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>>22797 If you're a human male then she'd outlive you unfortunately, la~ That is if you don't take any magical elixirs or reconstruct your body to age slower, la~ But yeah, I think it would be heaven, la~?
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>>22799 Well, I'd have to be an Elf as well or have some other pure method of immortality if half-elf/human otherwise my ideal mother-wife would eventually die or live on with despair always lurking within her heart la~
>>22801 So my mother in this world has basically said she's done being my mother because I'm an 'autonomous adult with my own ideas.' I've had my 'own ideas' since I was under 12. I've sadly never truly been an 'autonomous adult.' She truly has never truly cared about me or actually taken care of me. I'm so done la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/15/2023 (Mon) 04:31:41.
>>22863 Okay, if that's true then I gather you have reasonable plans to take, la~? Or some back-up plans for cases like this, might you have friends to stay at or something like that, la~?
>>22874 I'm going to go get an MBA, or find a job in the city using my degree, or/then go to Japan. No matter what, the time spent with my birth-family is coming to an end. Far later than I'd hoped by the way as my parents and siblings have been far from ideal. Maybe some day I'll find somebody I can love fully who can love me fully, that would be so lovely la~
>>22875 On the other hand, I can't help butt take life less seriously at this point la~
>>22875 That's a nice lofty goal to have, la~ The time will pass regardless but you'll have to work for that goal, though, la~ >>22890 Only take the things that matter for you seriously, la~
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>>22915 >Only take the things that matter for you seriously, la~ Yes la~
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>>22917 Of course, my mother mattered most to me in the world (and to a far lesser degree the rest of my family). Butt I' come to understand that they will never actually love me; they will not let me be free and they will not love me as my free self la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/19/2023 (Fri) 03:16:56.
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>>22920 Thus, I cannot continue to put first someone who will never do the same for me la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/19/2023 (Fri) 03:17:22.
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>>22921 I wish I had accepted this truth a decade ago, I knew it butt didn't want to believe it. Of course, it would have been easier if there was someone who actually loved me la~
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>>22922 Maybe there might have been if I had not been such a 'good boy' la~
>>22923 Butt, the past is dead, there is only the present and possible futures la~
>>22951 1) My birth-family is not worthy of my love, not even my mother, for they have never even accepted me for who I am, let alone supported me. Thus, my only objective with respect to my birth-family is to maintain, with a minimal degree of effort, slightly positive relations la~ <I will also advocate for my equal share of any inheritance la~ 2) No ejaculation outside of vaginas that want my babies la~! <Totally serious about this... I'm not in my 20s anymore and I've had a very stressful life la~ 3) No cutting my (head) hair more than 3cm at a time. I intend to grow my hair in length to the top of my hips la~ <That's all for now la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/20/2023 (Sat) 20:30:05.
>>22875 Let's be clearer, if I get into the MBA program, I will stay at 'home' (so long as 'home' doesn't move to the boonies due to my brother's agitation, in that case, I will have to find somewhere to rent in this city) untill I graduate. After I graduate, I will actively look for work in Japan (or maybe Thailand) that requires a MBA or a master's degree and native english ability—likely as a university teacher or a teacher at a private high school (ideally as a 'grade 12' or freshmen teacher to only women). Equal to the effort I invest in my 'career' I will seek a Japanese (or maybe a rich Thai) Wife or a White pro-White Wife that will help me build a harem la~
>>22953 Money does not motivate me, ownership, security, liberty, lifestyle, and love does la~
>>22952 4) Enjoy, savour, the moment for now is all that really is la~ <Of course, some moments are impossible to enjoy, in this case remember that the moment soon passes la~
>>22956 Relax and enjoy your hobbies, la~?
>>22967 Well then... crypto is dying it seems like only XMR might survive the (((regulatory))) assault la~
>>22982 Tired of those (((merchants))), indeed, if anything is 'free,' you are the product la~
>>22983 I never once had a date in all my years of being used by that (((app))) la~
>>22991 Maybe I should try POF again, at least I had 1 date from that like a decade ago la~
>>22959 Busy with social obligations, la~ It's so tiring and energy consuming, wtf, la~
>>23037 I know that feel far too well... muh daddy wants me to string the bows to entertain the Mexican guy today (he doesn't care), while I'm sick, I don't even know if I have the fucking strength to string the bows. He really has never given a fuck about my happiness. Never even bothered teaching me guitar or French, two skills he was good at... always a force of oppression in my life. Whatever, fuck him. If I'm ever a daddy I'll encourage my children to fuck their mother(s) and I'll encourage my wives to fuck their children, and I'll teach them to do whatever I want to do and am good at, if they want to learn la~
>>23039 Life is too short to live 'no fun allowed' like my parents who view this life as just a test of obedience by the demon yahwey la~
>>23044 Goddess damn it, I've completely lost patience with all members of my 'family.' There is seriously little point in talking with them, they just keep ending up going in circles. It is so damn frustrating. I'm sick and tired of it; weary to the depths of my soul. I'm going to live for myself, and myself alone from now on. If I want to do something, I'll do it, and if I don't want to do something I won't do it, end of story la~
>>23061 I'm not going to talk to any of my 'family' unless they talk to me, or there is something directly relevant to me, since talking with them always seems to lower relations even when I do so for their own well being... as they are fundamentally illogical people stuck in their ways. I'm done with them, and I will try to think about them as little as possible going forward la~
>>23062 It is good to cease caring about people that don't care about you. Attachment to negative people (people who are a net negative in your life) is the greatest source of suffering la~
>>23063 How's the progress of this process, la~?
