes, while my quick photos in the bathroom mirror did la~
>>22540 The secret to life is to do things you want to do butt care less about the outcome la~
>>22541 I've decided not to spend 7-10 000 $ on Contiki tours. I will go to a warm destination for my birthday though so I can feel like an adult for a while la~
>>22543 Karen-chan is right. If you want to X persons babies, you love them (at least materially) la~
>>22544 <If you want to have X person's babies, you love them la~ Yes this applies regardless of sex. Wanting to impregnate someone does not require the same level of commitment. A woman being mildly attractive in the moment is enough for most men la~
>>22572 So my posts on Boardz were deleted. I guess it is back to POWPING la~
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>>22576 https://9animetv.to/watch/yuri-is-my-job-18357?ep=100639 <Ah the classic error of miscommunication, butt really, it's not Yano's fault, the problem is a difference in values, between Yano who doesn't 'need' everyone to like her, and MC who does. It is surprising how BAKA MC is to think that suddenly quitting her only activity with Yano would appear to be anything other than betrayal to Yano la~
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>>22577 Of course, I think that if Yano hadn't been so 'short' with MC, and had actually had a good long conversation with her, that both would have realized the misunderstanding instead of letting it fester la~
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>>22578 It is truly tragic when true love is lost over miscommunication la~
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>>22579 I find this kind of character drama far more compelling than super powers at this point la~
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>>22588 Time for fun la~
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>>22591 Deleted by a https://boardz.org/ admin la~
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>>22592 Too sexy for the boardz lla~
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>>22591 Always best to test a new platform by posting content like this along with pro-Third-Reich content. If both are not deleted then the admins perhaps actually believe in free expression la~
>>22594 https://9animetv.to/watch/otaku-elf-18366?ep=100694 >Shounen la~? I fail to see how this anime can be classified that way except for maybe the otaku habits of Elfu-sama la~
>>22595 Don't lewd the miko la~? I wonder, does Elda have a libido la~?
>>22596 Elda must feel depressed that her beloved Miko-tachi always grow old and leave her behind la~
>>22605 What if WW1 began in 1863? POD: Queen Victoria is murdered on June 6th 1962 by an alleged agent of Abraham Lincoln with the help of alleged Qing assassins; supposedly the attack was intended to keep the British Empire out of intervention in both the American Civil War and the Chinese Civil War. Lincoln and the Xianfeng Emperor deny responsibility for the attack in the strongest terms. Edward VII is coronated shortly after the state funeral, and it is a solemn afair. Edward is furious and all the available evidence points to the culpibility of the USA and the Qing. British imperialist forces gain the upper hand and plot to invade the USA from Canada (in a similar fashion to the war of 1812) while the nation is occupied with fighting the CSA. The same forces decide to simultaneously directly invade Beijing while the Qing forces are locked in combat with the Taiping forces. Edward and his new advisors plan and prepare for the conquest of the USA and the Qing Empire, and on June 6th 1963 two simultanenous invasions occur, one targeting Washinton D.C. and another targeting Beijing. The world is shocked. The USA, fearing the fall of the Union after Washington D.C is burned in revenge by British forces, contacts the Russian Empire with the offer of an alliance, and Russia agrees. The Rusian Empire formally sides with the USA and Qing against British agression, this soon forms the 'Allies' a mutilateral millitary-economic alliance. Prussia offers an alliance to the British, and they agree, resulting in the establisment of a similar alliance, the 'Axis.' The Ottomans, seeing an opportunity, invade Austria. Austria joins the Axis. The Ottomans join the Allies. Spain, seeing an opportunity, joins the Allies and invades Portugal and France. Portugal, France, and the Mexican Empire join the Axis. The Mexican Republic joins the Allies. The CSA and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom join the Axis. The Swedes join the Axis and invade Russia with the promise of unlimited British support. Brazil join the Allies and invades colonial Guiana. The Netherlands joins the Axis. Argentina invades Paraguay and Bolivia. Paraguay and Bolivia join the Allies. Argentina joins the Axis. Chile joins the Allies and invades Argentina. Peru joins the Axis and invades Boliva and Equador. Equador joins the Allies. Columbia joins the Axis and invades Equador, and Venezuela. Venezula joins the Allies. By Novemeber 11 1863, most of the world is at war. The first world war had begun: AXIS: The British Empire The Prussian Empire The Austrian Empire The Portugese Empire The French Empire The Mexcian Empire The Confederate States of America The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom The Swedish Empire The Netherlands Empire The Republic of Argentina The Republic of Peru The Republic of Columbia ALLIES: The United States of America The Russian Empire The Ottoman Empire The Spanish Empire The Mexican Republic The Qing Empire The Brazilian Empire The Republic of Paraguay The Republic of Bolivia The Republic of Chile The Republic of Equador The Republic of Venezula References: Map (1860) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Civil_War https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Mexican_Empire https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiping_Rebellion