>>23066 Alas, well time to chill for a while before driving to the 'experience' I payed for la~
>>23087 https://twitter.com/StucknDaMid/status/1652560486909775872?s=20 <Good basic rundown on the (((their))) memetic virus la~ https://youtu.be/yP6wTfLKOP4 <LEL, personal WAIFU AI's are the future virtual wives/assistants la~
>>23095 Cultural victory is the best, most human, form of victory. Japan is strong in culture la~
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>>23104 This would be a good anime without the (illogical) reincarnation plot, there really is no purpose for it... it only makes sense as a combination of two fetishes (wanting to be intimate with your idol and your mother) and this premise is taken away very early, not only that, butt MC doesn't attempt to get intimate with his mother-idol despite wishing to... instead he distances himself. Basically, the fundamental premise is irrelevant, the show would work without the reincarnation premise, and so far it's pretty good although some of MCs actions have made little sense la~
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>>23108 The reincarnation is so illogical because it basically accepts that one can be reincarnated into a body after conception... although I suppose if you believe in possession, the possession of an unborn infant should be the easiest as the preexisting 'will' is weak or absent, and both MC and the Hospital girl had a strong attachment to Ai, so the new 'hosts' in her womb would be like magnets. I suppose after thinking about it a bit, it's not a bad premise... if only it was used? Again, killing off Ai makes it pretty much worthless la~
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>>23109 It would have been better to have MCs twin killed, if the murder mystery still had to be a main plot point. Ai would attempt to track down the murderer and MC would have to protect her... MC would confess the memories of his past life and his/her incestual love for his/her mother-idol and beg her to stop putting herself in danger. She would refuse, putting herself in extreme danger to find justice. MC would save her and together they would eventually find some degree of justice while discovering the darkside of entertainment (society). Ai would then confess her love for MC, finally reciprocating his/her love. Note that MC could be male, female, or a trap. In the case of the latter two, s/he could be trained to be a body double for Ai as a subplot. Ta dah~ I just made the initial reincarnation plot have a purpose la~
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>>23110 To continue, Ai would then take on the role of mother, protector (as before MC's twin was killed) and lover to MC while s/he finds his/her self dragged into fighting the darkness of entertainment (society) due to the connections s/he developed while trying to protect Ai. BTW there should be a period of slice-of-life ecchi while MC's twin is alive la~
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>>23111 Actually maybe this is now different enough that another anime could be made la~
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>>23112 Ahn~ la~
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>>23113 Actually, combining this 'My Star' with The IdolM@ster and IRL conspiracy might be a winning combination la~
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>>23114 Ahn~ la~
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>>23116 Two sisters at the same-time la~
>>23175 Time for fun la~
>>23176 >Care to chat? <Hi there! <Sure we can chat. Glad another person held their ground and didn’t take the clot shot. <How are you? >Hi! >I never know what the best answer to that question is… but in this context… well, at least I’m still alive and don’t have myocarditis or facial paralysis. Spring is here so I will try to forget about the serious disappointments and fears for a while and enjoy the flowers, songbirds, and pleasant weather! >How are you? <Hello again, <Yes it’s hard to answer sometimes. Yes, things could be worse but they could also be much better. The weather is looking up! Y’all don’t get as harsh weather as we do in Ontario right? A friend of mine lives there and finds it funny that I put winter tires on every year lol. <I’m alright. Just another day of surviving in this crazy world. <What brought you to this site? <Based on your profile, I have a question for you, me being a couple years older than you is fine with you? >I joined this site since I accept the fact that one’s biology/genetics always comes first in defining natural identity, and I wanted to network with people that also acknowledge this (uncomfortable for many) truth since we are our only natural allies. >As I am open to polygamy, older age alone is not a significant inhibiting factor like it is for monogamous men (that want [many] children). Nor do I expect perfection from a future wife as I did a decade ago when I was religiously and strictly chaste & monogamist and so sadly turned down women that did not fit my image of perfection yet who would have been wonderful wives and mothers. >I understand if these are not the answers you wanted to hear. >Now, time to get out and enjoy that sunshine! <The first paragraph: that’s good and understandable, I’m in agreement. <Sorry to hear about your earlier interactions with women in your 20’s and that they didn’t fit your standards. <Open to polygamy huh? I’m not at all. I’m Christian, meaning strictly monogamous. Are there women in the right wing sphere that are open to this at all that you’ve come across? The assumption is no. Any woman worth their salt would be against it to be honest. <My response wasn’t meant to be rude just somewhat surprised by what was stated. <Out of curiosity, how did you go from monogamy go polygamy? If you’re willing to answer >I’m glad you agree about the first point. Now in regards to the second, if you actually read your ’bible,’ you’d realize that polygamy, concubines, and slavery were all accepted to various degrees. I already explained my reasoning for embracing polygamy. No single woman I have ever met has ever been my equal (or greater), and I cannot accept monogamous marriage to someone who does not meet that standard. The only exception would be a healthy youthful virgin woman (16-23) that I find physically attractive without reservation and whom will fully accept me as her authority (except for [probably her parents] strictly demanding monogamous marriage). Additionally, I strongly believe that insisting on male monogamy is counterproductive to the pro-White cause. <Lol. Well. First, the Old Testament where polygamy is mainly happened is now not practiced with the New Testament including that a man must remain faithful to his wife – singular and vice versa. <Women aren’t supposed to be your equal either, the masculine and feminine is very different. <As I stated, no self respecting or woman worth her salt in the white sphere will ever accept a polygamous relationship. <What are they teaching some of you guys in the movement on these channels sometimes honestly? I sometimes wonder.
[Expand Post]<I’m pursuing a relationship with a Christian man right now who is definitely Godly and is thankfully is on the same page as me. <Wish you luck in finding whatever it is you’re looking for. <Take care >Polygamy is not outlawed by your ’new testament,’ although it’s true that monogamy is promoted more than in the ’old testament.’ Both, of course, are fundamentally judeo-supremacist, although the ’new testament’ was intended more for non-jewish consumption. >Monogamy only makes sense if a woman is equal (or greater) yet different in a complimentary way. Polygamy has been practiced for thousands of years and still is in Islam—a far stronger religion (post-WW2) than Christianity—and it is perfectly natural for a greater man to have many lesser women. Indeed, the higher status the man, the more women are attracted to him (and vise-versa), thus the vast majority of women (sans mental conditioning) would prefer a polygamous marriage to a greater man than a monogamous marriage to even his second. Monogamy is unnatural, and can only be enforced by the state. The state no longer enforces (in a positive way) the marriage contract regardless, and marriage is a failing institution (that almost exclusively benefits women) in the West. Finally, exclusive marriage to an older woman basically guarantees childlessness or few children and is a selfish anti-life demand for an older woman to make. ”I’m pursuing a relationship with a Christian man right now who is definitely Godly and is thankfully is on the same page as me. ” I doubt that, and isn’t lying a sin? >Well, good luck, may we all find our hearts desire someday, farewell!
Edited last time by Voxxe on 05/27/2023 (Sat) 20:31:25.
>>23177 >Care to chat? <[deleted] >Hey Sunshine 😉 what kind of entrepreneurial adventures have you been up to? I think the ideal is following your passion, and supporting yourself through that—especially while working for yourself—but we all have to start somewhere. What kind of things do you do at home? <[deleted] >You truly are Sunshine 🙂 >I share many of your respectful sentiments, especially, your focus on natural wealth that can’t be stolen so easily! >It is in natural wealth that I desire to be rich. >Lately, I’ve been sick and trying to take care of myself and my very sick mother. I’ve also been taking some PE classes in the community that I signed up for before getting sick (and couldn’t cancel); also practicing some guitar and writing some fiction—trying to enjoy (my parents) garden as much as possible at the same time! >I was rejected from law school but I think that was for the best given the direction of Western Civilization… I’ve applied to a MBA program in an effort to advance my vision of an integrated home & resort, so I’ll echo you with the ”many changes happening but all part of my master plan” 😉 >What are the cultural inspirations that form the basis of your art?
>>23176 What do you intend to do today for fun, la~?
https://9animetv.to/watch/heavenly-delusion-18349?ep=101612 >>23180 Ah~ I think I'll play some Star Rail... I wasted a lot of time today on annoying things, let's try to do better tomarrow la~
>>23181 I've had an awful earache these past few days, la~ If the pain continues to tomorrow, I'll go to a doctor and get a check-up, la~ Do take care of your health as well, la~ Hope you have a fun and enjoyable night, la~
>>23193 Oh no~ maybe you should try applying (into the afflicted ear) olive oil that absorbed the essence of pureed raw garlic/onion? This is the simplest curative I can think of using common cooking ingredients. Raw honey and garlic/onion might work as well butt it is sticky. I strongly recommend colloidal Silver and Lugol's Iodine (topical use only and use olive oil as a moisturizer) as well for fighting infections... I've been sick with a 'cold' for over a week now. Everything is so difficult (my life started difficult and it has just gotten progressively more difficult no matter how much I struggle) and there are so many hard feelings. My mother, who is the only one of my family who has never completely forsaken me, does not appear long for this world thanks to the 'cold,' and my father would have died earlier this year without hospitalization. They were always an oppressive force in my life—never supporting me (often doing the opposite) in pursuing my passion or even in finding wife—and have not encouraged me at all in regards to if I will receive any inheritance or not. Suffice to say that if my mother dies, any connection I have with this 'family' will be essentially severed. I would like her to live at least long enough to see me graduate from a Master's program. Ah this world is so fucking depressing, from the day my genitals were mutilated as an infant according to jewish ritual to the day I became aware that my happiness was a low priority to my mother (and family as a whole), to the day I began (when I was 10+) seriously suppressing myself from singing due my ability and desire to sing in a female voice (and yeah, be a beautiful woman) to the day I finally broke from my foolish attempt at singing only in a male voice and my horrible stress coping mechanisms, to fully realizing the (((plan))) to genocide Whites and enslave the world, to the loss of most of my money through theft and rigged markets, to the plandemic... it's just one thing after another. A very unhappy life overall. One thing I am certain of is that I will put my happiness first in the future and accept no compromises that deny me my passion la~
>>23198 https://mangasee123.com/manga/Arte <An overall excellent manga, I would just add a secret Yuri love affair (starting in the secret room) between Arte and her Mistress that continues even after both get married to men. I love how the manga shows Arte as uniquely positioned, beautiful, talented, passionate yet adaptive, foolish, and extremely lucky. The supporting characters in Florence provide a great contrast. Arte learns to appreciate that it is BECAUSE she is the only professional aristocratic female painter in Florence that she finds success la~
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>>23199 Good historical fiction is difficult, and this is one of the best. Definitely deserves second season la~
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>>23215 So I've decided to grow up some more, by that I mean I'm quitting a lot of stuff, including posting (much) on this board. I've also permanently given up on no-fap. Given that fapping is one of my few pleasures in life my sexless life. If there is one vice I will never be beyond it is cumin' la~
>>23224 So I won't be posting here much in the future. Check the Sanctuary thread for contacts la~
>>23225 So my conclusion regarding moving internationally to an independent (not USSA or EUSSR) state in the Pacific is that marrying a woman there is by far the best way la~
>>23226 Only formerly White lands are easy to immigrate to, everywhere else, marriage is the only 'easy' way la~
>>23243 So I've come around to the perspective of only looking for a young virgin wife (13-23) while otherwise simply paying for escorts... anything else is a waste of time. Of course, if a hot experienced woman comes onto me I won't say no la~
>>23309 Ah~ I haven't done anything really today since exercising this morning la~
>>23369 The opponent's side doesn't really care whether you're racist or not, la~ You either comply with their bullshittery or not, la~ Playing around with words will not make you look any less of an enemy to them, la~ >>23194 I've been drinking my antibiotics and using ear drops, and my pain slowly has been going away, la~ >>23218 You'll still be here, right, la~?