>[エロイット] 母さんのオトコ2 〜最愛の母に群がる雄〜 An eroge for guys who get turned on by the idea of your hot single mother (that you lust over) getting impregnated by a 'friend' (and maybe his whole family) who is just after your mom. I'm not a cuck so this didn't appeal... especially as there was no revenge arc where you steal your mom back, or at least join in on the fun. If this were also intended for gals, there would be, and there would also be more decisions/thinking for the MILF la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/07/2023 (Sun) 10:18:23.
>>22614 Honestly, if I had a single mom this hot and I was at least 10 or capable of sexual understanding, I would try and make her mine lest she get taken away from me la~
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>>22618 You know, the only reason I'm 'living' here is because of money. If money were not an issue, I would not choose to live with my 'family.' I think that really says it all. They are a net negative influence on my life. Out of all my 'family' hate mom the least and love her the most. Butt I have to say that if I can't make her mine (frankly, at this point I don't want to, she would have to beg me), then it would be better if I can live away from her la~
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>>22619 I never seriously tried to make mom mine because we've always lived with dad and my brothers. If it were just her and I for long periods of time, I totally would have la~
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>>22619 I think that you shouldn't really aim for her romantically if that's what you mean by 'love', la~ Because things can spiral if you don't win her, la~ You'd be much more safer aiming for older women in that case, la~ Since the risk is negligible in both cases, la~ Also, are you having fun playing visual novel, la~?
https://www.zerohedge.com/political/elon-musk-why-does-media-misrepresent-interracial-crime-stats-such-extreme-degree?commentId=5dc175d4-cd5c-45a0-990e-5d4cd22df93b . https://www.zerohedge.com/political/tweet-lose-your-job?commentId=572ddfc6-609b-4239-924e-bbe3567a52ae . https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/god-save-free-speech-britain-celebrates-coronation-time-honored-tradition-arresting?commentId=cb3ad8d3-1681-4ead-a54f-43745e74720c . https://www.zerohedge.com/political/tucker-and-elon-carlson-plots-next-moves-only-if-fox-lets-him-out-2025-contract . https://www.zerohedge.com/military/wagner-chief-says-moscow-promised-more-arms-after-threats-quit-bakhmut?commentId=91850656-3667-47e1-911c-78a39db7b877 . https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/mad-panic-towns-near-zaporizhzhia-nuclear-plant-evacuated-amid-stepped-ukrainian?commentId=12e39f56-31aa-45b0-b786-24e18116738d . https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/escobar-global-de-dollarization-nearing-crossroads-moment?commentId=c679d964-0fd3-4eba-a516-e9e758bf6155 . https://heartland.org/opinion/feds-seize-management-of-nearly-100-million-acres-of-alaskan-lands/ . https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/alaskan-trucking-fleets-promise-150k-driver-salaries-amid-drilling-boom . https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/parents-more-likely-question-routine-childhood-vaccinations-post-covid-research-report?commentId=014140bb-e925-4557-aed2-80306ac92744 >>22628 >I think that you shouldn't really aim for her romantically if that's what you mean by 'love', la~ Because things can spiral if you don't win her, la~ Of course, this is why I have never seriously aimed to conquer her, as well as my lingering attachment to my fams 'normalcy'... and yes I only believe there is one 'love' in the sense of love on a sliding scale; for true love 'sex' is always part of the equation (if able). However, yes I do think that there are lesser forms of love that have identifiable labels such as: philosophical-political love (comrades), activity partner affinity and social support (friendship), one-way worship (idolization), familial love: motherly love, fatherly love, sisterly love, brotherly love... and most importantly lusty (physical-biological) love. The love I have for you anon is primarily comradery but you're also my friend. You're my best comrade, and currently my best friend (as sad as that is I have not found an IRL friend in my city yet... it's difficult because they'd also have to be some degree of comrade or I'm not interested) la~ >Also, are you having fun playing visual novel, la~? Yeah VNs are fun to 'read' although I just skip to the spoken lines if enjoyable la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/07/2023 (Sun) 23:15:26.