>>23381 >The opponent's side doesn't really care whether you're racist or not, la~ You either comply with their bullshittery or not, la~ Playing around with words will not make you look any less of an enemy to them, la~ Very true, butt for the plebs in the middle, being smart with words can help la~ >my pain slowly has been going away, la~ Glad to hear that la~! >You'll still be here, right, la~? Yes butt more often on Twitter perhaps la~
>>23384 Time to go outside, now that the neighbour's kids should be done hunting squirrels la~
>>23385 Hot la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 06/03/2023 (Sat) 23:37:38.
>>23386 Indeed, la~ May your night be fun, la~ Good night, la~
>>23461 >The white lion is a rare color mutation of the Kruger subspecies of African lion, classified under the subspecies Panthera leo krugeri.They are found in some wildlife reserves in South Africa and in zoos around the world. About 90 of them are currently in existence. The white fur appears as a result of a recessive gene. Despite their noticeable beauty, the white lion is vulnerable in the wild, especially because its light color is difficult to camouflage in the savanna la~ <Vulnerable to whom? Niggers la~?
>>23462 >The white tiger, also known as the bleached tiger, is a leucistic pigmentation variant of the Mainland tiger (Panthera tigris). It is a subspecies of tiger found throughout the Indian subcontinent and is characterised by white fur, dark brown or black stripes, and blue eyes. The white tiger's coloration is dependent on a recessive gene that is passed on from their parents. It appears in perhaps one in 10,000 tigers in the wild. The white coat would be a hindrance in the wild as it does not provide a tiger with any camouflage, which greatly reduces their chance of survival. <I can see how it might make hunting more difficult... but it's not like orange is harder to spot, so this argument fails completely. It is more likely that as white tigers do not reject breeding with orange tigers, they remain a minor population la~
>>23463 Ah~ does this mean I need to make a separate sub-species of lion/tiger gals for my fantasy world la~?
>>23518 Not really, I'd prefer constant cloudy days than either one of them, la~ But if it's only those two options then I'd pick sunny days, la~ What about you, la~? What kind of days do you prefer, la~?
>>23519 I like sunny days when I'm free to do whatever I want or have things planned for outside, otherwise, I prefer rainy days, since sunny days while I have to be inside are depressing and I feel like I'm missing out on life. I have definitely missed out on life la~
>>23521 Only age-gap has ever really turned me on (especially now as I have no intention of getting with women around my age who, as a collective, have rejected me my entire life) when I was young, I wished an attractive MILF would have her way with me. Now I'm more interested in JCs butt they are off-limits so I'll have to make do with JKs. I'll need a way to meet them though, and I'm thinking private tutoring is the best way, although that means I won't be meeting the brightest JKs unfortunately. They'll, tragically, pretty much all be vaxd-NWO-GMO as well... sad, butt if I don't intend to take responsibility, who cares la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 06/06/2023 (Tue) 02:32:19.
>>23523 I added some more to my fantasy world and went to yoga class today, those are my great accomplishments la~
>>23525 I really despise reactionaries and 'biblical radicals.' They currently both only want to reverse the most recent social change. They are focused on the T of 2SLGBT ect, and their perspective always lacks nuance instead essentially being a blanket 'let's go back before this started,' rather than the correct libertarian response of 'it's up to the parents and the child to decide together, and no view should be illegal, although the truth is that no amount of drugs or surgery will (currently) make a man a natural woman nor a woman a natural man.' Meanwhile, these same reactionaries usually (and almost all 'biblical' radicals) view Hitler as a demonic villain for opposing Jewish supremacy and White subspecies (racial) decline that has come to pass as the 'Nazis' predicted would happen if they did nothing or lost. They (the reactionaries and 'biblical' radicals) cheer dysgenic interracial marriage and reproduction and see no 'evil' with their biological replacement. My 'family' has rejected me my whole life and yet they willingly embrace any nigger ect that professes the same christcuck faith. I am only on the same side of these people as long as they are fighting against tyrannical state dictates. Another aspect of these people that is the same as the Neocommunists, is that they only ever listen to sources that confirm their existing faith/beliefs. I told my mother I loved her, and that was not a lie, butt, I also hate her with equal passion for never having truly accepted and loved me. The same is true for the rest of my family, although, with far less love la~
>>23527 <Butt first, I told mom I would pray for her, so I shall... Great Goddess the First Mother, and all her benevolent descendants: may you bless my mother and I with divine health, beauty, and love; cause my mother to lust after me and fall passionately in love with me, accepting me entirely, including as her authority; cause her to desperately attempt to atone for the suffering she has caused or allowed to befall me; fly us through the rainbow portal, away from this corrupt world, grant us eternal life and bliss in your infinite garden sanctuary of transcendent beauty; embrace us as we shall embrace each-other, as both family and lovers, without fear or restriction, in perfect love for eternity, ah~men~ la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 06/06/2023 (Tue) 04:58:48.
>>23531 Maybe this is 'selfish,' butt, it's what I have always truly desired. I can only be honest with my desires la~
>>23532 If the Mother Goddess or one of her beautiful and benevolent descendants finds this prayer 'selfish' I ask that you fulfill what was unselfish and make me your lover, wife, and Goddess, so filling me with your love that I cannot possibly think of another la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 06/06/2023 (Tue) 05:29:31.
>>23559 I'm using this app 'Smitten' and 99%+ of the women are not virgins even at 18. I'm starting to think I'll never find a wife, as I won't accept a monogamous relationship with used goods, and even used goods expect that la~
>>23560 Alas, if only my parents weren't so oppressive maybe I would have found a GF in HS... who would have known that HS was the best place to find a future wife, oh well I guess that means I just have to find a way to have access to HS gals... even then chances are that most gals (even 16-17) are both not virgins and fully vaxd... seriously, romance seems fucking impossible in this world, and even the sluts are only sluts for rich and/or super tall guys la~
>>23563 Maybe I have to accept used goods just for the chance to have a daughter-wife la~
>>23564 She'd have to be such a sexy succubus though... to the point that I wouldn't care if she's been the cum dump for hundreds of men... but even then, if she's fucked a non-White, I'm sorry, that's too much la~
>>23602 I really do not like my father, that doesn't mean he's incompetent and/or completely useless, butt, I hate him far more than I love him, and the reason I hate him most is because he has been an obstacle impeding and restricting my mother's love my entire life, c'est la vie la~
>>23603 I'm sorry dad, brothers, butt I would have been far happier if you had disappeared from my life and left me with Mom... those are my honest feelings. I have never felt real love from my father or brothers, at most, a sense of 'duty' only la~
>>23604 I think that if Mom and I had been left to live together, after I was 12, she would have accepted me as Mother & Wife if I had pushed for it, and I probably would have la~
>>23605 If that had happened, I would have lived a far happier and more fulfilling life la~!
>>23606 That fact alone means I really do not love my brothers and father. Especially because they active worked to steal my mother away from me. Honestly, I despise them with the darkest spite for that, and I can never forgive them. They are the primary reason my mother has rejected me my whole life la~
>>23607 Butt, that is all in the past. Now what I need is to find someone I can love who will love me, and find somewhere to live lovingly together. Then I can truly put my suffocating and depressing 'birth-family' in the past la~
>>23608 If I ever have children, I will not be the one to deny my child's love for his/her mother nor the reverse. I will also not reject & deny the love of the children I choose to raise la~
>>23609 My father is almost as cruel as his Jew-god Yahwey. He is ignorant and uncaring, and when he tires to be 'caring' it comes off as a harsh uncaring attack. My mother, of course, is blind to his faults, and has selective amnesia favoring him and harming me. I am done (as much as possible) wasting my time on any member of this 'family,' including my mother who I have been rejected by for the last fucking time. THE END la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 06/10/2023 (Sat) 01:32:35.
>>23610 So yeah my two greatest sexual fantasies will very likely never be fulfilled in this life: being completely accepted and loved by my mother and/or being a beautiful woman myself... of course, I would have found a man to marry very early to escape this 'family' if I had been born female, because, as a matter of fact, I was ready to get married to an older woman when I was 16 as I dreamed of escaping my parents and the drudgery of 'normal' school/work la~
>>23611 Unfortunately the meme about 'cougars' was entirely unrealistic in my experience, and no attractive older woman attempted to pounce on me, although I had a few show some minor interest (not nearly enough to overcome social-inertia) la~
>>23613 Butt you know the whole experience with Mom is enough for me to know that only virgins are worth investing anything into. Non-virgins will ALWAYS compare you to the other guys, and her first will ALWAYS be special, more special than you la~
>>23614 You could be amazing and her first could be a complete asshole, and she'll still always have a special place in her heart for him. This is my experience with my mother, and so it will likely be far more true for a woman I don't have any relation to la~
>>23615 So there is nothing left to do butt try and find an unvaxd-after-2019 virgin high school (16+) girlfriend (2019+UV16+VGF) la~
>>23638 https://9animetv.to/watch/the-cafe-terrace-and-its-goddesses-18358?ep=101965 <Red, yellow, orange are best... blue and green come across as gag characters. Although, I'm sure green would automatically win if left alone with MC while 'drunk,' so realistically, she should be the 'winner' la~
>>23639 IRL, the first gal to fuck a guy will almost always win him unless she is physically significantly less attractive than future competition la~
>>23640 Behold, the natural (if this story was realistic) winner of the fake-harem competition. As a genre, fake-harem is what most 'harem' shows are since rarely if ever does an anime show 2+ women 'winning' one man la~
>>23641 Riho will likely be the 'winner' in this fictional story though, she has all the traits of a 'center' la~
>>23656 https://www.amren.com/videos/2023/06/the-desperate-search-for-white-supremacists/ <White libertarian supremacy founded the USA, any attack on this founding premise is an attack on the USA as she was founded la~
>>23658 https://counter-currents.com/2023/06/today-the-great-debate-greg-johnson-gregory-hood-on-ethnonationalism-vs-imperialism/ <Historically, all imperialism is an outgrowth of successful ethnonationalism. (((Globalism))) is not imperialism. Where this natural imperialism fails is when it fails to protect the heart (against immigration to the homeland) and brain (against delusional utopian notions like 'equality'). The British Empire could have well conquered the world in the Victorian Era with the desire to do so, butt for the Empire to have lasted, it would have been necessary to protect the home islands with a constitutional ban on immigration from the rest of the empire, especially non-White immigration la~
(8.01 MB 960x1640 3PlyHbj.mp4)

(5.92 MB 960x540 Erin Anderson.mp4)

>>23657 I doubt many people remember this, la~ The only ones who remember it is just niche groups, la~ >>23640 Or the one who'll show the most care for him, la~
>>23663 Boobies la~ >The only ones who remember it is just niche groups, la~ <Sadly, you are correct, and so we have the USSA la~ >Or the one who'll show the most care for him, la~ Yes, or that, butt this is an uphill battle, the path of 'caring' always is la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 06/10/2023 (Sat) 22:39:54.