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>>22606 How do you like the scenario la~?
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>>22611 This is another interesting period of divergence la~
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>>22631 Of course, when it comes to alt-history, alt-WW2 scenarios are by far the most popular, probably because it was the last time world could have easily been very different la~
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>>22632 So, when it comes to actually writing character drama, I think I should focus on my Alt-WW2 scenario the most la~
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>>22633 If I do alt-history at all... a completely fictional setting may be easier to write la~
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>>22634 Sounds good la~
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>>22635 I'm also working on trying to control my body more; being less OCD and having fewer panic attacks. It's hard la~
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>>22636 Butt I'll do my best la~
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>>22637 I need to stop splitting my focus so much though la~
>>22639 >>22606 >>22611 So, these are my last two alt-history ideas that I will explore at all la~
>>22641 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x88sf40 <I love how (((they))) (2017) depict this as such a dystopia, when the first Plandemic era (2020-2023) in the near future was worse, and the reality is that maintaining the expansion and eugenic progress (increasing quality and quantity) of one's own decedents/race is the highest natural cause. That being the case, the victory of the Third Reich in some form during WW2 was at worst a necessary evil. The British people would continue to exist under the dominion of the Third Reich... they will not under the dominion of the Synagogue of Satan that presently rules over them la~
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>>22643 https://www3.zoechip.com/watch-tv/ssgb-35873.5193466 <Intense, better than the Man in the High Castle la~
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>>22644 <The spyplay is certainly better, and the lack of Sci-fi elements shoots this to the position of best Reich victory scenario in TV. Indeed, if the Soviet-German pact had lasted, the UK would have eventually lost la~
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>>22645 So, there are a few vows I have taken to myself, and I have to keep repeating them because otherwise I will forget: 1) No masturbating; no fappin' la~ 1.1) Ejaculate only into vaginas (no condom) or mouths if s/he will swallow la~ 1.2) Seek marriage to a (not-vaxd post-2019) woman (White only unless living in jp/ph/th) that owns her own house and does not need me to work or provide $ (embrace gold-digger mode); she can have other females (relatives/friends) living with her butt not males la~ 2) Do the things I really want to do butt care little about the outcome; do not fear rejection; relax la~ 2.1) My only objective in relation to my daddy's family is to focus on my self-interest as much as possible while avoiding negative relations la~ 3) If able, exercise before each meal working up to 14-88 squats, 10 pull-ups, 20 leg-lifts, 20 push-ups la~ 3.1) If on a walk/hike and able, sprint up any steep slopes la~ 4) If/when I will have my hair cut, I will have it cut no longer than from the tip of my index finger to the first joint la~. 4.1) Control my dislike of (male) body hair via strategic intervention and will la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/08/2023 (Mon) 19:31:11.
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>>22646 It is really hard to maintain my own Will overtime, entropy perhaps la~?
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>>22647 I'll do my best la~
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>>22648 Time to eat la~
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>>22649 Fresh milk la~!