>>23667 Which gal might you be referring to, la~? The one you posted, la~? I heard from news on Telegram that the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski has died in the Colorado supermax prison, la~
>>23680 >The one you posted, la~? Yes la~ >Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski has died in the Colorado supermax prison, la~ He was right about much la~
>>23734 Okay, so POWPing and MoneyButton are both ded, and the BSV ecosystem appears to be dying... sad la~
>>23735 Explore Referral: https://odysee.com/$/invite/G3fBEnM7xA1pn2gFvcVjpJGHXEN9HtPS https://relica.world/join/cdee0dd3-db7f-4105-b837-eb03bb01e1cb?username=Voxxe https://twet.ch/inv/b8e477e9 https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=voxxe Profile: https://blockpost.network/profile/d3Us41mpBmKFbB2uJuNnUHvJRzx https://gab.com/Voxxe https://memo.sv/profile/14LQvVrvEBxtJWCaM9PxYBEBsPj3jzf7Nk https://powping.com/@voxxe https://streamanity.com/18438@moneybutton.com https://twitter.com/Voxxe2 https://www.bitpost.app/u/Voxxe https://www.deviantart.com/foxyvoxxy Search: https://brave.com/ https://search.marginalia.nu/ https://wiby.me/ https://www.activesearchresults.com/ https://www.gigablast.com/ https://www.mojeek.com/ https://www.startpage.com/ https://yacy.net/ https://yandex.com/ Archive: https://archive.is/ https://archivebox.io/ https://etched.page/ Libre: https://context.reverso.net https://libretranslate.com/ https://puri.sm/ https://www.fsf.org/ https://www.libreoffice.org/ OS: https://artixlinux.org/ https://calyxos.org/ https://grapheneos.org/ https://pureos.net/ https://rockylinux.org/ https://www.devuan.org/ Communications: https://9anime.id/ https://bae.st/ https://baraag.net/ https://bittube.video/
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>>23738 USA: https://amfreeparty.org/  https://arktos.com/  https://cis.org/  https://counter-currents.com/  https://diversitychronicle.wordpress.com/  https://freedomain.locals.com/ https://gab.com/AmRenaissance   https://gab.com/PatriotFront  https://libertytree.com/ https://nationaljusticeparty.com/  https://nationalvanguard.org/   https://occidentaldissent.com/  https://odysee.com/@AlexJonesChannel:c   https://odysee.com/@PatriotFront:7   https://palexander.substack.com/ https://patriotfront.us/   https://radixjournal.com/  https://redice.tv/  https://ronpaulinstitute.org/  https://t.me/amrenofficial   https://theamericanmercury.org/  https://therightstuff.biz/  https://usdebtclock.org/   https://vdare.com/  https://visionlaunch.com/ https://www.amren.com/   https://www.bitchute.com/amrenaissance/  https://www.bitchute.com/channel/patriot-front/   https://www.bitchute.com/channel/wPcu3q4phrqg/   https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ySITC1RcRsOS/   https://www.henrymakow.com/   https://www.humanbiologicaldiversity.com/  https://www.ihr.org/  https://www.infowars.com/   https://www.lifesitenews.com/ https://www.takimag.com/ https://www.theepochtimes.com/ https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/  https://www.thepoliticalcesspool.org/jamesedwards/  https://www.toqonline.com/current-issue/  https://www.uncoverdc.com/ https://www.unz.com/  https://www.zerohedge.com/   Canada: https://action4canada.com/ https://breaking-news.ca/
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Bitcoin (BSV) and Proof-of-Work (POW): 2 Birds 1 Stone la~? >>23739 I know that Bitcoin (BSV) utilizes Proof-of-Work (POW) and I understand the value of this—securing the network and processing transactions—however, why is the computing power utilized in mining partially wasted in solving (supposedly) meaningless problems la~? ~ What if miners could decide to dedicate their computing power towards solving scientific and engineering problems that could benefit from parallel computer processing as in Gridcoin (GRC). Then, the argument that Bitcoin and POW is not environmentally friendly could be vanquished permanently la~ ~ Of course, if a layman like myself can think of the above, I would be surprised if the Bitcoin network's incentivised processing power ('mining'), is not actually solving real problems. Satoshi has deep connections with the English-language intelligence community after-all. Perhaps the problems being solved are determined by this intelligence community or, more specifically, are actually the basis of an artificial neural network or artificial 'intelligence' that can be commanded by 'Satoshi' i.e. Craig and those he worked with—or perhaps anyone with the right 'keys'... In fact, I would be surprised if this was not already the case. Not fully utilizing incentivised computing power isn't something Satoshi, the genius creator, would have done. What do you think la~?
Edited last time by Voxxe on 06/14/2023 (Wed) 02:29:35.