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>>22650 I want to be able to drink fresh mother's milk everyday from women that I make pregnant with my babies la~
>>22651 I find it strange that TIkTok recommends me pro-teen pregnancy videos (Young 16 and under White women with White kids) by default without an account. I mean, I'm not complaining, I want to get teen gals pregnant, and if I had been born a girl, I'd have married at 16 to get away from my parents if there were any attractive Blonde/Redheaded Aryan guys that I could get in contact with, and if I got carried away while the parents weren't looking, I'd have probably ended up pregnant at 13... I was incredibly horny from 11-22, and without mutilated genitals (women aren't subject to Yahwey's mutilatiion) nor the drain of ejaculation, I'd probably be a nympho la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/08/2023 (Mon) 23:40:15.
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>>22652 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/local-and-private-covid-vaccine-mandates-patients-and-health-care-workers-being-reversed . https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/wildfires-canada-force-30000-flee-slash-oil-and-gas-production . https://www.zerohedge.com/political/rfk-jr-cia-definitely-involved-murder-jfk . https://www.zerohedge.com/political/climate-envoy-john-kerrys-jet-set-spending-getting-plenty-cloud-cover . https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/tucker-carlson-preparing-war-against-fox-news . https://www.amren.com/features/2023/05/a-symposium-on-southern-nationalism/ . https://www.amren.com/features/2023/04/how-to-save-europe/ . https://www.amren.com/features/2023/04/reforging-america-part-i/ . https://www.amren.com/features/2023/04/the-theology-of-deconstruction/ . https://www.amren.com/commentary/2023/05/anarcho-tyranny-and-the-tragedy-of-the-subways/ . https://www.amren.com/news/2023/05/elon-musk-why-does-the-media-misrepresent-interracial-crime-stats-to-such-an-extreme-degree/ . https://www.amren.com/news/2023/05/how-diverse-coronation-reflected-kings-bid-to-modernise-monarchy/ . https://www.amren.com/news/2023/05/south-africas-only-drivers-licence-card-printing-machine-has-broken-down-again/ . https://www.amren.com/news/2023/05/how-woke-mob-drove-white-military-vet-to-suicide-after-pushing-for-him-to-be-charged-for-shooting-dead-blm-rioter/ . https://www.amren.com/news/2023/05/a-california-panel-has-called-for-billions-in-reparations-for-descendants-of-slaves/ . https://www.amren.com/news/2023/05/denver-councilwoman-proposes-taxing-white-led-businesses-as-reparations-to-support-minority-enterprises/ . https://www.amren.com/news/2023/05/majority-of-germans-say-migrants-bring-more-problems-than-benefits-want-limit-on-refugees/ . https://www.amren.com/news/2023/05/bridgerton-star-adjoa-andoh-stuns-itv-presenters-by-calling-the-buckingham-palace-balcony-terribly-white/ . https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/05/the-return-of-tucker-carlson/ . https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/05/the-pope-calls-for-national-suicide/ . https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/05/white-psychology-under-jewish-tyranny-part-3/ . https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/04/the-tolerant-man-who-could-not-be-tolerated/ . https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/04/greenblatt-carlson-desantis-and-mary-phagan/ . https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/04/mary-phagan-110-may-her-life-be-not-in-vain/
[Expand Post]. https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/04/the-rebirth-of-race/ . https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/04/cosmotheism-a-nietzschean-doctrine-of-power/ . https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/05/08/survival-or-suicide-italy-will-follow-melonis-melody-not-the-schlein-whine/ . https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/05/05/the-eurofiles-the-eu-as-the-sick-man-of-europe/ . https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/05/04/thoughts-on-tucker/ . https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/05/02/the-extreme-center-how-the-neocons-went-woke/ . https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/05/05/how-to-bribe-the-supreme-court/ . https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/05/04/prosecutor-pushes-dubious-prosecutions/ . https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2023/05/be-aware-of-the-issues-but-not-too-aware-how-to-survive-in-a-prog-canada . https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2023/05/diversity-means-open-hatred-of-the-white-race . https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2023/05/black-suffering . https://www.eurocanadians.ca/2023/05/pet-ownership-is-not-cute-a-reply-to-james-tucker . https://canucklaw.ca/were-recent-gun-control-measures-in-canada/ . https://canucklaw.ca/unaids-releases-paper-on-human-rights-based-approach-to-sexuality/ . https://canucklaw.ca/statement-of-defence-filed-in-high-profile-bridle-lawsuit/ . https://canucklaw.ca/csaspp-class-action-certification-hearings-to-resume-on/ . https://canucklaw.ca/a-beginners-guide-to-spotting-scam-lawsuits/ . https://canucklaw.ca/action4canada-appeal-why-didnt-they/ . https://canucklaw.ca/a-look-into-the-motion-to-throw-out-vaccine/ . https://www.patrioticalternative.org.uk/nhs_war_on_white_staff_revealed . https://www.patrioticalternative.org.uk/the_curious_case_of_dominic_raab . https://expose-news.com/2023/05/07/schwab-gates-great-reset-plan-depopulation/ . https://expose-news.com/2023/05/07/increase-in-deaths-of-younger-pilots-during-2021/ . https://expose-news.com/2023/05/07/julian-assange-invites-king-charles-to-visit-prison/ . https://expose-news.com/2023/05/07/vaccine-induced-immune-response-causes-most-harm/ . https://expose-news.com/2023/05/08/christians-under-fire/ . https://expose-news.com/2023/05/08/black-nobility-new-world-order-and-the-great-reset-king/ <My last new post a~
>>22645 https://www3.zoechip.com/watch-tv/ssgb-35873.5193475 <Ara~Ara~ https://www3.zoechip.com/watch-tv/ssgb-35873.2493734 <Hmm so that's it eh? I guess the 'hope' is that the 'British resistance' drags the USA into the war (that is already essentially over) with the Reich while also giving them the ability to make nukes to ensure that they win. Sure, that would result in the fall of the Reich, and a world very similar to IRL. BTW, if the guarantee of Poland was the excuse for Britain to go to war with Germany, shouldn't they also have declared war on the USSR? I find the favoritism shown by Britain and the USA towards the Soviet Union to be extremely suspect, butt most people just accept that the 'Nazis' were the sole 'villain' of the WW2 era. The reality is that the 'Nazis' threatened Jewish power globally, while the Soviets did not, thus the media (that the Jews control) make the 'Nazis' out to be the greater villains (and sometimes even make the Soviets into heroes). The Soviets were actually more brutal (and less civilized; to even their 'own' people) than the 'Nazis' but perhaps their brutality was more (((equal))). If the British and USA governments were not controlled by the Jews, they would have never engaged in war with Germany over Poland, nor even France la~
>>22654 Any positive outcome of WW2 requires the survival/victory of both the Third Reich and the USA la~
>>22656 In the end, regardless of how 'evil' the Third Reich is depicted in fiction, the primary cause of advancing the Aryan subspecies (race) was a pure good for Aryans. Any Aryan who denies this is denying their own existence and inherently suicidal la~
>>22661 Star rail is fairly interesting, butt, the combat system seems to have declined since the natural combat of Genshin. The key to 'playing' gatcha games is to play for the experience and story rather than 'completion' la~
>>22671 Almost every https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?page=3&tags=otoko_no_ko has to make a hard choice before they turn 13... do they want to become men or https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=newhalf_with_female+&z=5 ? Honestly, if I were given a choice and it were completely up to me, I'd have chosen the latter butt only sans anti-androgens that make you infertile la~
>>22672 It is far harder to pass as a woman if you start taking women's hormones after you've stopped growing. Of course, some natural 'Traps' don't have to take women's hormones at all to pass as a woman la~
>>22675 I hate American movies, and yes, that is a generalization la~
>>22646 That's a good way to not do any of them if you've been breaking them all till now, la~ I'd suggest you to go one by one, that way you'll be able to concentrate fully on improving the given issue, la~ Though, it's good in making a list, la~
>>22678 Well, some require not doing actions, so I'll focus on those first la~

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