>>23740 So I posted the very beta version I had saved https://www.minds.com/voxxe/blog/goddess-transcendant-1515539606399881224?referrer=voxxe I don't remember if this was the most up-to-date version... I was kind of a fool to hope MoneyButton & POWPing wouldn't fail and not save a true back-up la~
>>23741 (In GBF) Lyria is my first betrothed, and Rosetta is my first wife la~
>>23759 The reason King Edward (((had))) to go was not his marriage to a (WHITE) divorced American seductress, no, it was because he would not have gone to war against Hitler, because he and Hitler had a friendly relationship, HOI4 gets it la~
>>23772 The best way to prevent the anti-Aryan result of WW2 is to go back in time and stop King Edward from abdicating la~
>>23774 Of course, no power on earth has ever actually represented my ideal as far as I am aware. However, as I've said many times before, a positive outcome from WW2 REQUIRES the USA to either remain neutral or join the Axis. 'Athens' (liberty) and 'Sparta' (separatism and/or supremacy) represent the two poles of Aryan ideals, and a good world must contain both la~
>>23775 OK, I once again promise not to waste time on Paradox games. Goddess, I am so easily absorbed la~
>>23778 I herby vow that I will never 'play' any non-story driven game, without a gal I'm fucking playing with me, ever again la~
>>23778 The Smitten app censored me once and then banned me permanently for questioning guess WHO? Death to nucoms la~
>>23738 Thanks, I'll put those I don't have in this list in my personal wiki, la~
>>23784 https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Japan-election/Ukraine-war-puts-Japan-s-pacifist-constitution-in-election-spotlight <The best position to maintain peace is through superior force AND the intent not to use that force except to defend. Article 9 should be amended la~ https://japan.kantei.go.jp/constitution_and_government_of_japan/constitution_e.html >Article 13. All of the people shall be respected as individuals. Their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness shall, to the extent that it does not interfere with the public welfare, be the supreme consideration in legislation and in other governmental affairs. So if anything is deemed in the public welfare (plandemic-state) all these individual rights can be ignored la~? >Article 19. Freedom of thought and conscience shall not be violated. <Really, this is quite low down on the list, does the order of the list have any influence in decisions where two or more articles conflict la~? >Article 21. Freedom of assembly and association as well as speech, press and all other forms of expression are guaranteed. No censorship shall be maintained, nor shall the secrecy of any means of communication be violated. <So... why must images of genitals be censored? Or does censorship just refer to text la~? >>23787 You're welcome la~
>>23796 https://youtu.be/p0adkZUyZf8 >We examined the customs of our forebears, but, concerned with the discovery of the truth, we [also] studied the customs and conducts of the Romans and Indians and accepted those among them which seemed reasonable and praiseworthy, not merely likeable. We have not rejected anyone because they belonged to a different religion or people. And having examined the good customs and laws of our ancestors as well as those of the foreigners, we have not declined to adopt anything which was good nor to avoid anything which was bad. Affection for our forebears did not lead us to accept customs which were not good—A statement by Khosrow anushirvan according to Karnamag. A wise king la~
>>23798 'Yuri Is My Job' is one of my favorite anime this season, if not for the good idol anime it would be my favorite. I guess I'm getting old because I typically don't like fantastical elements anymore despite always thinking that anime was well suited to the fantasy and sci-fi genres… If there were a live action version with well cast Aryan actors, I think I might even prefer it to the anime version. I think many non-fantastical anime set relatively contemporaneously could be adapted well into live action la~
>>23796 I wouldn't trust accounts like this on dating sites simply because of those who glow in the dark, la~ >>23799 My tastes in anime haven't changed at all, la~ I like all genres even more so fantasy, la~
>>23800 >My tastes in anime haven't changed at all, la~ I like all genres even more so fantasy, la~ Umu, interesting... I still like fantasy when done well, butt, it's been a while since I've liked a fantasy anime, excluding Konosuba (more comedy than fantasy) la~
>>23801 I will not date a non-virgin and/or a woman over 25 with monogamous intent unless she's a sugar-mommy GF, meaning she's hot, rich, and leading the relationship. Of course, I could always misrepresent my intentions like the vast majority of women do, butt I like to be truthful were at all reasonable la~
>>23802 Of course, I'm sure most 18+ women that say they are virgins are lying. Butt these days there is little incentive in doing so unless marriage is the objective, and marriage is far less popular than in the past thanks to legal child support la~
>>23803 https://9animetv.to/watch/the-ancient-magus-bride-season-2-18338?ep=102052 >I liked the Fate series 'ClockTower' better than this discount Hogwarts, there seems to be more and more grotesque and less and less beauty like Titania and the vampire fairy la~
>>23804 Honestly, no anime has surpassed Prisma Ilya yet, and I don't know if there will be another anytime soon la~
>>23805 Even with constitutional protections, feminists and nucoms are successful in censoring lewd lolis in Japan, a country lacking Abrahamic harshness... butt the fight continues la~
>>23867 I've been trying to nudge my Dad into seriously considering Japan, Philippines, and/or Thailand, butt, despite being a boomer race-traitor supporting Jew-loving christcuck, he still hasn't come to terms with the 99+% likely permanent fall of the West la~
>>23872 My Mom won't do anything without him, and alas, I do have lingering attachments to her, even if intellectually I've cut the cord a hundred times la~
>>23875 March 7th is a good gal, she values the truth, I might have to elevate her to waifu status along with Himiko la~
>>23881 Serval X Cocolia ;_; Bronya X Seele, MC X March 7th X Himiko X Kafka la~
>>23892 OK, I'm pretty much done pic posting except for screenshots la~
>>23882 A yuri orgy, la~? >>23877 You should have this attitude towards mostly everything in your life, la~
>>23928 >A yuri orgy, la~? Almost, I always choose the female MC if available. In a way, MC is then always a 'TRAP.' In this case 'she' is certainly a TRAP. I also have to add Natasha to the harem, while the rest of the harem is bisexual, she's more of a semen addict, she carries mine around in her special bottle to sip now and then, and also to help female patients that want children la~
>>23929 Serval will probably eventually join my harem, butt she also has a strong attachment to her brother and to Bronya. Bronya was supposed to be her and Cocolia's adopted daughter, but Cocolia dumped Serval right before formally adopting Bronya as 'she (Serval) was unnecessary.' Bronya for her part is interested in Serval because of how close she was to her mother, after Seele she would be Bronya's next love interest. Serval herself is still not over Cocolia... and this is the real reason she chose not to leave the city gates at that time... protecting her dense brother was an excuse. Gepard for his part is only interested in Bronya (and his sister butt he harshly suppresses that desire)... sadly for him, he's not even on Bronya's radar as she's close to a pure lesbian having only ever been attracted to her mother, Seele, Serval, and MC who she thinks is a woman like her la~
>>23928 >You should have this attitude towards mostly everything in your life, la~ True la~
>>23938 So there is a redhead in my dance class that could be attractive if she were assertive: her face, bad eyesight / choice of glass, and body proportions leave much to be desired... butt if she showed serious interest in me my rating of her would go up la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 06/21/2023 (Wed) 05:17:59.
>>23942 I hope AI/Androids force real women to actually be personable to compete la~
>>23967 90%+ of my problems could have been solved with money. Stress because of controlling parents? Move out (money). Stress because doing something you have no love for? Quit and do what you love (money). Stress because no love? Employ escorts including as wingwomen (money)... everything solvable with money. Yes, I couldn't actually make my family a truly supportive and loving family, butt I could at least buy liberty la~
>>23970 Most of the problems that everyone is facing would be solved with just having more money, la~ >>23948 And there's nothing wrong with it, la~
>>23974 >everyone la~ Well, yes, and (economically) no, as soon as you talk about everyone having more money you have inflation. Money is just a relative metric of resource allocation in society la~
>>23976 Butt, yeah, there have been countless times where I've wanted to just cut my connection with my hurtful mother and family in the best way possible, by distancing myself, butt realistically it is impossible so long as I live with them, and I only live with them because of (a lack of) money. I wish an attractive 'ped0phile' or 'cougar' woman had rescued me from my abusive unloving mother before I was (((circumcised))) or at least before I severely fucked myself up in response to persistent trauma. Butt alas, love seems completely absent in this world, and it's really not my fault la~
>>23977 40+ 'straight' men have swiped right on my Bumble profile where I make no attempt to look attractive in a feminine way for them. That goes to show the pure desperation of men these days, and BTW most of them are over 6 feet tall... because apparently, it's pointless to even try online 'dating' if at all under 6' la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 06/23/2023 (Fri) 03:39:53.
>>24022 So, I've been deeply unhappy my whole life. I'm going to take radical action to change that, to find happiness la~
>>24043 Oh~ how troublesome a group of young attractive women acts as my family, follow my orders, and compete for my love, woe is me la~
>>24044 I feel like you'd have trouble communicating with them, la~ Unless all of it occurred as per the anime or you had the MC's personality of the anime, la~ What may be happy and joyous in an anima might not be so in reality, la~ Though, I wish you all best in such endeavours, la~
Good night and may your luck be fortuitous tonight, la~
>>24067 Well, yes, I've been censored/suffocated my whole life and I don't have much experience with communicating positively with attractive young women. That said, I was talking about MC's reaction to the situation... very unrealistic unless he were hard gay la~
>>24068 Thanks, butt, https://twitter.com/RheaDemeter/status/1673072412861267968 so far my luck today has been horrible just like most days la~
>>24070 Oh no, I wasted time on Twitter, time to go la~
>>24115 I'm going to minimize as much as possible the time I waste on time wasters like my 'family' and maximize time I spend on developing my skills, finding clients, and trying to fuck legal JKs and First-Years la~
>>24116 Alternatively, I'm thinking of patronizing massage therapists la~
>>24118 Butt, maybe that's a waste of money here la~
>>24116 Which skill are you going to start with, la~?
>>24121 Body building (body weight), guitar, composing songs, writing (fiction), being social (dating?), attempting to develop a tutoring business... Job hunting in Japan.... that's more than enough for now la~
>>24122 Realistically, I actually have the least time to focus on writing/composing/guitar since my mother does not value those much at all and as long as I live with her I need to please her by 'moving forward' ...of course, she's never actually supported me in my passions ever la~
>>24237 What happened in this episode for it to make you amused, la~?
>>24245 I'm pretty sure you can't be Anon if you show your real face... or can you la~?
>>24246 Left is superior to the others except for the guy(s) fucking to the right la~
>>24255 So my brother is heavily indoctrinating his children with his beloved bible (forcing them to read and write it everyday)... and my thoughts are that at least it's better than the explicitly anti-White program the bankers promote. It is a shame I couldn't make my niece my own like she wanted, butt she'll forget about me la~
>>24256 https://www.amren.com/videos/2023/06/what-sexual-madness-means-for-us/ <I think Jared fails to identify the nucom program, and he falls for their sexual D/C. Yes, strict homosexuality and the mass promotion of radical transsexualities is a problem, butt the optimal scenario is not strict heterosexuality, it's bisexuality that elevates the status of the Mother (and Father) and allows for more relaxed relations and individual differentation. Why? Strict heterosexuality (and gender roles in general) damages relations between members of the same-sex. Especially relations between men, as caring for other men risks one being labeled homosexual and then socially destroyed. Strict heterosexuality thereby damages the harmony of society. Shinto is one of the few surviving traditional religions that promotes fertility and doing one's duty to family, yet does not forbid homosexual relations. It is therefore my favorite surviving religion la~
>>24299 Butt, you know, I'm now 100% done with my IRL mommy. I'm going to do my best not to waste any more time on her and by extension, the rest of my 'family' la~
>>24300 If I were to analyze my own psyche I'd say the major reason I have a Mother~X~Child~ fetish is since I've never been loved by my mother to the extent I needed to be. Butt I'm done now, I'm done trying to please my mother (and far more so the rest of this 'family') at all. I'll still try to still be polite for my own advantage, butt that is all la~
>>24301 It does anger me to think of children born into the world that are fundamentally unwanted even by their own mothers, and that I was one of them. She never wanted me, she just wanted a 'son' like a 'son should be.' The longest goodbye la~
>>24320 https://9animetv.to/watch/yohane-the-parhelion-sunshine-in-the-mirror-18417?ep=102385 <This is bad. Honestly, I could do much better with the request to 'make a fantasy anime featuring the lovelive sunshine characters' la~
>>24391 Ah~ MC lost out because he couldn't keep his affair with mommy restricted to when daddy wasn't around, butt of course that's not the end la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/03/2023 (Mon) 23:44:00.

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